<25 BFPs!! 12 births!! Welcome to the world turtle babies!>

Trin, big hugs to you! I hope everything settles and she's a happy milk drunk baby in no time!
The sink is dead cool, one of those old double enamel ones that lots of French houses have :thumbup: The floor tiles are naff but very practical so not a priority to change!!
I spent 1.5 hours walking around the shopping centre and then started to see stars! I guess 1 sandwich and a cup of coffee didn't cut it for breakfast and lunch.

I got Elina some adorable cable knit leggings and a super cute cardi from H & M. I also got her something else but I can't show you bc I got the same ones for Addie's twincesses too!

you need to eat at least a horse if youre going shopping! glad you got some cutesy stuff though :)
The sink is dead cool, one of those old double enamel ones that lots of French houses have :thumbup: The floor tiles are naff but very practical so not a priority to change!!

i have old lino on my floor, but like the rest of the house i dont want to fork out for it if im only here for a little while more but i am thinking of getting a new kitchen sink now....
quick question for the mummy turtles

when did ur LO crawl/sit up unaided/srtarted weaning?

Nate sits unaided now like this last week or so (7mths), started rusks in milk at bedtime at 12 weeks and food at 16 weeks staright onto 3 meals basically and has this week progressed to lumps and chunks and is doing well but hates our food so mix it 50/50 with a jar and ours:thumbup:......crawls shuffles wriggles backwards or sideways can get to where he wants like this started about 3 weeks or so ago:thumbup:

Crumb coat is finally on the cake, after having to send my dad out for extra icing sugar and butter. Lyra has cheered up too, so hopefully her clingyness was just tiredness.

D o we get piccys im so excited for your special day for your princess:happydance:

8:30 AM here and DH and I are still in bed. I am awake and he is, well I thought asleep bc I went to get my chocolate bar next to my bed to eat bc I am hungry and my back hurts 2 much to get up to go get breakfast yet and he goes "oh no no wayyyyy to early for that" :haha::haha::haha: He always catches me lol!!

:haha: i use to have snacks like that on my bedside table lol

so i dont think i did too badly with time, looking after James and Faye finally finished, sit down for 10 and then on with the rest of the house my scar aches bah

You work to hard that bedroom looked like a war zone HOW do they make that much mess ? Thats worse than my Reeces!!

Its all good now, well apart from fear of pregnancy! Basically I had to sit and agree to our whole year of having emma-marking dates, booking holiday cover etc. I did this and hated it because it feels so restrictive, but I know it needs doing...then her mum alters EVERY holiday by a day or so, out of what seems to be sheer awkwardness. We agree-she changes it again. We finalise plans-she complains it will be hard for her to have her ''much needed and deserved holiday. It is two weeks Ed, I work very hard and need child free time'' (quote from email) she is using her work holiday to be away from Emma, despite leaving her with au pair 10 days a fortnight and we have her for two!! I shrug this off, and say no, we will stick to our dates.
She then emails asking about CSA payment-she is entitled to £20 a month based on eds income, amount of time em stays here, other kids etc...she wants 80, says she really wanted 100 but is prepared to be accomodating, being that they earn considerably more than us....8 times more roughly.
So i tell ed that no, we should pay £20 as CSA worked out...no. he thinks if he doesn't pay, she won't drive to meet us.
We then basically get to a point where I tell him I can't deal with having NO money whilst he is paying 4 times what he should-i am not a money orientated person, but when it is at a point that we can no longer afford to save for wedding, to go on little caravan holiday, or buy ourselves (not kids, they get what they need) shoes-then we should not be going to this expense. He says I am being unreasonable and forcing him to decide between me and emma-NOooooo.
Dumbass. So after me telling him I won't be second rate it all finally clicks-he gets it, tells her she'll have to go through CSA, he is happy to pay his dues but would rather use the extra so we can all do something fun-her reply? ''We'll see, I think you'll be sorry'' bitch.
Soooo....that's what's been up. If it sounds petty...sorry. lol.

