Hayley I now have 2 turtle t shirts because Sarachka sent me one too!! And when I saw it I thought "wow another turtle t shirt how appropriate and what a coincidence!"! That explains the coincidence- Sarachka has a stash of turtle t shirts under her bedIt's a different colour I believe though.
Essie that's beyond shitty of your brother. How old is he? He sounds v immature.
I can't bring myself to delete this photo from my computer- my first Henry squinter!!
Essie he's a bit rude to do that in your house no?That he's not interested in the baby is one thing, but that he complains about her is going a bit far
I'd kick him in the bum
ah what Essie? x
About to Kill my brother.
Essie what;s your brother done?
He's in a bad mood and taking it out on Lyra. First she was happily babbling away, he was watching tv and said "can't you stick a dummy in her or something. Shut her up". And he refuses to smile at her at all, just glowers. I understand he's in a bad mood, but she doesn't understand that. She reacts to smiles and happy talk. It just makes me sad that he's seeing his niece for the first time since Christmas and he's wasting that time.
Essie he's a bit rude to do that in your house no?That he's not interested in the baby is one thing, but that he complains about her is going a bit far
I'd kick him in the bum
Thing is I know he is interested, it's just his bad mood. He's always texting asking how she is and asking for photos. And he's put her as the beneficiary for his life insurance too.
Hayley I now have 2 turtle t shirts because Sarachka sent me one too!! And when I saw it I thought "wow another turtle t shirt how appropriate and what a coincidence!"! That explains the coincidence- Sarachka has a stash of turtle t shirts under her bedIt's a different colour I believe though.
oopsie sorry sezi
i thought it would be nice to pass it on to a fellow turtle chap hope your not mad
I can't bring myself to delete this photo from my computer- my first Henry squinter!!
Don't delete it! Post it in the Wee Stick forum at our new home! Then there it will be forever!![]()
essie i thought he was good with lyra when he came home at xmas?