2014 October Rainbows (late Septembers welcome!) (13 babies born!)

So sorry doodle girl! :hugs: having a good doctor that you really trust means a lot. I hope you get your rainbow very soon!
How is everyone feeling? Are symptoms getting any better as the time progresses? I am feeling pretty good just really tired today and a horrible headache. Nausea has been staying away which is good.

Have any of you told your family yet?
IM feeling better but I got strep a week ago so that put my Down pretty bad!! Just finished my Antibiotics yesterday!! ;)

My teeth have been bothering me a Lil but I'm not sure if thats a symptom or not!! :shrug:

We told close Family my Boys and a Few friends on my Bday w surprise Eggs!! It was fun and the girls loved it!!

I'm still in denial I guess holding back my excitement everything feels unreal still!! :)
Hi everyone, it's been a couple of weeks since I last posted, it's been hard trying to keep up! Me and my dd seems to be passing a cold back and forth - no fun feeling poorly all the time.
I've been freaking out as my boobs have completely stopped hurting and lost their fullness too. This happened at this stage (9weeks ish) with my last preg which I found out at 12 weeks was a mmc. To top it off the discharge I was getting copious amounts of (tmi) ,and I had all through the pregnancy with my dd, has also stopped. If anything I feel totally dry. So I'm seeing that as another bad sign. I've booked myself in for a private scan tomorrow as I'm getting myself in a bit of a state and I just want to know if pregnancy is continuing or not. I feel so sad :-(.
Sorry for the depressing post on a Sunday morning! But you are the only people who knows what this stress and worry is like!
Lizzie, hopefully your symptoms disappearing doesn't mean anything and just that you'll have a really easy pregnancy the rest of the way through. :hugs: Good luck for tomorrow!

Had to go to bed with a terrible headache last night. Was so bad it was making me feel nauseous. I panicked and checked my blood pressure but that was fine luckily (113/74). :dohh: Taking thrush cream now :blush: I have never had thrush in my life before now! I guess it was kind of inevitable though if I was taking antibiotics. Necking back probiotic drinks where I can too. :haha:

11 weeks for me today! I'm really nervous. We were 11 weeks exactly when we had our final scan (which was a good one - minus the bleed that had moved above baby) last time, and it was that very night that the immense pain started and everything ended. I feel like if I can just make it past 11 weeks.... Even just to 11+1... It all becomes unchartered territory then.
Lizzie symptoms do come and go. I'm hoping everything comes out in you favor today.
Whig I got thrush in my breast when I breastfed my son and omg it felt like I was being stabbed with hot daggers. He actually gave it to me. I know exactly what you mean about the milestone. Today is the day last pregnancy I started having continuous spotting and I mc'd the next day so I think Tuesday will be the day not that I feel safe but I feel like we are going somewhere. But I think we will be just fine
Thanks whigfield and Florida, I'll update after scan tomorrow. Going to be the longest 26 hours for me!
Completely know how you feel about milestones. It's great you are both almost there :) I'm sure you both will be fine too !
Good luck for your scan Lizzie, hopefully you're symptoms are just giving you a break but totally understand needing a scan to put your mind at rest. When I was pregnant last time, I completely went off tea and couldn't be near the stuff but a few days before my miscarriage I could suddenly drink it again. Again this time, I can't be near tea and every now and then I'll have a sniff or sip of dh's tea to make sure it still makes me sick! Silly I know and doesn't really mean anything but it makes me feel a little better.

Scan only a couple of days away now, getting more and more nervous. So glad dh could get the day off work.

Hope you feel better soon Whig, glad you're almost at your milestone. I'm looking forward to finding out how far along we are so we can look towards our milestone too.
@Floridamomma That sounds really painful! I'm sure you will be fine. It will be so exciting to pass these milestones. For me, I think I feel almost a little guilty (why is this baby doing okay, when the other one had to deal with a bleed in my uterus?) but hopefully that will die down as I get further on.

@Lizzie Hope Sunday goes super fast for you! :hugs: What time is your appointment tomorrow?

@AllStar When is your scan? How many weeks do you estimate you think you could be? :hugs: How strange about the tea! I am LOVING tea (de-caffeinated of course) at the moment. :haha:
I don't have RLP which freaks me out but I keep saying it will get here and you will be like Oh remember when you wished for this!? :dohh:

Scan Tuesday evening for me and we will go over all that blood work Doc did. Setting up a scan for about 2 weeks after right before we leave for Disney to calm my nerves. I even have compression socks for our flight, gonna look like a granny!!! :haha:
Scan is Wednesday afternoon. I could be anywhere between 6 and 9 weeks but I think I'm around 6/7. Just guessing by when I got bfp.
Nine more days until my first scan and its the biggie - 12 weeks! So happy and in disbelief to have got this far x
My symptoms seems to have Decreased also hoping its just that time and nothing is wrong!!
GL w the scans ladies I go 3/18 but if my symptoms keep going away I might have to go earlier so I don't freak out!!!

Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!
I might be being really dumb here Castaway, but what's RLP? :blush:

Eee and good luck for your scan too Castaway! Looks like we have a lot of scans this week. Super exciting! :happydance:

Good luck AllStar. :hugs:

Wow ourturnnext! I would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little jealous. :haha: When are you due? My NT scan isn't until 13+2. :nope:

Hopefully your symptoms will come back again soon Sis, if only just to reassure you!
I might be being really dumb here Castaway, but what's RLP? :blush:

Eee and good luck for your scan too Castaway! Looks like we have a lot of scans this week. Super exciting! :happydance:

Good luck AllStar. :hugs:

Wow ourturnnext! I would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little jealous. :haha: When are you due? My NT scan isn't until 13+2. :nope:

Hopefully your symptoms will come back again soon Sis, if only just to reassure you!

Round ligament pain
My next scan is in a week and a half!! It's finally starting to go by faster!! :happydance: After my next appointment, about two weeks or even less!!! I get my NT scan!! Very excited. I'm terrified of mmc so going to ask if we can try to find a heartbeat on doppler or get a quick u/s at my next appointment or a few days before my nt scan as I have to drive 5 hours away for it. A quick heartbeat check at 12 weeks shouldn't hurt, here in my area they start at 10 weeks and if they can't find anything they wait until you're 12 weeks. :thumbup:

Not many strong, obvious symptoms still. I am still very tired, I've been taking naps every day once OH gets home. Yesterday I had a 2 hour nap, stayed up until midnight and then I got to sleep in, a total of 11 hours!!! Whoa!!!! It's been several years since I slept that long!

Every once in a while I have nausea, cravings are harsh.. I'm always craving something. I have symptoms that not most people make a deal out of like morning sickness so I know I shouldn't worry.

I've had an increase of discharge were it feels like I'm extremely wet, I check and it's either normal or nothing there! It scares me to death since I miscarried Hope because of pprom and I have a history of pprom.
I ordered a Doppler it should be here next week so excited to get it!!
Ill also be going almost every 2wks for scans and bloodwork due to my age so that will help me from going crazy or will just drive me more crazy I'm not sure which!! :haha:

Next scan 3/18
MaternatI21 4/1

So we will know gender in April which I'm really Looking forward too but also Afraid to know the boys want a Sis so Bad !!

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