VR miracle Mummy now TTC 3rd (not VR)
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whats up with my temps! thought this cycle was going well.... been going down since after 3dpo
Yay to 2ww buddies! My LP is usually 14 days and I usually start testing around 10dpo. But after my two back to back chemicals in March/April & my mc is Jan, I'm reluctant to test early as 1) it costs a bloody fortune & 2) I can't take the heartache of seeing a BFP to then bleed a few days later I did buy some IC so I might use them if AF doesn't arrive. I don't temp as never really got on with it. As for symptom spotting I a sucker for that Every little thing I think in my head, 'Ohhhh I might be pregnant!' It drives me bonkers! Good luck my lovely, really hope this is our month & we get our rainbows ��
oh no, sorry to hear about your losses, I can understand why you'd want to hold off to test terrible at testing earlier than expected...i just cant help myself...although i have FRERs and i definitely wont use that until 11dpo (i got my previous bfps at 11dpo and they were both on frers).... I do have a couple ICs but I wont be buying any thats for sure...
How have you been feeling today? Ive had some symptoms...firstly my temp was low which has usually been happening where it goes down to coverline and stays down then af comes so feeling bummed, i went to work thinking that would be the case this time too...i got to work and started feeling nauseous, lasted about an hour and went. Then mid morning i had a sharp stabbing pain on my left side, happened a couple of times and stopped and also afew (tmi) 'globs' of creamy cm.... So....if my temp goes back up tomorrow i would like to think that today could have been implantation (wishful thinking obviously) oh well, only another 11hours to take my temp next lol
I find the tww wait a doddle, compared to the long and unpredictable wait of oving in the first place lol. xxx
Hi Ladies
I'm excited to join this group. I have a 16 Month old baby girl, and decided it was time to give her a sibling. I've been ttc for about 10 months now. In April, I found out I was pregnant (tested positive) then in the beginning of May lost it. I read that after a cp, you are more fertile the following month, so I BD almost every day after my cp (probably wasn't a good idea but I was desperate). Took the Fertility Blend and used Wondfo Ovulation predictors and I never got a positive. So I'm thinking I didn't O this month. Two days ago, I started spotting. I've been spotting since, and just waiting for AF to really show up.
I paid a visit to my doctor today, and was told that bedding every day probably caused me to stress out. AND it's not good for the swimmers. So I'll be switching to every other day.
Has anyone used an ovulation kit, and never got a positive but was able to conceive? I'm also thinking about going on to Clomid, thoughts?
Pressure seems to be gone and little cramps I read it's very normal being in clomid hope we caught the egg officially in the TWW
Hello ladies how are you all?
to the new ladies that haves joined, forgive me for not remembering names I'm on my phone all the time .. Sorry for your loses.
Not much going on here only waiting to O!
Live, those temps are a weird, I'm not sure. Is this unusual for you? Could be low progesterone, have you tired searching for similarl charts on ff?
I've been a member of bnb since may 2011 I think so no doubt our paths have crossed before. Lets hope we are bump buddies this time
Any news on your temp hun? Not much going on here, no noticable symptoms Its strange but I feel like it just did't happen this cycle. My Clearblue Fertility monitor did't detect all my fertile days this month so feel like we didnt dtd enough. Oh well, what will be will be! How many DPO are you today hun?
Ovulated today. The TWW begins!