Any other plus size pregnant ladies here? If so have any of yous had to have an extra growth scan? I am more then happy to get to see my wee bubba again on a scan tbh

but my midwife ( yes the one if any of yous remeber was rather neglectful and I ended up in hospital partly due to lack of care :S ) she's really confusing me the little times I actually get to hear from her...
A couple of months back she told me that I would need an extra growth scan due to the seveere hyperemesis I had (this was after the hospital I was sent to I think had a few harsh words for her for her neglecting me and letting me get into the state I ended up in before, after months of not being able to hold down food or water at all and collapsing several times , she finally decided to send me to hospital) anyways that was that and I was like okay fair enough I would love another scan!
Then about a month or so ago .. Well the last time I seen her tbh she went and told me again that I needed an extra growth scan (like she had forgotten she had told me in the first place or something) and she said this time it was because my first born was very small when he was born... Now I know Kian was pretty tiny when he was born tbh but at 6.15 that's almoast 7pounds and the fact that absolutely no one when I was pregnant or after he was born (midwifes , heathvisitors etc) never ever mentioned that he was small at all... And I honnestly think yeah he was little but not worryingly little in no way at all.. Just idk

it's like she totaly dismissed the first explanation she gave for me getting another scan like she never even said it or something ...? but fair enough like I said I was excited to get to see this little one in a scan again!
Now today she has confused me even more...

she phoned me today to change an appointment I have for Monday to a different location .. Anyways while on the phone I just mentioned how my 2nd scan went (which she was supposed to be at but missed) and that the sonographer said that baby looked perfect and a great size etc etc and that I mentioned to him about how I was having an extra scan at 28 weeks and how he responded with how he didn't think it was necessary as the baby was measuring perfect and no problems or anything detected etc etc and she responded to me with well the sonographer doesn't know your history ect and he's just a sonographer .. ? And that I was getting this extra scan because I started off the pregnancy plus size (higher bmi then average) and that when she will start to measure my bump it won't be accurate because I'm plus size... Now tbh that last explanation makes more sense to me completely then the previous two have! But surely the sonographer has a decent knowlage of pregnancy!

and clearly has eyes! So he would be able to see that I am plus size and would know that if it was because of that alone I would need an extra scan?? But again she acted as if she had never ever given the first two explanations and totaly bypassed it when I commented on it...
I'm just left totaly confused

I really can't wait to see my little girl again but at the same time (my little worrier tucked away inside my head

) is like why does she seem to be tip toeing around and giving me lots of different explanations for an extra scan? It almoast seems as if she is hiding the real reason or something?? < I think that is me just thinking like a worrier tbh haha but still wtf!? It's either that or she just doesn't have a clue what she is saying half the time by forgetting she's told me one thing one time and then a completely different thing the next time!?

I'm going to try shut up that worrying voice in my head though the best I can! As the two different sonographers ive had with each of my scans have said baby looks healthy

it's just a midwife shouldn't be behaving this way in my eyes? I mean saying a bunch of different shit and confusing and worrying a pregnant woman for no reason at all apart from her stupidity..

is that too harsh

Or is it just me?!