Lyra still up to her acrobatics in the night?
Yep. She eventually settled last night on her tummy. I think she almost unconciously sits up and that then wakes hershe's been very sicky today and hasn't slept much so I'm hoping she might sleep a bit better tonight. Fingers crossed.
Fingers crossed here too for you
Cara is terribly sicky at the moment too. It's a nightmare sometimes. I thought it would get better as she got older but some days it's non stop. Is Lyra the same?
Lyra has got much better. I think she is more sicky than other babies (from what I see/hear) but a lot better than she was. We've had a very sicky day today though. It makes me wonder how many outfits to send her to nursery with, we've been through about 6 today. Lyra still up to her acrobatics in the night?
Yep. She eventually settled last night on her tummy. I think she almost unconciously sits up and that then wakes hershe's been very sicky today and hasn't slept much so I'm hoping she might sleep a bit better tonight. Fingers crossed.
Fingers crossed here too for you
Cara is terribly sicky at the moment too. It's a nightmare sometimes. I thought it would get better as she got older but some days it's non stop. Is Lyra the same?
On avarage I have to change Lauren's outfit about 3 times a day, my washing machine actually broke last week ! It's constant spew-gate
I think Cara is worse for spewing now that she is on solids. What about you guys? We nearly always have a repeat performance of lunch each day![]()
I am finding it very difficult, I am not "great" with sick and the smell sometimes ... Bllluurrrggghhh !
Lauren had cod and spinach for tea last night and I wa dreading it coming back up.
On a Thursday I meet with 2 other ladies with babies, those babies have been sick about 3 times in their lives ??? The babies are 3 months old ... How can this be true ?? Lyra still up to her acrobatics in the night?
Yep. She eventually settled last night on her tummy. I think she almost unconciously sits up and that then wakes hershe's been very sicky today and hasn't slept much so I'm hoping she might sleep a bit better tonight. Fingers crossed.
Fingers crossed here too for you
Cara is terribly sicky at the moment too. It's a nightmare sometimes. I thought it would get better as she got older but some days it's non stop. Is Lyra the same?
Lyra has got much better. I think she is more sicky than other babies (from what I see/hear) but a lot better than she was. We've had a very sicky day today though. It makes me wonder how many outfits to send her to nursery with, we've been through about 6 today. Lyra still up to her acrobatics in the night?
Yep. She eventually settled last night on her tummy. I think she almost unconciously sits up and that then wakes hershe's been very sicky today and hasn't slept much so I'm hoping she might sleep a bit better tonight. Fingers crossed.
Fingers crossed here too for you
Cara is terribly sicky at the moment too. It's a nightmare sometimes. I thought it would get better as she got older but some days it's non stop. Is Lyra the same?
On avarage I have to change Lauren's outfit about 3 times a day, my washing machine actually broke last week ! It's constant spew-gate
I think Cara is worse for spewing now that she is on solids. What about you guys? We nearly always have a repeat performance of lunch each day![]()
OMG Sarachka I'd go to the Emergency Unit straight away- sounds like you have vaginus pregnatus!!!
I've done my cycling which was spiffing but it's swallowed my evening somewhat and I'm off to bed now with hot sugar free chocolate and my libro Italiano :read:
Big kiss and sleep tight all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx![]()
Uh-oh... esme has never been sick! She constantly oozez dribble though-i wash an average of ten bibs soaked in slime per day if that compensates?
Cat-homer Simpson vagina just literally made me lol! Thank you![]()
Holly's never been sickI touch wood there!! She possetted a bit of milk at feeds when she was small of course, until she was about 3 months old, but nothing bile-y ever
Oh no I bet she gets a tummy bug or Henry is vom-man now I've written that
Our spews are almost all milk rather than solids, although it now smells like proper sickhow much does Cara eat at each meal?
Sorry Sarah, I never checked pre-baby. I only checked the aftermath with a mirror x
Our spews are almost all milk rather than solids, although it now smells like proper sickhow much does Cara eat at each meal?
Well, I have varied the amount I give her to see if there was a pattern of vomming and there isn't. She would keep eating until I stopped feeding her if it's something she really likes, so I am careful not to overfeed her. Types of food don't make a difference either![]()
Our spews are almost all milk rather than solids, although it now smells like proper sickhow much does Cara eat at each meal?
Well, I have varied the amount I give her to see if there was a pattern of vomming and there isn't. She would keep eating until I stopped feeding her if it's something she really likes, so I am careful not to overfeed her. Types of food don't make a difference either![]()
I'd stop feeding her horse poo if I were you. I know you collect it from Shrub as a quick vegetarian option![]()