22yo TTC #2

Oh yes, she will be our babysitter for sure lol. Though I don't think i'll be leaving him for quite some time after he is born, esp if I breastfeed. He might be a couple months old before I can leave him with a sitter.

So speaking of swelling... last night was the worse so far. I could feel my feet were a little hot and tired feeling so when I sat down I took my socks off and my feet and ankles were quite swollen. I had kankles! lol. I kept them elevated and went to bed early and they are back to normal now but I've never had that before. I guess i'm just going to have to pay attention to that hot tired feeling and will know if my feet are starting to swell.

Nothing else new here for me. Hopeing to be called today for an interview, so will be making sure to carry my phone around and checking my email lots. (The job posting went down yesterday, so they must be getting ready to call people for interviews).

Hows the pressure feeling for you going? Can't wait to see your bump picture.
OH and I use to take it in turns if we wanted to go out because i didn't want to leave the girls with anyone else when they were babies. I have a night out planned for June for a friends birthday, i'm sure i will do nothing but ring OH to check in though lol.

I don't really know alot about swelling as i have been lucky to never have it but i do try to rest in the evenings so i'm not to tired. Glad your swelling went down, you will have to remember to rest your legs and feet.

Good luck for your interview!!! I hope it all goes well, have you prepared for it?

After cleaning this morning i had to lay down because it felt like i was cramping down below but it seems to have gone now i'm sat down relaxing. Are you feeling anymore pressure?

Anyway here is my bump pic, 1st pic is 32wks 2nd is 34wks, not much change in size but slightly lower i think? x


Did you breastfeed your girls? If you went out did you just express some milk and leave it for your OH? I haven't bought a breast pump... I might eventually but my Mom said she would just squeeze out some milk by hand if she needed to express. I might give that a try, I don't want to waste money on a breast pump if I wont end up using it. Plus, you never know that I might end up formula feeding if breast feeding doesnt work out.

Yes swelling only seems to be in the evening, or if i've been either up walking around a lot or sitting down a lot... I seem to need a good variety to help things. I'm not too concerned... I had my blood pressure and urine checked on Tuesday and things were normal. So I'll be getting it checked again next week and if there is anything wrong then I will know. Swelling is normal at this stage at least, just have to watch it I guess.

Great bump... I see what you mean, it does look like it's dropped and hasn't grown too much more. I need to take another bump picture, I might from now on do pics with my shirt up too, then I can see if the bump has dropped or not.

No cramps or pressure for me this morning so far, but it seems to come and go these days. I'm actually feeling a little swelling starting again in my hands and feet, i've probably been at this computer too long, going to have a shower and see if it helps. Talk to you later.
I didn't breastfeed my 1st because she just wouldn't take to it but as soon as she had a bottle that was it, my 2nd took to it straight away and i breastfed her for 9 months, i didn't buy a breast pump until i needed one though and i only used it a few times as i didn't go out much without her. I also did all the night feeds with the girls, OH is useless at getting up! Try and share out the night feeds if you can because they are so tiring.

Good you have weekly appointments to check these things out, my appointments are fortnightly and its a mission trying to get hold of a midwife on the phone lol.

Bump pics seem to look alot different when clothed, its strange lol. I definately feel like he is lower though because of the pressure. Can't wait to see your next bump pic.

Hope you felt better after your shower and didn't have any swelling.

Yesterday i saw about 5 people who asked when i was due, sort of sick of people asking now as its everyday lol!! Do you get this alot? x
I'm not sure DH will be able to help much with night feeds if i'm breastfeeding only, but you never know. Perhaps I can express a bottle's worth and have it ready for some part of the night that DH can do. I think I will not bother getting a breast pump until I need one. No sense in getting it now when I have no idea if Kieran will even breastfeed in the end.

Our appointments are weekly now and we just set up the next appointment before we leave. Its been working great so far, we've managed to get appointments for tuesday afternoons, so DH can take me each week (his days off are mon and tues).

I'll try and take another bump picture soon. My mom is coming over soon with the fixed curtain (we made some adjustments to it)... so the nursery should be all done! I'll make sure to take pictures this weekend and post them!

Swelling was fine for the rest of the day yesterday... I didn't go out anywhere and just took it easy so no swelling happened. I'm going out this afternoon so hoping it wont get too bad. I'm just going to keep my eye open for that hot, sore feeling in my feet, if I feel it then I know I need to sit for a bit.

