**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

I posted this as a separate thread but thought I'd write here too. I am really confused right now.

I spoke with the perinatologist office that my OB referred me to, so I could schedule my NT scan. Easy. I spoke with them this morning and she made the appointment for Monday. I will be 10+3. I told them that I thought it was too early, I need to be 12 weeks, right? She said, 10 weeks is perfectly fine. She even had my chart and said my due date so she was looking at my info. I kept the appointment and hung up, but it was bugging me so I called back. Different lady said the same thing...timing was fine. Still not feeling right so I called MY OB and they said its perfectly fine to have it at 10 weeks. Its so contradictory to everything I have read though and I really do not want to waste my time if its too early. Maybe I should just call back and make it later and not listen to them lol.

I do remember my nurse telling me that the NT scan involves 2 visits (one with scan and bloodwork and the other with just bloodwork) and they compare so perhaps that is why the timing is different?
They moved my due date back a day to August 4, but appointment went great. Apparently where I'm at they don't look for any chromosome abnormalities until your 20 week anatomy scan. It was still amazing to see :cloud9:


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Beautiful baby scan!!!

Wonders, I've never heard of them doing the nt scan before 11 weeks. That's very odd. Maybe say something came up and you have to reschedule?
Beautiful baby scan!!!

Wonders, I've never heard of them doing the nt scan before 11 weeks. That's very odd. Maybe say something came up and you have to reschedule?

I called back because I knew it would drive me crazy. Again, she mentioned I need to have the test done between 10 and 13 weeks. But, I expressed my concern about coming too early and she moved it back a week when I'll be 11w3d. I feel much better about that timing. Although I did get excited about seeing baby in less than a week. Oh well, now its less than 2 weeks :happydance:.
How long did your NT Scan appointment last?

When I made the appointment, she made sure to tell me that its a 2 hour appointment. I know I will be getting blood drawn plus an ultrasound but how does all that take 2 hours?
How long did your NT Scan appointment last?

When I made the appointment, she made sure to tell me that its a 2 hour appointment. I know I will be getting blood drawn plus an ultrasound but how does all that take 2 hours?

My scan was 25 mins tops including a quick questionnaire. Blood work took a couple mins but I had to go to a separate lab and they only took one vial of blood.
I took my dd for an ear recheck at the pediatrician and it was an hour! My last ob appt was 1.5 hours. I just think they are always behind. Just lots of sitting and waiting.
Wonders- maybe they do your bloodwork earlier? That would be nice do you could get your results quickly after your scan. I remember waiting almost two weeks to get DD's results. It was agonizing!
Abbey-sounds like your getting the combined test which is a really good one. They do bloods and a scan at 12 weeks and 20 weeks and compare all the numbers to give you a really good idea if LO has downs or a few other abnormalities and at the 20 they will absolutely tell you gender if you want to know. It's not the same as fetal DNA, but it's the best alternative if you can't do fetal DNa.
Pearl- I loved, loved, loved my Doppler last time around. So reassuring that LO was ok. Not as good luck with it this time but I'm on the early side. You're really not supposed to get great results til 10/11 weeks. Mine cost about $40.
I took my dd for an ear recheck at the pediatrician and it was an hour! My last ob appt was 1.5 hours. I just think they are always behind. Just lots of sitting and waiting.
Wonders- maybe they do your bloodwork earlier? That would be nice do you could get your results quickly after your scan. I remember waiting almost two weeks to get DD's results. It was agonizing!
Abbey-sounds like your getting the combined test which is a really good one. They do bloods and a scan at 12 weeks and 20 weeks and compare all the numbers to give you a really good idea if LO has downs or a few other abnormalities and at the 20 they will absolutely tell you gender if you want to know. It's not the same as fetal DNA, but it's the best alternative if you can't do fetal DNa.
Pearl- I loved, loved, loved my Doppler last time around. So reassuring that LO was ok. Not as good luck with it this time but I'm on the early side. You're really not supposed to get great results til 10/11 weeks. Mine cost about $40.

Thank you!! I re-read the booklet this morning and you're right. They do they first draw 10-13 weeks, they do the NT ultrasound, then another draw between 15-20 weeks and then we get results after there all in...
So when does everyone consider the first trimester to be over?

