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26 yr old TTC #1...Anyone wanna be buds?

I think it's great that you have a job you love. I didn't have that and was eager to jump on the oppotunity when my husband suggested I stay home.

I hope you are able to work something out!
Thanks! I know this is a hard decision. It is nice because I don't work until 3 or 4ish and DH is done with work at 5 so we only need a babysitter for a few hours a day. Except in the summer I work all day :). But I will be able to stay at home almost all day with my baby.

DH is concerned about us finding a babysitter. He wants someone we know or someone who knows someone ect. I get that because I want my child to be safe as well. DH's mom offered to be our babysitter but we don't really want her to be. First, she has different views as us and I have heard from people that they start to parent your children when they become their regular babysitter. Also, I want my kids to view them as their grandparents not babysitters.

We also have to deal with DH's mother who is EXTREMELY Catholic and wouldn't come to our wedding unless we were married in a Catholic church. I am Lutheran and we would like to raise our children Lutheran. She is going to flip and cry and many other things. She already has told DH's sister (who I am close with) that she is worried about how we are going to raise this baby as we have different views than she does. It doesn't even make me mad it makes me sad. My whole family is super excited and think we are going to make wonderful parents. It is just a stressful situation but we are never going to make everyone happy.
My MIL has been our go to person for watching Michaela. I don't think my husband trusts anyone else.

My husband and his whole family is Lutheran (WELS). I was raised Methodist. It was very important to his parents that we have a Lutheran wedding. Personally my view is that as long as the core values are the same, the denomination isn't a big deal. So DD was baptised in his church and will be raised Lutheran. I don't think my family is super fond of that, but I think if it were the other way around there woulx be a very real chance of causing a rift in his family. It is pretty sad, I agree.
It really is. She only believes in being Catholic and anytime DH goes to church with me she says well you didn't really go to church because God wasn't present because you weren't in a Catholic church. Her ENTIRE life revolves around being Catholic. DH was pressured and pressed on church from such a young age he doesn't really want to go to church now. Kind of sad. We have some time to figure it out but I am scared of the war it will start between his parents. BUT, my mom keeps telling me...She had her chance to raise her kids and now it is your turn, nobody else's. :)

I am talking about more of not wanting her to be our regular babysitter who will watch the baby for a few hours a week while I go to work. We will use DH's parents from a babysitter when we need one but not for our regular possibly 8 hour a week sitter lol.
Sounds a lot like my MIL. She doesn't really say anything to me, but from what I hear from my husband she believes Lutheran is the only way to be. He told me when we were dating that if I were Lutheran his mom would think I was perfect.

Actually, when my maternity leave was up, his mom would watch Michaela every day I worked. My husband was home, but he was sleeping. She used to work with kids, so she's excellent for taking care of her. I understand that it's not always the same with everybody. It is important that whoever watches your child be willing to follow the way you choose to parent. Grandparents might be less inclined to do so.

Hey, 17 weeks today and I think I felt the baby move! It was like poking just a few inches under my navel. I was so happy to feel that. I think it's the first thing I've been excited about since morning sickness hit.
Yay for feeling baby! My feeling is still low (right above pelvis). I was told this is normal because baby moves up past pelvis by 20 weeks. Above my bellybutton is round and super hard! She said my uterus is two fingers above my bellybutton! That is so creepy to me that she can feel that and that it is that high! lol.

Hope you start to feel it more. I get different feelings all the time from a bubble popping to pressure and then a poke! So neat. Baby loves when I eat!!! lol
It was still low for me too. I'm sure it will pick up in the next couple weeks. So anxious to hear baby's heartbeat again on Tuesday.
Hey! Had my appointment today. Baby is doing well (148-150 bpm). Got my ultrasound scheduled for July 11th! I'll be 21 weeks on the nose! Can't wait to see if we're pink or blue.

I was beginning to think my initial boy feeling was wrong, but just saw a question relating morning sickness to carrying a girl and had this urge to say "that can't be true because I have terrible sickness and I'm having a boy!" So funny I almost responded until I reminded myself that I don't really know that yet. It's crazy how strong that instinct was though.
Yay for a good appointment and getting your ultrasound scheduled! Mine is one week from today! I am so scared and excited. I don't know what to expect and I just hope they can see the little guy. I am glad our apt is at 7:45 am so that I don't have to sit around all day waiting for my appointment.

I have been so busy lately. My mom and sister have been here for the last few days so time is flying. I have the week off and start working again next week. I am a little sad about it lol.
I wish I didn't have to wait 3 weeks! But it's better than 4 (I have to keep telling myself that). Can't believe your appointment is so close! Awesome! My appointment is going to be at 11:00 am. I could have had the appointment at 9:20, but I know DH and I don't get up in the morning really well and I have to get Michaela dressed and give her breakfast and all that.

Gosh, can't believe my little girl is going to be one in a month and a half. Craziness! I get to thinking about the stuff I wish she was doing by now (holding her own cup, crawling/walking). I just wish she was a little more independent right now. Is it coddling or just the way she is?? *sigh* I know it will all come in time and when it does I'll probably wish it hadn't. Oy.
Haha 3 weeks is not so bad. I am so scared they won't get a good pic or we will have a mean tech who won't tell us our gender or something like that. Yay for your baby turning 1!!!!! I cannot wait for my baby :) I have started think about it all the time. I just hope everything is alright!

Anyways, I am having my first ever garage sale tomorrow thru Saturday. I am a little nervous to as I am doing it alone tomorrow and Friday since I don't work. I am horrible when people try to make bargains from me lol. I am hoping we make at least $50. I realllly hope so!!
My ultrasound with DD I had a thorough tech, she pointed everything out to us, but when I saw the pics she captured I was a little disappointed. She didn't do one of those classic profile shots. I'll try to speak up and ask for it this time around.

Good luck with your garage sale. I don't haggle well either. Is there NO ONE who can help you?
Everyone is at work! My friend is stopping by around lunch because she is working from home today. I have had three customers and no sales yet lol. I already got bored and came inside to check fb and bnb lol.

I ate a lemon bar for breakfast and I keep feeling TONS of movement....more that I ever have. It's neat but is that ok to feel that much movement at 19 weeks?
I'm sure it's just fine. I hope your sale picks up and you can make your goal.

I just thought... it was at this time in my last pregnancy I was at my halfway pount little did I know.
lol. We made $1.35 today! I sold 5 items. Haha. Hopefully tomorrow and Saturday are better!
Wow, hope so. Did you advertise your sale in the newspaper? That usually draws a crowd.
No I used craigslist. The town next to me is having a city wide garage sale called the 10 mile long sale. I am sure tons of people went there to spend the day. I might have to have another sale another weekend lol.

I need room for baby!!!!
Ah, bad timing huh? That sucks. Well, one way or another, I know you'll make room for baby. That's kind of important! LOL
We ended up making $36 lol...we are going to have another sale a different weekend.

First day back at work after having 10 days off...I am not as tired as I thought I would be. I def. swollen!!!!!! How are you girls today?

Two more sleeps until ultrasound!!!

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