**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

Hi ladies! Congrats to everyone! I'm due August 29 and hoping I can join your group :)

Hi, and welcome!! For the front page, what do you think baby will be, boy or girl? We're having a little fun game to see who is correct lol
U are so lucky! I'm in the exact opposite situation. First time my mum ever visited was when DS was 11 months (just last Christmas). And she and my brother spent 1 week complaining about the mess and DS' crying at night. She forced me to clean the house more and cook better even though I was badly suffering from MS, and in the end, she checked in at a nearby hotel because we can't tolerate each other anymore. I think that was the last straw, I will never see her again in my life!

Come August, Fingers crossed I have another easy birth. I plan to stay 2-3 days in the hospital, so at least I can get some meals, then when I come home, DH will start his 2-week paternal leave. We will also put DS in a family day care maybe 1-2 times a week to help ease the load.

Oops forgot to add that my Mom did stay with us for 2.5 weeks after Isla was born and it was honestly amazing, (I'm going to try and get her to stay for longer next time). :haha:

She helped look after Isla so I could nap during the day, cleaned the house, got groceries and made dinner for us. It was amazing to have all of the support and really helped DH and I at the beginning, especially when we were also dealing with tons of visitors and my raging hormones.

I have a very close relationship with my Mom though and was comfortable bfing in front of her, etc, if you don't have that kind of relationship it might make things awkward...

Having a newborn is tough though so extra help might be nice, again it depends on if you think your Mom actually be helpful though...
I think my fatigue is gone…

I am almost scared of jinxing it, but at 11 w 1 d and nearly 3:00 in the afternoon I am sitting at my desk and…wait for it…not fighting to keep my (throbbing) eyes open and not in such a stupor that I can barely think straight, speak above a mumble or string a coherent sentence together.

Whoa. I actually feel like a normal human being, and one who is capable of doing my job no less.

Makes me wonder if the measurements from the abdominal u/s I had at exactly 7 weeks were a little off and I’m actually 12 w 1 day now, but who knows?

Either way I feel amazing. :happydance:

I thought my fatigue was gone... But then I went to sleep at 8:30/9pm and didn't wake until 6am Lolol.

U are so lucky! I'm in the exact opposite situation. First time my mum ever visited was when DS was 11 months (just last Christmas). And she and my brother spent 1 week complaining about the mess and DS' crying at night. She forced me to clean the house more and cook better even though I was badly suffering from MS, and in the end, she checked in at a nearby hotel because we can't tolerate each other anymore. I think that was the last straw, I will never see her again in my life!

Come August, Fingers crossed I have another easy birth. I plan to stay 2-3 days in the hospital, so at least I can get some meals, then when I come home, DH will start his 2-week paternal leave. We will also put DS in a family day care maybe 1-2 times a week to help ease the load.

Oops forgot to add that my Mom did stay with us for 2.5 weeks after Isla was born and it was honestly amazing, (I'm going to try and get her to stay for longer next time). :haha:

She helped look after Isla so I could nap during the day, cleaned the house, got groceries and made dinner for us. It was amazing to have all of the support and really helped DH and I at the beginning, especially when we were also dealing with tons of visitors and my raging hormones.

I have a very close relationship with my Mom though and was comfortable bfing in front of her, etc, if you don't have that kind of relationship it might make things awkward...

Having a newborn is tough though so extra help might be nice, again it depends on if you think your Mom actually be helpful though...

I'm so hoping my mom doesn't come down. And I do not want her in the room. She's a drama-llama who every time we talk on the phone she says she is sick. And I know that if she does come down, she's going to try to do everything and I don't want that. I do want one of my best friends to come and my sister to be there. I know that them, plus DH, will be a great comfort in the delivery room and afterward. And my sister and her would boy understand that I want to try to do it all at first.

Also - I ordered my Doppler last night and it shipped today!! Someone said what would be the point of me ordering it because I'll get it between11 and 12 weeks, but honestly I know I'm gonna use it a couple of times a week for a while to make myself feel better. And when we see our families later in the pregnancy I can whip it out and they can hear it for themselves.
For visitors we're going to request as much privacy as possible the first week or even two depending on how we're all adjusting. I don't get along with MIL to such an extreme degree she's not allowed anywhere near me, which will mean she can't see the baby in person unless I'm out of the house. My family's 3 hours away and in another country, and with my mother's mobility in poor shape it'd be a tough journey to make for her. I fully plan on having both my camera and Skype ready for them so I can bombard them with pictures if a trip isn't possible. :)

I still am trying to see what my hunches say about baby's gender. One Chinese predictor chart said girl and the alternate chart said boy. I sometimes get feelings of a girl, but DH doesn't have any hunches at all. I still kinda wanna guess girl for now. :haha:
I predict boy. Well, I really wish it's a boy, but with such a bad MS, it's leaning towards pink. But, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :blue:
Hi ladies!! I am a bit late but hope I can still join. My EDD is 14 August. Had my first scan on 7+4 and heard a good hb @ 167.

