2ww turns to 3ww

I thought we had mentioned it so that's good. I don't think I paid much attention to how smooth it is, but I think that sounds like a good sign! Seems like that would happen with more blood flow to the region.

That's a good idea about mentioning March as the dates. Did you mention that you had taken hpt's? I know you said not to so I was curious?

That's true that bleeding doesn't equal period. I've honestly been so back and forth about thinking it was, thinking it wasn't. :/ I went off the pill 8 months ago and besides having irregular cycle lengths (like 27-34 days) everything else was basically normal until March. Maybe this is all related to that but I would have thought it would have happened closer to coming off of it.

I hope you are too! It definitely has been a great way to destress... You're welcome and thank you! So much, seriously, you've helped keep me sane lol.

My symptom wise, I am spotting again since Saturday. First two days was only with cp checks, now it's on a liner. I'm having cramps more like AF but still get the sharper ones at times but not as often. Started out slight pink, then brown, now a dark redish-brown. CP is still high and very soft/blending in and feels puffy. I'm kinda waiting to see what comes of this to be honest. Id rather have that data when I call the doc. Still have acne and my belly feels bloated but no real "signs" like I felt I had before so I'm kinda thinking I'm not?
Ps-- any updates on your end since last night??
I thought we had mentioned it so that's good. I don't think I paid much attention to how smooth it is, but I think that sounds like a good sign! Seems like that would happen with more blood flow to the region.

That's a good idea about mentioning March as the dates. Did you mention that you had taken hpt's? I know you said not to so I was curious?

That's true that bleeding doesn't equal period. I've honestly been so back and forth about thinking it was, thinking it wasn't. :/ I went off the pill 8 months ago and besides having irregular cycle lengths (like 27-34 days) everything else was basically normal until March. Maybe this is all related to that but I would have thought it would have happened closer to coming off of it.

I hope you are too! It definitely has been a great way to destress... You're welcome and thank you! So much, seriously, you've helped keep me sane lol.

My symptom wise, I am spotting again since Saturday. First two days was only with cp checks, now it's on a liner. I'm having cramps more like AF but still get the sharper ones at times but not as often. Started out slight pink, then brown, now a dark redish-brown. CP is still high and very soft/blending in and feels puffy. I'm kinda waiting to see what comes of this to be honest. Id rather have that data when I call the doc. Still have acne and my belly feels bloated but no real "signs" like I felt I had before so I'm kinda thinking I'm not?

No I did not mention it while making the appointment.

"Hi I'm MrsAC, and I need to make an appointment to confirm my pregnancy."

They asked for my info, I gave it to them.

"When was the last day of your last period?"

"March 13th."

"Okay, this is the day and times we have open."

The end.

I'll mention my faint +HPT, and my ++OPKs when I go, if I don't have evidence of pregnancy by Sunday. (Other than missed period and various symptoms.)

It sounds like AF is starting for you, I deal with 2/3 days of spotting that increases before I start, BUT that's me. Just keep an eye on it.

Please think about making the appointment to see your doctor.

I don't think you're dealing with anovulatory cycle with break through bleeding caused by your BCP. Simple fact is it would be well out of your system by 3 months. (But ask your doctor to be sure.) also I read anovulatory cycles can be caused by pretty much anything. So it's more likely that since I just came off BC, that I had an anovulatory cycle. But in your case, any life change, diet, work place, activity level, move, and stress all can cause anovulatory cycles. (So don't fret, as it can happen to anyone at anytime.)

Were your cycles regular before and during taking the BCP?

My irregular is my normal. I'm only consistent while on the pill, and that why I was on the pill. :)

So if you're dealing with irregular cycles all of a sudden it's time to get checked out.

Do you go in for annual "well woman" check ups? Pap smears, I mean?

I go every year, once a year. Keeps me from having serious issues that go unchecked. It's also great for insurance companies to know where you stand on your health.

I'm still dealing with acne too. So now I make sure to lightly wash my face and add light mostriser, if not I get twice the amount of break outs overnight.