I feel like it's at the end of the 12th week, so when your ticker would say 12w6d, and then 13w0d would be day 1 of the second tri. Some people say it's at the end of the 13th week, right in the middle of the 13th week, and then I noticed today that the tickers from thebump.com start saying second trimester at the 12w mark.
Lol that's something even I want to knw when does first trimester ends officially
Well on Friday I will ask my doc as we'll
I always say 13w exactly is 2nd tri. That's when I plan on leaving the first tri board lol

So I decided to do a quick food journal to log how many calories I'm eating and what exactly I'm eating throughout the day. I find myself hungry constantly! So I wrote down what I ate yesterday... Over 3,000 calories!!! :nope: No wonder why I've gained almost 10lbs already even with morning sickness. So I decided to continue doing a food journal throughout the rest of my pregnancy. I'm barely eating any protein. A lot of fruits but A LOT of milk and cereal. So I made myself a veggie and egg scramble with a spoonful of guacamole on top. Super yummy!

I'm also officially going to the gym in a half hour. I have my workout clothes all set out! I was reading online that when you're overweight pre-pregnancy that you should only gain 15-25lbs max for baby's growth. I just don't want to gain the 55lbs I did with my daughter bc it made me feel horrible in 3rd tri with painful knees and ankles that couldn't bear my weight.

I forget who else is working out here... You ladies who are working out during pregnancy, would you like to start a pregnancy workout group? I need some buddies! Lol
Ultrasound tomorrow morning! So nervous. Even though I know I have no reason to. I know baby is in there, I hear her heartbeat regularly, she came back low risk for a bunch of issues. Don't know why I'm worrying.

Past few nights it's been harder to find her heartbeat and when I do it's faint. Tonight I decided to try after a shower rather than before bed. Thinking maybe a little warm water would get her out of her hiding spot. It worked! Heard her loud and clear. Heartbeat in the high 160s/low 170s. Happy mommy :)
Ultrasound tomorrow morning! So nervous. Even though I know I have no reason to. I know baby is in there, I hear her heartbeat regularly, she came back low risk for a bunch of issues. Don't know why I'm worrying.

Past few nights it's been harder to find her heartbeat and when I do it's faint. Tonight I decided to try after a shower rather than before bed. Thinking maybe a little warm water would get her out of her hiding spot. It worked! Heard her loud and clear. Heartbeat in the high 160s/low 170s. Happy mommy :)

Your ultrasound will go well, trust me! Update us as soon as you can! :thumbup:
I always say 13w exactly is 2nd tri. That's when I plan on leaving the first tri board lol

So I decided to do a quick food journal to log how many calories I'm eating and what exactly I'm eating throughout the day. I find myself hungry constantly! So I wrote down what I ate yesterday... Over 3,000 calories!!! :nope: No wonder why I've gained almost 10lbs already even with morning sickness. So I decided to continue doing a food journal throughout the rest of my pregnancy. I'm barely eating any protein. A lot of fruits but A LOT of milk and cereal. So I made myself a veggie and egg scramble with a spoonful of guacamole on top. Super yummy!

I'm also officially going to the gym in a half hour. I have my workout clothes all set out! I was reading online that when you're overweight pre-pregnancy that you should only gain 15-25lbs max for baby's growth. I just don't want to gain the 55lbs I did with my daughter bc it made me feel horrible in 3rd tri with painful knees and ankles that couldn't bear my weight.

I forget who else is working out here... You ladies who are working out during pregnancy, would you like to start a pregnancy workout group? I need some buddies! Lol

I am working out greats, so a workout group sounds great to me!

My biggest challenge is having to pee all the time! It makes running so uncomfortable. :-(

I am still riding my bike 5 days a week which I love and going to bootcamp twice a week...bootcamp is tough, LOL. No one there knows I'm pregnant yet so it helps keep me from slacking too much.
I'm going to the gym 2/3 times a week but taking it easy. I feel like with the ms, I took quite a few weeks off. When I started working out again two weeks ago, my heart rate would go way up just from walking. It's getting better now but I just need to ease into it.
I also gained 50-55 lbs with dd and don't want a repeat. I'm still carrying 15 from that and wondered what to gain this time? I figured 35-15=20? Does that sound right? Probably not realistic though. I'm eating a ton too now.
Ps- every time u look at queen queso, it makes me want to eat cheese sauce. :(
I started a pregnancy workout group in the pregnancy groups and discussions area (where our August group is). Sass, I still had 15lbs left as well before this bfp!
Hi my names Ashley just came across this thread...I am currently 11 weeks pregnant with a due date of August 11th. I live in California and this is the 1st time I've ever been pregnant. My hubbys birthday and our anniversary are also in August so it'll be a big month for us!! I am 26 and hubby is 28. I have temporarily deactivated my Facebook because a good friend's nosey wife blurted out our secret on there (think I deleted it before anyone saw it) but I don't want it to get out before we're ready to tell the world so I will join the fb group in a couple weeks after out 12w6d scan. :)

