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3 DPO looking for a cycle buddy or support!

Sophiasmom two week wait website is my guilty pleasure!! I've probably read every BFP story 10 times!! :rofl:
So don't think I'm crazy BUT I went to the bathroom and noticed a TON of EWCM. Probably from the mucinex. So I marched into the study and told hubby we have GOT to bd! Now lol! He obliged lol but said if he gets the flu I have to take care of him. I told him deal :)
Aww! Now that's love!! ;) Now go make that baby!! Lol
Also we have more wedding photos!! So excited!!


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You are stunning!! What a beautiful pic! Speaking of weddings it's my 6th wedding anniversary today :) I should find a pic from my wedding to share!
6 years ago today (this time actually). My fave pic!

Lol thanks mommyb! Sadly that was only 2 months ago and I'm 15 pounds heavier! It's all in my butt and boobs though so hubby isn't complaining ;)

That is a beautiful wedding photo!!!! Where were you guys?? It looks SO romantic!
Thanks! We were in Jamaica, got married right there on the beach :) And no worries, I'm 25 pounds heavier than that pic :( Although thankfully I'm tall and it's not super noticeable. :haha:
I LOVE two week wait! It does help the time pass quicker.

Gorgeous pictures both of you! Happy Anniversary mommyb!

Craigbaby you truly are dedicated! :)
Ok ladies, WHY am I getting EWCM post ovulation. I got a positive OPK Saturday night and Sunday morning. So I should have o'ed Sunday or Monday, today is Tuesday. What gives??
I don't think it's out of the question to have fertile cm post O. Have you taken any meds with guaifenesin in them since you've been sick? That will thin out your secretions (including cm) and maybe account for the cm? I'm really not sure but I'm thinking it could. But it's not like estrogen is completely out of your system.
Sophiasmom- thanks for all the info. Glad u and dh are all made up now. Being mad at them IS exhausting. I hope u got some sleep :) btw I already started stalking tww.com lol thank u so much for the info. I was a crazy poster on here yesterday due to the snow storm and being stuck I side lol sorry!! I am back to work today though! :)
Mommyb- thanks for the reassurance. I seem to need a lot of that this time I don't know why, sorry!! U girls r the best! Yea I've never looked at CM. The most I'll do is just look at my undies as well. I was getting a little obsessive being stuck in thr house yesterday all day but now I think I'm back on track today lol. Sorry for the off day blah! I'm SOO excited for your symptom spotting!! I have also heard that congestion can be a sign so Fx for you!! When r u planning on testing? Lee us up to date on your symptoms!!

Craigbaby - aww you guys are so dedicated I love it! I hope u had some good bd lol! As for the cm- I have read a lot of posts during the tww and a lot of people tend to be all over the place with cm. I don't think you need to invest too much into worrying.
Aww just saw the photos and wow they are gorgeous!!!! Happy Anniversary mommyb! :)

Btw as for me ... my temp went up this morning yay! I'm hoping this is a good sign and it stays up! :) Running out to work now ... I'll post later if i have any "symptoms" but ill at least be reading .. 5dpo for me today :)
Craigbaby I believe two to three days past ovulation our bodies produce some EWCM, something due to ovulation. I'm not sure exactly but I know I've read this. Completely normal, would not worry :)

Disney yay on the temp rise!!

Sophiasmom hope you're getting close to O girly!!

AFM...7dpo and I'm starting to lose hope...ugh I do this every cycle! I feel super positive then I lose the positivity. :haha: Crazy hormones ;) I'm super excited to test and hopefully this is my cycle!
Finally got my positive opk this morning! Good thing we bd'd last night!

Mommyb I fully believe you're still in it. Don't give up yet!
Sophiasmom- that is great news!! Keep BD'ing!!!!! And lucky you BD'ing yesterday!!

Mommyb- don't loose hope!!! I have all the faith!!! Any symptoms? Although... Not having symptoms can be a symptom ;)

Disney- so excited for your temp rise! Fx crossed! And please don't apologize for the posting! Yesterday I was stuck in bed most of the day so the post kept me entertained! Keep posting!

Nothing new with me... Still having EWCM today, still can't go back to work, still sick :(.... 3dpo, I wish I was further along! O and thanks for the tww website, now I spend hours scouring it for 3rd cycle success stories! Lol!
My temps are high compared to last cycle so I guess that's good! Had a little dip today in temp and I've had some twinges down low on the left. I'm having creamy white CM when wiping. Blood when I blow my nose (yesterday and today) and my ears are really plugged (apparently this is a pregnancy symptom). And that's about it. Way less then previous TWW!

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