**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

After the junk food post yesterday, I had BK Tendercrisp for breakfast haha.

Nothing new today except I want to know what I'm having!! I'm going nutter butter.

Aside from that I'm getting my Medela breast pump kit today! And instead of paying the $450 that this set is worth I'm only paying $200!! :D And I'm getting some maternity pants today because a girl I know is selling a pair!
:( I thought the exhaustion was meant to go away in second trimester!?!

I'm struggling so much with staying awake in the day :(
Nah I'm super sleepy in the evenings lol. Found out it's a symptom of low vitamin D though for me.
I had energy for about a week around week 13. Now I'm super tired again. Slept ten hours last night and would have loved to sleep more.
We had pizza for dinner last night :blush:

I'm super tired as well, this week has been tough as work's been crazy and we have a busy weekend ahead. At least we have a long weekend here so that's something to look forward to...

Mrs.Hudson, sorry to hear that you're still feeling so sick, hope it passes. I just started feeling less nauseous this week.

DSemcho, you're going to love that pump and got it for a great deal :thumbup:
C-section confirmed for June 27th! I'll be 35 weeks exactly!
C-section confirmed for June 27th! I'll be 35 weeks exactly!

Exciting! Took me a few minutes to figure out why that seemed early...duh! You have 3 little babies in there! I think pregnancy brain is starting...

How are you feeling? Any ultrasound pics?
Today has been better though I did get sick this morning.

In better news! I am 14 weeks today and I felt baby move for sure this morning. I was laying in bed trying to talk myself into getting up and I felt a pretty hard pushing/flutter on my lower left side. It lasted for a good five minutes. It made me so happy and made the puking afterwards totally worth it!

I didn't know we had triplets in this group! How exciting.
Will take care about eating low sodium the day I am indulging in junk but today I guess I dint pay that much attention I had 2 boiled eggs and then oats noodles in the afternoon and now going for Burger King hope it's not going to bad thinking about sodium now:shrug:

An icecream may be at the end will that be too much?

For nt scan hun wish u all the luck I'm sure it's gonna be great and for the choices here in nyc I had only informa test which checks for the disorder and sex of the baby so I dint have any choices m not sure how are things everywhere I guess it's all similar

Did you go for the ice cream??? I got my hands on one of the limited batch Ben and Jerry's Peanut Butter Half Baked pints and ate half last night :dohh: But I had been looking for it for weeks! It was soooo good! :cloud9:

I couldn't choose my test either - it was dictated by the lab my insurance uses so I got blood drawn for materniti21. I also had the NT scan but got ZERO results! :cry: The lab tech didn't say anything during the scan other than here is your ovaries, your baby, your bladder ("oh my it's full!") and the heartbeat. I thought someone would talk to us after the scan but nope :nope:, they said it will get sent to my obgyn and that he'll give me the results. I don't see him until NEXT THURSDAY! :cry: I'm so sad by this! I really wanted to know them before our trip so I could just relax in Florida. ARG. Did you ladies get your results right away? It seems like your techs just told you the thickness of the fold and everything else...why was my place so cryptic?? :shrug:

MrsChezek, I will say that we would have been far more excited with twins if it was my first pregnancy, but we are still excited now that we're getting past the whole shock and terror phase! ;)

As far as the genetic test, we didn't have a choice as they only use the MaterniT21 test where we went. From what I read and the counsellor discussed with us, it's the test that looks for the most abnormalities, and thankfully, it can be done with multiples whereas Panorama can't. The other benefit of the Materniti21 test is that if your insurance won't cover it and you contact the company direct, they will knock your bill down to only $200.

Thanks for the tip on contacting the company! I'm hoping insurance will cover it but if not, I'll definitely call. I can only imagine the shock of twins when you already have one!!! :wacko: My friends wanted two kids and they had twins the second time around so they ended up with three! :dohh:

I had my NT test yesterday! So far so good! I was exactly 12 weeks and the baby was measuring 13w. They said if it had measured 13 & 1 day they would have changed my due date! Crazy! Hopefully that means it will be less of a long hot August. The tech said everythig. Looked great and the neck measured 1.4. She said that's normal?:shrug: now to wait for the results so I can start telling people!

I'm jealous you got your results! I'm mad I didn't. Maybe I'll call and harass them. Congratulations on your good results tho!

After the junk food post yesterday, I had BK Tendercrisp for breakfast haha.

Nothing new today except I want to know what I'm having!! I'm going nutter butter.

Aside from that I'm getting my Medela breast pump kit today! And instead of paying the $450 that this set is worth I'm only paying $200!! :D And I'm getting some maternity pants today because a girl I know is selling a pair!

