**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

I usually take one or the other every night right before bed. Baths are getting super uncomfortable now... My prego behind barely fits in my tub now hahaha
Very uncomfortable today. My lower back is KILLING me! My grandmother says that's one of the signs of labor approaching. While I would love that, I think it's more a sign that she's lower and I have a bad lower back (herniated disk and pinched nerves due to my years of horseback riding. Although that was years ago not sure if I still have those issues). I'm extremely exhausted today even though I slept what I'd consider relatively well. Usually I don't get tired until it's the kids nap time between 1-2, but 10:30am and I was fighting to stay awake. I've also had really loose bathroom trips the past week or so. It's a welcome relief after being constipated the past 9 months, but it makes me kind of crampy. I'm going anywhere up to 4x a day. It's rough. Might be able to leave work early today (perk of working for your mother lol) so might go home and nap after lunch. Which will probably realistically mean go home and just lay in bed since I usually can't nap there for some reason.

Waaaaahhhh! Just wanna whine lol
It is so hard to get in and out of the tub! I'm also just finding it hard to sit reclined sometimes depending on her position. Sometimes it feels like she's pushing on something really uncomfy. Actually, I think everything is uncomfortable at this point.
Back pain and the runs are def good signs of your body getting ready. It's just too bad they can last one week or several weeks! I've been running too and having hip pain. Really hoping it's my pelvis opening. Since I never got to 10 with dd, I never got to push so I don't know if I'm big enough down there.
Kylas, definitely sounds like your body is slowly gearing up for labor! How exciting!!

Sass, it sounds like your pelvis is opening up. That's what my doctor told me on Tuesday that all my hip and pelvic pain is from me opening up.

I'm very restless today, I can't stop moving. I'm trying to lay on the couch to relax and I feel like my right leg has restless leg syndrome or something. Anyone else's calf muscles hurting? It feels like the muscle is sore, almost like I just went running for the first time in months. No redness or warm to touch so I don't think blood clots, but it's kind of annoying.

Only a few random BH today, no real contractions. My next appointment is Tuesday so we'll see if all these contractions have dilated me anymore.

Rylee is at my mom's for the weekend. I literally don't know what to do with myself!
I haven't had a bath in forever, we have a big sinker tub, I'd probably never make it out :haha:

Sass it totally sounds like your pelvis is opening and Kyla all of those signs sound very promising :thumbup:

I've been achy all day as well, lots of vag pain and cervix head butts :wacko: Isla's party is tomorrow so I've been getting ready for that, kind of excited for it to be done :blush:

Greats enjoy the weekend, make sure you get lots of rest!
Hi Kyla, I think I had the same symptoms a few days before I gave birth to my son, so it seems like things are really progressing for u. Good luck!

Very uncomfortable today. My lower back is KILLING me! My grandmother says that's one of the signs of labor approaching. While I would love that, I think it's more a sign that she's lower and I have a bad lower back (herniated disk and pinched nerves due to my years of horseback riding. Although that was years ago not sure if I still have those issues). I'm extremely exhausted today even though I slept what I'd consider relatively well. Usually I don't get tired until it's the kids nap time between 1-2, but 10:30am and I was fighting to stay awake. I've also had really loose bathroom trips the past week or so. It's a welcome relief after being constipated the past 9 months, but it makes me kind of crampy. I'm going anywhere up to 4x a day. It's rough. Might be able to leave work early today (perk of working for your mother lol) so might go home and nap after lunch. Which will probably realistically mean go home and just lay in bed since I usually can't nap there for some reason.

Waaaaahhhh! Just wanna whine lol

AFM, finally getting some decent sleep again. I was prescribed iron supplements because of anemia and also being low in potassium. My cravings for sour things have tapered off and I am not munching on antacids like candies. I probably had PICA, from iron deficiency.
I'm feeling exhausted today, have hardly done anything except pop down town for my bloods and then sit on the couch while I direct DH to tidy up things in one of our spare rooms for my parents to come on Monday. I then had lunch and took a nap! I think maybe I'm allowing myself to be a bit more relaxed as I know he's here to watch over DS. Also I think the BP meds are kicking in making me feel a bit weak with the lower BP readings.

