Ohh Greats you reminded me I need to go get fitted for a bra again soon. I was a 32DD before pregnancy and I think the weight loss must have done something to my boobs cause before I was spilling out of them before and now they just barely fit.I tried measuring myself last night and the measurements were way, way off. Time to bring a pro in!
I needed so many bras last time that I literally have a drawer of them that just go up and up. It was crazy. My boobs are so heavy right now. They feel like bags of pebbles.
So I'd love to hear what you ladies think on this one:
My ob says I don't get the nt because I had the harmony test. My results should be in sometime this week. I freaked over getting them, but also that we could be overlooking something anatomical by not having the nt. I feel like everyone else on here got the DNA test also got the nt too? Am I right on that?
I feel bad pushing for the nt after how hard I had to push to get the DNA. DH says they work for us and just push away but I feel like a pain. I haven't had a us with a professional since 8 weeks and my next one won't be til 17/18 weeks. What do you all think? Am I just worrying too much?