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Does anyone else have serious pee issues? :wacko:
I try to limit fluids before bed. Get into bed and end up peeing AT LEAST 3 times before falling asleep. Then I have a long pee during the night as well. Where does it all come from??? :shock:

yes. i actually just asked today. i literally only had sips of gatorade and she said my bladder was really full. I was so shocked.

i literally can have a cup of water and pee it all about 5 min later. I questioend why its coming out of me so fast and not flushing out my system more... she asked me if i was drinking enough. i said not really. i need to try my best to hydrate a bit more. at least we didnt pee in the bed :)

but yea. i used to be able to hold my pee so long before and now i cant. She also attributed it to the added pressure of everything inside .

also last night i drank too much before bed and when i woke up in the middle of the night, it was actually painful walking to go use the restroom. too too full!!!

i also forgot to mention some good news today. ive been having some cervical issues and today my cervix was closed :) didnt even open a tiny bit while she had to check for 30 sec. I was so happy. before i was so scared before about that

ps. is sex painful for anyone
I go through just about 2litres of water during the day. I'm in bed now and have literally gone to the loo 3 times already :haha:

I can speak 2 of our official 11 languages. I read, write and speak English and Afrikaans fluently. So I'm referred to as bilingual :D I had Xhosa as 3rd language in primary school until we moved to a school who didn't have it as part of their curriculum. I took it in high school again and sadly lost interest. Wish I stuck with it though.

Do you speak more than 1 language?
Oh I forgot to mention that Afrikaans is my home language / mother tongue and english is my 2nd language. I've know english my whole life as my grandpa was english. We always and still do have english and afrikaans as subjects in our schools. In towns where the majority of their population speak another language as their mother tongue, Xhosa as example, they would be taught in their mother tongue and english would be 2nd language.
I go through just about 2litres of water during the day. I'm in bed now and have literally gone to the loo 3 times already :haha:

I can speak 2 of our official 11 languages. I read, write and speak English and Afrikaans fluently. So I'm referred to as bilingual :D I had Xhosa as 3rd language in primary school until we moved to a school who didn't have it as part of their curriculum. I took it in high school again and sadly lost interest. Wish I stuck with it though.

Do you speak more than 1 language?

thats so awesome. how do you say hi how are you in afrikaans. and wow. i never knew you guys had 11 official languages.

meh. enlgish only and can read write speak in a couple others but far from fluent. I can understand spanish better than i can speak it . what will you speak at home with baby?

p.s , wat time is it for you right now? go to sleep :-0

random cool video


so amazing. look at the stage where the face has absolutely no features
Yip, french is one of the languages, sotho and many more. Too many for me to remember :haha:

"Hi, how are you" in Afrikaans will be "Hello, hoe gaan dit"

Baby will be taught in afrikaans (mother tongue) and have english as 2nd language. English is very universal here so it is good to be able to speak, write and read. If you don't have english you'll struggle with finding a job etc. When baby is older they can choose to learn additional languages if they're as smart as dh :)

Happy to hear your cervix is behaving. We manage sex but not as often anymore. I can't say that it hurts. So far so good. Does it hurt for you? All the time or just certain positions?

:shock: It's almost midnight here. I'm going to say good night for now. Hope you all sleep tight (when your turn comes :D )
Gaddie I Defo know the feeling, I had a MMC at my 12 week scan in may and this time round it's been awful. Every pinched or pulled feeling or not feeling as sick for the day has me so worried I think I've lived permanently on the brink of a panic attack since I found out I was pregnant again! I cried for a week solid before my 12 week scan this time round and cried all the way thru it to. MW found baby's heart beat no bother yesterday but I'm already working my self up thinking something will be wrong by the time of my 20 week scan in Feb :'(
If you do manage to find a way to relax and enjoy being pregnant please let me know, I'm struggling haha

I currently only speak two languages, English and bad English hahaha!