Did you try contacting your insurance about getting a free pump? My understanding is that most insurance carriers are required to provide you with a free breast pump. I got mine for free when pregnant with the first...I wonder if I can get another one as that one didn't work well.

C-section confirmed for June 27th! I'll be 35 weeks exactly!

Congrats! That seems SO soon!!! Yet sooooooo far away...
Anyone have anything exciting planned for Valentine's Day tomorrow?

We are expecting (another) major snow storm of another foot to foot and a half on top of the 4ish feet we currently have....no idea where more is gonna go. So OH had planned an overnight thing which she cancelled bc I didn't know and scheduled a surprise for her right during it....whoops...but I didn't know. And since the storm is coming it's best for is to be home anyway.

For her surprise I booked us in for a 3d/4d ultrasound tomorrow at 5!! It's supposed to start lightly snowing around 4 so hopefully it stays light and they don't cancel the appointment. Not sure what else were gonna go, but OH was looking for something to do. But won't tell me of course lol
The scan will be so special! Such a great Valentine gift :thumbup:

We're (hopefully) flying to Florida tomorrow morning...we SO better not get snowed in and stuck here. I'll cry...a lot. :cry:

Anyone have anything exciting planned for Valentine's Day tomorrow?

We are expecting (another) major snow storm of another foot to foot and a half on top of the 4ish feet we currently have....no idea where more is gonna go. So OH had planned an overnight thing which she cancelled bc I didn't know and scheduled a surprise for her right during it....whoops...but I didn't know. And since the storm is coming it's best for is to be home anyway.

For her surprise I booked us in for a 3d/4d ultrasound tomorrow at 5!! It's supposed to start lightly snowing around 4 so hopefully it stays light and they don't cancel the appointment. Not sure what else were gonna go, but OH was looking for something to do. But won't tell me of course lol
Oh man, jealous!! I'd love to be somewhere warm for a few days.

Supposedly the storm is Saturday night into Sunday. Not sure when it's ending, but around here they say it won't be bad until overnight so hopefully there is time to clean the roads and whatnot. I'm glad I'm off Monday so Oh doesn't have to spend her Sunday off shoveling. We can wait for the complex to do it lol
We're (hopefully) flying to Florida tomorrow morning...we SO better not get snowed in and stuck here. I'll cry...a lot. :cry:

Fun...what part? I live in south Florida.

AFM, the boyfriend and I are going to dinner and a movie, 50 Shades of Grey :winkwink: I figured I'd torture him even more with a naughty movie since we haven't been doing much of anything else lol.
Will take care about eating low sodium the day I am indulging in junk but today I guess I dint pay that much attention I had 2 boiled eggs and then oats noodles in the afternoon and now going for Burger King hope it's not going to bad thinking about sodium now:shrug:

An icecream may be at the end will that be too much?

For nt scan hun wish u all the luck I'm sure it's gonna be great and for the choices here in nyc I had only informa test which checks for the disorder and sex of the baby so I dint have any choices m not sure how are things everywhere I guess it's all similar

Did you go for the ice cream??? I got my hands on one of the limited batch Ben and Jerry's Peanut Butter Half Baked pints and ate half last night :dohh: But I had been looking for it for weeks! It was soooo good! :cloud9:

I couldn't choose my test either - it was dictated by the lab my insurance uses so I got blood drawn for materniti21. I also had the NT scan but got ZERO results! :cry: The lab tech didn't say anything during the scan other than here is your ovaries, your baby, your bladder ("oh my it's full!") and the heartbeat. I thought someone would talk to us after the scan but nope :nope:, they said it will get sent to my obgyn and that he'll give me the results. I don't see him until NEXT THURSDAY! :cry: I'm so sad by this! I really wanted to know them before our trip so I could just relax in Florida. ARG. Did you ladies get your results right away? It seems like your techs just told you the thickness of the fold and everything else...why was my place so cryptic?? :shrug:

MrsChezek, I will say that we would have been far more excited with twins if it was my first pregnancy, but we are still excited now that we're getting past the whole shock and terror phase! ;)

As far as the genetic test, we didn't have a choice as they only use the MaterniT21 test where we went. From what I read and the counsellor discussed with us, it's the test that looks for the most abnormalities, and thankfully, it can be done with multiples whereas Panorama can't. The other benefit of the Materniti21 test is that if your insurance won't cover it and you contact the company direct, they will knock your bill down to only $200.

Thanks for the tip on contacting the company! I'm hoping insurance will cover it but if not, I'll definitely call. I can only imagine the shock of twins when you already have one!!! :wacko: My friends wanted two kids and they had twins the second time around so they ended up with three! :dohh:

I had my NT test yesterday! So far so good! I was exactly 12 weeks and the baby was measuring 13w. They said if it had measured 13 & 1 day they would have changed my due date! Crazy! Hopefully that means it will be less of a long hot August. The tech said everythig. Looked great and the neck measured 1.4. She said that's normal?:shrug: now to wait for the results so I can start telling people!

