**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

Me neither!!

Positive vibes :)

Definitely positive vibes all around!

Sorry for the triple post, but I think my girl prediction got missed.

Sorry, will add it. It's hard to catch everything when this thread moves so fast.

Oh man. Anyone have gas cramps?? So uncomfortable :(

Not usually, but mostly because I've just been letting it out. I'm so u believably gassy it's not even funny.

AFM, no kind of food sounds, looks or smells appetizing to me today. I had to force my breakfast shake down and will probably have to force myself to eat for the rest of the day too. Feeling nauseous and overall just ick and gross. So sleepy. I want to go use the treadmill as I haven't all weekend, but I feel icky. I'm going to listen to my body. If I feel like this I should just lay down and rest. I'm not going to stress out over it. When I feel better ill exercise, but my body is telling me I need to relax and rest.
Hi ladies, I haven't been around much for the past few days as my internet has been playing up! congrats to all the new ladies :flower:

I'm at a Christmas party on Friday and will obviously not be drinking alcohol. Anyone got any suggestions for why I'm not drinking? I can't go with the antibiotics excuse as everyone will definitely know I'm pregnant!
Hi ladies, I haven't been around much for the past few days as my internet has been playing up! congrats to all the new ladies :flower:

I'm at a Christmas party on Friday and will obviously not be drinking alcohol. Anyone got any suggestions for why I'm not drinking? I can't go with the antibiotics excuse as everyone will definitely know I'm pregnant!

Don't suppose you can say you're on a diet and don't want the empty calories? That was my plan except I seem to be pigging out lately so that's out the window. Use the you have to drive home excuse? Or have a glass of whatever is being served and maybe dump some out in a sink every so often so it looks like you're drinking?
Hi ladies, I haven't been around much for the past few days as my internet has been playing up! congrats to all the new ladies :flower:

I'm at a Christmas party on Friday and will obviously not be drinking alcohol. Anyone got any suggestions for why I'm not drinking? I can't go with the antibiotics excuse as everyone will definitely know I'm pregnant!

Don't suppose you can say you're on a diet and don't want the empty calories? That was my plan except I seem to be pigging out lately so that's out the window. Use the you have to drive home excuse? Or have a glass of whatever is being served and maybe dump some out in a sink every so often so it looks like you're drinking?

I doubt anyone would believe I'm on a diet at the moment :haha: And I haven't passed my driving test yet so the driving excuse is out of the window! I could pretend to be drinking and just dump it down the loo when I go to the toilet.
Hi ladies, I haven't been around much for the past few days as my internet has been playing up! congrats to all the new ladies :flower:

I'm at a Christmas party on Friday and will obviously not be drinking alcohol. Anyone got any suggestions for why I'm not drinking? I can't go with the antibiotics excuse as everyone will definitely know I'm pregnant!

Don't suppose you can say you're on a diet and don't want the empty calories? That was my plan except I seem to be pigging out lately so that's out the window. Use the you have to drive home excuse? Or have a glass of whatever is being served and maybe dump some out in a sink every so often so it looks like you're drinking?

I doubt anyone would believe I'm on a diet at the moment :haha: And I haven't passed my driving test yet so the driving excuse is out of the window! I could pretend to be drinking and just dump it down the loo when I go to the toilet.

I hear ya. I was gonna use the diet excuse, but I'm quite bloated and can't stop eating so that won't work haha. Maybe you could bring flavored sparkling water and put that in your glass? Keep the bottle in your purse. It'll look like you're having some champagne or something. Or a little bottle of grape juice? Looks like red wine.
Doing/pretending to do driving seems key! Or say you have something important tomorrow or something. Really don't know how I got away with it on Saturday night, I just said I was driving/working the next day but truth is that rarely stops me
Is anyone else feeling really disconnected from their OH, DH? I'm feeling really disconnected from OH. I'm not interested in sex or cuddling or kissing or even really being touched. And it makes me feel terrible! And she reminds me all the time. How I'm not affectionate anymore and don't love her, etc. I tell her it's not true. That my body is doing a lot right now and I'm exhausted all the time and feel sick and gross and yucky, but she can't see that. All she focuses on is how it's affecting her and it makes me feel worse. I don't feel like she really supports me. She wants to be involved in this so I text her with how I'm feeling and all I get is a half assed "sorry" or "ya". And when I say I'm always tired she says I need to ask the doctor about it because no pregnant person she's known has been this tired. It's just really putting a lot of pressure and stress on me. I just want some space, but I can't tell her that because it would start a huge fight. I tell her I'm sick or tired, but all she sees is how it's affecting her and not how it's affecting me. She was great the other day and did a lot of laundry and cleaning and she will sometimes get me stuff so I don't have to get up, but then she gets I to how I'm not affectionate and whatnot and it makes me feel bad. I can't help it right now. I just wish she would support me more right now instead of focusing on how it's affecting her.