I always wanted to learn to speak, read and write Russian but I struggled enough with french in school!!
Maybe i'll get round to it at somepoint.........or maybe not haha xx
Yip, french is one of the languages, sotho and many more. Too many for me to remember :haha:

"Hi, how are you" in Afrikaans will be "Hello, hoe gaan dit"

Baby will be taught in afrikaans (mother tongue) and have english as 2nd language. English is very universal here so it is good to be able to speak, write and read. If you don't have english you'll struggle with finding a job etc. When baby is older they can choose to learn additional languages if they're as smart as dh :)

Happy to hear your cervix is behaving. We manage sex but not as often anymore. I can't say that it hurts. So far so good. Does it hurt for you? All the time or just certain positions?

:shock: It's almost midnight here. I'm going to say good night for now. Hope you all sleep tight (when your turn comes :D )
nice! thanks professor wunna

and thanks :)

any position lol. especially in the beginning, but its gotten better. especially before because it felt like my cervix was killing me(not to be graphic or anything, but it had nothing to do with hubby. didnt matter how gentle or light he was with me). i had gone to the er because of that and they had told me to refrain from sex for a while.

tried this morning but stopped. and forgot they had to do vaginal exam today, but even the probe was slightly uncomfortable while stickign it in. shes like further. further please. a little further lol.
sorry to make it awkward
I don't get any pain after sex but my tummy was funny for about an hour last night. Like little cramps. And once early on I had pink discharge for an hour or so after.
But Tbh I find that its much better while pregnant, must be all the blood flow!! ( sorry if tmi there )
Make my life easier too, especially not feeling like I wanna fight off OH haha x
Hi all. I'm new to this site, but I'm so glad I found you all. I'm cautiously expecting June 22, 2015 with my rainbow baby after experiencing a miscarriage from a blighted ovum in October of 2013. I'm actually needing some advice. With this pregnancy, I'm not really letting myself get excited about things. Subconsciously, I find myself feeling guilty any time I say "we'll have a baby in our house this summer" or anything of that nature. I won't let myself buy any baby things or even look at nursery ideas on Pinterest. We were getting scans/dopplers done every other week, but it's been almost a month since our last visit and I'm incredibly paranoid that something might have happened in the time we haven't seen baby. Someone tell me that this is all normal and that I'm not just paranoid and obsessive.

Gaddie, I was going to private message you, but I couldn't find the option for you! I lost my son, first pregnancy, at 30 weeks (March 7,2013). We went to a routine doctor appointment and he was already gone.

We then struggled with infertility for over a year.

I found out that I am pregnant in October. Of course, the first things to go through my mind were fearful thoughts about all of the what ifs and what may go wrong. I truly had to work to come to peace and put myself into a more positive mind frame. I had to realize that it was not anything I did wrong the first time that caused my loss. There is nothing I can do this time to prevent one. I mean the doctors will be watching closer, but I personally can just work to staying positive so that I'm not putting a lot of emotional stress on myself.

If you would like to talk more specifically or in detail please feel free to message me. I just wanted to let you know you are not alone and your feelings are completely normal! If you are in the United States, you could look into a local Share Pregnancy & Infant Loss group. I have found great comfort through my local group.
Yip, french is one of the languages, sotho and many more. Too many for me to remember :haha:

"Hi, how are you" in Afrikaans will be "Hello, hoe gaan dit"

Baby will be taught in afrikaans (mother tongue) and have english as 2nd language. English is very universal here so it is good to be able to speak, write and read. If you don't have english you'll struggle with finding a job etc. When baby is older they can choose to learn additional languages if they're as smart as dh :)

Happy to hear your cervix is behaving. We manage sex but not as often anymore. I can't say that it hurts. So far so good. Does it hurt for you? All the time or just certain positions?

