**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

So sorry kipod. :( what a difficult choice to have to make. All the best.

As for me, I had my NT scan today at 12±2 and both babies looked good & healthy, bouncing and wiggling around in there! That's going to hurt when they get bigger.

Heartbeats were 188 for A and 148 for B so we'll see if the heart rate thing for girl/boy holds true! It would be much easier if they were the same, whatever they were but obviously we'll be happy either way. We will know if they're both girls or if there's at least one boy when the MaterniT21 results come in within the next 2 weeks.

Scan pics are on FB for anyone who wants a nosy.
Hi kyle, please remove me from the front page. We just found out our baby has tay sachs. We did cvs testing knowing we are both carriers of the the disease and unfortunately baby turned out to be sick. It was supposed to be a girl. We are sadly forced to terminate bc we can't imagine bringing such a sick child. Tay sachs baby's usually don't make it past the age of 2 and until then suffer greatly.
Happy and healthy pregnancies to you all, may all the rest of you get to bring your rainbow home.

I'm so sorry to hear that Kipod. I had a friend in school who lost a brother to tay sachs, his short life left a very strong impact on me so I understand what sort of a disease it is and what the poor baby would be going through.
Kipod - I’m SO sorry for your news. That must be the hardest decision one has to make, in the interest of their unborn child. My heart goes out to you and your family.

wonders - congratulations! such great news

kylas - I totally thought 2015 was the year for boys but it seems to be going the other way! Good news for me as I’d LOVE to reuse all my stuff from my first baby girl. 2 more days until my blood test…so about 2 weeks until I know. CANNOT WAIT!

hivechild - i’m intrigued! how do they keep baby A apart from B from scan to scan??? Don’t they move around?
Kipod - I’m SO sorry for your news. That must be the hardest decision one has to make, in the interest of their unborn child. My heart goes out to you and your family.

wonders - congratulations! such great news

kylas - I totally thought 2015 was the year for boys but it seems to be going the other way! Good news for me as I’d LOVE to reuse all my stuff from my first baby girl. 2 more days until my blood test…so about 2 weeks until I know. CANNOT WAIT!

hivechild - i’m intrigued! how do they keep baby A apart from B from scan to scan??? Don’t they move around?

Right now, they base it on which baby is closest to the cervix as baby A although that can shift still.

She said that there are measurements and markers they gather that help them distinguish, and obviously once/if they're opposite gender it becomes much simpler.

For me, baby A has always measured smaller than B and I had her confirm that A was more to the left and B to the right, which is how they had identified them in prior scans.
Glad everything is ok hun

I am really curious to get at home Doppler which ones are u guys having ??
And how many times to use during a day

Thanks! I have a Sonoline B.

They found the HB. Whew. Turns out the little turd is about an inch under my belly button to the left side. They tested me for a UTI and everything is fine. And they want me to get a OMT massage from a doctor here on base. I'm feeling a lot better.

Glad everything is OK. Seriously these little ones like to scare us:doh:

Yea it does. I called it a little fucker and someone said not to do that, I said but it scared me, so... Yea.

Hi kyle, please remove me from the front page. We just found out our baby has tay sachs. We did cvs testing knowing we are both carriers of the the disease and unfortunately baby turned out to be sick. It was supposed to be a girl. We are sadly forced to terminate bc we can't imagine bringing such a sick child. Tay sachs baby's usually don't make it past the age of 2 and until then suffer greatly.
Happy and healthy pregnancies to you all, may all the rest of you get to bring your rainbow home.

I'm so sorry Kipod *hugs*

So sorry kipod. :( what a difficult choice to have to make. All the best.

As for me, I had my NT scan today at 12±2 and both babies looked good & healthy, bouncing and wiggling around in there! That's going to hurt when they get bigger.

Heartbeats were 188 for A and 148 for B so we'll see if the heart rate thing for girl/boy holds true! It would be much easier if they were the same, whatever they were but obviously we'll be happy either way. We will know if they're both girls or if there's at least one boy when the MaterniT21 results come in within the next 2 weeks.

Scan pics are on FB for anyone who wants a nosy.


AFM - did the Doppler this morning and baby was right where it was yesterday whew. Still about an inch below and to the left of my belly button. And I don't even have to press anymore. It came in loud and clear!
Hivechild, that would be awesome if you had boy/girl twins. One of my best friends had twins (two boys) and one was always smaller than the other. After they were born the one little guy had bruises on his side from where his brother had been kicking him because of their positions in utero...

Greats, sorry about the car, that really sucks. At least it's something that can be fixed.
I was lurking in the July group bc I am technically due in July now lol and they are mostly boys! Funny how our group is the opposite!

Funny how that happens. A lot of my friends had babies in the late winter/spring of 2013, all boys. The Mom and Baby group that Isla and I still go to are all for babies born around Isla and out of the 14 kids, 12 are girls. Interesting how that seems to happen.
Hi kyle, please remove me from the front page. We just found out our baby has tay sachs. We did cvs testing knowing we are both carriers of the the disease and unfortunately baby turned out to be sick. It was supposed to be a girl. We are sadly forced to terminate bc we can't imagine bringing such a sick child. Tay sachs baby's usually don't make it past the age of 2 and until then suffer greatly.
Happy and healthy pregnancies to you all, may all the rest of you get to bring your rainbow home.

