29yrs old, TTC #1

I will take your advice on the preseed! Def don't want to be like a slip n slide lol :) I am so glad to be off for 4 days. Last night was horrible! Didn't eat and barely had time to pee...Uggggh
I would definitely look into working in a specialty like L&D- especially if others are telling you that it would be a good fit for you. I know of a nurse I graduated with in L&D that I would absolutely refuse to have as a nurse!
That is awesome that you are in Washington state. Unfortunately I llive about 40 minutes from honey boo boos home town lol but I swear it's nowhere near as bad here as that show portrays.
Anyhow have a good weekend. I will update on the preseed : D
hahaha.... do you say "redneckognize" just kidding!! I love that damn show! It's so ridiculous you have to watch!!
Hell yeah you know you better "redneckognize" lol... I can't even tell you how many times a week I whip up a tub of sketti also :)
I know I try to not watch it but it sucks you in :)
Savannah was awesome. Really needed to get away for a minute. I love the preseed. My husband says he can't tell a big difference but I sure can : D. I only used like .5 May try a little more next time. Anyhow I hope y'all had a good weekend :)
hahaha! LOVE IT!

So glad you had a good trip! Try 1ml of the Preseed and see how goes or some on your husband, and you, if your not ovulating and just practicing... it saves applicators!

I am "supposed" to O tomorrow... I had a TINY bit of EWCM today, but only noticed it once. Cross your fingers for a positive OPK tomorrow!!

Have you Ovulated yet??
hey goodegg all the best with your O .. make the most of it .
Mandy great to know u had a great weekend .... it sucks to be back in office you know :)
Hey Sixzigma!! How are things going for you??? Where are you at now... TTW yet??

where are you from??
I'm over here in Wasington State.
I just got a smiley on a digital OPK! I am in cycle day 13 so weird it's right on track. The only thing that sucks is I work the next 2 nights :( we won't really have a chance to bd until Thursday. I might see if he can leave work early tomorrow lol :)
I hope you get your pos OPK! Good luck!!! :)
Another day of BFN opk's! Boo!! Every time I think they are getting darker.... the next day they are the same. It's my first month using the Wondfo's and I am still not sure what I think of them besides loving the price!

Woohoo for your BFP opk!! Definitely make that husband of yours come home early!! Good luck!! :happydance:

If I could just get a dang positive opk we could have our tww together!
hhey goodegg , i am not tracking ov really , so cant be sure when i ov.been tracing symptoms last couple of months but all in vain -Like i do have all symptoms of ov like slight twinges and sore bbs et al but each at different days of the cyle .. so i gave up on ov tracking (it can become VERY VERY addictive ) and DH is anti OPKs (I get obssessed with them ) .AFs due on 19th -thats all I am aware of this month .-a laid back approach and also we both been really busy at work this month so we BD'd only during weekends .

P.S> Me From India :)
Sixzigma that is awesome that you are from India! I am sorry that you and your husband are so busy with work. What kind of work do you do?
I managed to get my husband home early both Tuesday and wednes ;) so we shall see
Any luck with the opks goodegg? I used some of the strips last month but couldnt really be sure if I got a true positive or not... I def like the digital better but it is kinda pricey...
India?! That is so cool! I hear ya on the addiction to the opks! Last month I was addicted to HPTs and it absolutely took the enjoyment out of it because I took so many! My body played a lot of tricks on me last month too.... really sore bb's, lots of mild cramping, around what would have been implantation I had some discharge with a pink tinge, the next day I had a tiny amount of brown spotting one time and then AF came two days later, but early for me. I NEVER spot, ever! My periods range from 28-46 days and it came at CD 28 last month which happens, maybe, once a year and it came CD 29 the month before. So I was so sure I was pregnant last month. This month I am doing the OPKs because of my wonky cycles, but definitely have a different mindset this time. I am not obsessed and I am going with " it will happen when it happens."
The opk was the closest to a positive as it has been last night, but just a hair lighter than the control so who knows. We BD every other day and every day the last 3 so hopefully...!! Do you think you hit your window this month?
Employers should allow early release from work for couples when the wife O's! haha!

Good job on getting the hubs home early M! I have everything crossed for you! I felt like this was going to be a good month from the start so maybe we will alll get BFPs!

ok... questions

Since you sweet girls are my age.... how many kids do you want and does being so close to 30 put pressure on you?
We would like 3... maaayybe 4, but that is more Me than him. I never thought I would be 29/30 having my first, but I'm glad we waited. I don't want to have any after 35 either... that is just a personal preference.

Do you have names and nursery ideas picked out?
we do! We talk about names often and I have nursery ideas bookmarked on my computer. That part I tend to obsessively daydream over! :)
I have always had this strong feeling that my first born will be a boy... do you girls have that?

