**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

Oh and sex sucks now. Only position I feel comfy in is doggy and sex hurts! I only do it once every few weeks, though.
I have started going for yoga too hope it helps and ya doggie style is I suppose better during pregnancy

Thanks a lot wonders hope the relief is there. Next time with different position lol 80 year old I knw I felt the same yesterday when it happened for the first time I just hope it's not there once m done with pregnancy

Greats I got this on my app today -

Your BabyBump
Week 23
Your baby is probably quite active by now and you should be able to feel movement or kicks in your belly. It might even be possible to see the movements on the surface of your skin.
Overall, your baby is now more proportioned from head size to the rest of the body and is looking more and more like a newborn.

Baby Size:
11.5 in
large mango
Baby Weight:
1.1 lb
see big image
Your Body
In preparation for labor, your uterus may begin to practice by exercising its muscles. Around this time some women experience warm-up contractions better known as Braxton Hicks contractions or false labor. These contractions are irregular and vary in intensity. Contact your medical practitioner if you have any concerns.
Glad you're doing better Greats. Maybe you just did too much or were dehydrated and baby didn't like it? Hopefully it doesn't happen again.

See, here's where being with another woman comes in handy. Sex is still extremely comfortable lol.

My grandmother just told me they will get the dresser and changing station add on for the baby and pay for my shower! My mom is throwing the shower so they will have to discuss that, but wow! They also just got us a brand new couch when we moved into our new place. I think she's a bit excited ;) And my parents are getting us our crib and mattress. It relieves a lot of stress knowing some of our big stuff is taken care of. I love that everyone is excited for Ashlyn and wants to spoil her already :).

We are having 2 showers bc OHs family is on the other side of the state, 2hrs away. The one my mom is throwing is going to be June 14th. OH was going to see if her mom would do the weekend before, June 7th. I'll be 31/32 weeks then that's not too early right? I want it to be a bit on the early side as then we will have plenty of time to get what remaining things we need and get everything set up and if she comes early, etc. But that's not too early right? 8 weeks before my EDD. We are also busy the other weekends in June with our maternity photo shoot and childbirth/breastfeeding classes and we want to hit up Boston Pride, so it was either the beginning of the month or very end and the very end would only give us a month before the EDD. Want to make sure we have time to order stuff and for it to come in, etc.
Kylas, any time in 3rd tri is the norm here for baby showers. I had mine at 33 weeks and a friend of mine had hers at 29 weeks. And that's so awesome family is buying a lot of the big stuff! I love baby stuff lol

My sister is throwing me a sprinkle on June 27th. Since we've already had a huge shower for Rylee and we have everything we need for this baby, we are just asking for diapers and wipes lol
So sorry ladies, I am absolutely terrible about getting on here regularly! Congrats to all the new gender announcements! We just closed on our house Wednesday and get the keys Sunday. Then our stuff comes Tuesday!! :happydance: Sooo excited to finally start putting together a nursery. We'll be replacing some worn out flooring first and need to paint some walls (not sure we want bright pepto pink for a boy :rofl: Or at all...no offense to anyone using it for walls, but it's not for me lol. I think they let their daughters pick out their bedroom wall color). But we're finally almost there!! We've been popping into stores checking out flooring options...think we have a pretty good idea of what we want, but need to make sure we pick colors that go with the style of the home, so will have a good look at the flooring that's staying on Sunday. Ahh, I'm just so thrilled. So done with this badly built, bug filled corporate housing apartment! :wacko:

2kids, so good to hear from you, hun. I think of you often. No apologies necessary for leaving the fb group. Big hugs to you! :hugs: Hope you are doing better and that your heart is healing.

Welcome, Amelia! I hope your little one's heart and anything that may result turns out okay. Good thoughts to you!

MrsChezek, hope the kiddo and nanny are both feeling better soon! No fun for you! The trip sounds like it should be fantastic, though! Congrats on team blue!

Greats, glad you're feeling better this morning! Time for a rest! Although, ditching class to rest and then getting things done sounds exactly what I would likely find myself doing, too! :shrug:

Kylas, how awesome that your grandma is chipping in so much! That's incredibly sweet! I said basically the same on the fb group, but I don't think 31/32 is too early. Our only choice is 33 weeks as that's the only time we're planning to make it home, and I kind of wish it were sooner lol!
I am thinking of trying again in a few months. Not sure if I will or not. I miss the baby I lost. But I have a new fabulous on gyn. Who thinks with progesterone and with close monitoring thinks I could try as early as may.
2kidsplus, I was on progesterone for this pregnancy and with my daughter, I truly believe they helped get me out of any miscarriage zone as I had 2 losses before my daughter. So happy you have a new and great sounding doctor!

Afm, I'm totally exhausted today. Took my daughter and the toddler boy I babysit to a birthday party at an indoor play area. OMG SO MANY TODDLERS! All running around and almost none of the parents giving two craps, either. And then my daughter and the boy I watch have been fighting all day long. Ugh!