Oh! Symptom wise, I am VERY hopeful. I have EWCM, so much so that I thought I peed a little while at work. I thought maybe AF, but I can tell 100% if AF has shown up, because that drip feeling does not go away once it starts.

Remember when I said my breasts were veiny around my aureolas? There were some veins around my breast, but mostly my aureolas, also my "good" veins near my inner bend of my arms were very distinct.

Well...now it's even more so. I mean 3/4 giant veins on my breast themselves and chest.

A blue vein on my face, I could see it before, but then I could see it under my make up. My arms? You can see so many blue veins! My aureolas exploded with blue, nips are red, too.

My bm's are loose now, and my temps are at an increase. I always feel bloated now. Cp is still high and closed.

So many questions, I'm hopeful, but I'll know soon enough.

Sigh...Monday come quick!
That sounds like a fairly pain free conversation! I'm glad they can get you in soon but I'm sure still waiting for Monday is hard.

I'm definitely going to make an appointment either way but I wanted to see what came of this cycle. I started having heavier bleeding today and more AF like cramps. I'm curious to see if it is a normal length or if it is 2 days like last month. Not sure what to think if it's short again. Since my mom has bleeding months into pregnancy I'm not sure what to make of the short ones.

I was put on BCP for irregular cycles and really bad cramps. I had very normal, clock-like cycles while on the pill. I do go in for regular paps. Had one in August last year and when I started having the pain in March I went in for another one. I would have only been 7-9 dpo at the time of the checkup for last cycle. It was a nurse practitioner.

See that's what I was thinking, it seems too late to be having effects from coming off of it even though I was on it for many years. i looked up the a anovulatory cycles when you ladies were discussing it and parts of it didn't seem to fit quite right, like with the breakthrough bleeding.

That stinks you still have acne too, at least you have something that works for you. EWCM could be a good sign especially if there's a lot of it! I do remember you mentioning about the veins on your breasts.. Sounds like you have so many symptoms pointing to it!! Those are very good signs! I hope yours wasn't just an anovulatory cycle though. Seems like maybe you're just one of the women that doesn't pass much hcg into the urine so maybe it comes up negative when you're really pregnant. I wonder if they will do a blood test or think about doing an ultrasound on you to make sure.

My bm's have been a little back and forth, mainly loose but slightly constipated at times. I also noticed my resting heart rate has gone up like 10 according to my Fitbit in the last two weeks.

I took another test on a frer and it almost looks like there is a very very faint line., or line eye :/ The lines had been a little darker on the blue tests now it's like they've gone away more on the pink ones. I know this is supposed to be like the best brand though so I should just assume I'm not and move on, right?
That sounds like a fairly pain free conversation! I'm glad they can get you in soon but I'm sure still waiting for Monday is hard.

I'm definitely going to make an appointment either way but I wanted to see what came of this cycle. I started having heavier bleeding today and more AF like cramps. I'm curious to see if it is a normal length or if it is 2 days like last month. Not sure what to think if it's short again. Since my mom has bleeding months into pregnancy I'm not sure what to make of the short ones.

I was put on BCP for irregular cycles and really bad cramps. I had very normal, clock-like cycles while on the pill. I do go in for regular paps. Had one in August last year and when I started having the pain in March I went in for another one. I would have only been 7-9 dpo at the time of the checkup for last cycle. It was a nurse practitioner.

See that's what I was thinking, it seems too late to be having effects from coming off of it even though I was on it for many years. i looked up the a anovulatory cycles when you ladies were discussing it and parts of it didn't seem to fit quite right, like with the breakthrough bleeding.

That stinks you still have acne too, at least you have something that works for you. EWCM could be a good sign especially if there's a lot of it! I do remember you mentioning about the veins on your breasts.. Sounds like you have so many symptoms pointing to it!! Those are very good signs! I hope yours wasn't just an anovulatory cycle though. Seems like maybe you're just one of the women that doesn't pass much hcg into the urine so maybe it comes up negative when you're really pregnant. I wonder if they will do a blood test or think about doing an ultrasound on you to make sure.