Sorry for the novel!!! Good Luck to us and hopefully we will get to make Christmas announcements!!!
I completely understand about convincing yourself that you are pregnant- I was in the same boat last month. Had some spotting around when it could have been time for implantation; vivid dreams; sore boobs; hot flashes- etc.
It's weird because even though we are trying more this month I have almost the same attitude; that it will happen when it happens.
I feel that we want 2 children. I do feel some pressure as I feel that everyone around us already has children and kinda regret that our kids will have older parents. It is kinda strange though because I couldn't picture myself as a mom before that point in my life if that makes any sense. Not that I feel immature or anything I just wasn't ready. I don't think my husband was ready either until now.
We have talked about a few names that we like; but only girl names lol. I am convinced that we will have a boy too; mainly because my husband came from a family of 2 boys, his grandma had 2 boys and one girl, and aunt had 2 boys. I kinda wish we would have twins :) his gma is a twin and his dad had twins (with his 2nd marriage, probably with some kind of fertility treatments)
I haven't really thought of nursery ideas yet- just browse pintrest sometimes :) we do have a "sunshine" room in our house in the previous owners had their nursery. A large smiling sunshine on the wall currently being used as a guest room. We have been too lazy to paint over it. We are both kinda challenged when it comes to uhdecorating lol
Anyhow I really do hope we get our bfps and get to make Christmas announcements as well : D
I completely understand about convincing yourself that you are pregnant- I was in the same boat last month. Had some spotting around when it could have been time for implantation; vivid dreams; sore boobs; hot flashes- etc.
It's weird because even though we are trying more this month I have almost the same attitude; that it will happen when it happens.
I feel that we want 2 children. I do feel some pressure as I feel that everyone around us already has children and kinda regret that our kids will have older parents. It is kinda strange though because I couldn't picture myself as a mom before that point in my life if that makes any sense. Not that I feel immature or anything I just wasn't ready. I don't think my husband was ready either until now.
We have talked about a few names that we like; but only girl names lol. I am convinced that we will have a boy too; mainly because my husband came from a family of 2 boys, his grandma had 2 boys and one girl, and aunt had 2 boys. I kinda wish we would have twins :) his gma is a twin and his dad had twins (with his 2nd marriage, probably with some kind of fertility treatments)
I haven't really thought of nursery ideas yet- just browse pintrest sometimes :) we do have a "sunshine" room in our house in the previous owners had their nursery. A large smiling sunshine on the wall currently being used as a guest room. We have been too lazy to paint over it. We are both kinda challenged when it comes to uhdecorating lol
Anyhow I really do hope we get our bfps and get to make Christmas announcements as well : D

You and I are on THE SAME PAGE! Everything you said is how I feel... wish I could be younger, but when I look back there is no way I would have been ready for kids yet. Most of my friends have kids already and the ones that don't are a year or two younger than me so it sucks. I pray for twins so I can knock the first two out right out of the gate... haha. I would seriously LOVE twins, but they don't run in either of our families so if I have twins it will because I prayed so hard for them! :) :) My husband told me a few months ago that he knew he wanted to be a dad, but never felt ready to try until now and it makes me feel good that he was in the same place I was/am. We just want to be responsible about it, there is never going to be a "perfect" time to have kids, but having them while I am IN the nursing program is definitely NOT the time! You can relate to that!

On a POSITIVE note....... I GOT MY BFP on an OPK!! WOOT WOOT!! I feel so much better now! I was so scared I was out out out, but I got a true positive today and we have been BDing and will again today and tomorrow for sure so ***FINGERS, TOES, ARMS, & LEGS CROSSED*** November is the month for us! TWW TOGETHER... YAY!! :hugs:

Everything is crossed that AF stays aways sixzigma!! Keep us posted!!!
Hi ladies, do you mind if I join you? My name is Annie. I will be turning 29 in 6 weeks and am on cycle 2 of ttc with my hubby (who is about to turn 34).

I can so relate to your discussion about waiting to have children because you didn't feel ready before. Hubby and I have been married for almost 7 years and we are the ONLY ones on both sides of our families without children, so we have definitely gotten some questions and teasing. I used to take it in stride, but the last couple of years it has gotten harder and harder to bear.

We've wanted to ttc for awhile, but it just hasn't been the right time for a number of reasons until recently. I am so excited now that we are starting, but also very anxious that it won't happen.

I am on CD 9 today. This is my first month using a CBFM, so I am hoping I'll be able to pinpoint ovulation (I thought I knew when I o'd last month, but apparently, not so much).

Happy Friday to you all, and good luck!
Hi ladies, do you mind if I join you? My name is Annie. I will be turning 29 in 6 weeks and am on cycle 2 of ttc with my hubby (who is about to turn 34).

