**2015 August Fireflies** 90 bundles of summer Love!

I love our fb group but yes it takes me ages to keep up with everything lol! But I love it.

I tried out my breast pump today... first time ever! Just one nice contraction after I finished and that was it. Had a few random ones all day but they were more BH.

I have my next appt tomorrow at 11:15am. I can hear my doctor now... you're still under 2cm. See you next week! Lol
Mrs Eddie that's great news!

Good luck Kyla!

At this point I feel like I can't keep up with the FB group haha. I haven't been able to keep up with FB in general. I just kind of feel like I'm in my own world at this point. Don't really want to talk to friends or family either. Maybe this is normal?

Last night I had some serious pain going on. DHs work has this expo called truck fest and he had to work it, so instead of being stuck in the house all day again, I went with him. It was fun but I just can't do much physically anymore. My low back was spasming all day and my hips were killing. I kept quiet about it all day until we got home and it seriously became the worst I've felt my entire pregnancy. DH was acting like I was being a baby so I broke down and started crying for like ten minutes. Then he finally took me serious and we went into the room and did some labor positions where he massaged my back. He said my back muscles were noticeably swollen. But the labor positions actually relieved all my pain and I was able to sleep. I hope I can handle the real labor pains. I want to go all natural so bad. It made me feel better knowing the labor positions helped so much though.

I've had terrible hip/pelvis pain for weeks now. Draping myself over the birth ball in labor positions seem to be the only way to relieve it.
Thanks Ladies, am super relieved he is head down.

Yes the FB group is definitely hard to keep up with but it is really exciting starting to see all these babies being born.

I definitely don't think my little guy will be making an appearance until sometime in August, which I am perfectly fine with. I would like a few weeks to myself before he comes. If Isla was at home with me full time I would definitely want him out NOW though :haha: We were busy this weekend and trying to keep up with her is getting a bit tough. I was chasing her around last night and started to feel quite a bit of pressure in my cervix so I stopped.

Pearly, I have no experience with access fluid so no help unfortunately. Maybe ask for more information from your practitioner at your next appointment. I've heard of people having to be induced because of low fluid but I don't think I've heard anything re having too much...

Greats, she could definitely come by August 1, hope you're appointment goes well.

Sass, sorry you're so uncomfortable. Not too much longer to go.

Mrs. H, glad you were able to get some relief re massage. I have to get my DH to do some massage techniques as well. Actually might book a massage for myself this week...

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Morning ladies! It takes me forever to get through FB in general haha. So I usually give up before I finish but I love our group.

Yes DH helped me a ton but I was pissed I had to be crying for him to take me seriously. He better not be that way in its for real.

Well I thought too that I would be closer to my due date but I just went to the restroom and had a spot of what appears to be brown blood in my underwear the size of a silver dollar..... I haven't lost my mucous plug that I know of but with all the midnight bathroom trips it certainly could of come without my knowledge. Maybe this is show?
Getting period-type cramps this evening, rocking, circling and bouncing on my ball to encourage them. Don't think they'll progress to anything but hoping they will help with effacement.
I think call your doc Mrs H they need to check what's going on??
thanks Mrs E I just hope it's nothing like greats said and doc dint seem concerned too but still hoping it's just nothing got my ultrasound booked for 4th now and next appointment for 37 weeks is on Friday 31st how's weekly appointment going on for you guys??

I have one more question ladies regarding massage after delivery has anyone got their massage done which is supposed to be good in the six weeks recovery time
Pearly, I plan on getting a swedish massage when I'm done with my postpartum bleeding!

So doctor appointment went way different than I was expecting! Am 2cm dilated, and have been having contractions every 10 mins but only lasting 30-45 seconds each since I woke up this morning. Bp was slightly elevated but nothing crazy, urine was fine, and baby is measuring big. So! Since I'm contracting, am going to labor & delivery tonight at 7pm (so long as they have a room for me!) to get helped along with some pitocin. Looks like Livia will be making her appearance either late tonight or early tomorrow morning!

I'm a little nervous but more in shock bc I wasn't expecting this at all today! Rylee is on her way to my mom's now. Car seat is finally installed in my car. Nails are done. Hubby needs to clean Rylee's room, he's doing the dishes now. Making sure our bags are all packed, then need to call l&d before 7 to make sure they can take me tonight, otherwise I'll have to wait till tomorrow morning.
Good luck greats!!! I'm so excited for you. I think it's cute you made sure your nails were done :). That's totally me lol. I can't handle my nails not looking nice. I can't wait to see Livia!!!!

Pearly I've just been taking it easy since everything else feels normal. Haven't seen anything else today either.

