30-somethings TTC #1 Testing and Support Thread!

Morning all. I didn't bother testing this morning as I've had a big temp drop :growlmad: grrrrrr! AF will be here tomorrow :witch:. Anyway, here's to a brand new cycle, time to try again.

Giggles I think you either Ov on 12 or 14 if you wait for a couple more temps you'll probably have a better idea. FF is usually very good but sometimes a rogue temperature can mean it's wrong. They had me Ov on CD17 this month but I changed to CD19 on the overide.

LuckyD, SquirrelGirl; what are soft cups? (or do I not want to know??) :shrug:
Anyone testing on May 31st? Wanted to compare symptoms (me - none :nope:!)

Hi maxxi

I may test then as I will be 11dpo. How many dpo are you? Me, if FF gives me cross hairs tomorrow about 5dpo. So far just some cramping in my uterus but I have a whole week to symptom spot some more:haha:.

I am 7 dpo. I have twinges of pain and cramping in the left lower area of my abdomen and some bloating. I have been fooled before though! This waiting is a killer!

Good luck! It's so hard isn't it, I swear I am going to give up symptom spotting because I have also been fooled so many times...but then again, pg symptoms are so like normal AF symptoms that it's hard to know! Fingers crossed for you and hope the waiting doesn't drive you too crazy in the 1ww!!

I somehow managed to resist testing this morning! If no AF by tomorrow I'll try again then. I've started to get some cramps though so I think I am out :(

Aw, I hope not JJay! Hopefully those cramps are NOT AF arriving....let us know how the testing goes xx fingers crossed!

Well I'm out...tested yesterday and BFN. I wasn't too optimistic about this month anyway. We leave for vacation tomorrow, so I guess the :witch: will be joining us....that BLOWS!!

So sorry bonjo :hugs::hugs: I will still keep hoping for you until AF arrives though!

My Af is set to be here on my anniversary, that blows as well. Im still hopeful though. So I know how you are feeling! I am from Illinois as well, chicago actually!:happydance:

I hope that instead of AF you get a lovely big BFP on your anniversary! That would be a nice anniversary present :flower:

Oh, I'll definitely keep everyone posted. So far no side effects, which is nice!! I feel like I'm a walking pill bottle, I'm popping so many things. (I do wonder if that can really be such a good thing?? :wacko:)

They don't call it the Windy City for nothin'! I was there for a New Years Eve "party" at Grant Park to watch fireworks a few years back and I thought I was going to freeze to death. Fireworks were beautiful but it was flipping colder than cold!

Glad that you aren't experiencing any side-effects Squirrel...will definitely be interested to see how you go.

I am from another windy city - Wellington is known as 'Windy Wellington' - now we have moved up the coast a bit we seem to have escaped a bit from the wind thank goodness!

Hope everyone is doing ok! I think I may have already said this...but I got my internet orders in for this cycle - pre-seed and OPKs, which I have used for the last two cycles - and then softcups, which I am trying for the first time! Am going to follow Squirrels detailed instructions for how to use them...

Ugh and today I'm 9 dpo and have had some brown spotting. I'm trying not to go crazy!:grr: I'll try to look at this positively and say that if it is AF then I can get a jump on next month. But how disappointing :cry:
AF showed this morning. On to June. At least if I get pregnant now, I won't have to worry about getting caught in a January ice storm on the way to the hospital.

June 22nd will be my next testing date.
AF showed this morning. On to June. At least if I get pregnant now, I won't have to worry about getting caught in a January ice storm on the way to the hospital.

June 22nd will be my next testing date.

:hugs: sorry AF got you but great PMA for the next cycle
:hugs: parkgirl!

I like your way of thinking too... not getting stuck in bad winter weather would be a plus when in labor!
Hi, can i join you all?

I'm 34yrs old. Been charting since Feb, but this is our first month TTC. FF says my AF is due on Weds 2nd June. But that's based on me having a bit of an iffy LP (8, 10 and 9 days so far charted), so i guess i shouldn't test until at least 3rd June? Could you put me down for that date please?

I'm taking B-vit complex. Also some chinese herbs. Prenatal supplement and fish oils. Fingers x'd!

Good luck all of you testing soon!

AF showed this morning. On to June. At least if I get pregnant now, I won't have to worry about getting caught in a January ice storm on the way to the hospital.

