I'm not sure where to write...a paranoid part of me thinks what if I go to other one and they all come on here or vice versa?! Lol.
April i have a high pain threshold I found it more uncomfortable than period pain at it's lowest, and the same as appendicitis when it got bad enough that I went to hospital. I agree with Sarah-live a little and up your dose! That is what pain relief is for!
Trin, Tori is so gorgeous

she's making me question my celebration at bfn ha ha!
Hayley sorry you are having crappy time, have you sorted shoe issue with wherever you ordered from?
Essie, my brothers can sometimes be like that-it IS annoying, but the thing with men is....they are just little boys really-especially the brother variety. I bet if you remind him of this in few years he'll be shocked he ever did it...still very rude though, and sad when all you want siblings to do is dote on lo.
Well done Luna for all your hard work setting up new forum

I can just about upload a photo lol, I'm very impressed