I am predicting a boy. Just had a feeling right after my BFP. Also haven't had MS. A bit of nausea here and there.
Hi ladies! Congrats to everyone! I'm due August 29 and hoping I can join your group :)

Hi, and welcome!! For the front page, what do you think baby will be, boy or girl? We're having a little fun game to see who is correct lol

Fun! So far this pregnancy has been so different from my first, so I'm going to guess it's a boy!
I'm guessing :pink: for myself because I feel the same way that I did with Isla but I did think she was a boy last time so I don't have the best track record with guessing :haha:

I am really lucky to have an amazing Mom and really family and friends who were so excited to meet Isla and wanted to help. I totally get not wanting people around for the first while though, especially if they're not going to be helpful, that's the last thing you need after having a baby...
Wow, there's been a lot of chat in here :) I tend to stick to our fb group now. Am so lost now with this big post I'm giving up!!!!! :lol:

So hi!!!!!! *waves to the new people* (for those on the fb group I'm Leigh :) ) xx
Hi ladies! Congrats to everyone! I'm due August 29 and hoping I can join your group :)

Congrats! Will add you to the front.

I still am trying to see what my hunches say about baby's gender. One Chinese predictor chart said girl and the alternate chart said boy. I sometimes get feelings of a girl, but DH doesn't have any hunches at all. I still kinda wanna guess girl for now. :haha:
I predict boy. Well, I really wish it's a boy, but with such a bad MS, it's leaning towards pink. But, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :blue:

If you haven't told me previously I'll go add all your predictions. Never under estimate a mothers intuition. I was right about this pink bubba :)

Hi ladies!! I am a bit late but hope I can still join. My EDD is 14 August. Had my first scan on 7+4 and heard a good hb @ 167.

I am predicting a boy. Just had a feeling right after my BFP. Also haven't had MS. A bit of nausea here and there.

Welcome and congrats. Will add you

Hi ladies! Congrats to everyone! I'm due August 29 and hoping I can join your group :)

Hi, and welcome!! For the front page, what do you think baby will be, boy or girl? We're having a little fun game to see who is correct lol

Fun! So far this pregnancy has been so different from my first, so I'm going to guess it's a boy!
I'm guessing :pink: for myself because I feel the same way that I did with Isla but I did think she was a boy last time so I don't have the best track record with guessing :haha:

Will add all guesses if they aren't already on the front page.
Welcome Siobhan and nixm! :flower:

Ha ha, you were right Dsemcho! I was in bed at 8:00 last night and slept until 6:00 AM - d'oh!
A few weeks ago I was shuffling around the office like a zombie, feeling like crap. All of my coworkers looked all kinds of perky in comparison, until I caught sight of our office manager. She was vacant eyed, pale, and still wearing her toque even though she'd already been at work for an hour. I thought "wow, she looks exactly like I feel," then immediately wondered if she was pregnant too.

Found out yesterday that she is!! She is due at the end of June, so just a few weeks ahead of me. It took every ounce of self-restraint not to announce that I am pregnant too. Happy I'll have a pregnancy buddy to waddle around the office with. :)
A few weeks ago I was shuffling around the office like a zombie, feeling like crap. All of my coworkers looked all kinds of perky in comparison, until I caught sight of our office manager. She was vacant eyed, pale, and still wearing her toque even though she'd already been at work for an hour. I thought "wow, she looks exactly like I feel," then immediately wondered if she was pregnant too.

Found out yesterday that she is!! She is due at the end of June, so just a few weeks ahead of me. It took every ounce of self-restraint not to announce that I am pregnant too. Happy I'll have a pregnancy buddy to waddle around the office with. :)

That's awesome that you'll have a pregnant co-worker, I did last time and it was fun! It's nice to have someone else who understands what you are going through (and that you can talk baby stuff with).

