Ohh I didn't even think of asking you ladies about names! Me and oh have had our list of names ever since I was pregnant with my first. He ended up being called Kian Liam Daly (Liam being after oh's little cousin who was really like a brother tbh, who passed about the time I actually fell pregnant with Kian) our other boys name (what this one would have been called if she was a boy

) woild have been Caleb Micheal Daly (Micheal being after oh's father who passed when he was two) as you can see there is a pattern here for the Middle names being after special family members
And onto our girls names!

we originally had three "Lily, Ella and Mia" I did have my heart set on Mia tbh (Mia Fiona Daly "Fiona" after my Mum) but my friend recently had a baby and ned her Mia

So that leaves us with Ella and Lily! Atm I love love LOVE Lily the best but that may change as time goes by

so atm this little princess will be named Lily Mairi Daly

"Mairi" being after my great granny, who I actually never got to meet but she made such an impression on my Mum that my Mum (who never named any of the rest of is after anyone haha) named my little sister "Mairi Clare" after her

so Lily will also be named after her auntie as well and carrying the name to a third generation