Sounds really promising you ladies gearing up for labour. I assume I'll probably be checked at this coming weeks' appointment so will be interested to see if any of my niggles and pains have contributed to any movement down there. At 36 weeks with #1 things were already starting to move along. Looking forward to having another scan this week too, I'll have the original sonographer who was really lovely and tried to get good photos as well as all the important measurements, so really hoping I get some 3D pics of bub.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend xo
I've come to the conclusion that my doctor was psychotic in even mentioning the possibility of me going within 1-2 weeks of my previous appointment. I literally feel nothing at all! Barely getting a BH once a day, if I'm lucky. Walked around the mall yesterday in the hopes to get things moving along... Nothing!

Next appointment is tomorrow morning at 830 so doubt I'll be any more dilated. Bah! Just pitying myself this morning. I just want my body back!
Have u guys had ur GBS screening whoever is over 36 weeks?? FTM wanted to know what's the experience and all??
No one knows when you'll go, it's a bit unfair for him to be giving you false hope. I was told I'd go overdue with Jack as I had no signs and he hadn't dropped. I ended up going into spontaneous labour after my water broke at 39+3. My MW was shocked!
Pearly, I had mine last week. They literally just swab the outside area of your vag and around your bum opening and that's it. It took like 2 seconds.

Maggs, yeah it wasn't fair for her to tell me that. I feel so let down! But I'm trying to just get through each day as it comes by.
I've never liked it when drs/midwives give predictions of going into labour soon. It gives false hope and leaves the woman more fed up than they otherwise would be
At my last appointment my doctor was going over my future appointment schedule, saying he'd see me every two weeks this month and then onto weekly... IF I make it to that. So of course I was like :saywhat: and when I told OH he was super excited, thinking his son could arrive in like 4-5 weeks. I was 30 weeks at the time so was like uh no way that's too early!
Yes, the waiting game sucks; though I am perfectly happy for this little guy to stay put for a couple of more weeks; I would love a few weeks off to myself before he makes his arrival.

Greats, I'm sorry you're disappointed, I agree not fair for your doctor to state when she thinks you will go into labour. I was convinced I was overdue as I had a MW appointment the day before having Isla and she hadn't even engaged yet. You never know when things are going to happen...

Happy full term Kyla!

We had a great weekend. Isla's party was a huge success, she had a great time. We ended up having about 40 people and had a lot of fun. Isla looked adorable in her little Minnie Mouse inspired tutu and onesie :cloud9: My BIL, SIL and niece ended up staying with us until yesterday so the day after the party we went to LEGOLAND and then yesterday we were at the Zoo (Splash Pad and then touring around). Needless to say I am very tired and happy I'm only working today and tomorrow of this week...

The nursery is looking good and Isla is loving the new set up of her room. On Thursday I am going to start organizing Ethan's clothes and we're also going to pick up any additional supplies we need and buy our new bassinet. :happydance: I think this weekend we are also going to wash the infant car seat cover and install the car seat bases in both of our cars. This weekend my sister returned our swing and my best friend returned our infant bath tub so have to wash those too. After all of that is done, we'll pretty much be ready for him to make his arrival, kind of crazy we're at that point already :wacko:
Mrs. Eddie, glad to hear her party went well!

Had a doctor appt this morning... 1.5cm dilated, and my belly is measuring 40 weeks! At this point in my pregnancy with Rylee I was already 4cm dilated so feeling a little discouraged. I have a huge feeling I'm going to go past my due date. Bah!

Feeling super uncomfortable and ready to have this little girl!

Oh and got my strep b results back... negative!
Awesome Mrs Eddie m sure baby doll must have looked adorable in Minnie Mouse outfit would luv to see the pics and your maternity shoot's too!!

Greats yayy for negative test result!!!
So does this GBS test make you spot or anything???

35 week entered yayyy!!
Pearly, no spotting because they don't swab the inside of anything, just the outside folds of your vag and the outside of your bum area.

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