29yrs old, TTC #1

According to my app AF is supposed to come the 20th, but I o'd a couple of days later than it said I would so I think it will be more like the 22nd-23rd. who knows because AF can be all over the place for me... it's been as long as 46 days, ugh!
Aw, Mandy and sixzigma, how fun would it be if you both got your BFPs on Thanksgiving! I'm staying hopeful for you.

As for myself, I've started to get discouraged. This morning I was feeling a little more positive, but now it's the end of the day and I realized I've had practically NO cm all day. If I really am going to ov tomorrow, I should be getting EWCM, or at least watery cm. Instead I have nothing. I checked my cervical position, and it is SHOW (soft, high, open, wet). I feel very wet and moist inside (I'm sorry about this, it's actually embarrassing me as I type :blush:), but there is nothing on my underwear or on my fingers after I check. This has to be a bad sign.

I feel pretty sure I won't ov tomorrow now. Even my fertility friend chart has taken away my green fertile square for yesterday and today, presumably because I had nothing to report for cm. I am drinking pineapple juice right now in a last ditch attempt to get things going for tomorrow (I know it's supposed to be grapefruit juice that helps produce EWCM, but we don't have any of that). I'm so sad and mad at my body for not doing what it's supposed to. Argh, why does this have to be so frustrating?
Heather sorry that you have irregular cycles, I am glad that you know when you ovulated though thanks to the opks :)
Annie don't give up hope- we have to be carefree and positive this month! How does the clear blue fertility monitor work? So far I have only used the digital opks.
Grrrr... I had a post all typed up and then I bumped the keyboard and it was GONE!

Here is the short version:

Annie... Keep your head up, girl! We are cheering you on! I was dry dry dry this month too, but I think it is because of all the BDing we did this last week. I am currently taking a break! WHEW! :coffee:

Get preseed ASAP! I know Mandy said she was using it and we love it!

Mandy... I am cheering you on! BFP! BFP! BFP! You too, Sixzigma!!

No matter what happens this month we can stick together! You all are what keeps me from going crazy! Having this thread has been so awesome!
Yea Annie cheer-up , we are all in this together ! I have been so held up at work this week (btw i work as a marketing manager ) that i could hardly think of the ttc thingie (which in a way is nice )
anyways you girls take care ... and god bless you !!
I can relate to being dry to. We had some issues during fertile window when we were going at it everyday- even with the preseed! I didn't mention it but around the 4th time using it; it got kinda sticky. Not to sure whats up with that :(
We will give it another try though.
Sana it's nice to know your name-that's a beautiful name too :) I agree it's nice when work keeps your mind off ttc
This thread had absolutely kept me more sane this TWW and we really do need to stick together :)
I am embarrassed to say I spent the last couple obsessively googling every thing I convinced myself I had that could be a pregnancy symptom.
So when does everyone plan to start testing? : D
Hi ladies, you all are so encouraging! Sana, I love your name :flower:

Thanks for the suggestion about the preseed. I have thought about ordering it before. The only thing is (and I'm not sure if this matters) I have no problem whatsoever with, ahem, arousal fluid :blush: (geeze this gets embarrassing, haha). When we are BDing, we are good to go in that department. But just during the day when I check after going to the bathroom, I don't seem to be creating any CM. I've read that CM and arousal fluid are different, but honestly I don't really understand the difference. Maybe you can explain it to me, Heather, since you're a nurse O:) Mandy, are you a nurse too? I seem to remember reading that.

Sana, I'm glad your work has been able to distract you from ttc. I have been having the opposite problem--I can't focus on work at all because all I can think about is having a baby. I'm a grad student and teach a freshman class at the university where I study. My schedule is very erratic, which I normally like, but in this case it is somewhat negative as my odd working hours are conducive to lots of internet surfing about ttc :wacko:

Like you all, I am so thankful for this thread! It really is keeping me from going nuts. I just had an idea--what if we agree to keep checking in here and supporting each other until all four of us get our BFPs? I am in if you ladies are!
I will definitely agree to stay here until we should all get our bfps :)
Annie I am a new nurse and unfortunately our maternal and child nursing instructor was terrible and I didn't learn a whole lot in that class. From my own experience though I definitely think arousal fluid and cm are two different things :)
That is awesome that you are a teacher Annie, what classes do you teach?
Mandy, I teach freshman composition. It's not the most exciting thing in the world--actually, it's pretty depressing. All the good writers test out of the class, so I never have any English majors. They're usually all in math/science fields and do NOT want to be in my classroom at all [-( Ah well.