My one work friend is pregnant now but she is almost due so she'll be leaving before I share my news with everyone, which is too bad. One of my best friends is also pregnant and another one is trying; the three of us were pregnant together last time so would be nice for the three of us to go through it together again!
That's too funny!! I was the only preggo one at my job before and it was so awkward! Lol

My oldest SIL is 21.5 weeks now, one friend is 20 weeks, and another friend is 18 weeks.

Super hungry today! All I want to do is stuff my face! When I'm not eating or drinking I'm nauseous. So trying to drink more rather than eat. Lol

Woke up to another bloody nose except this one was slow flowing and literally lasted 2 hours. I've never had a bloody nose like that before.

So it's official... Only my yoga pants and leggings fit me. None of my shorts fit around my belly, none of my jeans or pants fit, either. I have 2 maternity pants but one is too small for my thighs. Can't afford to go shopping until next month. Wah!
Hey girls! Wow I feel like I missed a bunch.
The conversation of who to have in the room and visitors is such a big one. I wanted only me and DH for the l&d and the first 24 hours. It caused a huge riff in my family, but that's because they're selfish occasionally. I'm so happy I did because I had a really traumatic labor and I think they would have just brought more drama.
DH gets one week off work for a vaginal delivery or two weeks for a csection. He was a wonderful help to me but it was a little scary after he went back to work. Also, he later said that he really wished we had help after we got home and that it was all really hard and traumatic for him. He said next time he's willing to hire someone if need be.
I'm in a much better place with my family these days so I'm hoping that lasts. Plus I need them here to keep dd while we're in the hospital and bring her to meet her new sibling too. Just hoping they don't try to trump the moment.
On the gender guess front, I thought dd was a boy, so I'm a bad guesser too. I'm thinking boy this time since it's an opposite pregnancy, but who knows? We're more firm on our boy name, but a boy will put the kids rooms in limbo (another long story).
Hey girls! Wow I feel like I missed a bunch.
The conversation of who to have in the room and visitors is such a big one. I wanted only me and DH for the l&d and the first 24 hours. It caused a huge riff in my family, but that's because they're selfish occasionally. I'm so happy I did because I had a really traumatic labor and I think they would have just brought more drama.
DH gets one week off work for a vaginal delivery or two weeks for a csection. He was a wonderful help to me but it was a little scary after he went back to work. Also, he later said that he really wished we had help after we got home and that it was all really hard and traumatic for him. He said next time he's willing to hire someone if need be.
I'm in a much better place with my family these days so I'm hoping that lasts. Plus I need them here to keep dd while we're in the hospital and bring her to meet her new sibling too. Just hoping they don't try to trump the moment.
On the gender guess front, I thought dd was a boy, so I'm a bad guesser too. I'm thinking boy this time since it's an opposite pregnancy, but who knows? We're more firm on our boy name, but a boy will put the kids rooms in limbo (another long story).

A similar thing happened to me too Sass regarding letting people in the room after delivery. I requested with my first baby only my parents on the day of the birth to be allowed to visit. This caused problems for my SIL, as I allowed my brother in (as per my parents requests) and requested she and my OH's family come on another day. This was not to exclude anyone, more so I just wanted to be able to rest as going in I didn't know what labor would be like. I am not sure to this day that my SIL has forgiven me, as she has since brought it to my attention. She is a wonderful aunt though!

As for this birth.... it's my second baby, will be grandbaby # 3 and I just don't expect anyone to really knock down the doors to visit. So I have no rules! LOL just give me a few hours to rest is all.

As for my gender guess... I totally say BOY! With my DD I actually had nausea and got sick. I still get nauseous, but I have not gotten sick once! And I am SO much more hungry, constantly. And I get angrier easier, so I am definitely thinking boy. And I won't lie, I was hoping for a girl as my DD is 100% sure she wants a sister! OH thinks its a girl as he is convinced he is destined to be surrounded by women his whole life (raised by his mom mostly, has a sister, and then we now have DD, me, cat, dog & fish are all females)... so he is going to be surprised I think! But he always says he loves all his girls <3
So it's official... Only my yoga pants and leggings fit me. None of my shorts fit around my belly, none of my jeans or pants fit, either. I have 2 maternity pants but one is too small for my thighs. Can't afford to go shopping until next month. Wah!

This in-between stage is SO HARD! Have you maybe tried using an elastic band for some of your other pants?

At least yoga pants and leggings are comfy! I am sad on the days I have to wear regular pants because all my leggings are dirty. lol. Jeans suck!

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