2ww- Testing Dec. 31- Anyone Else?

I refuse to test any earlier than the 31st... i'm on the fence as to whether i feel prego or not, too many miscarriages in a bit of time. :cry: So i'm giving AF plenty of time before i test...

I am waiting as its still too early for Af so I can't count her out yet(stupid :witch:) by the 31st I will be 16 dpo so I figure that will be a safe testing date although if bfn I think I'll just :cry: But its only my first tww so the chances are pretty slim we actually caught the egg. Not trying to be negative just being realistic. I've alreadyn decided I'm going to get serious about temping and charting. I've only half assed my chart this cycle so I'm going to be a temping and charting nazi!! :haha:
hahaha, that's where i am now! i started temping 7 days ago i think and charting this entire cycle. AF is due the 26th, but not sure if i ov'ed late or not, if i did then AF due on the 30th, so either way the 31st is a good date to test (hopefully it's a lucky day for both of us!)
hahaha, that's where i am now! i started temping 7 days ago i think and charting this entire cycle. AF is due the 26th, but not sure if i ov'ed late or not, if i did then AF due on the 30th, so either way the 31st is a good date to test (hopefully it's a lucky day for both of us!)

Yes I'm hoping!! I checked my cp today and its the same. Still not droping. I also saw a little creamy white cm on my finger after checkingand I'm a bit constipated(sorry tmi)... this is new. I think I'm gonna start temping tomorrow even though it mid cycle. Just to get back in the habit. I know you've said Blesed but how many dpo are you? I'm seven today... only 9 more days lol:happydance:
I'm dying to test already. Weird question - do you count your DPO from the DAY you O? I was counting from the day after as in days PAST but when I put it into the ticker it told me I'm 9DPO not 8?
i'm either 7 or 12 dpo today, not entirly sure when i ov'ed this month! First time in a while that i just don't know when, my chart can't tell either so who knows! I just hope that i can get my BFP, i really am startingto want to test, so i'm going to start our cookie making! haha I also just started eating a bowl of cereal and i'm feeling sick to my stomach... eww
I'm dying to test already. Weird question - do you count your DPO from the DAY you O? I was counting from the day after as in days PAST but when I put it into the ticker it told me I'm 9DPO not 8?

Well I've been counting the day after but I could be wrong... if that the case then I'm 8dpo... Anyone know if we're right by counting the day after O??
I know how you feel Blessed! I thought I O-ed last Tuesday then Friday I was feeling what felt like O pains (we bd then too so I'm covered) So I'm some where between 4-7dpo. Mind you I got my positive OPK tuesday morning and we bd Mon, Tues, Wed, and Fri! lol Soooo... I'm going with 7dpo.
I don't know if/when I O, my calendar tells me and automatically recalculates but I think it might be off because of a chem @ 6 weeks so I don't know if that's messed my days up but I did have some cramping a couple of days ago which COULD (if I'm being optimistic!) be implantation pains?!
hmm... i always count from the first day after O. Not sure what's up with yur ticker though.... Starting to feel tired but that could be due to my cold...
Yea I just posted and thats what the response was, my ticker is f****d me thinks!
I refuse to test any earlier than the 31st... i'm on the fence as to whether i feel prego or not, too many miscarriages in a bit of time. :cry: So i'm giving AF plenty of time before i test...

I'm on the fence too... I've only had one MMC and i didn't know i was PG til about 6 or 7 weeks and that was years ago so i don't really remember much. But I understand. I did slip up and test on sunday and got a BFN, but i was expecting it. I think now that i got that out of my system I can wait til the 31st and not stress too much.

I am waiting as its still too early for Af so I can't count her out yet(stupid :witch:) by the 31st I will be 16 dpo so I figure that will be a safe testing date although if bfn I think I'll just :cry: But its only my first tww so the chances are pretty slim we actually caught the egg. Not trying to be negative just being realistic. I've alreadyn decided I'm going to get serious about temping and charting. I've only half assed my chart this cycle so I'm going to be a temping and charting nazi!! :haha:

H2B is skeptical. He's not convinced we could have made a :baby: on the first go round without even trying.
I haven't temped in months! And If I don't get a BFP this cycle, I'm gonna crack down and do it better from now on.
My DD was conceived on the first go! It happens, I think in some respects it's made this one worse because I expected it to happen right away
My DD was conceived on the first go! It happens, I think in some respects it's made this one worse because I expected it to happen right away

my mom conceived all 3 of us kids in the first month of trying... she thinks i'll be like her in that respect. Although she has no idea about out little oopsie.

Oh. My. Gosh.
So I fiddled around with my chart on FF and put in a (fake) positive OPK for when they predicted that I was fertile and OV'd around CD 10 and with all the symptoms i've been recording and such it says that i have 41 pts early preg signs. :shock:

I didn't start my OPKs til CD 12 and haven't gotten a positive one, so its very likely that i did OV around CD10.... when we had our oopsie.... :shock:

so now my hopes are up.... :dohh:
o man, i just had the best baked potato OF MY LIFE!..... just had to throw that in there...
Pnut- Now I'm going to have to put in my signs and see what FF says about me.... FX!!

Blessed- Of your life? You must be preggo!!

Btw you girls have really made this fun. It hasn't been as stressful as I thought, I am dying to test but having you girls (Blessed and Pnut especially) has made it amazing... Wow I just got a bit teary... :haha:
You're such a sap! Only kidding- i'm a big sissy ever since having my daughter almost 2 years ago- can't believe she's about to be two! but anyways, yes, i baked the potato, cut up some fresh chives, cut it open, sprinkled chives in, put a big hunk of butter in, sour cream on top, and ahhhh.... it was devine!
Blessed - that potato sounds divine!

Stoneswife - awww you are such a sweetie. I know I would have freaked out a little by now if it wasn't for you girls keeping me sane. I've only had ONE slip and that's really saying something. FX'd for you! I hope FF tells you good news!
Well I'm at this current moment experiencing some slight heartburn... its not severe but it just started while I was doing my dishes... :haha: well now my list is
1. high, soft, and closed CP
2. Tender nipples, although not as much today
3. Heartburn- Slightly
4. Constipation and gas although I'm atributting this to diet
I'm starting to feel like i have a UTI coming on, a tad bit painful when i pee... still peeing alot, about every hour and a half. I'm still pretty dark in my lower bits.... gonna wait it out!
Blessed I can't wait till we test!! I think I am more excite for your test than mine because I would be money you're pregnant.

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