June 22nd will be my next testing date.

I like your attitude too even though I know you're sad. I'm thinking I'll be out this month too. :dust: to you for next cycle
:hi: seems like Ive not been on here for aaaaages, but actually only 2 nights I have missed. Getting BnB withdrawal symptoms!! :blush: Been really busy with work but wanted to check in to see how everyone was.

Sorry to all of you that the nasty witch has visited. June is going to be our month girls, I will be fighting her off !!

Anyone testing on May 31st? Wanted to compare symptoms (me - none :nope:!)

Im testing 1st June so a day after. Saw you had spotting and thought you were out. Still early days though?

AF showed this morning. On to June. At least if I get pregnant now, I won't have to worry about getting caught in a January ice storm on the way to the hospital.

Exactly! :thumbup:

Hope everyone is doing ok! I think I may have already said this...but I got my internet orders in for this cycle - pre-seed and OPKs, which I have used for the last two cycles - and then softcups, which I am trying for the first time! Am going to follow Squirrels detailed instructions for how to use them...

Whoo hoo!! I'm sure you'll like them!

Well, you're going to be my softcup expert - am going to call on you if I get stuck! I just read Julia's post in another thread saying that apparently most people are getting their BFPs within three/four months of using softcups - I like those odds!

And I'm laughing so hard right now at the thought of you calling me if you "get stuck"... too many mental images there. haha!!!!!

Ha ha, I know, right? Just imagining being in the bedroom and having to say to my OH...'quick! Call SquirrelGirl! We have a softcup emergency...'

:rofl::rofl: I may also be calling in Squirrell help as considering softcups for next cycle (if I get to a next cycle :winkwink: ) !
Thanks ladies. Big :hugs: to those who the witch got this month.

Waitng4Baby#1- fx you don't get to the next cycle
Im 5 DPO I think. Trying so hard NOT to symptom spot, but failing miserably so though I would share and see what you thought (even though its way to early I know):

- sore boobs since O, died down a bit but still feel more sensitive than usual
- felt very nautious 2 DPO when I was out for a run. So much so I had to stop and jog/ walk the last mile (but then again was very hot here so probably the heat)
- been getting up for night time pees which I never do. Has been for the last 3 nights, possibly 4. And last night made sure I didnt drink much for a while before I went to bed
- slight pain in what felt like my ovaries (clearly made up as how would I know what my ovaries were feeling!!) 2-4 DPO but disappeared today.

Thoughts gratefully received.....
AF showed this morning. On to June. At least if I get pregnant now, I won't have to worry about getting caught in a January ice storm on the way to the hospital.

June 22nd will be my next testing date.

Same here. Planning to test on either the 22nd or 23rd of June.
Morning all,
Just done my charting and FF isn't sure when I O! It says the day before I got the positive OPK and Peaks on CBFM grrrrrrrrr
It says I am 3dpo already, but I know that isn't right. I think I am 1dpo. Which do I go off? Surely I can't have O before the +opk. Maybe my temps are not quite right.
I dunno! but not gonna get stressed about it, going to do off what I think is right ... think that is the best way to go about it.
Although I am open to ideas

Hey giggles! Hmmm....I don't chart so I am not much help - but I would say that not getting stressed about it and doing what you think is right is a great approach! I would totally go with your feelings on this one...you know your body.

Morning all. I didn't bother testing this morning as I've had a big temp drop :growlmad: grrrrrr! AF will be here tomorrow :witch:. Anyway, here's to a brand new cycle, time to try again.

LuckyD, SquirrelGirl; what are soft cups? (or do I not want to know??) :shrug:

Hey JJay - so sorry about the temp dip :hugs: I'm still keeping my hopes up for you just in case....

Softcups are like little cups you insert after BDing, it keeps the sperm close to your cervix and apparently gives them a better chance to get in there! There is a thread about them on BnB - Softcup Thread

Ugh and today I'm 9 dpo and have had some brown spotting. I'm trying not to go crazy!:grr: I'll try to look at this positively and say that if it is AF then I can get a jump on next month. But how disappointing :cry:

So sorry love :hugs: but is it definitely AF arriving? Implantation spotting maybe? Hope AF stays away!!!

AF showed this morning. On to June. At least if I get pregnant now, I won't have to worry about getting caught in a January ice storm on the way to the hospital.

