30-somethings TTC #1 Testing and Support Thread!

Morning all.
hope everyone is doing ok. I am find this 2ww a nightmare so have gone away with my DD for a few days, hopefully time will past quickly!

Good call giggles, it's good to get away sometimes and find ways to distract yourself. Good luck lovey xx

ooh, apple berry crumble! I was actually thinking about making something similar! Just need to find a recipe and get to the store! There's a cooking show I like to watch that had an apple cranberry crisp that looked just so amazing, and aside from preping all the ingredients, looked pretty simple!

:dust: all around for June!!!!!!! Only a couple days away from the BFP explosion!!! :wohoo:

The crumble was delicious! And very easy - if you want a recipe let me know!

I like the expression 'BFP explosion' - I think that sums it up nicely!

Oh, apple berry crumble sounds wonderful. FX for a great day at your new job!

Thanks parkgirl! I survived - it was pretty good actually!

Lucky D, good luck in the new job!

As for me. 7DPO, and lots of confusing symptoms. But most the same as last month when we weren't trying. Just want to know now!! I guess i should wait until day 10DPO at the earliest, as FF says my AF is due then. I suppose that way i'll know whetehr to even bother, as if my temps stay up, then i should test, and if it starts dipping, then there's no point in wasting a stick. Patience is not my strong point!

Loving the PMA Parkgirl!

Have a good week everyone!!


Thanks Fairybabe :hugs:
Oh, so feeling you with the whole lack of patience...the 2ww is such a pain sometimes. Fingers are crossed for you love!

First day of work went pretty well! I got introduced to so many people though, will never remember their names! But it was good. And now I am home chilling out while my OH makes a delicious dinner...it's pretty nice.

Hope everyone is doing well. Tomorrow is June - BFP Explosion Month!
Hey Lucky

Was going to nip on and wish you good luck for your 1st day, but I'd forgotten about the time difference! :dohh:

Glad it went well.

I'm fine about AF, I always feel her coming about 5 days before so I'm over the disspointment by the time she arrives!

Thanks for the luck on Tuesday! Can't wait to get to the appointment now!

Love to all you girls
FX for a great appointment Springflower. Please let us know how it goes.

Oh, and welcome to bfp explosion month!! :happydance:
I'm loving the positive energy in here! Let's keep it going!! :dance:

I got a "high" on my CBFM this morning on CD12... soooo let the games begin! :haha:
Oh, and LuckyD, if you wouldn't mind sending me that recipe (maybe post it in here so anyone else who wants it can copy it too) if it's not too much trouble! I know with the new job, you're probably exhausted! :sleep:
Hi ladies - Ive missed you all while I have been away!! Managed to get onto the internet with my phone to check in on the SMEP thread as I knew someone was testing on friday but apart from that BnB-less :wacko:

Springflower - good luck tomorrow.

Lucky - glad the first day went well.

Squirrel - I completely agree, June is going to be an explosion. Lets see the difference PMA makes!! :happydance:

Fairybabe - oh the 2WW is the worst. Hang in there :hugs:

Well, we had a lovely romantic break in Paris. Eaten lots of bad things which isnt good for my diet, and drank :wine: thank god... first time in a month! Im testing tomorrow... so nervous. Trying not to get my hopes up too much but I do feel different this month. Boobs are very sore, more so than usual, have felt slightly nautious at different times all over the weekend and very very tired (but this could be all in my head or due to eating too much food/ walking about all day).

Strange thing is that I haven't had any spotting today or any cramps which I usually get by now as the witch is due tomorrow......

Trying not to get my hopes up, but we said June was going to be our month....
oooh, keeping my fingers crossed very tightly for you Waiting! That's so awesome that you are able to take a weekend trip to Paris!


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Thanks Squirrel. Dont think I am going to get a wink of sleep tonight :shrug:

Have developed a strange pressure on what feels like my right ovary within the last 20 minutes. Feel slightly nautious again.... but then I have just eaten a large pizza :blush: Argh, wish it was morning time already!!
Squirrel - just saw you got a +opk today - what you doing on here, you should be in the middle of :sex: fun!
It's not quite positive yet. -- Just got a high on my clearblue monitor. Once it goes to "peak" then it's really go time. But that won't be for several more days (unless I get lucky and O early!) But still, we'll start to have a bit more "fun" in the days leading up to O!! :haha:

I think the CBFM is way easier than OPKs. I don't have to squint at the lines and try to figure out if the test line is as dark or darker!
Well get some practice in!

