Anyone testing on May 31st? Wanted to compare symptoms (me - none

Hi maxxi
I may test then as I will be 11dpo. How many dpo are you? Me, if FF gives me cross hairs tomorrow about 5dpo. So far just some cramping in my uterus but I have a whole week to symptom spot some more

I am 7 dpo. I have twinges of pain and cramping in the left lower area of my abdomen and some bloating. I have been fooled before though! This waiting is a killer!
Good luck! It's so hard isn't it, I swear I am going to give up symptom spotting because I have also been fooled so many times...but then again, pg symptoms are so like normal AF symptoms that it's hard to know! Fingers crossed for you and hope the waiting doesn't drive you too crazy in the 1ww!!
I somehow managed to resist testing this morning! If no AF by tomorrow I'll try again then. I've started to get some cramps though so I think I am out
Aw, I hope not JJay! Hopefully those cramps are NOT AF arriving....let us know how the testing goes xx fingers crossed!
Well I'm out...tested yesterday and BFN. I wasn't too optimistic about this month anyway. We leave for vacation tomorrow, so I guess the

will be joining us....that BLOWS!!
So sorry bonjo

I will still keep hoping for you until AF arrives though!
My Af is set to be here on my anniversary, that blows as well. Im still hopeful though. So I know how you are feeling! I am from Illinois as well, chicago actually!
I hope that instead of AF you get a lovely big BFP on your anniversary! That would be a nice anniversary present
Oh, I'll definitely keep everyone posted. So far no side effects, which is nice!! I feel like I'm a walking pill bottle, I'm popping so many things. (I do wonder if that can really be such a good thing??

They don't call it the Windy City for nothin'! I was there for a New Years Eve "party" at Grant Park to watch fireworks a few years back and I thought I was going to freeze to death. Fireworks were beautiful but it was flipping colder than cold!
Glad that you aren't experiencing any side-effects Squirrel...will definitely be interested to see how you go.
I am from another windy city - Wellington is known as 'Windy Wellington' - now we have moved up the coast a bit we seem to have escaped a bit from the wind thank goodness!
Hope everyone is doing ok! I think I may have already said this...but I got my internet orders in for this cycle - pre-seed and OPKs, which I have used for the last two cycles - and then softcups, which I am trying for the first time! Am going to follow Squirrels detailed instructions for how to use them...