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26 yr old TTC #1...Anyone wanna be buds?

I remember feeling flutters, almost tapping, around 16 weeks with my first. Nurse at the OBs office said it wasn't movement, but I think it was. Hope I get to feel this one move around soon!
Thanks! I had Dairy Queen...yum! DH won 4 front row MN Twins tix for Sats game and I have to work :( BOOOO lol. I was bummed so I got DQ lol.

My next apt is on Monday. When is your U/S?
Haven't made that appointment yet. I will do that in 2 weeks. I'm hoping I can get something around July 4th. I'll be 20 weeks on the 2nd.
They made my u/s appt the first time I went in! lol. We are going at 7 am so we can be the first ones of the day. Hopefully not much waiting and that way I don't have to sit through the day waiting for my appt lol.
I wish I had an ultrasound date right now. Two weeks isn't a lot of notice and they might be booked up! I think it's only a certain day of the week that they have an ultrasound tech in the office.
I hope so too! Hope you can get in when you want too!

Ok, this heat is starting to get to me! Again I have no AC at work and I feel like crap when I am there. I get swollen, tired, sweaty, and last night huge headache. I am getting nervous for my summer schedule to start when I am there 3 full days. I need to buy myself a personal fan! haha
Hey ladies,

I've been so busy with work I haven't had any time to chat. Erika that sucks about work...heat is definitely the enemy. I just booked a private gender scan for June 30 because I don't want to wait until the end of July when I am 20 weeks! I'm so nervous and excited.
Sorry to hear about work being tough.

Wish I could afford a private scan, but no can do.
I know DH thinks a private scan is a waste of money so we won't be doing that. I only have a few weeks left for my big u/s!! YAY! I think I would feel guilty if we paid all that money for a private one when we have a computer that needs to be fixed and new tires on both our cars :( Oh Well, such is life!

Anyone doing anything interesting this weekend? This is my last Saturday of work!! I am totally stoked because this means I can start going to the lakes on the weekends now!
Yeah, we have to pay off my car and buy a minivan because there's not enough backseat room for two carseats in my corolla (unless I want to hug the steering wheel that is). Even though it's stretching our budget to the max, I'm excited about a new car.

Seriously need to get this WIC thing started.
It actually wasn't that expensive. A teaching college with a medical program does them for $25 so I figured I would just skip a weekend eating out meal and that would basically pay for it.
Soundsp nice. All the same I'll wait for my 20 week.
Wow $25! I wish I had that option! They are $150 here...all of them! Well I only have 2 and a half weeks left! YIPEEEEEE!

It is suppose to be 95 tomorrow and I work all day!!! ARGH! lol. DH will be at the Twins game while I am sweating my pregnant butt off at work. Hopefully he makes me it to me after :) I can wish!
I think my husband told me that I could get a free 3d u/s at the college if I volunteered to be a test subject for a student tech, then the instructor would do a 3d. But he also told me it would take a long time and they'll only do a scan if you've already had one with your doctor.

This he told me when I was pregnant with DD.
OK so it is currently 90 degrees outside and I am swollen like no ones business so DH and I decided to go to the lake by our house and go for a swim. We were laying on the beach and I was laying on my back and it was HARD for me to get up! LOL. Then we went swimming and I ran out of breath right away. I can't believe this lol. I am not use to this. I wish I would have exercised more in my first trimester.

Hope you guys are having a great weekend!
So I had an apt today. Went well. This is the 3rd time we have heard baby and it has always been on the left side and today it was on the right side! Two weeks until my u/s! I am so excited. I think it will be more real once I see baby on an u/s.
Got my appt next week! Then hopefully another 2 weeks after that I'll have my u/s too. A week behind you all the time (imagine that!).
Haha. I feel baby move so much now. Nurse told that what I was feeling is baby. After I eat I feel it moving or when I am hungry. I can't wait for u/s. I think it will be more real after that.

Are you feeling better? The only time I feel sick is when I am super hot or when I am really hungry.
Agh! I want to feel baby move! I wish he/she would hurry up and kick the crap out of me (LOL, might regret THAT wish someday). I have felt little "possible" movements, but they are gone as soon as they come so I can't really decide.

I still have bad moments with the nausea. Still find myself taking zofran more often than I would like (every other day for the last couple weeks).

I had a massive headache about an hour ago, but drank a glass of water, took some tylenol, and my zofran and feeling much better now after having something to eat.

Any more trouble with the heat at work??
Today was fine not too hot. Good thing you are feeling better. It is so weird because I think being tired while pregnant is a different kind of tired when your not...if that makes sense lol.

My boss at work who I am friends with is making our fall schedule and I told her I want to work 3 days during the week and Saturday mornings. She was a little taken back but don't you think I should be able to cut my hours back? I understand they need me but I wanted to stay at home and I feel like I am just going back to coaching because I love it and it is my passion so I would miss it too much. Also, I am a little nervous how we would handle our bills without my income. But, we will need to pay a babysitter a few hours a week and I don't want to pay too much for that so I don't think working 3 days during the week is a bad thing. This is stressing me out. She was like well sit and figure it out later. ARGH. LOL.

Sorry for the rant!

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