:shock: It's almost midnight here. I'm going to say good night for now. Hope you all sleep tight (when your turn comes :D )
nice! thanks professor wunna

and thanks :)

any position lol. especially in the beginning, but its gotten better. especially before because it felt like my cervix was killing me(not to be graphic or anything, but it had nothing to do with hubby. didnt matter how gentle or light he was with me). i had gone to the er because of that and they had told me to refrain from sex for a while.

tried this morning but stopped. and forgot they had to do vaginal exam today, but even the probe was slightly uncomfortable while stickign it in. shes like further. further please. a little further lol.
sorry to make it awkward

Not akward :D
If I had to take a guess I would say it becomes a bit uncomfortable due to increased blood flow making it "swollen" down there? Just my guess but the increased blood flow does also make it feel so much better :haha:

I don't get any pain after sex but my tummy was funny for about an hour last night. Like little cramps. And once early on I had pink discharge for an hour or so after.
But Tbh I find that its much better while pregnant, must be all the blood flow!! ( sorry if tmi there )
Make my life easier too, especially not feeling like I wanna fight off OH haha x

I'm with you on the increased blood flow and have seen many other ladies comment on that as well :D

The tummy thing is your uterus contracting. I read that sex and or sperm can cause it to have mini contractions. Not bothering baby though.
Mine does it as well for a while after orgasm. Goes rock hard and stays like that for a few minutes before relaxing again. While it is hard a lay softly poking at it as I know baby is still fine in there. If I wasn't 'pregnant' anymore my uterus wouldn't be doing that. My opinion at least :D
I'm still waiting on my belly turning into a proper bump!!
Was having a chat with OH last night as I'm convinced I still just look like someone who's over indulged at Xmas. He says I just look prego......think he's just being nice as I'm still pretty upset about the obese comments at MW and consultant appointments.
I don't look to bad in underwear but I find clothes just make me look fat haha



Please ignore the mess, I got distracted tidying up haha xx
I think that looks like a pregnant belly. If clothes are making you look fat maybe try getting more fitted shirts? Might be a bit counterintuitive, but I've found I look a lot "thinner" (never thin...I'm a size 16/18 UK) in fitted shirts. New look have some nice stretchy maternity stuff, so it'll be quite fitted now but also still have some room for more bumpage. :) oh, and over the bump jeans (mine are from h&m) help, too, because they kind of hug your bump the way they're cut (I mean the actual jean part...where a belt would go), and the stretchy over the bump fabric means no muffin top ever! :D
I have a couple comments. First of all. U are nowhere near obese -_- .. u look fit and fine to me. Second. Congrats because that looks like a bump to me; ) .better than mine lol. Third how brave for all those tats 0_0 next thing u know it, at 8 months, ur baby's foot will be moving the animal print and it will look alive lol: ).

I am overweight and it's crazy because within first 3 months of pregnancy I lost 30 pounds and That's all they kept saying. while I was worried losing so much weight so fast without doing anything.

I do hate how my chi Chi's have gotten bigger. X_x

Yeah I'm gonna ask my ob. It hurts like in the beginning when we start. Feels good/decent in between(unless it's hitting cervix hard.idunno but it's so painful) and afterwards, it is just a tiny painful. Today I feel fine though. She did tell me couple weeks ago to try not to and let itself heal if I was too sensitive. But geesh
I think it's more because I thought I'd be clever and buy stuff that would fit all the way thru my pregnancy haha, serves me right for being cheap

I wasn't the smallest of people before so can't expect to be tiny while pregnant, even if I have lost a stone ha.
I think it's more the BMI sh!t and the obese chatter that's not helping. Not a great thing to say to a pregnant woman is it really, meanies lol x
I have a couple comments. First of all. U are nowhere near obese -_- .. u look fit and fine to me. Second. Congrats because that looks like a bump to me; ) .better than mine lol. Third how brave for all those tats 0_0 next thing u know it, at 8 months, ur baby's foot will be moving the animal print and it will look alive lol: ).