June 22nd will be my next testing date.

So sorry parkgirl :hugs::hugs: stupid AF! Hope you are doing ok. I like your attitude - getting stuck in an ice storm while you are in labour would not be fun. I will add your June testing date - good luck xxx

Hi, can i join you all?

I'm 34yrs old. Been charting since Feb, but this is our first month TTC. FF says my AF is due on Weds 2nd June. But that's based on me having a bit of an iffy LP (8, 10 and 9 days so far charted), so i guess i shouldn't test until at least 3rd June? Could you put me down for that date please?

I'm taking B-vit complex. Also some chinese herbs. Prenatal supplement and fish oils. Fingers x'd!

Good luck all of you testing soon!


Welcome Fairybabe! I will add your date :flower: Good luck!

Im 5 DPO I think. Trying so hard NOT to symptom spot, but failing miserably so though I would share and see what you thought (even though its way to early I know):

- sore boobs since O, died down a bit but still feel more sensitive than usual
- felt very nautious 2 DPO when I was out for a run. So much so I had to stop and jog/ walk the last mile (but then again was very hot here so probably the heat)
- been getting up for night time pees which I never do. Has been for the last 3 nights, possibly 4. And last night made sure I didnt drink much for a while before I went to bed
- slight pain in what felt like my ovaries (clearly made up as how would I know what my ovaries were feeling!!) 2-4 DPO but disappeared today.

Thoughts gratefully received.....

All sounding good Waiting4Baby! 5dpo is early...but it's always a good thing if you are experiencing things which are out of the ordinary for you. It's so hard not to symptom spot isn't it...I was waaaay better at not doing it last month, but then AF was four days late and I was driving myself crazy! Good luck love xxx

AF showed this morning. On to June. At least if I get pregnant now, I won't have to worry about getting caught in a January ice storm on the way to the hospital.

June 22nd will be my next testing date.

Same here. Planning to test on either the 22nd or 23rd of June.

AF arrived for you too mommyinwtg? So sorry to hear that :hugs::hugs: I will add your testing date for June - hope that June will be the month for you!

I do have a good feeling about June ladies...I think we are going to be seeing more BFPs on here!

Good luck for those still waiting to test in May!!
Morning all,
Just done my charting and FF isn't sure when I O! It says the day before I got the positive OPK and Peaks on CBFM grrrrrrrrr
It says I am 3dpo already, but I know that isn't right. I think I am 1dpo. Which do I go off? Surely I can't have O before the +opk. Maybe my temps are not quite right.
I dunno! but not gonna get stressed about it, going to do off what I think is right ... think that is the best way to go about it.
Although I am open to ideas

I would go with your OPK and CBFM, because they are measuring the hormone levels...

Hi, can i join you all?

I'm 34yrs old. Been charting since Feb, but this is our first month TTC. FF says my AF is due on Weds 2nd June. But that's based on me having a bit of an iffy LP (8, 10 and 9 days so far charted), so i guess i shouldn't test until at least 3rd June? Could you put me down for that date please?

I'm taking B-vit complex. Also some chinese herbs. Prenatal supplement and fish oils. Fingers x'd!

Good luck all of you testing soon!


:hi: Welcome!!!!

To everyone else, Hi, and sorry to those who are out this cycle, but we'll all just have to get our BFPs in June! It'll be so exciting in here! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Thanks all, I have decided to go off when I got the +OPK and CBFM. I don't think my temps are all that realiable this month, what with the mini heatwave and using a fan at night.
So I am 1dpo today .... Going to test on the 7th or 8th June. Going to be a long wait as always.
Lucky - Not happy. Still bleeding and though it's different than other months I'm calling it AF. I'm going to set my cbfm to CD 1.*
Any thoughts?
Hi all, its my first time TTC. My testing date is the 30th of May

I am 37 so quite keen to get up the duff asap! My luteal phase is short at 10 days, so even when I'll test this month on the 30th I doubt I'll see anything even though thats when af is due. Lets just hope af stays away! I have been off the pill since last oct but have only been charting for the past 3 months. Due to my later ovulation (days 19 to 23) we had been bd'ing at the wrong time (as we bd around the 14th then ran out of...steam) funny how trying can actually hinder your chances. But the past month I've got it figured out and have nailed the dates and temps/cm signs.