My bm's have been a little back and forth, mainly loose but slightly constipated at times. I also noticed my resting heart rate has gone up like 10 according to my Fitbit in the last two weeks.

I took another test on a frer and it almost looks like there is a very very faint line., or line eye :/ The lines had been a little darker on the blue tests now it's like they've gone away more on the pink ones. I know this is supposed to be like the best brand though so I should just assume I'm not and move on, right?

For you I wouldn't get too hyped just in case, but don't completely rule it out, either.

If I'm 13dpo today then I'm pretty sure AF isn't coming or is going to late. Just lots more EWCM sticky and watery. Aches yes, cramps are all gone.

Another panty cm situation yesterday.

Monday will be here quick! :) I wasn't suppose to work yesterday but I did and now I can relax tomorrow :D

My stomach actually hurts if I bend over now. This is a newer issue I'm dealing with, I'll keep you updated if it continues or not.

Stop testing now that you got another round of inconclusive results.
Yeah part of me really doesn't think I am but I'm still taking precautions just in case, like trying not to take midol for cramps, not drinking (although I may have one every 3 months anyway lol...)

How many dpo does your AF usually start? Still seems strange to be having so much EWCM so late in the cycle.

That's great you can relax and look forward to Monday!

I am calling next week to get into the doctor. I want them to look into my hormone levels and make sure everything is ok. I'm 30 and I heard today that when a women reaches 30, she has used 90% of her eggs and the remaining ones are not as good. I'm sorta stressing out at the moment and want to cry. This really scares me. ��

What part of your stomach hurts when you bend over? Thanks for keeping me updated! I'm looking forward to your Monday appointment myself lol.

Yep, that was the last test I had and I do not intend to buy anymore. :/
Yeah part of me really doesn't think I am but I'm still taking precautions just in case, like trying not to take midol for cramps, not drinking (although I may have one every 3 months anyway lol...)

How many dpo does your AF usually start? Still seems strange to be having so much EWCM so late in the cycle.

That's great you can relax and look forward to Monday!

I am calling next week to get into the doctor. I want them to look into my hormone levels and make sure everything is ok. I'm 30 and I heard today that when a women reaches 30, she has used 90% of her eggs and the remaining ones are not as good. I'm sorta stressing out at the moment and want to cry. This really scares me. ��

What part of your stomach hurts when you bend over? Thanks for keeping me updated! I'm looking forward to your Monday appointment myself lol.

Yep, that was the last test I had and I do not intend to buy anymore. :/

That sounds like crap to me...I have never heard anything like that - I had my first child at 31 and got pregnant again at 34. The prime child bearing age lasts until 35 and even then it's not bad, just a little more dicey. Don't let it stress you out. Remember - Janet Jackson just got pregnant at 49 👍
Yeah part of me really doesn't think I am but I'm still taking precautions just in case, like trying not to take midol for cramps, not drinking (although I may have one every 3 months anyway lol...)

How many dpo does your AF usually start? Still seems strange to be having so much EWCM so late in the cycle.

That's great you can relax and look forward to Monday!

I am calling next week to get into the doctor. I want them to look into my hormone levels and make sure everything is ok. I'm 30 and I heard today that when a women reaches 30, she has used 90% of her eggs and the remaining ones are not as good. I'm sorta stressing out at the moment and want to cry. This really scares me. ��

What part of your stomach hurts when you bend over? Thanks for keeping me updated! I'm looking forward to your Monday appointment myself lol.

Yep, that was the last test I had and I do not intend to buy anymore. :/

Cheer up sugar. 30 years is not too old for children. Far too many women have had children in their 30s for that to be true.

14dpo is when this cycle should end. So I'll be 2 days late Monday (not three I miscounted).

I bent over to write something an it was uncomfortable from my ribs down.

So happy you're calling next week!
Thanks ladies! I needed that... That helps! Haha yes Janet Jackson gives me hope lol.

I'm for sure calling on Monday. I started having a lot of clots today. Not so much bleeding now, but mostly clots. I don't usually have clots, maybe a couple small ones here or there. And I've been very emotional today.