To answer your question about the CBFM, it's a machine that reads your estrogen and LH levels to try to predict your high and peak days of fertility. You're supposed to get two peak days, and most women have ovulated by the end of the day after the first peak reading. I've only gotten a string of highs since CD 6 though. Today was no different--CD 15, another high. Heather suggested that I do an OPK for comparison, which was a good idea because I was worried the monitor wasn't working right. I did an OPK just a minute ago and it was negative. So I guess the CBFM was right after all. Either I am not going to ov this month or else I am just late. I am seriously hoping it is the latter! Hubby and I will keep BDing just in case.

How are you ladies today?
Hi ladies, so I had a pregnancy dream last night. I know it is because that is all that is on my mind lol. I dreamt my mom had some report from my doctor that confirmed I was pregnant and that it was a boy. Then I was trying to figure out how to paint the nursery.
So now I am watching a baby story on tlc. On commercial break I picked up a book that I am about to start reading; cloud atlas. I am reading the reviews and one says, "cloud atlas glows with a fizzy, dizzy energy, pregnant with possibly"
Lol just thought that was odd and wanted to share. : D
Hey girls!
4dpo (yesterday) slight headache throughout the day, but I am chalking it up to a long, busy day.
5dpo - slight headache this morning, some nausea this afternoon and this might sound weird, but my stomach has been growling really loud, but I'm not hungry and its not gas. It's really random and I have never noticed it before. I'm probably getting sick!

I have been pretty busy the last couple of days and haven't had time to really think about anything so that has been great. We will see how the next 4 days go because I don't have anything going on.

I am rooting for you Mandy and Sana!! Testing day will be here before you know it!!! And Mandy I have read a lot of girls dream about BFP's right before they get one!!! Last night I had a dream about a lady that I go to school with... we all went to a bar and she got really drunk, took her clothes off, crashed my dad's truck driving down stairs behind the bar and the whole time I screamed because she was pissing me off.... no one got pregnant in my dream! What a waste!!

I have been thinking about you, Annie!! Stay strong, it's not over until it's over!! Maybe stressing is pushing off ovulation... can you and the hubs take a little getaway over the weekend? I know Mandy just did with hers and we took one at the end of August. We just got a hotel room a couple hours away and it was perfect! How about a "stay-cation"?? Just get a hotel room in your town... lock yourselves in and turn your phones off! You too, Sana!! I am booking one for next month when we finish this quarter. We focus on each other better when we go away and turn the phones off.

As for preseed... I believe it's purpose it to provide a sperm friendly environment if you are too acidic. CM is secretion from the cervix so its typically thicker and stickier I THINK to cushion the egg whereas arousal fluid is secreted from your vagina. The grapefruit juice it suppose to make the secretions less acidic as well. I suggest the organic gf juice... Simply Grapefruit is what I got and it is a lot easier to drink the others I have tried.

Sorry my posts are always so long! I am absolutely going to stick with you girls, bfp or not! We have already bonded so well!
Mandy, that's hilarious about the book review! And I think the pregnancy dream is a very good sign. At the start of this cycle, I had a dream that I got a BFP, and to be honest I think that's part of why I've been so hopeful for this go around. If nothing else, at least the dream lets you experience that feeling of joy, if only for a moment. I'm so excited for you to test! Fingers and toes crossed :)

Heather, I can't believe you are 5 dpo already--6 dpo tomorrow! I forgot, did you say what day you're planning to test? I know we are not symptom spotting here, but those sound like some pretty promising signs you've been having :winkwink: I am really, really hoping this is it for you! That's great advice about having a stay-cation with my hubby. As it happens, we both have some time off from work next week for Thanksgiving, so maybe we can step back and relax together for a little bit. And I love your long posts, btw! Mine always end up being so wordy (but I do write for a living after all, haha).

Sana, how are you holding up? Are things still busy at your job?