I can so relate to your discussion about waiting to have children because you didn't feel ready before. Hubby and I have been married for almost 7 years and we are the ONLY ones on both sides of our families without children, so we have definitely gotten some questions and teasing. I used to take it in stride, but the last couple of years it has gotten harder and harder to bear.

We've wanted to ttc for awhile, but it just hasn't been the right time for a number of reasons until recently. I am so excited now that we are starting, but also very anxious that it won't happen.

I am on CD 9 today. This is my first month using a CBFM, so I am hoping I'll be able to pinpoint ovulation (I thought I knew when I o'd last month, but apparently, not so much).

Happy Friday to you all, and good luck!

Hi Annie! Yes, Please join us! My name is Heather and the other girls have been so great to chat with. Where are you from? How many kids do you and your husband want? One of my best friends just had a baby Monday and so if I get pregnant now that will be the closest in age any of our kids will be because her other daughter is 4 and my other friends have kids 3 and up. I joke that by the time I have my own theirs will all be old enough to babysit!

I can relate to the anxiety of "what if we cant get pregnant." Being a mom is something I have always wanted to be, I feel like part of the reason I am here is to be a mom and it's terrifying not knowing if I can get pregnant... until I am or we have been trying forever. And all my mom talks about is becoming a grandma... she has even purchased clothes!!!! Just a couple outfits that have baseball stuff on them because my husband is a baseball fanatic. I told her she is going to stress out my ovaries if she doesn't take a chill pill!! Oh and my 80 year old Grandma told me last spring that she had been dreaming I had a baby girl! I knew we couldn't start trying until last month so it was sooo frustrating to keep hearing comments from the peanut gallery! So last April fools I took a real positive preg test pic off the internet and sent it to them in a text... then I let them sit on it for a bit. The comments slowed down for awhile after that! haha

I had another positive OPK this morning (WOOT WOOT!!). I need to track Ov because my periods can be so unpredictable. And I have to say now that I know these Wondfo's work I will be purchasing more if I need them! $16 for 50 opk and 20 hpt tests!

Hopefully this is our month and we can all become "old" moms together! :)
I really wish there was a stick to pee on that said, "CONGRATULATIONS!!! The sperm successfully reached your egg!." Now is that too much to as for?! ;)
Hi ladies! It is nice to know that we are in similar situations and can relate to one another :) Thanks for joining us Annie :) My husband and I are both the oldest children in our families so we are constantly asked when we are gonna start popping out grand babies but it just hadn't been the right time until now and I kinda have that same thought in my mind worried if I can even get pregnant or not. Not to mention we have been together for oh about 10 years now lol- but only married a year and a half. It just takes us longer to get ready for stuff :-D
Goodegg I love your April fools :) I am SO excited about your pos OPK and that we will have the same TWW : D. Y'all have to help me be strong and fight off my poas addiction this month :) If I can hold out lol AF is due on Thanksgiving- how awesome would that be? Anyhow I hope everyone has a good weekend ♥
Hey girls sorry , had guests at home - got busy with them.nursery themes eh never really thought about them-but I spend hours at carters n mothercare thinking what I would possibly be buying when I have a baby
Hi Heather! (That is the name of one of my dear friends, so it's nice to have another "Heather" to talk to :flower:)

I am from Texas. We've lived lots of places--went away for school, jobs, etc--but we're back in the home state now. It's not really a place we see ourselves being forever, but our families are here, so that's been great (ok, and also challenging sometimes since EVERYONE in our family seems to be having babies left and right).

We would like to have two kids I think, and I would just love to have twins. I think one of the other ladies on this thread said that as well--maybe it was you, Heather? I don't know why but I've always thought it would be so fun. That's why it was so hard for me when my brother and SIL had their twins yesterday. For some reason, I could manage hearing a pregnancy announcement every other month, but hearing that they were having twins felt like a punch in the gut. That's always been the thing I thought I would have, and everyone would joke that we were late to the game but making up for lost time. So irrational, I know. Anyway, I'm glad my brother's babies are healthy, and I'm trying to rein in my jealousy. At this point, I realize that the wish for twins thing was illogical and I would be thrilled just to get pregnant (still, there's always that little hope at the back of my mind :winkwink:)

I also wanted to say hi to Mandy and Sixzigma :wave: And if there is anyone else on this thread, hello to you too! It's nice to have a place to come and share our thoughts and feelings. Hoping this is a lucky month for us all!
Oh, Mandy, I just realized it was you who said that about twins O:) It would be awfully fun, wouldn't it? I try not to hope for it too much because I know it's unlikely. My brother and his wife had their twins, and their older son as well, with IVF.

I really don't want to have to go down that path of infertility treatments, but if that's what we have to do I'm willing to go there. We'll see. Trying to hope for the best for the time being! Hope you all have a lovely Saturday.

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