What's a Swedish massage? Sounds awesome. Oh and my weekly appointments have been pretty boring since they don't do cervical checks. We already addressed the big stuff so it's pretty much "how are you?" And I say "still pregnant" and that's it lol.
Ooh yay more lovely ladies getting ready for baby to come.

How exciting Greats!! Looking forward to reading about her delivery very soon.

I had monitoring this morning, baby is good and my blood pressure is better with the current medication. Had one big BH while I was in there, not too painful but definitely felt it. Almost wanted to call for my epi lol. Was a bit surreal as I had my monitoring appointment in the room where my DS#1 was born.

My sister arrives tomorrow, which will be great. Still hopeful to get through until Saturday for my induction, as I keep saying would rather not have to rush in. Will be interested in what my Obs says at my last appointment this Thursday, hopefully things are more favourable with the niggles and pains I've been having on and off. I can't remember if I wrote it before, but this is the most pregnant I've been, as I had #1 at 37+3 lol

I'm not on the facebook group so looking forward to finally seeing lots of updated baby arrivals on here soon.

Good luck everyone xoxox :flower:
Mrs H, sounds might be losing your plug. Right here, we also dont do cervical check, just some boring paperwork, bp, weight and doppler check.

Bub is still at 3/5 station, same as 2 weeks ago, so I guess I'll have an Aug firefly. Well, unlike with DS, this is not as uncomfortable, so I don't really mind still being pg. my only worry is that i'm putting on heaps of weight, like 1kg per week, and I already feel like a whale. Feeling a bit sickly with lowish bp, but everything else seems fine.

Greats,i hope u Livia is already in your arms by the time u read this.
Makes me feel sooo overdue when all these August babies are born in July!
Lian I hope it was something. Haven't had anything noteworthy since.

My stomach is really upset this morning. I didn't take my medication for ms last night so it's my own fault. I think it's weird it hasn't gone away my entire pregnancy. But hey at least I can eat now and hardly ever throw up.
Just realized today that I had DS1 at 38+4 and DD at 38+5... so perhaps I'll have DS2 at 38+6? That'd put me at August 25th. If only it worked that way...
Hey ladies! It's been forever and a day since I've been on here!!! Got to thinking about it and figured I better check in, what with babies arriving and getting closer! I am on the FB group often, but have to agree, some days it's hard to keep up! Still love it, though! :haha:

Had an appointment this morning and baby is deeply head down in my pelvis, although he has been for quite some time, now. DH hadn't made it to my last couple of appointments where they've really had to feel around down there and then find heartbeat to confirm it's his head because of how deep he is. After the midwife left, he commented how our kid's going to have an ugly cone-head being down there for this long! :dohh: :rofl:

Can't wait to see the arrival of more and more little nuggets! :happydance: :baby:
Hey ladies! It's been forever and a day since I've been on here!!! Got to thinking about it and figured I better check in, what with babies arriving and getting closer! I am on the FB group often, but have to agree, some days it's hard to keep up! Still love it, though! :haha:

Had an appointment this morning and baby is deeply head down in my pelvis, although he has been for quite some time, now. DH hadn't made it to my last couple of appointments where they've really had to feel around down there and then find heartbeat to confirm it's his head because of how deep he is. After the midwife left, he commented how our kid's going to have an ugly cone-head being down there for this long! :dohh: :rofl:

Can't wait to see the arrival of more and more little nuggets! :happydance: :baby:

My DH said the same thing!!! I was saying how he's been head down and on my crotch since 5 months and maybe that's why I haven't noticed a "drop". He said yeah he's going to come out with a cone head lol. Poor baby I hope it's not that bad. When they feel for him his head is up against my pubic bone so I'm assuming he has to be somewhat engaged by now?

I have my 37 week appt in a few hours. My midwives weren't available so I'm seeing an OB I've seen prepregnancy. I kind of want to ask for a cervical exam. I'm curious!
I'm really excited for my cervical exam today! It'll be my first since way back when I first saw the doctor at around 10 weeks. My friend, who is two weeks ahead of me with her second child, just had her first exam appointment yesterday and is 2cm dilated and 50% effaced! I'm not really expecting any super exciting news today, but just anxious to hear what the doc has to say, if anything.
I'm curious, too. The midwife I saw yesterday discussed them with me. She said they really only do them if the woman asks because she's curious or if they're feeling the need to induce for some reason. So somehow I managed to hold out, but I also know it could mean nothing for when I could deliver even if there is some dilation happening. Still tempted and curious, though. Would like to know if these BH and such have done much in that department. Who knows, maybe I'll ask next week. :shrug:

MrsH and MamaBunny, hope you both have good appointments today!
I go to my appointment in an hour. I even attempted to landscape everything all nice and pretty this morning in preparation for my visit... like the doc is gonna give a shit :laugh2: That is quite the task... I have NO idea how I managed with my other two pregnancies :shrug:

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