So sorry for your loss what awful news and a terrible position to be in. We'll all be thinking of you I'm sure.
Guys silly question but I am craving Burger King spicy chicken sandwich a lot and fries shall I go and have it? Have u guys had any occasional indulgence into junks??
Guys silly question but I am craving Burger King spicy chicken sandwich a lot and fries shall I go and have it? Have u guys had any occasional indulgence into junks??

My biggest craving is mcdonalds French fries. I've had it a bunch. As long as it's not every meal I don't see the harm in an occasional treat. Just say it's for the baby lol
Haha thanks hun ever since I got pregnant I haven't had a single burger king or any mcd stuff so I guess it should be ok thanks a lot hun!!

Cheers to the junk evening!!
I hadn't had fast food in at least 6/7 months before I got pregnant. Then baby wanted mcdonalds French fries. Who am I to say no? Lol
Hivechild, that would be awesome if you had boy/girl twins. One of my best friends had twins (two boys) and one was always smaller than the other. After they were born the one little guy had bruises on his side from where his brother had been kicking him because of their positions in utero...

Greats, sorry about the car, that really sucks. At least it's something that can be fixed.

I was just watching a video done during an MRI of a twin pregnancy where the larger one was crowding the littler one who was kicking at the other trying to make more space for itself. I felt sorry for the wee little mite!
Fast food is totally fine once in a while so long as you're not eating it every single day lol

Is anyone else getting super annoyed easily? The boy I watch has just been so whiney and has been causing mischief when he's usually pretty quiet. I can't help but be annoyed at him. Lol

I'm so pissed off. September 2016 I have my mom's wedding to her new fiance and they're having a beach wedding in Florida. She's had the date picked out for 6 months now.

Now I get a text from one of my SILs to tell me the date her and her boyfriend are getting married (had no idea they were even engaged!) and they chose the day before my mom's. I texted back saying I'm sorry but I have my mom's wedding that same weekend in Florida so we won't even be here that weekend. She replies oh dang that sucks.

I'm super annoyed! I know her baby daddy gave her a promise ring this weekend but she seems to have it confused with an engagement ring? Normally you don't start planning a wedding until you're officially engaged. She keeps fb messaging me about how I need to help her plan her wedding and I'm like hun I'm planning having my second baby now, I don't have the time to help plan your wedding.

She is insisting that the bridesmaid dresses need to be ordered asap and she's scheduling a fitting for all us bridesmaids. I replied um sweetie but me and your older sister are pregnant and can't get fitted. Wtf????
Kyla, OMG! Thanks for mentioning this. Yesterday, I had this very strong craving for fries, hence I walked 1 hour to the nearest McDonalds while pushing a pram. I don't want to DS to eat junk food, hence I have to get the smallest size and hide it from him. But after finishing it, I immediately bought another bag and ate on the way home. :haha: hopefully, the 2-hr walk burned those nasty carbs.

Guys silly question but I am craving Burger King spicy chicken sandwich a lot and fries shall I go and have it? Have u guys had any occasional indulgence into junks??

My biggest craving is mcdonalds French fries. I've had it a bunch. As long as it's not every meal I don't see the harm in an occasional treat. Just say it's for the baby lol
Kyla, OMG! Thanks for mentioning this. Yesterday, I had this very strong craving for fries, hence I walked 1 hour to the nearest McDonalds while pushing a pram. I don't want to DS to eat junk food, hence I have to get the smallest size and hide it from him. But after finishing it, I immediately bought another bag and ate on the way home. :haha: hopefully, the 2-hr walk burned those nasty carbs.

Guys silly question but I am craving Burger King spicy chicken sandwich a lot and fries shall I go and have it? Have u guys had any occasional indulgence into junks??

My biggest craving is mcdonalds French fries. I've had it a bunch. As long as it's not every meal I don't see the harm in an occasional treat. Just say it's for the baby lol

Hah! I had the worst cravings for McDonalds cheese burgers when I was pregnant the first time around, and usually late night. I haven't eaten McDs since, though.
It’s 7:30pm and I’m starving! My mom and DH just took LO upstairs for her bedtime (which is usually at 7!)…don’t these people understand they’re dealing with a pregnant lady!?!?!? Usually I just eat half my dinner when LO eats her dinner and then the rest with DH after we put her down, but on Wednesdays when my parents visit I try to hold out and eat with everyone…arg!


hivechild - that’s pretty cool how they keep track of them. I can’t wait to see if their heartbeats align with the old wives tales! I’m so intrigued by twins…I’ve always secretly wished to have a pair but I know it’s not an easy journey. But it will be so nice to add two to the family in one trip!!!

I was lurking in the July group bc I am technically due in July now lol and they are mostly boys! Funny how our group is the opposite!

Funny how that happens. A lot of my friends had babies in the late winter/spring of 2013, all boys. The Mom and Baby group that Isla and I still go to are all for babies born around Isla and out of the 14 kids, 12 are girls. Interesting how that seems to happen.

