Hey everyone
Ejay - hope you get a nice unexpected surprise this month...
Thanks Waiting4Baby...good plan with the PMA! xx
HCB - glad you are feeling positive. Good luck with the practicing!
JCfromKC - awesome that you are feeling nice and calm this month. I am just into the 2WW myself! Good luck.
Springflower - so glad that you get to stay on the thread! Will add your new date now
Hi Giggles! Hope you are doing well x
elsie - I am so sorry

hope you are doing ok? Fingers crossed for next month

nupu - all I can say is

. I am so sorry. Do you know why this happens? Really hope you are doing ok and that next cycle brings a whole pile of sticky baby dust. I am thinking of you
Hey to everyone else on the thread as well. I hope that wherever you are at in your cycle, battling with AF or waiting to O or in that long drawn out 2WW that you are feeling ok and finding other things in life to appreciate and having lots of cuddles with your OH and enjoying the weather and doing whatever it is that makes you feel happy and whole. I think this is such a rollercoaster, it is so important to have things and people around us that cheer us up, support us, and at times, distract us. Wishing you all the best xxx
I am in bed sick...wanted to BD last night as I think yesterday was either O day or 1dpo, but I am too sick...had a horrible feverish night and there was no way I could bring myself to even consider it. So I think I am just going to have to be happy with what we did!

to everyone