Anyone else or is this just me?
I can never keep up!

I would say you have something important on the next day or are you going with anyone, you can pretend then they can drink it for you my sis was bladdered!

I'm buying a frer and digi tomorrow for progression when do you think I should do the digi?

Frers are bog of out of boots but I know people in there don't know if worth the risk should I just get a 2 pack for progression? 1 or 2 digis?
Just got my levels back.

5W1D- HCG 709 Prog- 16.5
5W3D- HCG 1830

I know they more than doubled and I should be thrilled. I am just so scared. I wish I could just feel relief. I am not having any symptoms anymore.
My OB called and said he is fine with the results and my Progesterone was "adequate".... Ummm... Adequate??!! I don't want adequate, I want perfect or let me give you something for it. He doesn't do progesterone very often he said. I understand the reasoning behind it, I just feel helpless.

Hope you ladies are having a wonderful Monday so far.
Is anyone else feeling really disconnected from their OH, DH? I'm feeling really disconnected from OH. I'm not interested in sex or cuddling or kissing or even really being touched. And it makes me feel terrible! And she reminds me all the time. How I'm not affectionate anymore and don't love her, etc. I tell her it's not true. That my body is doing a lot right now and I'm exhausted all the time and feel sick and gross and yucky, but she can't see that. All she focuses on is how it's affecting her and it makes me feel worse. I don't feel like she really supports me. She wants to be involved in this so I text her with how I'm feeling and all I get is a half assed "sorry" or "ya". And when I say I'm always tired she says I need to ask the doctor about it because no pregnant person she's known has been this tired. It's just really putting a lot of pressure and stress on me. I just want some space, but I can't tell her that because it would start a huge fight. I tell her I'm sick or tired, but all she sees is how it's affecting her and not how it's affecting me. She was great the other day and did a lot of laundry and cleaning and she will sometimes get me stuff so I don't have to get up, but then she gets I to how I'm not affectionate and whatnot and it makes me feel bad. I can't help it right now. I just wish she would support me more right now instead of focusing on how it's affecting her.

Anyone else or is this just me?

My dh was distant last week bc he wanted to make it to 6 weeks but he's getting really excited now. He's stoked for my scan tomorrow and our dd will be with as well. And yes most pregnant ladies are super tired all the time! I am and I guarantee most of the ladies on here are super tired, too! And last week I was sex hungry but this week I want nothing to do with it especially with my nausea that's getting worse every day.

My dh knows the drill as I was the same with my last pregnancy with dd. He understands it all and how I'm feeling so he doesn't pester me at all.
Thanks greats. I feel bad and I explain things as best I can. But really I don't even want to text (anyone not just her) or talk and honestly just want to be left alone. I'm having so much anxiety sitting at work right now because I have to go pick up one of the boys from school soon and just want to be left alone and don't want to have to talk or interact with anyone. I just want to be left alone :(. I don't even put the tv or music on I just sit in the silence. I think my body is just so overwhelmed by the hormones.
Thanks greats. I feel bad and I explain things as best I can. But really I don't even want to text (anyone not just her) or talk and honestly just want to be left alone. I'm having so much anxiety sitting at work right now because I have to go pick up one of the boys from school soon and just want to be left alone and don't want to have to talk or interact with anyone. I just want to be left alone :(

Sounds like you're just having a bad day on top of feeling so yucky. If you have the money maybe go get a bite to eat by yourself for dinner and bring your oh some flowers. It'll cheer her up especially when she really doesn't understand what you're going through right now. :hugs:
Is anyone else feeling really disconnected from their OH, DH? I'm feeling really disconnected from OH. I'm not interested in sex or cuddling or kissing or even really being touched. And it makes me feel terrible! And she reminds me all the time. How I'm not affectionate anymore and don't love her, etc. I tell her it's not true. That my body is doing a lot right now and I'm exhausted all the time and feel sick and gross and yucky, but she can't see that. All she focuses on is how it's affecting her and it makes me feel worse. I don't feel like she really supports me. She wants to be involved in this so I text her with how I'm feeling and all I get is a half assed "sorry" or "ya". And when I say I'm always tired she says I need to ask the doctor about it because no pregnant person she's known has been this tired. It's just really putting a lot of pressure and stress on me. I just want some space, but I can't tell her that because it would start a huge fight. I tell her I'm sick or tired, but all she sees is how it's affecting her and not how it's affecting me. She was great the other day and did a lot of laundry and cleaning and she will sometimes get me stuff so I don't have to get up, but then she gets I to how I'm not affectionate and whatnot and it makes me feel bad. I can't help it right now. I just wish she would support me more right now instead of focusing on how it's affecting her.

Anyone else or is this just me?

Oh yeah...ME!