Not petty at all :hugs: BITCH and im behind kit:gun::grr::gun::grr: glad Ed saw the error of his thinking and put you all first for a change must be hard though glad im not in your shoes i would just beat her everytime i had a chance silly mare

helloooo well i was out tonight , wasnt out tonight , was out and yes you guessed now im not ...........my friends can all piss off if they ever call on me to go out when peed off or need a break i tell you, the best offer i got was my mum and sister and ahe has bailed to go her fellas mates house prob to watch him get pissed!! and argue and then i just bthought you know what sod ya'll i am gonna stay in on my own with my bottle of echo falls and be pissed off yet again ............all my mates are like this and im the soft bugger who goes running round or out with them when their fellas are out/away and they are pissed off with them.

I know my rant is crappy and petty compared to Lissys but hey ho you all say we can vent to each other

im sad

and my wedding shoes have come are damaged and wrong size mehhh

you and me are very much alike, always there for people but nothing in return, my 'friend' said she would make more effort this year, shes seen James twice since he was born because we went to her, she said in January il be over Weds, never turned up and havent spoken to her since :shrug: shes also with my ex cos shes that nice!
anyway you can chat to me! lol
sorry about your wedding shoes can you return them?

Tell me about it the arsey BF bridesmaid who made me feel bad and now she is one and im paying for all her stuff :growlmad:.........hasnt even been to our new house once :nope: they dont know what friends are


Kmteehoo - I sent you a PM with the new forum address, too! :hugs: You're welcome to join us there as well.
Oh yay!! :happydance: would love too if nobody minds? i know most the time im too slack to comment but ill try harder i promise

Hey kmteehoo i slack all the time but ya know KIT she is fab at daily roundups !!!! she doesnt charge much either:winkwink:

Okay all, I need to step away from the computer for a bit and a half. I'll try to be on as much as possible today, though. Fair enough seems how DH had very little 'daddy duties' this week due to activities Rhyko and I were out for. I've earned some extra 'baby free time' credits :haha:

no idea what baby free credits are in my house lol

:shrug::saywhat:what are they???

April that is one seriously messy bedroom:haha: I thought Holly was bad...before and after pics from a few weeks ago...nothing like yours though!!

Hollys room makes me feel all warm and happy, love it!

what age did everyone here start giving snacks like rice cakes and carrot sticks? i got some organix ones today, says 7months+ but was thinking of trying them. Amber has been having a couple spoonfuls of carrot, sweet potato etc once a day for a couple weeks. is it too soon?

i got those the other day too, James will be 7 months in a couple days but he loves them! hes right into his finger food and not interested in much else :shrug:
James has breakfast lunch and dinner but only a few mouthfuls at lunch and dinner unless its fruit then hell scoff the lot lol

Mr moodypants Nate loves the farleys biscotto thingys he feeds the apple ones to the dog and laughs but noms every last crumb of the choco ones munkie

helloooo well i was out tonight , wasnt out tonight , was out and yes you guessed now im not ...........my friends can all piss off if they ever call on me to go out when peed off or need a break i tell you, the best offer i got was my mum and sister and ahe has bailed to go her fellas mates house prob to watch him get pissed!! and argue and then i just bthought you know what sod ya'll i am gonna stay in on my own with my bottle of echo falls and be pissed off yet again ............all my mates are like this and im the soft bugger who goes running round or out with them when their fellas are out/away and they are pissed off with them.

I know my rant is crappy and petty compared to Lissys but hey ho you all say we can vent to each other

im sad

and my wedding shoes have come are damaged and wrong size mehhh

I'd totally go out with you tonight. We could get Jaynie too and go for a curry. I'd have to leave the dancing and drinking to you two though!

:hugs::wine::happydance:yay i have a friend at last:hugs:

Trin big :hug:to you and little missy poor bebe wish i could come over and help and i would get some company:thumbup:





quick question for the mummy turtles

when did ur LO crawl/sit up unaided/srtarted weaning?

Nate sits unaided now like this last week or so (7mths), started rusks in milk at bedtime at 12 weeks and food at 16 weeks staright onto 3 meals basically and has this week progressed to lumps and chunks and is doing well but hates our food so mix it 50/50 with a jar and ours:thumbup:......crawls shuffles wriggles backwards or sideways can get to where he wants like this started about 3 weeks or so ago:thumbup:

Crumb coat is finally on the cake, after having to send my dad out for extra icing sugar and butter. Lyra has cheered up too, so hopefully her clingyness was just tiredness.

