I was lurking in the July group bc I am technically due in July now lol and they are mostly boys! Funny how our group is the opposite!
Funny how that happens. A lot of my friends had babies in the late winter/spring of 2013, all boys. The Mom and Baby group that Isla and I still go to are all for babies born around Isla and out of the 14 kids, 12 are girls. Interesting how that seems to happen.
It's the same in my play groups! All of my LO's friends are girls too...there's only like 3 boys among all of her playmates. But the year before it was all boys it seems!
Kyla, OMG! Thanks for mentioning this. Yesterday, I had this very strong craving for fries, hence I walked 1 hour to the nearest McDonalds while pushing a pram. I don't want to DS to eat junk food, hence I have to get the smallest size and hide it from him. But after finishing it, I immediately bought another bag and ate on the way home.

hopefully, the 2-hr walk burned those nasty carbs.
Guys silly question but I am craving Burger King spicy chicken sandwich a lot and fries shall I go and have it? Have u guys had any occasional indulgence into junks??
My biggest craving is mcdonalds French fries. I've had it a bunch. As long as it's not every meal I don't see the harm in an occasional treat. Just say it's for the baby lol
Hah! I had the worst cravings for McDonalds cheese burgers when I was pregnant the first time around, and usually late night. I haven't eaten McDs since, though.
You guys are all making me even hungrier!!!

I normally crave salads and smoothies and all sorts of odd healthy things - weirdo I know; but this pregnancy all I want to eat is eggplant parmesans and reuben sandwiches! It is SO not like me...DH is very amused!
I think the greatest worry with junk food is the salt...so I think if you don't do it often and make sure to eat lower sodium everything else that day it's completely fine. I personally feel that if I don't cave into a craving every now and then I end up overeating on other bad stuff and then still crave that thing I want. So I'm better off just eating it and moving on!
On another note, I have my NT scan tomorrow and will get my blood drawn for one of the prenatal tests - materniti21 or panorama or harmony...I don't know which one the geneticist will recommend. Did any of you have a choice between these tests? If so, how did you decide? I'm wondering if I should do some research before we go in tomorrow.
I'm really nervous about this NT scan as I'm 37 in 2 weeks and DH is 44 so I feel like the risk is higher. I just want to see that everything is ok...