MsAS- I wonder why you're late again then. I'm glad you're getting into the doctor. Please don't forget to let us know how it goes. I hope the pain has gotten better!
Thanks ladies! I needed that... That helps! Haha yes Janet Jackson gives me hope lol.

I'm for sure calling on Monday. I started having a lot of clots today. Not so much bleeding now, but mostly clots. I don't usually have clots, maybe a couple small ones here or there. And I've been very emotional today.

MsAS- I wonder why you're late again then. I'm glad you're getting into the doctor. Please don't forget to let us know how it goes. I hope the pain has gotten better!

Anytime sugar! I'm glad you're calling Monday.

I'm so ready for Monday.

I'm officially 2 cycles late!!! :D

I test tomorrow :)

I haven't had time to focus on pains, for now. My feet hurt so much, but I was walking on them for 8 hours. So that'll do it!

Talk to you early tomorrow. :)
Good luck testing! 2 cycles late... I sure hope there's good news!
:bfn: today, :/ I'm late again, and no sign of AF coming in hot.

So, looks like tomorrow is still going as planned. I'll be back with (hopefully) some answers.

How are you? Anything new to report?
Ugh! No more BFN's! I hope they can give you more answers at the doctor. Two months of being late is a little worrisome. How old are you (if you don't mind my asking...)

I did make an appointment with my doctor's office for tomorrow. I could only get in with the nurse practitioner but maybe she can order some blood tests or something.

I've only had some spotting (a couple clots yesterday) and it's brown spotting today. Cp has been very very soft and blending in. Maybe that's just normal for my AF time? Seems different than what other people experience. I read it's supposed to be low and hard.
Ugh! No more BFN's! I hope they can give you more answers at the doctor. Two months of being late is a little worrisome. How old are you (if you don't mind my asking...)

I did make an appointment with my doctor's office for tomorrow. I could only get in with the nurse practitioner but maybe she can order some blood tests or something.

I've only had some spotting (a couple clots yesterday) and it's brown spotting today. Cp has been very very soft and blending in. Maybe that's just normal for my AF time? Seems different than what other people experience. I read it's supposed to be low and hard.

Normally with AF it's suppose to be low and open.

I'm 23, so being 2 months late wouldn't be directly linked to menopause but idk what other than pregnancy.

I'm very angry, I got my blood taken and I'll know something tomorrow.

But when I was in there the woman was very rude to me, she was the nurse and I was told it would be an appointment with nurse only.

I thought that would mean that I could still get answers.

She was very dismissive of me and my concerns, and acted like I was just there to waste her time.

I left in tears.

So I called and asked to speak to my doctor, and another one of her nurses called me.

We spoke and she listened to my questions and concerns, apologied profusely and made me feel much better.

If I'm not pregnant according to the blood work then I'm coming back for an exam.

If I am then I'm coming back for an exam, either this Wednesday or Friday. She made sure to let me know I wouldn't be on hold anymore.

I just wish I had her the first time. :(

Please don't let them bully you and make you feel like your problems aren't of concern, if they do, speak up! I'm glad I did.
Normally with AF it's suppose to be low and open.

I'm 23, so being 2 months late wouldn't be directly linked to menopause but idk what other than pregnancy.

I'm very angry, I got my blood taken and I'll know something tomorrow.

But when I was in there the woman was very rude to me, she was the nurse and I was told it would be an appointment with nurse only.

I thought that would mean that I could still get answers.

She was very dismissive of me and my concerns, and acted like I was just there to waste her time.

I left in tears.

So I called and asked to speak to my doctor, and another one of her nurses called me.

We spoke and she listened to my questions and concerns, apologied profusely and made me feel much better.

If I'm not pregnant according to the blood work then I'm coming back for an exam.

If I am then I'm coming back for an exam, either this Wednesday or Friday. She made sure to let me know I wouldn't be on hold anymore.

I just wish I had her the first time. :(

Please don't let them bully you and make you feel like your problems aren't of concern, if they do, speak up! I'm glad I did.