I'm off to pretend to sleep for 7 hours then testing first thing x
Fairybabe, I'm in SA 21st June to 1st July watching England's last group game and 1st knock out game. I won't Ov when I'm there but Fxed we get a SA test baby!!

Thanks for all the hugs - I feel all warm & cozy :hugs:

LuckyD - Thanks for the info, I'll wait and see how you get on with the

Maxxi how come your cycles are so varied, have you just come off BCP?

Going back to enjoy my wine now:wine: and the million £ drop :)

Night all xx

Back from the long weekend! I m/c'd in November and had a chemical pregnancy in April. I got off of birth control last summer after taking them for years. My cycles have been so weird that I bought the cbfm to help me figure out when I O.
:hi: seems like Ive not been on here for aaaaages, but actually only 2 nights I have missed. Getting BnB withdrawal symptoms!! :blush: Been really busy with work but wanted to check in to see how everyone was.

Sorry to all of you that the nasty witch has visited. June is going to be our month girls, I will be fighting her off !!

Anyone testing on May 31st? Wanted to compare symptoms (me - none :nope:!)

Im testing 1st June so a day after. Saw you had spotting and thought you were out. Still early days though?

AF showed this morning. On to June. At least if I get pregnant now, I won't have to worry about getting caught in a January ice storm on the way to the hospital.

Exactly! :thumbup:

Hope everyone is doing ok! I think I may have already said this...but I got my internet orders in for this cycle - pre-seed and OPKs, which I have used for the last two cycles - and then softcups, which I am trying for the first time! Am going to follow Squirrels detailed instructions for how to use them...

Whoo hoo!! I'm sure you'll like them!

Well, you're going to be my softcup expert - am going to call on you if I get stuck! I just read Julia's post in another thread saying that apparently most people are getting their BFPs within three/four months of using softcups - I like those odds!

And I'm laughing so hard right now at the thought of you calling me if you "get stuck"... too many mental images there. haha!!!!!

Ha ha, I know, right? Just imagining being in the bedroom and having to say to my OH...'quick! Call SquirrelGirl! We have a softcup emergency...'

:rofl::rofl: I may also be calling in Squirrell help as considering softcups for next cycle (if I get to a next cycle :winkwink: ) !

Totally out! AF was early and different so I was confused. Onto June!
As for me, am slowly entering the crazy phase.... too early to test, but far enough in to start to symptom spot! Great. And this is only my first month of TTC. Symptoms all the same as last month's pmt so far. Apart from the gas! But who knows, could just be something i've eaten!

When's the earliest people start testing????



Ah, welcome to the crazy-making two week wait. The first month we were TTC, I was SURE I was pregnant! Then heartbroken when I wasn't. I think your attitude is way better! Hope that this is your first and last 2ww! I am going to hold out until testing til at least 14dpo this month. But some people test a lot earlier - and I have seen quite a few people here get their BFPs as early as CD10. I just don't like seeing BFNs, so now I try and wait..but totally depends on the person. Good luck!

Hey Ladies

Hope you're all doing well.

My faithful AF got me this morning so I'm out for May. Please could you put me down for testing on Thursday 24th June?

Got my ICSI specialist appointment on Tuesday! Can't wait to get the ball rolling!

Love to you all.


Oh, so sorry Springflower :hugs::hugs: you ok? I will add your testing date for June. Good luck for the appointment on Tuesday - really hope it goes well!

Thanks. I'm still bleeding but this was definitely a shorter, lighter cycle. I'm going to think positively about June. I hope you O this weekend so you can start your countdown!

:hugs::hugs:Thinking positively about June is a great plan - that's what I am doing too! Did you want me to add a testing date for you?

I am not expecting to O for a while yet....probably not for another week, so that's one more boring week to go!

My cycles have been so off that I'm going to wait till I O and then give you a date. Last month I O'd CD 10 or CD 11 and tomorrow will be CD 6 so we'll see!
Sorry the witch got you Springflower and Bongley.

Lucky D, good luck in the new job!

Maxxiandniko, if your cycles don't settle, have you thought of acupuncture to help get you back on track? I find it's helpful.

As for me. 7DPO, and lots of confusing symptoms. But most the same as last month when we weren't trying. Just want to know now!! I guess i should wait until day 10DPO at the earliest, as FF says my AF is due then. I suppose that way i'll know whetehr to even bother, as if my temps stay up, then i should test, and if it starts dipping, then there's no point in wasting a stick. Patience is not my strong point!