DH does the same stuff. One minute he is all about making me comfortable and making it so I don't have to get up, and the next minute he is mad because I am cranky and distant. I told him to imagine having a stomach flu every single day of his life and asked him how jolly and lovey he would be feeling.
I am not feeling connected with anyone at the moment except my son. Everyone is on my last nerve. I feel like everyone is being judgmental. I feel like I can't relax. I feel sick pretty much all day, every day. My depression, despite my meds, is terrible. DH is all wanting to be cuddling and I mostly just want him to go out and hang out with his friends or something. I am freaked out and worried about money and just a mental mess with not real idea how to feel better.
Is anyone else feeling really disconnected from their OH, DH? I'm feeling really disconnected from OH. I'm not interested in sex or cuddling or kissing or even really being touched. And it makes me feel terrible! And she reminds me all the time. How I'm not affectionate anymore and don't love her, etc. I tell her it's not true. That my body is doing a lot right now and I'm exhausted all the time and feel sick and gross and yucky, but she can't see that. All she focuses on is how it's affecting her and it makes me feel worse. I don't feel like she really supports me. She wants to be involved in this so I text her with how I'm feeling and all I get is a half assed "sorry" or "ya". And when I say I'm always tired she says I need to ask the doctor about it because no pregnant person she's known has been this tired. It's just really putting a lot of pressure and stress on me. I just want some space, but I can't tell her that because it would start a huge fight. I tell her I'm sick or tired, but all she sees is how it's affecting her and not how it's affecting me. She was great the other day and did a lot of laundry and cleaning and she will sometimes get me stuff so I don't have to get up, but then she gets I to how I'm not affectionate and whatnot and it makes me feel bad. I can't help it right now. I just wish she would support me more right now instead of focusing on how it's affecting her.

Anyone else or is this just me?

Oh yeah...ME!

DH does the same stuff. One minute he is all about making me comfortable and making it so I don't have to get up, and the next minute he is mad because I am cranky and distant. I told him to imagine having a stomach flu every single day of his life and asked him how jolly and lovey he would be feeling.
I am not feeling connected with anyone at the moment except my son. Everyone is on my last nerve. I feel like everyone is being judgmental. I feel like I can't relax. I feel sick pretty much all day, every day. My depression, despite my meds, is terrible. DH is all wanting to be cuddling and I mostly just want him to go out and hang out with his friends or something. I am freaked out and worried about money and just a mental mess with not real idea how to feel better.

I'm sorry you are going through this as well, but it makes me feel so much better knowing I'm not the only one! I also suffered from depression for a cpl years and was on meds, but came off them after my D&C and felt great honestly, but I think the pregnancy hormones have brought it back. I feel terrible for the boys I nanny. They get on my last nerve with everything I do. So for the most part I put a movie on for them. Which is fine the parents don't mind tv at all (if anything I try to lessen their tv time) but it makes me feel bad. Like I should do more with them. But I'm so tired and feel like such shit.

I feel the exact same. I don't want to cuddle or anything. We went out to dinner Saturday night and she had her arm on my back and it really bothered me. I don't want to be touched! But then like my dog I can't stop touching and petting and want her next to me so maybe just people are bothering me.

Thank God OH is working till 1am today so I can be alone for a bit!

This baby should have an "S" name because I'm sick and sad and sleepy all the time!
Thanks for the suggestions ladies. My sister is coming too, will be telling her this week about the pregnancy so will get her to help me pretend to be drinking.

KylasBaby - That must be really tough. I'm quite lucky that my OH understands what early pregnancy is like with this being our third baby. He understands that I just need some space for the first few weeks. I always find early pregnancy so tiring. I'm in bed by 8 pm most nights at the moment!
It's rough. I don't really know how to make it better. We have had some NASTY fights in the last week too, which is just not OK. He can't quite handle this version of me and I can't blame him. I know I can be hard to deal with. But I also feel sick a lot. And in pain. And depressed. I ate a lot of my feelings this weekend with TERRIBLE food! I know this part passes, I just wish there was some way to make it feel better.
Me too! On everything in both posts.

First tri is rough. I can only pray it gets better.
I have to,ago soup for lunch, which actually sounds really good right now, but no grilled cheese to go with it. And that makes me wanna cry. What the hell hormones?!
First tri is SO hard! :hugs: It seems to be the general agreement it's the hardest. It's so frustrating to just wait and see and hope things turn out ok! Plus all side effects and hormones...

I'm half tempted to make DH read some of these so he knows it's not just me :winkwink:
Me too! On everything in both posts.

First tri is rough. I can only pray it gets better.
I have to,ago soup for lunch, which actually sounds really good right now, but no grilled cheese to go with it. And that makes me wanna cry. What the hell hormones?!

This sounds like me! I've been crying all the time for any reason. Yesterday I came home and my OH had done all the laundry and cleaned for me so I cried. Then I went to make some toast and the bread was old and I cried again! I'm already getting sick of it. I'm generally not a very emotional person.

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