Yeah you are way too young for it to be menopause. I'm not sure what else it could be related to either. Have you been under more sprees lately or anything?

Im so sorry to hear that it went so poorly and you didn't even get to speak to a doctor. I would have been very upset as well. I'm glad you got to speak to the better nurse at least. I'd make sure to get her the next time you go in. I don't understand how people can act like that to people. Especially when we go through so much leading up to even calling in to make the appointment. Did they say what all they are testing your blood for? Did they do any examinations or just the blood draw?

I called and could only get in tomorrow with the nurse as well but I made sure it wasn't the one that I had before. I felt like she didn't listen to me the few times I've seen her and the last one I went in March for my pap and mentioned my abdominal pain and she completely brushed it off. So I can somewhat relate to what you went through, it part of why I've put it off this far.
Normally with AF it's suppose to be low and open.

I'm 23, so being 2 months late wouldn't be directly linked to menopause but idk what other than pregnancy.

I'm very angry, I got my blood taken and I'll know something tomorrow.

But when I was in there the woman was very rude to me, she was the nurse and I was told it would be an appointment with nurse only.

I thought that would mean that I could still get answers.

She was very dismissive of me and my concerns, and acted like I was just there to waste her time.

I left in tears.

So I called and asked to speak to my doctor, and another one of her nurses called me.

We spoke and she listened to my questions and concerns, apologied profusely and made me feel much better.

If I'm not pregnant according to the blood work then I'm coming back for an exam.

If I am then I'm coming back for an exam, either this Wednesday or Friday. She made sure to let me know I wouldn't be on hold anymore.

I just wish I had her the first time. :(

Please don't let them bully you and make you feel like your problems aren't of concern, if they do, speak up! I'm glad I did.

Yeah you are way too young for it to be menopause. I'm not sure what else it could be related to either. Have you been under more sprees lately or anything?

Im so sorry to hear that it went so poorly and you didn't even get to speak to a doctor. I would have been very upset as well. I'm glad you got to speak to the better nurse at least. I'd make sure to get her the next time you go in. I don't understand how people can act like that to people. Especially when we go through so much leading up to even calling in to make the appointment. Did they say what all they are testing your blood for? Did they do any examinations or just the blood draw?

I called and could only get in tomorrow with the nurse as well but I made sure it wasn't the one that I had before. I felt like she didn't listen to me the few times I've seen her and the last one I went in March for my pap and mentioned my abdominal pain and she completely brushed it off. So I can somewhat relate to what you went through, it part of why I've put it off this far.

No, no stress other than regular life, and this.

Just blood which is why I was so ticked off. I asked about an examination 3/4 times and she just kept talking about the blood results and going from there.

When she took my urine for a pregnancy test, I told her what I was dealing with, and her entire demeanor changed.

I asked if there was any pamphlets or papers I needed in a pregnancy "goodie bag" she brought in when I first arrived. She gave a condensing "No, let's just leave that here this time."

No duh, I have my own prenatal crap don't need your free stuff, I wanted to know if there was any info in there I should take home. Seriously, bite me.

Then I asked if there have been cases where negative HCG tests still result in pregnancy, and she told me a story about a positive test that ended in miscarriage. (Again, no duh. That's very common).

I asked about false negatives, not about positives ending in tragedy.

Thankfully, when I talked to the other nurse she gave me a few things that could be what's going on with me, but we would find out more with the blood work and she wanted me to get what I needed ASAP.

I was thisclose to dropping my doctor, 10 years of going to the same physician and this is how I get treated? It didn't help that the office assistant argued with me about my visit when I called.

Then she tried to lie and say, "we don't do transvaginal ultrasounds same day as blood work, for first time visits." B.S. I know for a fact that was a lie, and when I told her that, she just said that my OBGYN would call me and said goodbye.

They are testing my HCG levels. I'll be asking what my exact numbers are.

You can ask for a new nurse, my husband is going with me next time around and he won't let this happen again.

