**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

Lian, can you ask them to repeat it next week? Hopefully your itch stops soon!

Happy 4th of July to all the US mommies! Kept it pretty low key today. Just me, hubby, and Rylee home all day, no babysitting till Monday.

Had a crazy nesting urge this morning... I removed all the old caulk from our bathtub and re-caulked it. But it looks phenomenal in there, now! But it was a lot of work especially with my big ol' belly barely fitting in my tub lol!

Grocery shopped, took a nap, made some cheeseburgers, relaxing on the couch now then heading to my town's fireworks display in about an hour. Hubby is hoping I go into labor in the next week, but knowing my luck I'll be here till 40 weeks haha
For those of you not in the Facebook group, my girls arrived on Monday morning at 32+1 weeks. They're both in the NICU and doing really well so far.

If you want more details and pics, join the FB group as I'm not keen to publicly post things here. :)

Congratulations!! Wonderful news :thumbup:. I'm not on the FB group but glad to hear they are doing well so far.

As for me, I finished up work on Friday! :happydance: So happy to now be able to do a few things around the house and spend time with DS#1 for a few weeks before #2 joins us. My parents are arriving from interstate next week, so that'll be peace of mind as someone will be here for our little boy if needed. My BP readings are slowly creeping up, but Obs is happy with not being medicated at this point. Will be having weekly monitoring from this week and hopefully all will be well until about 39 weeks when she said she'd induce me :)
I've only got 2 shifts left :happydance: And I start my antenatal classes tonight. I'll just be going myself though (boo!) because dh will have to stay home with ds1.
Awesome with you ladies finishing up work!

Had a rough night. Baby decided to move into an oblique position so her head is on my right hip bone. It took me 4 hours of some spinning babies techniques, yoga ball stuff, etc to get her to move back into an engaged position. It hurt like hell when she was in oblique position... Literally felt like my stomach muscles just couldn't handle it and my lower back hurt so badly. It irritated my uterus as well bc I had back-to-back painful contractions for an hour before she finally shifted.

It's 5am here, been up since 3am, and she is starting to go back into this oblique position again. No idea why she keeps doing this!
I envy you ladies taking ML already! I plan to work all the way up until I give birth. Been waking up with stiff, sore fingers and thinking it's pregnancy related carpal tunnel :shrug: Figures, something else I can add to the list :dohh:
I did with my first but I've got stacks of annual leave that I want to use up plus I was put on some crappy, stressful supports (I'm a support worker) so I'd rather be off asap then go to work and be shouted at.
I'm babysitting up until I go into labor. It sucks but the money is nice especially bc the kids help keep Rylee preoccupied lol

I'm feeling very funny and off today. Not sure what it is. Baby is low, and am getting some mild period cramping, lower back ache, and nausea. My mom thinks I'm starting early labor as I've been having some random contractions all morning. I just feel like complete garbage today. Thank goodness hubby is home all day to help look after the kids. I'm sitting in bed right now. Just blah.
Greats what spinning babies technique did u try ???

My baby is head down but his head is at my left not completely vertically down little bit slanting
Hey Ladies :hi:

Have not been able to get on here much lately; my internet access at work does not like the new ad background on this page so can't really access it there and things have been busy at home.

We got both kid's rooms set up this weekend, which is awesome, still working on finishing some stuff up for the nursery. We also have Isla's 2nd birthday party this weekend (wanted to have it before I got too pregnant). Will be lots of fun but have like 40 people coming, which is a bit crazy.

Jealous of everyone finishing work too, I still have a few more weeks left. Very much looking forward to being finished!

Hope everyone is well :flower:
For those of you not in the Facebook group, my girls arrived on Monday morning at 32+1 weeks. They're both in the NICU and doing really well so far.

If you want more details and pics, join the FB group as I'm not keen to publicly post things here. :)

Congrats again! Was waiting for you to post here as I know you don't like to put too much information on here. I'll just put that they were born on the front page not their names or weights or anything.

