Evening all WonderWomen!
I've been being a good step mummy in the absence of my dh tonight and made sure everyone is clean and fed and homeworked

I might phone their mum and ask her for a cut of this week's maintenance

Oooooo what a bitchy primate I am!
Sarachka look at you and your beauty bump 
Well you
look smashing even if you don't feel it, though I will just say one thing-
innies are sooooo last season darling!! 
I thought that about your boobs- I thought, "Where are the two HollyMonkeys hanging round her neck?"

And like you I too had the pleasure of seeing DH with his first DAUGHTER!!! It's ace!
Holly and I are intrepid adventurers who defied the freezing grey weather today and went and played for
hours in the chateau gardens and ate lunch in a cheap supermarket canteen where she said "apple" alot, whilst nomming her apple!! Then I bought Holly NEW SHOES for the spring

She has grown a size and her feet are now a size 22 EU, the same as Henry's!!

And she got a balloon in the shoe shop for being a good girl and she nuvs it and has taken it to bed with her tonight
And I got yellow and white gingham to make a new ironing board cover
We got rained on enormously just at the end of our day, so when we got home wet cold and tired and happy we had a big hot deep bubble bath together.

Perfectus Maximus day with my best friend