I'm jealous you got your results! I'm mad I didn't. Maybe I'll call and harass them. Congratulations on your good results tho!

After the junk food post yesterday, I had BK Tendercrisp for breakfast haha.

Nothing new today except I want to know what I'm having!! I'm going nutter butter.

Aside from that I'm getting my Medela breast pump kit today! And instead of paying the $450 that this set is worth I'm only paying $200!! :D And I'm getting some maternity pants today because a girl I know is selling a pair!

Did you try contacting your insurance about getting a free pump? My understanding is that most insurance carriers are required to provide you with a free breast pump. I got mine for free when pregnant with the first...I wonder if I can get another one as that one didn't work well.

C-section confirmed for June 27th! I'll be 35 weeks exactly!

Congrats! That seems SO soon!!! Yet sooooooo far away...

No hun I was so full already with french fries which I ordered twice :blush: And sandwich so bunked the icecream but that's on my list sure for next :haha:
Anyway tomm valentine we are going for 50 shades of grey and then some shopping in the mall itself as its so cold outside ugh I hate it don't make major plans as I have my anniversary coming up on 22 and my brothers and sils are coming as we have our anniversaries lined up in 4 days gaps so 21 mine and 26 one f my bro and 2 another one and wanted to mention we are triplets :kiss:cloud9: So we are planning almost ten days out so saving all the excitement for then

Also worried what food options are safe outside I asked this prop ably so many times but I guess it gets skipped lemme know ur experiences of food outside dearies so I can just go for that as this listeria thing is maddening

Anyway for the nt scan hun m so sorry u couldn't get to know yours but yeah u can surely call them they will tell u the result and I got to know cuz as soon as they finished I asked so how much is the thickness lol
Pearly...you mean food in restaurants? I think the biggest "no-no's" are certain types of seafood (tuna, swordfish and others high in mercury), uncooked sushi, deli-meats and processed foods like hot dogs, and certain soft cheeses but I've eaten some blue cheese without incident.

I've eaten everything from a salad to chicken wings to a burger to ice cream out and haven't had any issues getting sick, just a little too full maybe - that burger was amazing! I've even drank a coke! I wouldn't stress too much about the food because unless its not cooked all the way through, you can get just as sick from food you bought at the grocery store. I'd go out and eat whatever sounds good to you!
Nah I'm super sleepy in the evenings lol. Found out it's a symptom of low vitamin D though for me.

Hmmm I might go pick up some vit D supplements. I'm hoping it's not my iron because the stuff makes me so poorly.
Nah I'm super sleepy in the evenings lol. Found out it's a symptom of low vitamin D though for me.

Hmmm I might go pick up some vit D supplements. I'm hoping it's not my iron because the stuff makes me so poorly.

I'm on vitamin d (and extra than recommended amounts as I live in New England and we're known to be deficient in it) and iron and I'm still exhausted.

Pearly - I'm also confused with what you're asking. Most stuff is still safe as long as it's processed and handled safely. Your doctor didn't discuss foods not safe with you? Mine did at my first appointment. Or give you a list? Generally you want to stay away from certain fish, sushi, deli meats, soft cheeses. I haven't heard anything about staying away from processed foods. It's generally not good for anyone but apart from that there's no bigger risk eating processed stuff when pregnant. I would call your doctor if they didn't discuss it with you as it's definitely their job to make sure you are aware of what you can and cannot have. Or a google search will have more in depth lists.
Getting my new bed delivered tomorrow morning! No more super old, crappy metal frame haha My hubby says we're finally getting a big kid bed :haha:

Other than that, I made a goodie bag for my daughter to open tomorrow morning... Fruit snacks, books, stickers, and this Peppa Pig DVD bc she is obsessed!

Going to a wedding tomorrow as my sister's plus one... She's going through a break up so I promised I'd go... I don't even know the bride or groom! Lol hopefully the food is good!

Hubby and I have a date planned for next weekend... Fancy restaurant, etc.

Feeling like rubbish the past 2 days... Beyond tired and nauseous! Hoping it goes away tonight.

4 days until my gender scan! I'm seriously praying we see some boy bits! Hubby says he doesn't care so long as baby is born healthy, but I know he'll be a little disappointed if we're having another girl bc we've already done that route, but we will see.
C-section confirmed for June 27th! I'll be 35 weeks exactly!

Fingers crossed for you they cooperate and wait until the scheduled date t make their appearance! How have you been feeling of late?

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