**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

Must be so nice to have the party taken care of! Now off to all the other odds and ends.
I think I'm just playing waiting game too. Just a few odds here and I'll be set. Makes me wish my ticker looked more like yours greats!
Was hoping to pop in and see you've had your bubba Greats, damn. Also can't wait to see the numbers start to go up when everyone starts to pop.

I had a growth scan yesterday. Our little boy is measuring 95 centile and is already estimated to be about 7lbs (3.2kg) which is already bigger than his big brother was when he was born at 37+5 (he was only 6lb 5.5oz, 2880g). So I'm hoping I only have another couple of weeks max before I'm induced as I don't want him to be too big. He seems all happy in there despite my blood pressure slowly creeping up. I see Obs tomorrow for my strep-b and I guess she'll check dilation too, so it'll be interesting to see if I've got anything going on.
Hope you don't have to wait too much longer Greats. I hate the waiting game as well...

Yes, very nice to have the party over with; I'm really glad that we decided to do it earlier; I think I would have found it way too exhausting if we had have waited until the beginning of August.

Pearly, are you on the FB group? I will post a few pics from the party and some of my maternity photos on their later this week.

DH and I are still sick and I think Isla's 2nd year molars are coming in so crap night of sleep for all of us. This cold is really annoying; it's not nose or head related, just an annoying cough that won't go away and a bit of a sore throat.

Today is my last day of work this week. :happydance: I have my 36 week Midwife appointment on Monday and am seriously considering asking her to sign me off so I would only have to work next week. I am beyond tired due to lack of sleep and have wrapped up most of my major projects already. Anyway, will have to see how I feel after the weekend I guess...
Hang in there, ladies! It's the rough part of pregnancy now lol

I've been in so much pain since yesterday, like it feels like I've been in a car accident or something. Hubby might be coming home early from work just because I can't keep up with Rylee today.
Just checking in to see how you are all doing?

Not long now ladies xx
Yea I'm hurting most days too. Bouncing on my yoga ball helps massively!

How great does it feel to be done work Mrs. Eddie!! I finished Tuesday evening too and I got sweet fuckall for best wishes. My ex manager was the only one who remembered and it was her day off. So glad to be out of there!
Maggs, will be so nice to be done, only 4 days to go! Being able to sleep in this morning was amazing! I'm sorry that no one realized it was your last day, I would be pissed :growlmad:

Greats, glad to hear your DH was able to come home and help you. You're right, this part of pregnancy is tough but the finish line is in sight :thumbup:

Nice to hear from you Mumanddad :hi:

Today we're going to pick up our last minute odds and ends that we need for Ethan and our bassinet. Also going to a prenatal yoga class this morning :happydance: Hope everyone else has a great day :flower:
I love reading about everyone finishing up last minute baby stuff! I can't believe how close we all are!

So I had a mini meltdown a few days ago because we went to go set up our bassinet that we used with Rylee and realized we were missing a few pieces. Looked everywhere, could not find them. So we went to Walmart and bought a new bassinet for $50, but haven't opened it yet. My mom just called to say she found a box of ours in her basement (we are storing some stuff at my mom's house because she has way more space than we do) that has the missing pieces! So excited so now I can take back the new bassinet and get my $50 back!

Been getting some intense period-like cramping since last night. So weird, I never had period cramping last pregnancy, just BH.
I love reading about everyone finishing up last minute baby stuff! I can't believe how close we all are!

So I had a mini meltdown a few days ago because we went to go set up our bassinet that we used with Rylee and realized we were missing a few pieces. Looked everywhere, could not find them. So we went to Walmart and bought a new bassinet for $50, but haven't opened it yet. My mom just called to say she found a box of ours in her basement (we are storing some stuff at my mom's house because she has way more space than we do) that has the missing pieces! So excited so now I can take back the new bassinet and get my $50 back!

Been getting some intense period-like cramping since last night. So weird, I never had period cramping last pregnancy, just BH.

I never had BH with my last pregnancy, only period-like cramping.
So I posted yesterday that my MW wanted me to start on iron tablets as it was 10.1 now and was 10.3 at 28 weeks. Just spoke to DR's and he said as long as I feel OK, he'd rather me not because I have GERD and I am already on the max dose of ranitidine I can take. So I'll be cutting out caffeine instead because that hinders iron absorption I guess and be eating lots of iron rich foods instead. I feel tired but heck, I'm 8 months pregnant and struggle to sleep at night. No wonder I'm tired!
I love reading about everyone finishing up last minute baby stuff! I can't believe how close we all are!

So I had a mini meltdown a few days ago because we went to go set up our bassinet that we used with Rylee and realized we were missing a few pieces. Looked everywhere, could not find them. So we went to Walmart and bought a new bassinet for $50, but haven't opened it yet. My mom just called to say she found a box of ours in her basement (we are storing some stuff at my mom's house because she has way more space than we do) that has the missing pieces! So excited so now I can take back the new bassinet and get my $50 back!

Been getting some intense period-like cramping since last night. So weird, I never had period cramping last pregnancy, just BH.

I never had BH with my last pregnancy, only period-like cramping.

I haven't had any BH this pregnancy but have had that nasty painful period cramps. No Bueno.