Sounds good! :thumbup:
I'm also trying to earn as much as I can during the semester's break. Classes will resume in 2 weeks but I might actually suspend my studies. I'm doing some contractual online jobs which pays really crappily but at least I can do it while DS is napping or at nights. I don't get parental leave as I don't think I meet the minimum number of hours for the work test, even though I probably did, it's just that the pay is so low, it doesn't make sense in this country's standards. Oh well, I plan to replace my old macbook which is now 5.5 years old whose batteries just died today. I need a laptop to do my courses, so unless I can scrape enough to buy a new one, then there's no way for me to enrol next semester.

Anyway, greats, pearly, how can you tell which position the baby is in? I'm really clueless in this and to think this is my 2nd pregnancy. Midwife said that she is already in the ideal position, but I have no idea where the head is, nor the other parts of her body. Sometimes, I do feel some bony parts poking out, but IDK whether that's a leg, arm, or the head? I do feel some pressure near the bladder area, but also can't tell whether she's high or low.
Pearly, I did the Sidelying Release pose... hubby had to help me.

Mrs. Eddie, I've been wondering where you've been!

Lian, I was able to tell her position bc suddenly she made some very large and painful movements, and all of a sudden my right hip bone and back were in agony. Her hiccups went from being center and low down to being all on my right side. I can feel where her bum and back are as well... nurse taught me how to feel for them lol

Had a doctor appointment today, was my 1st weekly appointment. Measuring 39 weeks!!! I'm still 1cm dilated but almost 100% effaced! Doctor didn't have to go in far to feel baby's head... her eyes lit up like oh wow she's low. Lol She said I'll probably go into labor in the next week or 2. Time to finish up the last of my nesting.
I got to know about my baby being head down because I feel my baby hiccups below and last appointment at 32 weeks doc confirmed the same by feeling my tummy I don't know how they get to know by feeling the tummy but that's how they do also in my previous ultrasound at 30 week too my baby's head was down so I knw from 28th week my baby is head down
Wow Greats, only a week or two left to go, that's crazy! I can't believe you're going to have your little girl so soon.

Lian, the only way I could ever tell position was based on what my midwife told me :haha: This time I can feel his feet on my left side and his butt sticks out often. He is now head-butting my cervix quite a bit, which hurts!

Got all of my maternity pics back and I LOVE them! Will have to share some on the FB page...
1/2 weeks?! I'm shocked and jealous all in one. This is crazy!
I hate this stupid pre-labor/ false labor crap! I was up for a couple hours last night with very strong, painful contractions. They always start as I lay down for bed and after I walk around the apartment for a little while they die off.

Getting them again this morning. Trying to keep up with Rylee is driving me mad. If I'm going to go into labor, why can't my body just get it over with instead of this false labor? I'm tired and my belly is sore from them.
I hate this stupid pre-labor/ false labor crap! I was up for a couple hours last night with very strong, painful contractions. They always start as I lay down for bed and after I walk around the apartment for a little while they die off.

Getting them again this morning. Trying to keep up with Rylee is driving me mad. If I'm going to go into labor, why can't my body just get it over with instead of this false labor? I'm tired and my belly is sore from them.

Sorry Greats, that sucks.

I have been having BHs for the past week and that's annoying me (never got them last time) so I can't imagine going through false labor. Hopefully you don't have to wait too much longer for real labor to happen :hugs:
Ugh, getting contractions again. I've been drinking water like crazy today in the hopes it'll help keep this false labor at bay, but so far no luck. Rylee is going to my mom's tomorrow afternoon until Sunday night just in case I go into real labor this weekend. Her bags are all packed for a 5-day stay just in case.

Hubby is hoping I go into labor tomorrow since I'll be 37 weeks. Plus he wants her born on the 10th since Rylee was born Oct. 10th. Smh, I wish it was that easy lol
Can you get in the shower or have a bath before bed? Might help slow them down and relax you.
How exciting that things may be so close for you greats! Looking forward to hearing some news soon!

I had Obs and monitoring yesterday. Onto the BP medication now as it's slowly creeping up. Monitoring was good, baby seems pretty happy and doing what he should. It was also good to go into the hospital as we haven't been there since we had DS#1. So some bloods etc this weekend, more monitoring and another scan next Tuesday before seeing Obs again Thursday. She's still thinking to induce as close to 39 weeks as possible, so hopefully we get that far. So long as baby is fine, that's all I care about :)

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