D o we get piccys im so excited for your special day for your princess:happydance:

8:30 AM here and DH and I are still in bed. I am awake and he is, well I thought asleep bc I went to get my chocolate bar next to my bed to eat bc I am hungry and my back hurts 2 much to get up to go get breakfast yet and he goes "oh no no wayyyyy to early for that" :haha::haha::haha: He always catches me lol!!

:haha: i use to have snacks like that on my bedside table lol

so i dont think i did too badly with time, looking after James and Faye finally finished, sit down for 10 and then on with the rest of the house my scar aches bah

You work to hard that bedroom looked like a war zone HOW do they make that much mess ? Thats worse than my Reeces!!

Its all good now, well apart from fear of pregnancy! Basically I had to sit and agree to our whole year of having emma-marking dates, booking holiday cover etc. I did this and hated it because it feels so restrictive, but I know it needs doing...then her mum alters EVERY holiday by a day or so, out of what seems to be sheer awkwardness. We agree-she changes it again. We finalise plans-she complains it will be hard for her to have her ''much needed and deserved holiday. It is two weeks Ed, I work very hard and need child free time'' (quote from email) she is using her work holiday to be away from Emma, despite leaving her with au pair 10 days a fortnight and we have her for two!! I shrug this off, and say no, we will stick to our dates.
She then emails asking about CSA payment-she is entitled to £20 a month based on eds income, amount of time em stays here, other kids etc...she wants 80, says she really wanted 100 but is prepared to be accomodating, being that they earn considerably more than us....8 times more roughly.
So i tell ed that no, we should pay £20 as CSA worked out...no. he thinks if he doesn't pay, she won't drive to meet us.
We then basically get to a point where I tell him I can't deal with having NO money whilst he is paying 4 times what he should-i am not a money orientated person, but when it is at a point that we can no longer afford to save for wedding, to go on little caravan holiday, or buy ourselves (not kids, they get what they need) shoes-then we should not be going to this expense. He says I am being unreasonable and forcing him to decide between me and emma-NOooooo.
Dumbass. So after me telling him I won't be second rate it all finally clicks-he gets it, tells her she'll have to go through CSA, he is happy to pay his dues but would rather use the extra so we can all do something fun-her reply? ''We'll see, I think you'll be sorry'' bitch.
Soooo....that's what's been up. If it sounds petty...sorry. lol.

Not petty at all :hugs: BITCH and im behind kit:gun::grr::gun::grr: glad Ed saw the error of his thinking and put you all first for a change must be hard though glad im not in your shoes i would just beat her everytime i had a chance silly mare

helloooo well i was out tonight , wasnt out tonight , was out and yes you guessed now im not ...........my friends can all piss off if they ever call on me to go out when peed off or need a break i tell you, the best offer i got was my mum and sister and ahe has bailed to go her fellas mates house prob to watch him get pissed!! and argue and then i just bthought you know what sod ya'll i am gonna stay in on my own with my bottle of echo falls and be pissed off yet again ............all my mates are like this and im the soft bugger who goes running round or out with them when their fellas are out/away and they are pissed off with them.

I know my rant is crappy and petty compared to Lissys but hey ho you all say we can vent to each other

im sad

and my wedding shoes have come are damaged and wrong size mehhh

you and me are very much alike, always there for people but nothing in return, my 'friend' said she would make more effort this year, shes seen James twice since he was born because we went to her, she said in January il be over Weds, never turned up and havent spoken to her since :shrug: shes also with my ex cos shes that nice!
anyway you can chat to me! lol
sorry about your wedding shoes can you return them?

Tell me about it the arsey BF bridesmaid who made me feel bad and now she is one and im paying for all her stuff :growlmad:.........hasnt even been to our new house once :nope: they dont know what friends are


Kmteehoo - I sent you a PM with the new forum address, too! :hugs: You're welcome to join us there as well.
Oh yay!! :happydance: would love too if nobody minds? i know most the time im too slack to comment but ill try harder i promise

Hey kmteehoo i slack all the time but ya know KIT she is fab at daily roundups !!!! she doesnt charge much either:winkwink:

Okay all, I need to step away from the computer for a bit and a half. I'll try to be on as much as possible today, though. Fair enough seems how DH had very little 'daddy duties' this week due to activities Rhyko and I were out for. I've earned some extra 'baby free time' credits :haha:

no idea what baby free credits are in my house lol

:shrug::saywhat:what are they???