So talked to one of my psychic friends. She predicted when I'd conceive and the correct gender back in the fall so I figured what the hell. She said she sees the #3 for this baby. So 3 days late or 3 days early or the 3rd of August. Dear God let it be 3 days early lol. Which would be August 1/2. I'm quite over being pregnant. Very thankful for this healthy and seemingly happy little girl growing in my belly, but just over it. I want to be able to sleep and not have horrendous allergies and go more than 10 steps without needing to sit down and not sweating constantly. Come on Ashlyn! We are more than ready. I tell her she can come anytime now, but only if she is physically ready. Would rather go overdue and have a healthy baby who can breathe and whatnot than an early baby who needs help.
Hey ladies! I haven't been on in the past 2 months and see I have missed alot! I hope everyone is doing great and enjoying their last trimester!
My lil guy is doing great and we finally picked a name Kahleb Liam! I am 34 weeks tomorrow and have been measuring 1-2 weeks ahead since 20 weeks!
We just bought a house and are working on moving out and in. We are doing some remodeling and my nesting/ organizing is driving me nuts!
Something new that is going on this week is I am getting stabbing pains in/around my cervix some lasting a few seconds some lasting a min or so. Anyone else have this? And my bh are horrible and my hips keep snap crackle and poppping!! Only a few more weeks!!:thumbup:
Hey ladies! I haven't been on in the past 2 months and see I have missed alot! I hope everyone is doing great and enjoying their last trimester!
My lil guy is doing great and we finally picked a name Kahleb Liam! I am 34 weeks tomorrow and have been measuring 1-2 weeks ahead since 20 weeks!
We just bought a house and are working on moving out and in. We are doing some remodeling and my nesting/ organizing is driving me nuts!
Something new that is going on this week is I am getting stabbing pains in/around my cervix some lasting a few seconds some lasting a min or so. Anyone else have this? And my bh are horrible and my hips keep snap crackle and poppping!! Only a few more weeks!!:thumbup:

I've had those stabbing pains for at least 2 months now. Not dilated yet. Doctor says its bc as the head gets lower its pressing on nerves and also little fingers could be exploring and hitting sensitive spots. Mine can get quite painful at times.
Well officialy a month away from my due date today yayyy

I haven't experienced any bh till now hoping I don't feel in coming weeks too but as the time getting closer m freaking out silently inside as what's gonna happen need some positive survive strength being a FTM, want to go for normal delivery and may be an unmedicated one

Mrs Eddie sorry just now saw ur question I am not on fb Hun

How are u doing !???
Maggs, I was put on high dose iron pills because of anemia and Pica, and tbh, those pills were the best thing ever. Before, it used to take 2-3 hours before I could fall asleep, this time, I'm literally zapped to dreamland the moment i closed my eyes.

I plan to stop working this week, and I have also taken a leave at school. :happydance:

So I posted yesterday that my MW wanted me to start on iron tablets as it was 10.1 now and was 10.3 at 28 weeks. Just spoke to DR's and he said as long as I feel OK, he'd rather me not because I have GERD and I am already on the max dose of ranitidine I can take. So I'll be cutting out caffeine instead because that hinders iron absorption I guess and be eating lots of iron rich foods instead. I feel tired but heck, I'm 8 months pregnant and struggle to sleep at night. No wonder I'm tired!
38 weeks today!!!!!! Say whaaa?? I was in early labor with Rylee at 38 weeks and had her at 38+1! Baby Livia, where are youuuuuu??? I feel like I'm going to go past my due date and into August.

I think she's laying on some nerve today bc I've had this pain radiate from my pelvis into my inner thigh and down to my knee. It won't go away :(
Hello again over here! I've been following along for quite some time I just don't chime in.

Greats that's crazy about your first daughter. I hope you don't go too far over due this time around.

Kyla you're really lucky. I've been having BHs all day. It's not fun at all. I've been chugging water too but haven't been able to rest. I think this guy may be early with all the weird cramping I've been feeling too.

Hope you all are doing well!
DH and I Got our whooping cough shots today. Optimal time they prescribe it from 28-32 weeks, so kinda late for me, but i guess they forgot about it as we were really focused on diagnosing my cholestasis and low bp. Thankfully, I'm almost clear for both of them, and just need to clear one more blood test next week, and I'll be back as a low-risk patient, and back to the midwife's care, which hopefully means waterbirth for me :happydance:

The jab is so painful, I kinda regret doing it, now my arm is swollen. Oh well, hopefully it could still help us get make our family immune to that deadly disease.
I never got my whooping cough vaccine... my office never offered? I remember getting it right after Rylee was born. Confused!

I've officially been pregnant longer than with Rylee. So weird to see it that way!

Walked around the mall for an hour. I'm super sore, now!!! Everything hurts. Getting some BH but nothing worth paying attention to. It seems everyone is having more BH as they get closer to labor & I'm having less lol Ah well.
I walked around the mall today too. Summer has finally begun here and it's killing me. I barely took 5000 steps (goal is 10000) and I'm dying! I feel like I ran a marathon. 29 days today too! Still sounds so far though. How will I manage 29 more days of pain?! No bh here either, just feels like she's trying to tootsie roll her way out of the top of my bump using her butt. It's excellent.

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