Thanks so much for this! I'll get into contact with them and see if things work out. Fingers crossed!I'm close to Vancouver, so I hope that not being in the city proper is still okay. All I know about BCWH is that I can't deliver there, haha. I think my only fear with that test is being too sick to travel if I'm not well enough by that 10-13 week gestation point.Fingers crossed I feel better then!
I don't think you have to be a resident of Metro Van, just be able to travel to the BCWH.
Here are the email addresses/phone number of the people to contact:
Sylvie Langlois
Geneticist for the Pegasus trial.
Keli Harrington
Research Coordinator
Dept. of Medical Genetics - UBC
4500 Oak St - Room B226
Vancouver, BC V6H 3N1
Tel: 604-875-2000 ext 5561
Harrington, Keli <[email protected]>
Sylvie Langl <[email protected]>
I hope you feel better so you can participate!
Has Benadryl or Unisom worked better for you ladies for sleep? I've been using Unisom but even now it just makes me drowsy and I can't actually fall asleep.
Feeling so blah today. I'm so over this yucky cold weather. I need sunshine and its vitamin d lol
To you ladies taking progesterone, when are you stopping? Doctor said to stop at 12 weeks which is tomorrow, but with my daughter I had to take it to 13 weeks.
Greats - my doc isn't allowed to advise me about my progesterone so when this box runs out I am stopping - in about 9 days. I will be 12+3 I think. Can we just stop it or should we wean off it? I'm taking 1 200mg tablet at night.
I woke up today with cramps right above my pubic bone and light brown spotting. I am still spotting and cramps have gotten progressively worse all day. Cramps are every several minutes for a maybe 30 seconds or so each. The spotting is still light brown and doesn't require a pad. I don't have a lot of hope - I feel like this is the beginning of the end. I have not had a scan up to this point and have never heard a heartbeat. I am hating my OB for her by the book attitude right now. I truly can't believe this is happening. I'll get in to see my OB tomorrow if they're open - I'm so sad today.