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26 yr old TTC #1...Anyone wanna be buds?

Good luck Clavier!

I had my DH do the shopping and he came home with alll meat and frozen corn dogs and ect lol. He hates grocery shopping so we went 3 weeks without going at all lol.

I can sit I just feel so lazy sitting while I coach. We do have a big industrial fan and I think I will have to sit. My dr was a little concerned about me standing for 8 hours a day in the heat. But it is only 3 and a half days a week so I should be ok. I am going to by an exercise ball I think so I can just bring it around with me and when I need to sit I can sit on my ball.
Alrighty ladies....45 mins til my apt...I am soooo nervous for some reason. Whew I need to calm down lol. Good thing DH is coming with me. I will update how it went after. I am just so scared to get horrible news :(
Good luck Ericka! Take a deep breath, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Good luck at your appointment, hope all is going smoothly!

Got my appointment Tuesday! Hoping to hear a good strong heartbeat.
This apt was with my OBGYN who I haven't seen since last November. It was very fast. They did bp, height , weight, measured my uterues (not sure how they did that lol), and listened for heartbeat.

She kept saying we were hearing mine but then we heard this faint quiet beat and it kept moving around and so she said that was baby. She said hb was 140. I kept asking if that was for sure the baby because I don't want to worry lol. She said yes because it was faster than mine (which we kept hearing) and that it kept moving so she said it was baby!

I am such a worrier! Next apt is June 11th! Then the big u/s June 27th!
YAY! DH surprised me with a doppler so I could stop freaking out that something might be wrong. Now it's a game to find "ninja baby" at night and it's getting much easier to find as the weeks go on. We always catch it really low (like embarrassingly low), and right in the middle, sometimes off to the left but it's such a different sound than mine when we do hear it. Baby does not like being pushed on or listened to though because he always moves away and I have to track him down again. When people describe them as "swimming away" I always get this really creepy image in my head of a little grape sized baby wearing a scuba mask doing the breast stroke around my uterus. Like obviously I know they don't "swim" but I cannot get that freaky thought out of my head.
Also, Erika, are you going to do the Down Syndrome screening test that is a blood sample and ultrasound I think? Part of me wants it because I have to know everything, but another part of me says I really won't care because no matter what the results are it's not going to change the fact that I'm having a baby so why waste time getting tested.
Haha. Yeah it put my nerves to rest for a little bit. I just want an ultrasound!

No we are not doing the downs or quads testing. After talking to my nurse prac. we came to the conclusion we aren't going to change anything if there is something wrong with baby. She said personally she thinks it is a waste of money as our insurance does not cover it. Plus if they tell you a TINY chance of something wrong you will obsess over it the whole pregnancy. I already have enough to worry about so I we will be passing on those tests.
That definitely helps put my mind at rest. Sometimes it's made to sound like EVERYONE gets the tests and if I don't I'm a horrible excuse for wanting to be a mother. I've also been reading that they are wrong a lot of times as well leading to constant worry and in the end nothing actually turns out to be abnormal.

I called the birthing center and have my first appointment with them on May 30 YAY. I'm not exactly sure what's going to happen but I guess we will see. I'm super excited to do the whole midwives, natural birth, out of hospital thing.
I have a friend on fb who did a home birth last October and had the best experience. I just know I can't handle pain so I am planning on getting the epidural lol. I want to be in a hospital in case something goes wrong. That is just me. I applaud all women who do natural births!
The nurse prac also told me that she rarely has anyone choose to do the screening tests now. More people just wait If my child is going to be born with special needs it was meant to be is how I look at it. I will be happy with any child :)
I didn't do the scans the first time and I'm not doing them this time either. I don't want to spend my pregnancy worrying. So glad to have found people with this stance. It feels like everyone else here is getting them. Part of me is jealous that they get to see their babies again, though.

Glad your appointment went well, Erika! Hope mine is all good next week.
I am sure your apt is wonderful next week. Mine was boring. Haha. But I am glad that I feel a little better that my Doc wasn't worried so I assume everything is fine.

