Thanks pink
Little update ... Was feeling shooting pains last night and tbh ive had a constant ache in my belly for about twoish weeks now (like that normal kind of ache you get when baby is running out of room but x10

) so I took some paracetamol as the doctor has advised me to before if it gets too much and I had only really taken it and about 20 minutes later I was in the kitchen and started to feel a bit weak so I decided to go through to the livingroom to have a wee seat and just as I was standing about to sit down all of a sudden I got all hot so much so my forehead was soaked and I started to get a pounding headache as well as my ears and eyes then the lightheadedness not worse and my vision started to blur and get black spots in my vision and then I just blacked out .... It all happened so quickly that I didn't get a chance to sit down like it happened within seconds but thankfully when I passed out I was standing infring of the sofa so just a fell back onto it..... The next thing I remember is waking up and my body being thrown foward to me being violently sick everywhere and the twisting pain in my tummy was unbearable , after that the shooting pains eased off within about 15 minutes and I was just left with an extremely achy tummy , by the time I got through to the midwife because her phone was off the first several times it tried... I was feeling a bit better so nothing was done apart from being told to rest... And for the whole of last night I didn't get one wink of sleep I was so uncomfy and extremely sore and achy and lightheaded and weak feeling that this morning I decided to phone the midwife again... And I ended up spending about 5 hours at the hospital, baby is absolutely fine as always thank god but the midwife just spoke to me like a child and said "from your urine I can tell you haven't been eating or drinking enough" to which I responded "I am eating and drinking enough as is physically possible when you are constantly being sick..." Her tone just really pissed me off and she left it like that as if it was my fucking fault!! I am so so annoyed I mean does she think I want to starve my baby or something or I'm so irresponsible as to not take care of my unborn child?! And I'm just not eating or drinking enough because I don't feel like it or something!? Arghh wtf I could have slapped her! I mean has she even taken training in midwifery!? Because she as a midwife should bloody well know when you have seveere hyperemesis it is sometimes almoast impossible to drink without spewing it back up and eating your lucky if that ever stays down! If the nhs wasn't so shitty where I stayed and a certain few people actually did their jobs properly as in putting every patience care first rather then trying to save on cost and admitting people to hospital when they actually need to be there (like for me on a drip since not able to keep anything down atm) and not leaving it to the last minute when people are dangerously poorly like they have done to several people and have done to me at the begining of this pregnancy , so many people around here wouldn't be getting so ill , it's just neglect and it seems to be happening to me again...

and there is little to nothing I can do about it
The only good thing that came out of today was I went to go see my gp who is actually one of the very few good ones and I happened to take a turn in there (lightheaded etc) so it finally happened infront of someone rather then just me and my family so he decided to take my pulse rate (which he wasn't actually going to do in the first place because the midwife said all of that was fine and the messege the doctor was apparently ment to pass onto me was how I needed to get a eating and drinking routine going... I mean are you actually kidding me

I seriously sometimes don't think she even knows what hyperemesis is...) anyways when he took it it was extremly high and he was pretty concerned tbh again baby is fine but it was me he was concerned about as he knows naturally I have a slight high pulse rate anyways so it must have been pretty high for him to be concerned about it! So he's booked an appointment for me to see the other (actually nice and caring and not patronising

) midwife tomorrow , he also said that I defginetly need bed rest till then and just to take it from there when I see midwife tomorrow , so one half of me is glad that a professional finally found something! Because I am clearly not right at all and when you are constantly told oh it's just pregnancy etc you just feel like you are being paranoid and that they think you are just making it up like some sort of hypercondriact or something

but the other half of me is like "oh crap, what's wrong" but the again at the same time at least ty have more to go on now to actually figure out what it is and hopefully get something to help! Gahh sorry if none of that made sense my head is just mush atm!

and please excuse all the typos!!
How is everyone else doing? The forun seems a lot quieter recently? Hopefully means everyone one is so busy having a good time that they have no time to sit and chat!