Not too many people asking when i'm due. I get the odd person at work ask if I haven't seen them in a few weeks. A co-worker of mine said her children's babysitter had her baby on Monday... she was due only a few weeks before me, so her baby was only 2 weeks early (and had her in 2 hours!!). It makes me so amazed and excited that I could have my baby in a week or two and he'd only be 2 weeks early. Crazy! ... he just can NOT come tomorrow! (my dad's b-day and I don't want my baby to share that date).

So what are your plans for the weekend?
Expressing is pretty time consuming as well, thats why i just did it if i had to. OH is going to help out with night feeds etc while hes on paternity but after that he needs to be alert at work so i will be doing it all.

Its great that your appointments are on DHs day off so he can come with you. Can't wait to see your nursery pics, i haven't even started mine as i've been so busy, best get cracking before LO comes. Its a good job painting will only take 2days at the most lol!

Hope you don't get swelling when your out! Least you get a feeling so you know when to start taking it easy.

2hrs!!!! OMG!!! It is crazy to think our babies will be with us soon especially if they come early! Do you have any feelings as to when baby might come? I keep having a dream that my baby will be born on the 18th April, this is a day after my youngest DDs birthday, i'm hoping he comes around his due date of the 11th though so there birthdays are not to close.

I don't have any plans, i have been out all day today and my feet and legs are aching, so just making my girls some tea then putting them to bed so i can relax.

Do you have any plans? x
I went out with my Mom yesterday and spent the evening at her house. I did have some swelling while we were out but mostly just in my hands. It helps if I take off my jacket while walking around in the stores, my hands swell when I get warm.

I have taken my nursery pictures but I am waiting for DH to install the new camera software onto the computer before I can post them. So hopfully they will be up later today or early in the week.

I really have no idea when the baby will come. I sort of expect him to be a week or two early but thats probably more of a wish then anything. Everyone keeps telling me that first babies are usually late and that I will have an April baby... I really hope not lol. It's hard enough getting through each day now, just sitting watching tv is uncomfy without lots of pillows to prop you up straight. So I hope he comes in about 2 or 3 weeks time lol. If your baby is really late, he could be born on my birthday (April 23rd) lol. But lets hope he comes on his due date or before like me :)

So what colour are you going to paint the nursery? I remember you saying it would be something neutral, do you have a sort of theme?

I should get back... i'm in the middle of writing my Thank You cards from the baby shower and am only half way done them. Talk to you soon.
Not much longer to put up with swelling for now and its good you can still go out and do things. I'm surprised i don't get any swelling because i walk alot and do alot of tiring things!

Can't wait t see the pics, i bet it looks amazing, you must be so pleased to have it all set up and ready.

Alot of people say first babies are late but mine was 22days early, then second was only 5days early! Everyone keeps telling me i will be late because i am carrying a boy and apparently they are lazy. To be honest i think it just depends on the pregnancy not the gender. They will come when they are ready! I hope hes not that late thats 12days over lol!! I am so achy and tired already! I hope your baby comes in the next few wks so you don't go over. On the April thread i go on alot of the women are getting induced in the next couple of wks, so they will be March mums.

I am going to paint it cream, i haven't really got a theme will just probably get some pictures and bunting etc to decorate it so its not to boring lol unless i see anything else i like to jazz up the walls!

Hope you enjoyed the rest of your weekend x
Sorry, still no nursery pictures lol. DH still hasnt installed the softwear for the new camera (that we got at x-mas). I could take pictures with my Ipod but they are always so grainy. He has promised to install it today (we shall see lol).

At work today one of my co-works has said that my belly has dropped. I think she is right because in the last week I've got a lot more pressure low down and he isn't kicking my ribs quite so much. So not sure if that means he will be early, rather than late or just that he has dropped and it could be a few more weeks still. I'm getting lots more braxton hicks recently and they can be quite strong and last 15-30 seconds now, must be a good sign I think. I'm curious to see what my doctor says tomorrow when I see him. When do you go to your doctors again?

On my March forum we have so far had 8 babies! (None born in March though lol). Three of them were born before Feb 1st, the rest have been in the last few weeks. Makes me realize that it wont be long :)...all of them were due in March, so they are all early babies.

Cream sounds like a nice colour for the nursery. When you have it all set up please send me pics :baby:

Have you got anything planned this week or just a normal week? I've now officially got 8 working days left!! - This week and next, hoping I can finish before baby comes.
So I just found out that I didn't get the job :( Unfortunately the system at the college here isn't quite fair and full-time staff are considered first over part-time staff (or external people)... and since we had one full-time staff apply for the position it went to her. I'm part-time, so they couldn't consider me...even though I know the job better than anyone. Oh well, I'm trying not to let it bother me, I still have a year to find another job and it's better this happens now then me just being out of a job, I at least have maternity leave pay for the next year.