DH and my kitty cat LOVE each other. It is sickening lol. He holds her like a baby and she follows him like a puppy dog. He even kisses her. I keep making jokes about how is he ever going to love a baby more than Coley the cat.

On another note, DH and I just went to Red Robin for dinner (yum!). I felt horrible because the waitress who was serving us was HUGE preggers. I told her I felt bad someone way more pregnant than I was running around waiting on me lol. She said don't feel bad she was 2 cm dilated and she was trying to have her baby haha. We made friends with her and she made us promise we will come back in July when she is back from mat. leave. Just a fun pregnant story :)
Hey ladies,

Sorry, haven't been around much this weekend. DH and I went down to the Keys for a bit of a vacation. Erika, I would also feel guilty if someone hugely pregnant was waiting on me. That sounds so sad.

I don't feel pregnant this week. Still have the nausea at night and super tired, but for some weird reason I just don't feel pregnant. If I didn't have the doppler to use and find the HB I would be really wondering. I guess this stems from the fact that I've gained absolutely no weight at all, and have somehow managed to lose close to 6 pounds. I mean, I'm nearing the end of the 1st tri...shouldn't I have gained 1 or 2?
I know lots of people who lost weight in their first trimester. I think it is normal. I also get sick at night. I just feel kinda crappy and gassy at night. But during the day I feel like a normal human being lol.

All my baby wants to do is eat so I feel like I am constantly eating!!! I am going up to the cabin this weekend and my swim suit doesn't fit my boobs! and my belly sticks out in it and its just not flattering. I went to a maternity store and got a new swim suit and DH came with. I cried bc my stomach is getting so big but it just looks like fat right now lol. AND I have tons of cellulite :( So I bought a skirt to go wear with my swim suit. I am excited for this weekend but we are meeting some friends at the lakes and it'll be a weekend of everyone partying but me. I just feel a little left out and the fact that I don't remember the last time I was awake past 11:30 at night.

I keep feeling flutters on my left side and it kind of tickles. I wonder if this is baby or not. I am almost 15 weeks but I am not sure if it is too early. Yesterday I was freaking out because after I did yoga my uterus kept twitching and spasming. I was told this is just round ligament pain so not to worry but it was kind of creepy lol.

Hope your vacation was great Lily!
Aww...I actually laughed when you said you cried and I feel so mean about it but the same thing happened to me. Even though I've dropped a few pounds my boobs and stomach are actually expanding. I wore a pair of exercise shorts to the beach and DH said, "Those are too small for you now" I definitely lost it for a few minutes on him. I did break down and buy some shirts from Old Navy online yesterday because they were having an amazing sale and I'm going to need something soon. I always feel that when I buy anything maternity or baby related I'm going to end up jinxing myself. :nope:

Yay for possibly feeling baby! That's so exciting!!! I was getting some muscle spasms really low last week and it definitely is a creepy feeling. It's awesome that you're motivated enough to do yoga. I have zero energy for anything but work and sleep. Do you do it at home or belong to a group somewhere?
Haha don't feel bad. I am an emotional wreck! I had noooooo energy until about week 11-12. I haven't been as active as I should. I have gone on a few bike rides, walks, and done yoga at home. I just get sooo tired easily. DH was a cross country runner so going for a bike ride while he jogs is fine but when we go to a walk and I get tired I feel like a loser. I have only been able to walk about 2 miles at the most and I am dead after that. I am hoping to build up my endurance more during the second tri.

I wish I knew Old Navy was having a sale! I want some of their maxi dresses for the summer.

What kind of sale was it?
They were doing free shipping over $50 and 15% off. I would just google Old Navy coupon code and see if there are any good percentages online to use. That's what I usually do when I want to buy something.
Hey girls! Had my appointment today. Everything looks good. I have gained more weight and i was hoping i wouldnt. I'm up like 6 lbs. I know its not a lot, but i still dont like it.

Baby's heart rate was 148 bpm. Next appointment is in June.

Get to refill my zofran tomorrow, thank goodness. About to take my last dose and take a nap. Good times.

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