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3 DPO looking for a cycle buddy or support!

Disney I agree, coming on here and talking to you girls helps a ton. I also have another guilty pleasure (that's gonna sound weird here) to help with down days and make the tww pass quickly is going to countdown to pregnancy where they have the pregnancy test gallery that you can vote positive or negative. I'd like to think that analyzing other's tests will help with my POAS addiction, but not really sure it helps. :) that should be it with my online arsenal Haha! I also read. Helps a lot.

FF gave me crosshairs today but I don't think I o'd that day. Pretty positive I'm only 2 dpo. I didn't have a positive opk til the next day around noon and no o pain until that night and yesterday (lasted a super long time which is weird for me) I may have to change how it analyzes ovulation.
Countdown to pregnancy does help with ny poas addiction hah i feel like abit of a xfactor judge but it helps i guess lol
Haha x factor judge! How are things going, Comotion? It's been a while!
Sophiasmom I do the exact same thing!! I'm always checking out the tests on Countdown to Pregnancy! :haha:

Comotion how are you?? Where are you in your cycle?
Cd 55 no sign of anything...silly body i seem to have an aversion to fruit and veg but an addiction to chocolate and crisps ...im so glad i dont live in the states, i hear you can supersize meals and theres a house of pancakes(mmmm food) But i digress haha..yea im just here waiting and watching
Aww I'm sorry :( If crisps are potato chips then I hear ya!! My big addiction ;) Well I hope AF shows up soon for you :hugs:
Sorry Comotion. I know that's frustrating. Fx'd your body work will start working properly for you!
So sorry to hear that commotion! I have fingers crossed for you that you get some good news soon.

Mommyb I read your journal so exciting!! What strength are the dollar tree tests? If you are testing this early with a 50mui test it may be difficult to get a positive before AF due (just thinking).

I am SWAMPED with work because i have been sick :( Positive thoughts for all you ladies!!
Sorry you're sick :( Still the flu? Hope you get better ASAP!!

I believe the New Choice tests are 25miu but I could be wrong. I think I'm just still too early :)
I just bought a pack of FRER tests and told my husband put your hand over these and give it good mojo lol! I also said a hail mary over them. Clearly I have become a crazy person! :rofl:
I googled New Choice tests and the countdown to pregnancy site said 12dpo was the most common to get a faint positive with them. So I'm sure I'm just way to early :)
Yes, still the flu! I went to the grocery store yesterday and got so nauseous and winded half way through. The Flu is crazy awful! It really takes a toll on your body. If I don't get a bfp this month I am definitely blaming it on my immune system working over drive trying to fight this horrible virus. Apparently Strand A (what we have) is the worst :shrug:
Oh my goodness that sucks! Is the flu the one where you pretty much just vomit and have diarrhea for a week? If so I had that last year and it was horrible!
I think it is different for everyone. For my son it was stomach pain and a HIGH fever, followed by a little stuffiness after it broke. For me it was a moderate fever and SERIOUS chest and nasal congestion, ears, sore throat, all that sort of stuff. Now hubby came home today saying he feels bad. :( BUT that could be due to the fact he stayed up ALL night worried about a project for work.

I am curious about something. Do you all go to bed the same time as your husband? My husband is always up till like midnight and then sleeps till 10 (which drives me crazy), I wish we were on the same schedule! I cant imagine how it will be with a baby. I would like to think it will get us in a more normal routine (wishful thinking???) :)
Sophiasmom can you explain crosshairs? FF has me super confused. And no temps for me since I got sick :/
We always go to bed at the same time. I'm a night owl and he usually passes out on the couch. So he sleeps on the couch while I watch tv or go on BnB. Lol. Although last night I passed out at 9:30 on the couch woke up at 10 and went up to bed on my own because I was so tired.
We go to bed at the same time, but DH is an early riser.

I'll try to explain crosshairs. The horizontal line is the coverline. Basically you (or FF) find the highest pre-O temp and it's a tiny bit above that (can't remember the exact amount). The vertical line is your O day (detected by FF). You can change the settings for how FF detects your O. With mine, it gave me dotted crosshairs with Cd 17 as O day bc my temp had gone up a little. I didn't even get a positive opk til that night, and bigger rise I'm temp and o pains on Cd 18 so I'm assuming that was my O day. I changed the settings so I should hopefully get crosshairs tomorrow. Basically if you have 3 days of temps above coverline after signs of O, it'll give you crosshairs.
Has anyone ever got shooting/aching pain in crotch/panty area as a symptom? Sorry don't know how to explain it any better than that.
I know w both pregnancies I had little electric shock feelings in my cervix. They didn't last long but were lIke little zings. That's how my sis guessed I was pregnant the first time. I mentioned it to her without thinking and she said umm, are you pregnant?
Lightning crotch I believe your talking about :rofl: I used to get them while pregnant (months into pregnancy though). It happened a couple cycles ago in my TWW now that I think about it. I was so excited when it happened! lol. Now if you get a shock type pain in your uterus then I would say that's implantation. I remember that with my youngest in my TWW.

Speaking of implantation pain, I can't remember if I felt it or not with my first but I definitely felt it with my second on 7dpo. And I keep waiting for it to happen and nothing. I guess this question is for you Sophiasmom, did you feel it with your two? Or is it possible to not feel it and still be pregnant? I guess I'm grasping at straws here. 9dpo (me today) is the most common day to implant and I've had the odd dull cramps and lower back pain today. As well as some crazy diarrhea this evening. But I'm sure it doesn't mean anything.

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