I'm a little sad but am actually relieved that I dont have to go through an interview process right now. - Just one less thing to have to worry or think about. - So i'm trying to see the positives out of this. My boss was really nice about telling me and said that next winter when I'm ready to work again that I should contact her and she will see if there are any positions open.
Sorry you didn't get the job, that doesn't sound very fair that they don't consider you first because your part-time. But its good your thinking positive, you are still entitled to your maternity pay and have a year to look around, hopefully you can contact your old boss and something will come up for you when you are ready to go back to work.

The braxton hicks and less pressure sounds like a good sign, I haven't been getting many braxton hicks lately and the last couple of days baby has not been as active, so maybe he is going through a growth spurt right now. Good luck on your doctor appointment tomorrow, let me know how it goes? I have my group b strep test tomorrow but i don't see my midwife for another week.

Wow 8 early babies on one forum, its good to know they are all doing well though.

I will definately post pics once i have painted and set everything up, hopefully it will be done in the next 2wks.

You must be excited about your maternity leave now it is so close! I don't have any plans for the week, so will just see what happens, do you have any plans? x
Speaking of Braxton Hicks lol... there goes another one. I'm still getting lots of pressure down low but it comes and goes, I didn't really notice it yesterday but have today. Neither are painful but just that I'm aware of something happening, so not sure if that is a labour sign or just my body getting prepared.

I'm actually glad they have told me about work, I at least know that if I go into labour early that they have someone here to replace me, last week I had no idea what was going on. So now I'm sort of hoping I give birth anytime lol... I'd prefer not to work this week and next but know they need me.

Not really any plans for the week. I have to train the new person tomorrow, which I think I'm feeling a little bitter about but I will put on a brave face and not let it show. I know it's not her fault and in all honesty, she is the best person (other than me) who could get this job. - she works with the full-time ECE students and I work with the part-time ECE students (early childhood eduation), so she at least knows the job - I just have to show her my side.

So not sure what it is about being at work but all weekend the baby was so quite and barely moving, today he has been kicking and moving a lot! So glad because you get that nagging feeling about if he is ok. Glad to be getting a check-up tomorrow, I always feel much better after hearing the heart beat.

Good luck with the strep b test. Will they be doing a full examination? I had a full examination when I had the step b test - probably because I was already naked from the waist down and they just wanted to get all the tests done at once lol.

Just wanted to post my nursery pictures before I forgot. I hope everything is going well with you, how are you feeling today?


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It sounds like you are getting alot of braxton hicks, i haven't had them for a while now. Maybe you are getting more because your so close to your due date now.

I can imagine you not wanting to be at work especially now you know you haven't got the job to go back to, i hope training the new person up goes well. Just think in a couple of weeks you will be starting your maternity leave and you will get to meet your beautiful baby boy!

I haven't had a lot of movement the last few days, but i did read that movements slow down in the last 8wks. I am still getting movements just not as many, but i know how you feel when you get use to them moving alot and then you don't get much at all. I don't see my midwife again until the 13th. I hope your appointment goes well today, please update!

I had my strep b test this morning and the nurse told me that it will be sent to the lab for a full check, so don't really know what it will be tested for but i have to ring for my results on friday so i will let you know then. They didn't check the baby while i was there but i didn't really expect it either because thats the midwifes job.

Your nursery looks so cute!!!! I can't wait to get mine done now i have seen yours! I was looking at nautical things today and am thinking of doing that as a theme, i think i will browse the net later for some ideas. I love the tree with the monkey and the little rocking horse, you have done a good job!

I am feeling ok today, feel a little short of energy but other than that fine, how are you feeling? x
I will be sure to update you today after my doctors appointment. I am secretly hoping they check me and say something like "your waters are just about to break, lets send you down to labour and delivery" haha... doubt that will happen though lol.

DH said last night that he is getting really excited to meet lo, which I thought was cute. I know I'm excited but I figured DH will be into things when he finally gets to hold the baby and look after him. I know he will be good when it comes time for me being in labour, he is good at calming me down when I get scared - like during those really bad leg cramps and whenever I've been sick (throwing up), I tend to panick and DH is great and helping me to breath and keeping me calm. Whats your OH like during labour?

Glad you had the strep B swab done today. Too bad they don't get the baby, thats the fun part about going to see the doctor lol. Well you only have 1 week until you see your MW.

