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26 yr old TTC #1...Anyone wanna be buds?

Yeah I am up 8-12lbs (depending on the day)...I know how you feel. I am going to try hard to not gain much in the second tri! Hope it works! Glad apt went well Book! Are you feeling better yet?

I had a scare yesterday. I woke up at 3 am with shooting pains on my left side and they kept coming and going all day so I called dr at 2 pm yesterday and they had me come in asap. I was soooo nervous and scared. Well all is good and I heard baby's hb again and it even kicked the machine and moved away (doesn't like to be poked lol). They think it was just round ligament pain and I pulled my groin a few days ago so also pain radiating up from that as well. Scary moment for me. I cried the whole way to the drs.

Hope you guys are well!
Wow, that would be really scary! I'm glad everything is okay with baby. Hope you feel better soon too.

Good luck keeping the weight gain down, but don't feel bad if you can't. Baby is going to start growing like crazy soon.

I am noticing i feel a bit better in the last couple of days. Hopefully i will be up to my walking workout again. I really need to get more active. Been thinking about making a trip to the YMCA sometime after Memorial Day, but not sure yet. I wouldn't want to go alone.
Awesome appt news Bookity!

Erika how scary! I would have been out of my mind. I'm so glad everything turned out okay though. Keep us updated.

I have an appt next Wednesday but since I turned down the early screenings I'm not sure what will actually happen this time.
It was scary! I have another appointment June 11th...the day my twin sister comes to visit. I haven't seen her since last July during my wedding. She lives in California. Then two weeks after that I have my big ultrasound! I have 4 and half weeks til I know if babe is a boy or girl....Although I already know it is a boy....hahaha

I keep having boy dreams! Have you girls had any dreams?

Also I have started to not be able to sleep very well. I am always hot, so hard to sleep on my side, my hands are falling asleeping, and I just can't seem to get comfy.
I had a dream where i was holding a brown eyed baby. Don't know if it was a boy or girl though. Brown eyes would be expected, that's what my husband has. DD definitely has my eyes though (a little bit of almost every color).

I just feel really sure I'm having a boy this time. I told the OB that at my appt and she referred to baby as he when she found the heartbeat. Can't wait to find out in 6 weeks or so.

I did hear an old wives tale that if you dream the baby is one sex it will be the opposite. Of course you could be right.

Oh, I made chocolate covered strawberries tonight. Yumm.
That is yum!

I feel sure we are having a girl. If I make a list of all the people DH and I know who have children their first has been a girl about 90% of the time. Also it's a joke that the career field that DH was in with the Air Force means that we are having a girl and due to the fact that I would really rather have a boy, just means it will be a girl. The deck is pretty much stacked against me. Oh well, I think girls have prettier clothes and picking a girls name is more fun than picking a boys name.

Speaking of names, I am name crazy...and of course DH doesn't agree with ANY OF THEM!!!
Girls clothes are cuter! Boys clothes aren't bad, but it's so fun dressing up a girl. Did you ever look up the chinese gender prediction chart? "Supposedly" it's right 90% of the time. Mine says boy for this one. So it agrees with me.

Names were hard for us too. I think the name we chose was the first one my husband didn't object to. He decided shortly after Michaela was born that if we have another girl her name will be Vanessa. I'm not a super fan of the name, but I know I'll love it if that is my daughter's name. But it's all moot because I'm gonna have a boy this time!
I like the name Vanessa, but I've always been a fan of names ending in "A".

Oh yeah the gender prediction chart calls girl for me...so another reason I think it will be one. I used it to backdate all of my moms pregnancies and it was correct for her each time too!
I keep getting different answers with the gender predictions! We would really like a boy first so our future kids can have a big brother :)

My twins name is Vanessa :) We call her Van, Ness, Lock-Van-Ness (my fav lol). Vanessa is a pretty name.

I have had a named list started for about 3 years and DH has a hard time with any of my names lol.

Girl I have-
Lucia Marie or Audra Marie

Boy I have-
Bennett James or Dalton James

DH loves the girls name (He really loves Lucia and can picture us yelling her name lol) but he is alot harder with boy names! I agree they are harder!
We are considering Benjamin for a boy. My only problem is my husband hates shortened names and I know I would call him Ben at some point. It seems a little unrealistic to expect a kid to never have a nickname.

Also considering Liam. We've got some time to think about it though.
Love Benjamin, not a huge fan of Liam.

Love Lucia, not a fan of Audra (as this is my cousins name and I dislike her)

Right now I am stuck on Alexandra Nicole for a girl and Brough Anthony for a boy. Also I love the name Flora Sophia but DH vetoed that one immediately. I can dream right?

Story behind the name Brough (pronounced Bruff) it's a vintage motorcycle brand from England and Lawrence of Arabia owned a few. DH is a HUGE motorcycle buff and I got to see one of these bikes in person. They are this amazing looking cafe bike and most are worth over $100,000 (Jay Leno owns one). Anyway, I LOVE the name, but DH refuses to let me name a kid after a motorcycle. But to me it's a name that no kid is ever going to have and I think it's pretty awesome, which means it's probably not.
Haha oh the name game! My DH is very difficult. In four weeks when we find out gender I should just have him make a list and see what he comes up with lol.

How was your long weekends? We went up to our cabin so we were gone from Friday until last night. Weather wasn't very nice so we didn't get much boat time but I did get to hang out with some friends. So it was worth it!
How much fun!

I made DH go with me to look at strollers over the weekend. I plan on researching as much as I can, but it doesn't beat actually getting to try them out in person. Plus I refuse to be trying to fold and lift strollers when I'm 7-8 months pregnant like some of these women. It seems slightly unrealistic, like you aren't going to look like that when you're trying to do this for real. I wanted to love the uppababy vista but I hated it. I really don't want to get a travel system, and I'm so cheap that my rule is I'm buying one stroller so it needs to be a lightweight plus. DH had more fun than me trying to flip strollers sideways and crashing them into things. He said he was testing "impact".
Hope everyone has a great weekend. Not much to say here... except I'm feeling less sure of my boy feeling. Might be a girl after all. Got a bit over a month before I find out!
Yay! I have my next apt in a week and half and 4 weeks til my big ultrasound!!

Hope you guys have a good weekend. I work all weekend and am babysitting my cousins after work. Weekends go by sooo fast....only 2 Saturdays left of work!
My next appt is just over 2 weeks away. Time is flying by. I think my morning sickness is the smallest bit better, but I still use zofran to get me thru the evenings and have had a couple nights where I got sick after it wore off. Bummer. I hope it disappears completely soon.
Yeah no kidding! That sounds awful! I keep having flutters in the same spot the last week or so. When I don't feel it I completely freak out. I am sure it is baby. I always felt ovulation pain too so maybe I am able to feel baby early??

I feel uncomfortable already...like not myself. When I sit on the floor it is hard to get up! When I walk up stairs I am out of breath! Is this normal for only 16 weeks? I am still getting kankles. DH and I babysat last night and my 5 year old cousin said "you look fat but its because you are pregnant" I took it really personal lol. I don't want to look fat! I am going to start exercising more this week I think.

My boobs have started to look weird as well! I am sure this is normal lol. It freaks me out a bit tho!
22 days until my U/S!!! What should I have for lunch?????
Getting closer! Can't wait to hear if you're blue or pink. I've got a month or so before I find out. Two weeks until my next appointment. I'll be happy to hear the heartbeat.

I've started feeling a bit better lately. Haven't taken my zofran for 2 going on 3 days! Finding if I start feeling nausea, if I drink a glass of cold water I feel much better. And water used to be a top nausea offender. Progress!

Enjoy your lunch!

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