Ok, good luck to all you all!
Thanks for the welcome ladies and to Lucky for adding me to the list.

Bongley, sounds like our cycles are remarkably similar! Baby dust to you too! (and to all of you!).

To everyone else, Hi, and sorry to those who are out this cycle, but we'll all just have to get our BFPs in June! It'll be so exciting in here! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Totally - June is it!

Thanks all, I have decided to go off when I got the +OPK and CBFM. I don't think my temps are all that realiable this month, what with the mini heatwave and using a fan at night.
So I am 1dpo today .... Going to test on the 7th or 8th June. Going to be a long wait as always.

Good call giggles. Good luck - the two week wait is a pain x

Lucky - Not happy. Still bleeding and though it's different than other months I'm calling it AF. I'm going to set my cbfm to CD 1.*
Any thoughts?

So sorry love. How is it different to normal AF? How early is it? 9dpo could totally be implantation bleeding...guess it depends on how heavy it is? Hope you get some answers soon! How frustrating :hugs:

Hi all, its my first time TTC. My testing date is the 30th of May

I am 37 so quite keen to get up the duff asap! My luteal phase is short at 10 days, so even when I'll test this month on the 30th I doubt I'll see anything even though thats when af is due. Lets just hope af stays away! I have been off the pill since last oct but have only been charting for the past 3 months. Due to my later ovulation (days 19 to 23) we had been bd'ing at the wrong time (as we bd around the 14th then ran out of...steam) funny how trying can actually hinder your chances. But the past month I've got it figured out and have nailed the dates and temps/cm signs.

Ok, good luck to all you all!

Welcome Bongley! I will add your date :flower: me and my OH were totally the same with the BDing at the wrong time...turns out I don't O until about CD18-20, we were also running out of steam too early! Good luck xx

Thanks for the welcome ladies and to Lucky for adding me to the list.

Bongley, sounds like our cycles are remarkably similar! Baby dust to you too! (and to all of you!).


No worries love :flower:
Welcome, Bongley!!

Yeah, amazing how "common knowledge" says every woman ovulates around day 14. Even now I can search the internet and find sites that say that... :dohh: Good thing we have OPKs, CBFMs, charting and whatnot!! I ovulate late (CD17-19ish) and have a short LP (as short as 8 days with spotting prior to that) too. So you're in good company around here!!

To everyone else, Hi, and sorry to those who are out this cycle, but we'll all just have to get our BFPs in June! It'll be so exciting in here! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Totally - June is it!

Thanks all, I have decided to go off when I got the +OPK and CBFM. I don't think my temps are all that realiable this month, what with the mini heatwave and using a fan at night.
So I am 1dpo today .... Going to test on the 7th or 8th June. Going to be a long wait as always.

Good call giggles. Good luck - the two week wait is a pain x

Lucky - Not happy. Still bleeding and though it's different than other months I'm calling it AF. I'm going to set my cbfm to CD 1.*
Any thoughts?

So sorry love. How is it different to normal AF? How early is it? 9dpo could totally be implantation bleeding...guess it depends on how heavy it is? Hope you get some answers soon! How frustrating :hugs:

Hi all, its my first time TTC. My testing date is the 30th of May

I am 37 so quite keen to get up the duff asap! My luteal phase is short at 10 days, so even when I'll test this month on the 30th I doubt I'll see anything even though thats when af is due. Lets just hope af stays away! I have been off the pill since last oct but have only been charting for the past 3 months. Due to my later ovulation (days 19 to 23) we had been bd'ing at the wrong time (as we bd around the 14th then ran out of...steam) funny how trying can actually hinder your chances. But the past month I've got it figured out and have nailed the dates and temps/cm signs.

Ok, good luck to all you all!

Welcome Bongley! I will add your date :flower: me and my OH were totally the same with the BDing at the wrong time...turns out I don't O until about CD18-20, we were also running out of steam too early! Good luck xx

Thanks for the welcome ladies and to Lucky for adding me to the list.

Bongley, sounds like our cycles are remarkably similar! Baby dust to you too! (and to all of you!).


No worries love :flower:

It is lighter than normal and I had no warning that it was coming. I still think it has to be AF so for now today is CD 1 for me! Next month will hopefully be mine.

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