Glad you like the nursery, I'm in love with it lol. The room looks a little small in the pictures but its actually a long skinny room.. I just didnt show pictures from the other side that has the closet and change table (not as interesting) lol. The rocking horse is actually one of DH's toys from a kid, his parents gave it to us to give to the baby, so its sort of a family tradition... I think it might be from DH's father's childhood too.

Can't wait to see pictures of your nursery when it's done. A nautical theme sounds really cool, I'm excited to see what you come up with.

AFM - got a bit of a headache that I woke up with this morning. Just feeling a little off and my tummy is feeling funny (maybe BM?)... its weird how trapped gas can really hurt your stomach at this stage. Do you find your bump is super hard these days? Mine is.
Ha ha, no that probably won't happen but you can hope lol!!

That is cute that your DH is really excited and that you know he will be a calming influence on you in labour. My OH can't wait until LO is here to, hes not starting his paternity leave until i go into labour because he only gets 2wks and he wants to spend as much time with the baby as possible. My OH panics a little en route to the hospital, i think he thinks its going to happen there and then lol but its normally a few hrs! He tries to comfort me in labour by rubbing my back and shoulders etc, which is nice as theres not alot our OHs can do to take the pain away but at least they try lol!!

It is a bit dissapointing when you go to the docs and the baby isn't checked but nevermind only 1 more week till i can here everything again. My youngest daughter comes to and she loves to hear the baby!

Our babys room looks a lot smaller than yours but it will be plenty big enough for him. I love that the rocking horse is a family airloom, i'm sure your baby will love it to.

My bump is quite hard day to day but it hardens more with braxton hicks or if the baby moves. Maybe mention things to your doctor if you are feeling a little unwell x
Oh thats so nice that your OH is so great during labour. We probably wont have much problems with DH enroute to the hospital because we live 5 mins walking distance (right across the street lol). So we might even be able to walk over during labour (if I'm able) and we wont need to pay for parking then lol. Also, if we forget anything then DH can just walk home and grab it.

My bump has always felt quite hard, it gets harder with a braxton hick and when he kicks but most of the time its very hard to the touch, not sure why or if thats normal. - could also just be the way i'm carrying him. Since he's dropped, the top of my bump (just under my breasts) is squishy, which is why i'm guessing he's dropped.

I plan to mention my new symptoms to my doctor today and i'm hoping they are just normal. - swelling, pressure, cramps and my headache today.

I love that your daughter likes to come to your MW appointments, so cute that she likes listening to the heart beat.
Yeh i'm glad he's good in labour to, but i suppose hes used to it now as well lol!! Its good that you live so close to the hospital you will be delivering at, ours is 15miles away so OH will have to drive. You won't have far to go home after to. Are OHs allowed to stay at the hospital with you after delivery? In the UK if its out of visiting hours they have to go home after we have been transferred to the ward.

I always have a hard bump, i think its harder when you are naturally quite slim because your skin is so stretched.

I think your symptoms are normal but its best to check with the doctor and take their advice. My daughter doesn't have much choice, she has to come lol but i'm glad she gets to hear the baby because it will help her bond with him before hes born, but they are both very excited and are telling everyone its nearly April so there baby will be here soon lol x
I'm actually not too sure of DH will be able to stay over night in the hospital after the baby is born. We were told that in our labour room DH will be able to stay and that we will have the use of a jacuzzi bath tub for labour, so I think those rooms will be nice. As for the recovery room, maybe thats a question I can ask today. I'm hoping its a private room and DH can stay but I'm guessing it's probably not.

I think you are right, the smaller you are the more your skin has to stretch. Have you got any stretch marks? Mine have started all of a sudden. Up until 2 weeks ago I had no stretch marks - I still put my stretch mark cream on twice a day but i've got a few marks started. The marks are on the underside of my bump and I've got one or two around my belly button.
Your delivery suite sounds amazing lol!!! Obviously we get private delivery rooms but you can hear everything down the corridors, its not to nice when its a first experience as it sounds quite scary lol! After we given birth and the midwife has checked us over we get taken to the ward and you can fit 4-6 people in each room, you get a curtain that goes round your bed area but its still not very private and you can hear everything around you, plus theres alot of people in and out, but we don't have to stay to long on the plus side.

The only stretch marks i have so far are from my 1st pregnancy and they are quite small so not very noticeable anyway, they are underneath my bikini line, at the tops of my legs and on my breasts, don't know if i will get anymore this time but i didn't in my 2nd pregnancy. I use bio-oil everyday on my belly but i think you must be very lucky if you don't get a single mark! You probably won't get many more stretch marks because you haven't got long left now. x

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