It's the same in my play groups! All of my LO's friends are girls too...there's only like 3 boys among all of her playmates. But the year before it was all boys it seems!

Kyla, OMG! Thanks for mentioning this. Yesterday, I had this very strong craving for fries, hence I walked 1 hour to the nearest McDonalds while pushing a pram. I don't want to DS to eat junk food, hence I have to get the smallest size and hide it from him. But after finishing it, I immediately bought another bag and ate on the way home. :haha: hopefully, the 2-hr walk burned those nasty carbs.

Guys silly question but I am craving Burger King spicy chicken sandwich a lot and fries shall I go and have it? Have u guys had any occasional indulgence into junks??

My biggest craving is mcdonalds French fries. I've had it a bunch. As long as it's not every meal I don't see the harm in an occasional treat. Just say it's for the baby lol

Hah! I had the worst cravings for McDonalds cheese burgers when I was pregnant the first time around, and usually late night. I haven't eaten McDs since, though.

You guys are all making me even hungrier!!! :haha: I normally crave salads and smoothies and all sorts of odd healthy things - weirdo I know; but this pregnancy all I want to eat is eggplant parmesans and reuben sandwiches! It is SO not like me...DH is very amused! :dohh:

I think the greatest worry with junk food is the salt...so I think if you don't do it often and make sure to eat lower sodium everything else that day it's completely fine. I personally feel that if I don't cave into a craving every now and then I end up overeating on other bad stuff and then still crave that thing I want. So I'm better off just eating it and moving on!:happydance:

On another note, I have my NT scan tomorrow and will get my blood drawn for one of the prenatal tests - materniti21 or panorama or harmony...I don't know which one the geneticist will recommend. Did any of you have a choice between these tests? If so, how did you decide? I'm wondering if I should do some research before we go in tomorrow.

I'm really nervous about this NT scan as I'm 37 in 2 weeks and DH is 44 so I feel like the risk is higher. I just want to see that everything is ok...
I was lurking in the July group bc I am technically due in July now lol and they are mostly boys! Funny how our group is the opposite!

Funny how that happens. A lot of my friends had babies in the late winter/spring of 2013, all boys. The Mom and Baby group that Isla and I still go to are all for babies born around Isla and out of the 14 kids, 12 are girls. Interesting how that seems to happen.

It's the same in my play groups! All of my LO's friends are girls too...there's only like 3 boys among all of her playmates. But the year before it was all boys it seems!

Kyla, OMG! Thanks for mentioning this. Yesterday, I had this very strong craving for fries, hence I walked 1 hour to the nearest McDonalds while pushing a pram. I don't want to DS to eat junk food, hence I have to get the smallest size and hide it from him. But after finishing it, I immediately bought another bag and ate on the way home. :haha: hopefully, the 2-hr walk burned those nasty carbs.

Guys silly question but I am craving Burger King spicy chicken sandwich a lot and fries shall I go and have it? Have u guys had any occasional indulgence into junks??

My biggest craving is mcdonalds French fries. I've had it a bunch. As long as it's not every meal I don't see the harm in an occasional treat. Just say it's for the baby lol

Hah! I had the worst cravings for McDonalds cheese burgers when I was pregnant the first time around, and usually late night. I haven't eaten McDs since, though.

You guys are all making me even hungrier!!! :haha: I normally crave salads and smoothies and all sorts of odd healthy things - weirdo I know; but this pregnancy all I want to eat is eggplant parmesans and reuben sandwiches! It is SO not like me...DH is very amused! :dohh:

I think the greatest worry with junk food is the salt...so I think if you don't do it often and make sure to eat lower sodium everything else that day it's completely fine. I personally feel that if I don't cave into a craving every now and then I end up overeating on other bad stuff and then still crave that thing I want. So I'm better off just eating it and moving on!:happydance:

On another note, I have my NT scan tomorrow and will get my blood drawn for one of the prenatal tests - materniti21 or panorama or harmony...I don't know which one the geneticist will recommend. Did any of you have a choice between these tests? If so, how did you decide? I'm wondering if I should do some research before we go in tomorrow.

I'm really nervous about this NT scan as I'm 37 in 2 weeks and DH is 44 so I feel like the risk is higher. I just want to see that everything is ok...

Will take care about eating low sodium the day I am indulging in junk but today I guess I dint pay that much attention I had 2 boiled eggs and then oats noodles in the afternoon and now going for Burger King hope it's not going to bad thinking about sodium now:shrug:

An icecream may be at the end will that be too much?

For nt scan hun wish u all the luck I'm sure it's gonna be great and for the choices here in nyc I had only informa test which checks for the disorder and sex of the baby so I dint have any choices m not sure how are things everywhere I guess it's all similar
Greats that is really annoying! I didn't even pick out bridesmaids dresses until quite a few months out. She needs one of those planning books. That's what I did since I was the only female in my family to have a wedding. And yeah being pregnant is far more draining than people realize.

I have fast food every now and then. Last night we had Arby's mostly because my dinner didn't turn out right but it was yummy. I've craved McD's probably 4 times. Taco Bell has been a big one for me but I try to avoid it.

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