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26 yr old TTC #1...Anyone wanna be buds?

Yay! Beautiful scans Bookity! So glad you are feeling better and that the prescription is working.
Cool pics! DH started reading What to Expect When You're Expecting....kind of hilarious to watch him read it. Hope you girls are feeling better. We will all be in the 2nd Tri in MAY! So happy MAY!!!!!!!
Finally got around to correcting my ticker. Yay, I've got a lime!
Hi Girls! I am 12 weeks! I am a little nervous because ALLLLLLLL of my symptoms are gone. The extreme fatique, the sore breasts, the getting sleepy after eating. It is scaring me a little bit. I think I am paranoid! I don't know?!???

I haven't had any bleeding but I do have cramps almost every day. I have had weird cramps off and on for the past two days. Not like period cramps but like pulling. I still have 2 weeks til my apt. and I am freaking out. :(
You're at the pout where the placenta is taking over the job of taking care of baby, so less hormones. That could cause you to feel a lot better. Try not to worry. Also I think baby starts to grow faster around noe so the cramping is probably making more room for baby. You've got a plum now!

I've been on zofran 4 days now. Too afraid to go off of it and see if the nausea has improved. Maybe next week.
I heard that 2nd tri you feel better...just hard not to be nervous lol. 1 and a half weeks til my next apt!

Hope you girls had a wonderful weekend. I had to work all day Saturday and then we went up to my families cabin. My grandma is so happy for us and I got special treatment all weekend lol. She said enjoy it now because it only happens with your first! lol
My husband worked this last weekend so it was a little lonely for me. On the bright side, I haven't puked for a whole week now. I have come close a few times, but I'm doing much better than before.

So happy to be getting closer to second tri all the time. I still have to tell my parents and brother, then facebook will follow soon after. I thought it might be fun to do a mothers day reveal, but I probably won't. I keep worrying about appearing insensitive to my brother and sils recent loss.
Yeah that is hard to decide what to do after you know someone who has had a loss. Someone I am friends with on FB and use to work with lost her twin boys last year at 20 weeks and she just lost another boy at 16 weeks last week. She has no babies :( I feel so bad for her.

So I posted on FB I was pregnant but I don't post anything about cravings or how I feel or anything like that. I have a girl on my fb who I went to HS with and she posted at 5 weeks and she posts EVERYDAY about something. She is 9 weeks and already has belly pictures up. It is kind of annoying to me and I don't know why! LOL. Why is it bugging me?

Also DH little brother's girlfriend who is pregnant posts a bunch of stuff on FB too. He had to tell DH's parents and they are devestated as his family is very very conservative. I did the math and I don't think the baby is his. We would all be very happy if that were the case.

Sorry thanks for reading my rants!!!! Have a great day!
With my first I tried to keep my preggo posts to a minimum because my sister has been trying so long for a baby I didn't want to rub anything in her face.

Yeah, my SIL lost her girl at 25 weeks. She had major heart and other issues. Its been very difficult on her and my brothers relationship. Part of me worries about the news causing more strain for them. But they obviously have to find out at some point. She was due in May too so it might be especially hard on them.

Curious toknow what it is about the dates that don't add up..
I also want to know the dates. You have so much drama LOL!

I'm sorry Bookity, I also don't want to really say anything on FB in case I hurt anyone's feelings.

Here's my rant for the day. I am losing weight but my butt MUST be getting larger. I hate the fact that my panties seems to be creeping in lately and I cannot find a comfy pair to wear. I'm also refusing to buy maternity panties and don't want to spend the money to go one size up at Victoria's Secret! I just want a pair that covers it all!! AHHHH
Well orginally she was 2 and a half weeks ahead of me and she just went to her second appointment and she is only 1 week and a few days ahead of me. I guess she slept with someone after DH's brother.

So I did the math and figured the weekend I concieved and when she would have gotten pregnant and according to my math she got pregnant one-two weeks before I and she did the deed with DHs brother 3 weeks before that. He doesn't believe DH and I's math but he did say she is now nervous it isn't his after her last appointment.

I really hope it is not his. She was tricking him into having a baby (well they both were dumb) but serves her right for having sex with whoever just to have a baby at 19. It makes me sick thinking about her.