I am overweight and it's crazy because within first 3 months of pregnancy I lost 30 pounds and That's all they kept saying. while I was worried losing so much weight so fast without doing anything.

I do hate how my chi Chi's have gotten bigger. X_x

Yeah I'm gonna ask my ob. It hurts like in the beginning when we start. Feels good/decent in between(unless it's hitting cervix hard.idunno but it's so painful) and afterwards, it is just a tiny painful. Today I feel fine though. She did tell me couple weeks ago to try not to and let itself heal if I was too sensitive. But geesh

Aww thanks hun, arnt u just a dear hehe

Trust me I'd rather sit all day and get tattooed than have one single blood test! I'm such a girl haha!

Oh and that is prob just 20% of my tattoos haha! I'm covered!

Love the idea of the leopard print being alive haha really tickled me that!

Oh I love the bigger boobies ( I presume that's what chi chi's are haha) just wish they Wernt so painfull xxx
Mine were big to begin with and now it just feels too unnatural. I was always so thin and fit. After my car accident, I had gained 50+ pounds and never felt the same. It crazy because when I lost 30 pounds this pregnancy, it was the first time I had lost that much. But after the first weight gain, my boobs got big. I feel like I want a reduction.after I get more fit after baby and get back to a c like before. I started wearing sports bras after they went to dd. Yikes. I remember my mom said she was an a cup before she had me and ended up being a c cup and loved it.

Wat kind of tat r u gonna get next?
I have a couple comments. First of all. U are nowhere near obese -_- .. u look fit and fine to me. Second. Congrats because that looks like a bump to me; ) .better than mine lol. Third how brave for all those tats 0_0 next thing u know it, at 8 months, ur baby's foot will be moving the animal print and it will look alive lol: ).

I am overweight and it's crazy because within first 3 months of pregnancy I lost 30 pounds and That's all they kept saying. while I was worried losing so much weight so fast without doing anything.

I do hate how my chi Chi's have gotten bigger. X_x

Yeah I'm gonna ask my ob. It hurts like in the beginning when we start. Feels good/decent in between(unless it's hitting cervix hard.idunno but it's so painful) and afterwards, it is just a tiny painful. Today I feel fine though. She did tell me couple weeks ago to try not to and let itself heal if I was too sensitive. But geesh

Aww thanks hun, arnt u just a dear hehe

Trust me I'd rather sit all day and get tattooed than have one single blood test! I'm such a girl haha!

Oh and that is prob just 20% of my tattoos haha! I'm covered!

Love the idea of the leopard print being alive haha really tickled me that!

Oh I love the bigger boobies ( I presume that's what chi chi's are haha) just wish they Wernt so painfull xxx
I Also forgot to ask in my previous post, if any of u feel uncomfortable if hubby is on ur boob when u guys are in the mood. I don't know why, but I've started to feel icky. Especially when they hurt and throb, all I can think about is the baby feeding on them, and then I don't want them to be touched.specifically the nipple. I have a feeling I'm being weird, but I can't help the disgusted feeling: / . I haven't communicated it to him,i just say not there lol
Pink I think you are so brave with those tats!! I commented in another thread to a lady who had tattoos as well that I have the 'balls' to sky dive, bunjee jump and shark cage diving but for some reason I don't think I'll ever be able to bring myself to the point of getting a tattoo. I donated blood every 3 months before falling pregnant so it has nothing to do with needles.

Then I LOVE your bump!!! That is a bump and your tummy is nice and round so don't let anyone tell you else wise.

Also I thought I'd put this out there :hugs:
Defenition of Clinically Obese according to the Collins English Dictionary


overweight to a degree which causes medical complications

So as long as your weight does not cause health problems I would smack the next person who refers to you as obese with the dictionary. Oh and I mean literally smack them with the book - in the face - hard!
I know I talk about smacking people a lot... I don't (always) actually smack people so please don't think I'm violent.... I have a reasonable explanation for it


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