Loving the PMA Parkgirl!

Have a good week everyone!!


Acupuncture does sound like an interesting idea....
Hope everyone had a really good weekend! It was a long one for me and DH and now I'm back thinking that I seriously ate too much these past few days!:dust: to everyone
^^I also ate too much this weekend.

Af is almost gone so DH and I are going to start :sex: tomorrow! This is going to be a great month. No traveling, no conferences, no nights apart.
Hey Lucky

Was going to nip on and wish you good luck for your 1st day, but I'd forgotten about the time difference! :dohh:

Glad it went well.

I'm fine about AF, I always feel her coming about 5 days before so I'm over the disspointment by the time she arrives!

Thanks for the luck on Tuesday! Can't wait to get to the appointment now!

Love to all you girls

Thanks! Glad that you are feeling ok about AF, if you are prepared I guess it's not as bad. Really looking forward to hearing how your appointment goes - let us know! xx

FX for a great appointment Springflower. Please let us know how it goes.

Oh, and welcome to bfp explosion month!! :happydance:

Woo hoo, bfp explosion month is catching on!

I'm loving the positive energy in here! Let's keep it going!! :dance:

I got a "high" on my CBFM this morning on CD12... soooo let the games begin! :haha:

We are almost at the same point...CD13 for me today (but with the time difference we are basically on the same cycle day!) We haven't even BD'd yet - were meant to last night but we were both really tired. That's cool, OPKs still negative and not expecting a peak for another few days at least. Have fun!

Oh, and LuckyD, if you wouldn't mind sending me that recipe (maybe post it in here so anyone else who wants it can copy it too) if it's not too much trouble! I know with the new job, you're probably exhausted! :sleep:

For sure - I will paste it down the bottom of the page.

Well, we had a lovely romantic break in Paris. Eaten lots of bad things which isnt good for my diet, and drank :wine: thank god... first time in a month! Im testing tomorrow... so nervous. Trying not to get my hopes up too much but I do feel different this month. Boobs are very sore, more so than usual, have felt slightly nautious at different times all over the weekend and very very tired (but this could be all in my head or due to eating too much food/ walking about all day).

Strange thing is that I haven't had any spotting today or any cramps which I usually get by now as the witch is due tomorrow......

Trying not to get my hopes up, but we said June was going to be our month....

Glad you had a lovely time in Paris - it sounds wonderful! Very jealous! x

oooh, keeping my fingers crossed very tightly for you Waiting! That's so awesome that you are able to take a weekend trip to Paris!

Love the firework 'explosion' Squirrel! Perfect!

My cycles have been so off that I'm going to wait till I O and then give you a date. Last month I O'd CD 10 or CD 11 and tomorrow will be CD 6 so we'll see!

No worries love. I totally understand - my cycles have been a bit crazy too, not sure what to expect this month! Let me know if/when you want me to add a date for you xx

Oh sweets, I am so sorry :hugs::hugs:
Are you ok?
What dpo are you? AF hasn't arrived yet so that is a good thing at least! Fingers still crossed for you xxxxx
Forgot the crumble recipe! Here it is:

Apple and Berry Crumble

Serves 6.

4 medium apples
40ml (2 tablespoons) water
38g (2 tablespoons) sugar
Berries (can be fresh or frozen)

75g (1/2 cup) plain flour
60g (3 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon) brown sugar
60g butter, chopped
About 1/2 cup toasted muesli

Peel and core apples, then cut into halfs and slice thinly.

Place apple, water and sugar in a large saucepan; cover and bring to the boil. Reduce heat so that the mixture is rapidly simmering. Simmer for about 10-12 minutes, or until apples are just soft.

Spoon cooked apple into a shallow ovenproof dish with a capacity of at least 1 litre (4 cups). Add some cinnamon, then mix in the berries to fill the dish.

Preheat oven to 190 degrees Celsius (170 degrees Celsius fan-forced).

Mix flour, caster sugar and muesli together in a large bowl. Using your fingertips, rub the butter into the flour mixture until well combined.

Sprinkle topping over apple and berries.

Bake for about 25 minutes, until topping is lightly browned. Serve hot or warm with vanilla ice cream.

Enjoy it ladies! It's sooooo yummy. You can also make it just with apple, or some other fruit. I have been making apple and feijoa and that has been delicious!

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