Found out my husband's family lost their house they were renting. This is the 4th time this has happened to them, and tbh I don't feel sorry one bit. My husband went to his mom's to help move some furniture to the curb for garbage pick-up, and he said the garage and house was infested with mice and feces everywhere. He said he went inside to wash his hands and almost threw up. They're all hoarders and lazy as f*ck, don't shower or bathe, etc. so it's no wonder they keep losing their housing.

Baby loves when I eat chocolate. She's been moving like crazy lol

Might go bowling tonight... Do you think I'll be ok if I use a light-weight ball?
Note to future self... don't bowl more than 1 game. I'm so sore!!! Back and belly muscles ache like crazy lol
Glad that you're feeling better Greats; sorry to hear that you over-exerted yourself bowling, ah the joys of pregnancy :haha:

Kylas, that's awesome that your Grandma is being so generous, I had my shower in third tri as well. Was better as the nursery was all set up at that point so it was easy to put things away.

I've done yoga throughout this pregnancy and just started doing a prenatal yoga class on Saturdays and love it. The teacher has also showed me a few moves that has really helped alleviate sciatic pain. :thumbup:

Sex has actually been amazing for me so far this pregnancy; far better than my last one...

One of my friends is dropping off a bunch of baby boy clothes for me this week :happydance: She has two little boys and has a ton of stuff so she's happy to get rid of it. I can't wait to go through it all. DH has also been doing lots of work for the nursery; I think it's going to look awesome when it's all done! :thumbup:

Hope everyone is doing well. Rainy Monday here, kind of wish I was still in bed...
I also took progesterone this time and got pregnant progestrone really helps in avoiding m/c early one which u might have known at all and it was a miracle pill for me ,mine was a little low so I would really suggest go for it !!

Greats yeah lifting weights is not a good idea for now hope your back is fine now

Mrs Eddie awesome pregnancy yoga is wonderful I love it

Well I have gained only 6 lbs so far is that ok I m little worri d about my weight gain although my bump is quite visible now and the eight shows only 6 lbs gain so far
I also took progesterone this time and got pregnant progestrone really helps in avoiding m/c early one which u might have known at all and it was a miracle pill for me ,mine was a little low so I would really suggest go for it !!

Greats yeah lifting weights is not a good idea for now hope your back is fine now

Mrs Eddie awesome pregnancy yoga is wonderful I love it

Well I have gained only 6 lbs so far is that ok I m little worri d about my weight gain although my bump is quite visible now and the eight shows only 6 lbs gain so far

It is great isn't it? So relaxing!

As long as you are eating well and you're measuring normally, I wouldn't worry to much about your weight gain. I think it really varies depending on the person.
Hello all! A little late to the game. We're expecting another boy, due August 19th (my birthday!!) Going for another scan today as previous anomaly scan couldn't get a couple of looks at the heart and base of spine due to him lying in a poor position. Hopefully we'll get good results today and at least confirmation that it's definitely a boy then I can start pulling down clothes from the attic and getting things sorted.
25 weeks today! How crazy is it that in 15 weeks, give or take, there will be a tiny human in my house that I'm responsible for? Crazy!!

Just booked our last pre-baby trip. Disney baby!

Hello all! A little late to the game. We're expecting another boy, due August 19th (my birthday!!) Going for another scan today as previous anomaly scan couldn't get a couple of looks at the heart and base of spine due to him lying in a poor position. Hopefully we'll get good results today and at least confirmation that it's definitely a boy then I can start pulling down clothes from the attic and getting things sorted.

Congrats! Will add you to the front page :thumbup:
Happy 25 weeks Kyla, crazy how quickly it's going!!!

Welcome Maggs :hi: and congrats
I swear kyLa time is moving so fast I was telling my hubby other day I somehow want aug to come slow i am enjoying the moment so much but I knw by the time the last month comes the thoughts will go in opposite side lol

Thanks mrs Eddie ya I am eating well and measuring perfect so hoping this is good then

Also from last two days I see my palm a little swollen when u wake up and it usually go away after that no pain nothing is it normal ??
I swear kyLa time is moving so fast I was telling my hubby other day I somehow want aug to come slow i am enjoying the moment so much but I knw by the time the last month comes the thoughts will go in opposite side lol

Thanks mrs Eddie ya I am eating well and measuring perfect so hoping this is good then

Also from last two days I see my palm a little swollen when u wake up and it usually go away after that no pain nothing is it normal ??

Weird re the swollen palm, totally normal for hands and fingers to swell during pregnancy so I wouldn't worry too much about it. Maybe ask your doctor when you see them next?