April that is one seriously messy bedroom:haha: I thought Holly was bad...before and after pics from a few weeks ago...nothing like yours though!!

Hollys room makes me feel all warm and happy, love it!

what age did everyone here start giving snacks like rice cakes and carrot sticks? i got some organix ones today, says 7months+ but was thinking of trying them. Amber has been having a couple spoonfuls of carrot, sweet potato etc once a day for a couple weeks. is it too soon?

i got those the other day too, James will be 7 months in a couple days but he loves them! hes right into his finger food and not interested in much else :shrug:
James has breakfast lunch and dinner but only a few mouthfuls at lunch and dinner unless its fruit then hell scoff the lot lol

Mr moodypants Nate loves the farleys biscotto thingys he feeds the apple ones to the dog and laughs but noms every last crumb of the choco ones munkie

helloooo well i was out tonight , wasnt out tonight , was out and yes you guessed now im not ...........my friends can all piss off if they ever call on me to go out when peed off or need a break i tell you, the best offer i got was my mum and sister and ahe has bailed to go her fellas mates house prob to watch him get pissed!! and argue and then i just bthought you know what sod ya'll i am gonna stay in on my own with my bottle of echo falls and be pissed off yet again ............all my mates are like this and im the soft bugger who goes running round or out with them when their fellas are out/away and they are pissed off with them.

I know my rant is crappy and petty compared to Lissys but hey ho you all say we can vent to each other

im sad

and my wedding shoes have come are damaged and wrong size mehhh

I'd totally go out with you tonight. We could get Jaynie too and go for a curry. I'd have to leave the dancing and drinking to you two though!

:hugs::wine::happydance:yay i have a friend at last:hugs:

Trin big :hug:to you and little missy poor bebe wish i could come over and help and i would get some company:thumbup:

i dont know how they do it, although i went upstairs after a while as Faye was playing and she had already made a mess! i told her to tidy up after herself and she sat crying and sulking saying she didnt know where she got it from, hmmm yeah right, not having that so i said she HAS to do it otherwise she cant play! put my foot down lol mean mother haha
LOVING your hair!
Hayley you look positively DASHING! What a beautiful turtle you are!! :kiss:
Hayley!!! You look stunning, I love your hair :cloud9: No comparison with the babyswimmers look I bbm'd you about earlier!!

Sorry about the night in afterall :hugs: Nights in are the new nights out anyway :thumbup: Going out is sooo last season, like innies SARACHKA :tease:

HAYLEY SENT ME A WONDERFUL PACKAGE OF HENRY THINGS TODAY! There is a pair of little pale blue dungarees that my orangutang will have to model methinks...:happydance: Thanks again Hayley, you've all been so generous to my munkies :hugs:

I am knitting, promise :haha:
I can't bring myself to delete this photo from my computer- my first Henry squinter!!


  • 002.jpg
    6.6 KB · Views: 5
you and your hair both look looooovely


Hayley you look positively DASHING! What a beautiful turtle you are!! :kiss:


Hayley!!! You look stunning, I love your hair :cloud9: No comparison with the babyswimmers look I bbm'd you about earlier!!

Sorry about the night in afterall :hugs: Nights in are the new nights out anyway :thumbup: Going out is sooo last season, like innies SARACHKA :tease:

HAYLEY SENT ME A WONDERFUL PACKAGE OF HENRY THINGS TODAY! There is a pair of little pale blue dungarees that my orangutang will have to model methinks...:happydance: Thanks again Hayley, you've all been so generous to my munkies :hugs:

I am knitting, promise :haha:

:hugs:you always look a hot mama:thumbup:
your welcome the t-shirt was what sezi sent for mr nate with the turtle on:thumbup:

even reece is deserting me scoffing his chinky and sodding off for a sleep over :nope:

Trin she looks so peaceful you wouldnt think she was a screamy madam:hugs:
ah what Essie? x

About to Kill my brother.

Essie what;s your brother done?

He's in a bad mood and taking it out on Lyra. First she was happily babbling away, he was watching tv and said "can't you stick a dummy in her or something. Shut her up". And he refuses to smile at her at all, just glowers. I understand he's in a bad mood, but she doesn't understand that. She reacts to smiles and happy talk. It just makes me sad that he's seeing his niece for the first time since Christmas and he's wasting that time.

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