Tomorrow is CD 16 for me and I hope so very badly that I will ov. If I get another high reading tomorrow, I might just burst into tears. But hey, a few tears never hurt anyone...and it might just do me some good to let out some of these pent up emotions. Still, I hope it won't come to that. I'm going to think peak-egg thoughts. Night night!
Heather your symptoms do sound promising - and I hope you aren't getting sick. I love your dream too... Annie it is nice to experience a bfp- even if it is only in a dream :) I didn't have any pregnancy dreams last night. I just dreamt my dog was trying to run out the front door and I was angry and yelling at my husband for some reason.
Annie I agree with heather if you can you and the DH should get away for awhile :)
I have my fingers crossed that you ovulate tomorrow!
I hope everyone has a good weekend :) ♥
Well nothing really happening today. Please send me implantation thoughts because now that I am 6dpo it can happen anytime!

Mandy & Sana - have either of you had any signs of implantation??? Anymore symptoms in general?

I think what I had yesterday was all a fluke, but we will see!

Hey! Haven't really had anything going on. I am 9/10 dpo. (Just going by smiley OPK)
I did have one instance of dull pain in lower abdomen that kinda when I woke up to pee a few days ago. I am more thirsty than normal but that is it.
Had strong urge to poas earlier so did another dig OPK lol... bfn as expected :)
I was kinda wondering too because my last cycle I had what seemed to be pos OPK right before my period.
Anyhow- when do you plan to start testing heather?
I want to wait until Thankgiving, but I will probably start at 10dpo which will be Tuesday. I really just want to start now! I having NOTHING going on this weekend to preoccupy me so I think I might do a deep clean of the house to keep my mind busy. Maybe my husband will have to take me on a date! :flower:
It's so hard to wait! Haha especially when you don't have anything else to preoccupy the time. You should get your husband to take you somewhere nice : D
We have some friends coming over tonight and I an wondering how to explain why I am not drinking. We haven't told many people that we are ttc.
Have you ladies cut out caffeine all together? I have cut back but haven't been able to cut it all out.
I would fake the drinking! If it's mixed drinks skip the alcohol if it's beer grab one and open it then carry it around a bit and leave it on the counter. Haha
I have told a few girls I am close to at school and only one of my friends, I just don't want the pressure!
Happy Friday to you, ladies!

Heather, I am thinking snuggly-baby implantation thoughts for you! You definitely need to get your hubby to take you out on a fun date O:) Cleaning is a great distraction method. I just loathe cleaning, but I always feel so much better after it's done. Can't wait until testing day! I so hope you get an early BFP, but if you don't, remember not to give up hope! I've read tons of stories of women who have had BFNs at 8-11ish DPO and then gotten BFPs later on.

Mandy, I can't believe you are 9/10 DPO already! Eeek, so exciting! I really hope you get a BFP before Thanksgiving. How perfect would that be? I agree with Heather on the fake drinking tactic :winkwink: I did that last cycle when we went out with a friend. I was SO convinced I was preggo so when we were offered free glasses of champagne at the restaurant my sister works for (of all nights to get an awesome freebie!) I held that delicious bubbly in my hand and didn't take one sip. I causally switched glasses with hubby after he finished his so it would look like I was partaking. So sneaky of us! Haha. Of course, I ended up wishing I had just indulged since I got a BFN a few days later. Oh well. Better safe than sorry I guess. I hope you have fun with your friends--maybe they will help distract you from ttc thoughts.

I already posted this in my ttc journal, but my big news of the day is that I FINALLY got a peak reading on my CBFM!! I was so elated I sent hubby a picture of the little egg on the monitor while he was at work :p We BDed tonight for the SEVENTH night in a row. I was a little too eager and made us start getting down to business too early, haha. I hope we don't have to try next cycle, but if we do, I'll know to start the action a little later now that I know I don't ovulate as early as I thought (thank you, CBFM!)

Mandy, I still drink caffeine occasionally. I'm trying to cut back, but I'm a Texas girl and I love my Dr. Pepper! We actually haven't told anyone that we're ttc. Like Heather, I just don't want the pressure. That's why you ladies have been so very helpful to me! There's really no one else other than my hubby who I can share this with right now. I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

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