And happy 23 weeks to you, just noticed that we're due date buddies! :thumbup:
I am thinking of trying again in a few months. Not sure if I will or not. I miss the baby I lost. But I have a new fabulous on gyn. Who thinks with progesterone and with close monitoring thinks I could try as early as may.
Good luck and best wishes!

Note to future self... don't bowl more than 1 game. I'm so sore!!! Back and belly muscles ache like crazy lol
Lol, I know exactly that feeling! A couple weeks ago we went bowling for a friends birthday and I also should've stopped at 1 game! I used the lightweight kids ball, I think it was 6lbs. A few days later we took the kids and did one game and I felt okay after that one.

Hello all! A little late to the game. We're expecting another boy, due August 19th (my birthday!!) Going for another scan today as previous anomaly scan couldn't get a couple of looks at the heart and base of spine due to him lying in a poor position. Hopefully we'll get good results today and at least confirmation that it's definitely a boy then I can start pulling down clothes from the attic and getting things sorted.
Welcome and congratulations!! Having two little boys is a ton of fun!

Afm, nothing much. Having a GD test in two weeks, yuck! Then roughly 2 weeks after that there will be another u/s. It hasn't been scheduled yet, but he said to do it at 30w, so I guess I'll schedule it at my next appt. It's to do a weight and position check, so I'm a bit confused as to why it's at 30w and not at like 36w or so? :shrug:

Other than that, my only issue is a lengthy vent, so feel totally free to just skip the entire rest of this post, because it seriously is just b**ching.

We've been trying to kick out my DH's brother. He's been given deadlines that keep passing and he's making no plans or preparations to move out still. Originally, he moved in in May or June 2011, was supposed to be out in maybe 6 -10 months, depending on how bad the winter was (the work is weather-dependant, DH and his dad are masons, the brother works with them as a laborer because he sucks at masonry but can't otherwise manage to hold down a job on his own...) but that didn't happen. Then we moved (twice, actually) and each time it was strongly suggested that while his shit was packed, he make other arrangements, but that didn't happen. Christmas 2013 he was told that he absolutely couldn't still be here at Christmas 2014. Spring 2014 he was told that we were TTC and reminded to gtfo. Christmas 2014, DH told him he had to get out, then in January 2015 he told him the end of May is his absolute final deadline (he was SUPPOSED to tell him the end of MARCH!!), and here it is the end of April and he has made no plans or preparations!

He has maybe $60 to his name, he won't go to work, he doesn't drive or even have an ID so he can't go actually rent anything or move himself out, he's just totally expects everyone to do these things for him. He's expecting that either we will give up and 'keep' him or that his dad will move to a 2-bedroom apartment so he can go live with him (his dad lives in a tiny 1-bed right now, only 4 rooms including the bathroom). We don't want him, I told DH if he didn't get rid of him that I was moving out instead, and his dad doesn't want him either. Neither of them have spoken to their mom in quite a while, for different reasons, but the whole reason we got stuck with the brother in the first place is that she had him and kicked him out.

DH and his dad got into it on the phone this morning before work, DH's dad is mad that the brother won't get up and go to work today (which obviously makes DH mad too) and he told DH to come home from work today with some boxes and tell him to gtfo today. But where the hell is he gonna go? It's a 15min drive to town, so he couldn't walk there with his crap even if he wanted to. He's got at least a whole pick-up truck load worth of stuff to take with him.

Ugh, I'm just so angry and frustrated over the entire thing.
Hey girls! So tired today. Dd was up twice last night plus I couldn't fall asleep. Im already stressing when to have my mom come up to stay with dd for l&d. Too early and I'll be sick of her and we'll fight, too late and I'll wind up in the hospital alone because DH will need to stay with dd til she can cover the Six hour drive. Ahh!
I think I'm getting occasional hand swelling too pearly. I notice more at the gym. Maybe I eat too much sodium? I swelled horrendously last time. Hoping not as much this time.
This story about your BIL sducks queso. What does he do with all his time? My little brother is the same. My parents can't get rid of him. But he's a drug addict so that's where his time, money and efforts go to in life. It's a horrible situation to be stuck in. I'm so sorry.
He plays video games and watches tv, when he's not sleeping. He rolled out of bed at 1pm today to use the bathroom, then went back to bed until about 3. He goes to bed sometime around 3 or 4 am, that's pretty much his daily routine. He doesn't have a phone or computer, no internet connection on his game system either... I don't see how he can stand to do that all the time!
Queen--gracious that's irritating! I think your DH might have to be a little more harsh if you want him out! You'll have a full house with a new baby coming.

Kyla--a pre baby holiday sounds fantastic! We're going away a couple of times this Spring too but not alone.

I feel time is really flying too. Feeling slightly panicky that I'll be in 3rd tri in just a few weeks!

Had my second anomaly scan yesterday and we finally got the last checks done. He's still a he, even though we're not getting a clear a potty shot as we did with Jack. Being very stubborn though and still a footling breach. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come.

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