Sweet!! When is your anniversary?? Mine and DH's is the 13th of August ha. And I'm 27 and Dh is 30.

Our anniversary is the 27th. He for some weird reason wanted to get married on his bday the 26th but it was a Thursday and I didn't want a Thursday so we did the next day (friday)

That's cool! you actually got married exactly 2 weeks after us - our 5th anniversary is this year. We didn't plan to get married on the day with did, it just worked out lol. It was Friday the 13th.

I started a pregnancy workout group in the pregnancy groups and discussions area (where our August group is). Sass, I still had 15lbs left as well before this bfp!

Ooh I should join this!! I went from 226 pre-pregnancy, to 232 at 9 weeks and now I'm back down to 225. o_O But I'm hoping my weightloss slows down. I do want to be at least my pre-pregnancy weight by the time baby comes.

Aside from allll of that. I'm extremely tired today ladies. It sucks =/:coffee:
I always say 13w exactly is 2nd tri. That's when I plan on leaving the first tri board lol

So I decided to do a quick food journal to log how many calories I'm eating and what exactly I'm eating throughout the day. I find myself hungry constantly! So I wrote down what I ate yesterday... Over 3,000 calories!!! :nope: No wonder why I've gained almost 10lbs already even with morning sickness. So I decided to continue doing a food journal throughout the rest of my pregnancy. I'm barely eating any protein. A lot of fruits but A LOT of milk and cereal. So I made myself a veggie and egg scramble with a spoonful of guacamole on top. Super yummy!

I'm also officially going to the gym in a half hour. I have my workout clothes all set out! I was reading online that when you're overweight pre-pregnancy that you should only gain 15-25lbs max for baby's growth. I just don't want to gain the 55lbs I did with my daughter bc it made me feel horrible in 3rd tri with painful knees and ankles that couldn't bear my weight.

I forget who else is working out here... You ladies who are working out during pregnancy, would you like to start a pregnancy workout group? I need some buddies! Lol

Hmmmmm...maybe I should also start a food journal. I am a bit too scared what I will find though! I have found that I binge eat when I am tired which is normally around 3pm - then I will eat and eat and eat. Maybe I should just try to take a nap rather.

I stated going to the gym this week again. I got a cold which progressed to a sinus infection right after my BFP which lasted forever. I still have a cold but I need to start working out again. I am by no means a workout machine. For me 20-40mins on the crosstrainer is a workout! Think I should also join the group, hopefully it will motivate me to try and do more. I am planning on doing a NIA class tomorrow but I'ts going to be hell.

I have gained about 6 lbs. But clever me started a low carb high fat diet on day 1 of the cycle I got my bfp. So I lost 2 lbs a week until my BFP at 3+5. I stopped the diet and then gained it all back! Well that's what I am telling myself :)
I wish I could workout, but I have been partly bed-ridden from week6. My MS is tapering off a bit, but that just means I don't throw up 5 times a day. I didn't feel this way with DS. Today, I tried some mild yoga, but ended up breathless on the 3rd minute while doing downward dog.
I hope everything's ok with this pregnancy, but now freaking out if my HCG were on higher side.
113 at 11dpo
6080 at 5w2d.
My morning sickness meds aren't working as well as I hoped, but they are making me drowsy which is good. I just hope that the actual anti-nausea component kicks in ASAP since I've lost more weight.

Found out today that I might qualify for the Pegasus research study! I just have to get a dating scan and specific bloodwork before 13w6d. If I can make that cutoff I'll be good but fingers crossed that I get all of that taken care of. Having a free test like that would be FAB! Thank you to Fit_Mama for giving me the info, yay! :)

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