Thanks for listening to my rant again! haha
13 WEEKS! YAY! lol. I got scared this week with all the back cramps and over pain I was having and how hard and tender my stomach was so I had to call the doctor for the first time. A nurse called me back and said it was prob just constipation and stretching pain lol. I felt dumb!
Hey, if you're ever concerned it's important to call. Always better to be safe than sorry y'know? I'm glad everything is okay with you and congrats on 13 weeks. I'll be there on Wednesday! You're just a hop, skip, jump away to the second tri!!!

I have had some problems with my anti-nausea stuff not working as well as I would hope this week. I was puked Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday and until I wake up tomorrow morning I'm not convinced I won't tonight also. :( I find that if I take a dose late or don't eat quite when I should I'm getting sick. So much for the nurse telling me I only to take it "as needed" It seems like if I don't stay ahead of it I'm screwed. I'm really hoping nature will improve things when I move into the second trimester.

I told my mom about baby number 2 Wednesday and she told me she was sick her whole pregnancy with me (Please say it isn't so!). Anyway, just have to tell my brother (probably sometime next week), I think I'll leave it to him to tell his wife however he thinks is best. Then tell my husbands god-parents (they are very close with his family), then facebook is probably the next step.
Told my husband's godparents yesterday. It was nice to tell someone on Mother's Day. Probably waiting til the end of the week to tell my brother. He works 2 jobs so I'm going to wait until hes got a day off to rest.

Also, my second appointment is a week from tomorrow!

DD slept badly again last night, I am soooo tired!
Yay for telling people :). I am so nervous for my apt again.

Since I stand for 8 hours at work on Saturdays my feet have started to get puffy. It is sooo weird. I think I need to start sitting at work. I am only 13 weeks! DH's sister who is a nurse said it is common starting the second tri to get puffy feet if you stand or sit too long.

Hope you guys had a good mothers day!
I never noticed puffy feet with dd, and I did a lot of standing in my job. Everyone is different though.

Went to refill my nausea mess today and found out I cant for another week. I have enough left for 2 days. So I skipped a dose today and then lost my dinner. Really hoping 2nd tri goodness kicks in soon.

Also hoping for a better night of sleep.

I had so little to complain about with my first pregnancy, now it seems that's all I do. Sorry to be such a negative Nellie.
Oh no. :nope: I'm sorry they won't let you refill your medicine sooner. I can't go grocery shopping anymore as all the mingled smells of the food make me start to feel really sick. Plus the "morning" sickness is completely gone and it's become only "evening" sickness now that can be stopped by taking a hot bath and going to bed. I have no clue whats going on with me any more.
I went grocery shopping for the first time in a month and a half last Friday. It was so hard for me to even go in there. It was just easier for me to pick up or order a sandwhich from somewhere then me put it together and go into the store to get ingrediants. DH would always want to grill and I feel so bad bc that didn't sound good at all :(

I will bring up my swelling feet to my doctor on Thursday at my apt. I am not looking forward to working (Standing/walking) for 8 hours a day this summer with no air. Last night I had to leave work early, first time I have had to leave work bc of being sick. I was sooooo sick...it was 89 in the gym and I felt dizzy, sweaty, and stomach ache. It was awful!!!

Some days I say to myself...why did you get pregnant! Then others I am like ahhh it's not so bad! hahah!
Hello, I started posting to find a TTC buddy but since you already posted around the sametime as me, I thought it would be best to ask you.

Im 28 years, currently 2 month TTC. i usually have a 29 cycle. Last month I used an app from my iphone that gave me an estimate of my ovulation day. We baby danced the whole week but i got AF two weeks after:-(

This time I decided to but the strips too!! I got 40 ovulation and 20 pregnancy strips. I also bout the clear blue sticks. All for a good price.
Anyways, my last period started on April 25 and I was suppossed to ovulate on May 10, however on May 10, I had a positive ovulation test with both the strips and a smiley face with the clear blue sticks. We BD that day and the following 2 days so Im hoping for the best. Im suppossed to get AF on around May 24 so I will post my results.
Good luck clavier!

I don't much care for the grocery store smells either (particularly around the meat counter). Though I did like the smell of the bread aisle, lol. Mostly my husband does the shopping, but sometimes I just want to get out of the house.

I hope this summer isn't too hot Erika! Do you have fans at work? Are you able to sit if you need to?

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