My mom was very supportive, and she tried to get me a sonogram today but everyone was booked up, the only person that could get me in could only do blood work. They offered to do a sonogram and blood work by an appointment, but I passed on that.

If I need to switch physicians I will.

Good luck Hun!
That is unreal. I'm glad your husband is going with you next time. I would almost talk to the doctor somehow and let him know your frustrations with the nurse. Especially if he is a good doctor but yeah, if not, it's better to find a new place than somewhere where you feel less than welcome.

That's horrible for her to talk about tragedies when it's not at all what you asked about. Women asking about that kind of stuff are already a little on edge not knowing what's going on so to tell stories hat ended badly and not at all on topic is really insensitive.

At least they get the HCG results back the next day and you shouldn't be waiting too long. Do you think you will have much faith in the HCG test if it is positive or negative?

I started having sharp pains again in my lower left abdomen. I hope there's nothing wrong :/
That is unreal. I'm glad your husband is going with you next time. I would almost talk to the doctor somehow and let him know your frustrations with the nurse. Especially if he is a good doctor but yeah, if not, it's better to find a new place than somewhere where you feel less than welcome.

That's horrible for her to talk about tragedies when it's not at all what you asked about. Women asking about that kind of stuff are already a little on edge not knowing what's going on so to tell stories hat ended badly and not at all on topic is really insensitive.

At least they get the HCG results back the next day and you shouldn't be waiting too long. Do you think you will have much faith in the HCG test if it is positive or negative?

I started having sharp pains again in my lower left abdomen. I hope there's nothing wrong :/

My doctor is a woman and she's usually great, I never dealt with her nurses really, before.

I know right! When she talked about miscarriage when I ask about false negative, all I could think was, "wow you're really rooting for my happiness." And "way to stay positive." It was obvious she didn't have a real answer, and she should have asked someone who did.

Idk about the results, I'll take them as I get them.

I hope you're okay, too!
That's good the actual doctor is great - and is sounds like one of the nurses is at least.

Right, that's really not good ettiquette in her line of work.

Have you heard anything about your results?

So I went today and they did a pregnancy test in office which was negative, which I knew it would be because the past two I took last week were. I did show the one nurse the pictures of my faint line tests and she said she could definitely see the lines and she got all excited. I told her the last two were negative though so they had me test in office. i have to go in tomorrow morning for the hcg test and general blood work for my thyroid and they are having me go in for an ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound to make sure I didn't have an ectopic pregnancy or have a cyst. I have to wait for a call about when the ultrasounds will be. Still a waiting game but both ladies were super nice today which really helped!

Kinda glad to have you as a partner in all this... Just wish you didn't have to go through it too!
That's good the actual doctor is great - and is sounds like one of the nurses is at least.

Right, that's really not good ettiquette in her line of work.

Have you heard anything about your results?

So I went today and they did a pregnancy test in office which was negative, which I knew it would be because the past two I took last week were. I did show the one nurse the pictures of my faint line tests and she said she could definitely see the lines and she got all excited. I told her the last two were negative though so they had me test in office. i have to go in tomorrow morning for the hcg test and general blood work for my thyroid and they are having me go in for an ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound to make sure I didn't have an ectopic pregnancy or have a cyst. I have to wait for a call about when the ultrasounds will be. Still a waiting game but both ladies were super nice today which really helped!

Kinda glad to have you as a partner in all this... Just wish you didn't have to go through it too!

I'm so glad you're getting a sonogram! Go them for doing their job right with you.

I called 9:40 this morning and was told I would get a call back. I ended up calling again at 5:07 (23 minutes before they close) and got my results and made an appointment for an ultrasound, for tomorrow.

My level is at 2, which is technically negative. My doctor sounded very eager to get me in ASAP. So I'm worried now that I've had a missed miscarriage and I've been carrying a bad pregnancy for a while.

But I may just be in early early pregnancy and the levels might rise.

To be honest I'm expecting heartbreak, I found out the levels at work and had a break down.

I'm glad I'm not alone, and it have my sir for support. I just wish I could have a textbook pregnancy. :(

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