30-somethings TTC #1 Testing and Support Thread!

Well my lovely new gadget flashed "stick" at me this morning - god it was so exciting!! I knew it would be low fertility but i really wasn't that bothered as i am only CD6 - just hope it doesn't stay low all month though! Can you imgaine!!!

Well its a lovely sunny day here in England. Hi to everyone in the USA (who is probably asleep at the moment!!) Ssssshhhhhhhh

Maxxiandniko - hope you ovulate this weekend and if you do get busy!!! :winkwink:

Parkgirl - have fun this weekend making sure you have got plenty of supplies ready for your eggy!! Didn't mean that to rhymme!!

I think June is definitely going to be BFP explosion month!! I have been waiting 4 years for the world cup but would happily watch it drinking lemonade if it means i get my BFP!! We need to keep a Tally of how many people get their BFP's this month and what they did this month in order to get them! Apart from the obvious of course LOL!!!

Hey Ladies!

Hi Girls! Thanks for the warm welcome to the group! I really hope we get lots of BIG FAT POSTITIVES:bfp: this month!!!!!!!! I am trying pre-seed this month, so maybe that will help?:thumbup:

This is our third month of using pre-seed - I really like it. Hope it works well for you! x

I get just as excited when my monitor asks for a test. I'm on CD 8 and started high fertility today. Hopefully I'll O this weekend and see the peak! I may need a life too...

Oooh, good luck! Hope you get to see that peak soon.

I should O on Monday or Tuesday. DH and I are going to be very busy this weekend :sex: making sure that egg has plenty of :spermy: waiting for it.

Then the horrible TWW will start.

Lots of people heading into O time! Have a good weekend...sounds like you will!

June is our "BFP Explosion Month" :haha: So you joined at just the right time!!! :thumbup:

Wooooooo....BFP Explosions!!! A special BFP Explosion Smiley for the Smiley Queen:


I LOVE IT! Going to have to steal this!!! :happydance:

I knew that you would like that one - you are the Smiley Queen!

Well my lovely new gadget flashed "stick" at me this morning - god it was so exciting!! I knew it would be low fertility but i really wasn't that bothered as i am only CD6 - just hope it doesn't stay low all month though! Can you imgaine!!!

Well its a lovely sunny day here in England. Hi to everyone in the USA (who is probably asleep at the moment!!) Ssssshhhhhhhh

I think June is definitely going to be BFP explosion month!! I have been waiting 4 years for the world cup but would happily watch it drinking lemonade if it means i get my BFP!! We need to keep a Tally of how many people get their BFP's this month and what they did this month in order to get them! Apart from the obvious of course LOL!!!


Glad you are enjoying the CBFM so far! And glad to hear the sun is shining in England. It was a nice day here too...but definitely a wintery kind of nice day. First day of winter a few days ago and you can feel it...

In case you haven't seen it, there is a list on the first page of when people are testing this month and I update it as people either get their BFPs or (hopefully not) AF. If you want me to add a date for you just let me know :flower:

BD again tonight - woo hoo - and used the softcups. For those that were wondering - so, so easy to get in and out, no worries at all. I had no concerns that I wouldn't be able to remove it, and even though it looks kinda big, it is really easy to insert.

Three day weekend in New Zealand - yay! Am off to bed as am super tired after my first week of work, but had a nice night watching Glee on the couch with indian takeaways!

Hope you all are doing well xxx
Hi LuckyD, I like the first few days of winter - it's so snuggly!!

I hadn't seen it no - i just had a quick peek - perfect!! I guess you better put me down then - i am CD6 today but have no idea when my AF is due (anywhere between (27-30) days usually - hopefully after this month i will have a better idea! Especially if i get that magical "peak"!!!! Tell you what let me see how my CBFM goes this month and then i should have an idea of date or i i will just have to join in next month (or hopefully not!!!)

What are softcups!? Please explain to the newbie!!

LuckyD- What's TTHF? I can't figure that one out. I hope you have a lovely three day weekend!!

Shorty79- Woo Hoo for the CBFM working out for you. I've always wanted one, but haven't made the purchase.

DH came home last night with a giant grin on his face. He said that we better get to baby making since I was due to O beginning of the week and he wanted to have the :spermy: ready and waiting.
Hey Ladies

Well my ICSI aappointment was very exciting, we decided to start in July - so not long now!! This means we'll have one more natural attempt beforehand. I can't wait, actually feels like we're in with a chance now!

Hope you're all dong well.

We need some more BFP'S!!!
Parkgirl - make the purchase, make the purchase, seriously i feel so relaxed already knowing that my little monitor tells me what to do every day and i just do it! It's like having a wife!!lol!!

Sounds like you other half is really "hating" the whole TTC thing then yeah! :nope:

Remind me all - who's around CD 7 at the moment?

I'm with you.

:hugs: big hugs to all the ladies that the :witch: got.

Welcome Shorty79!!

I'm CD 8 and showing high fertility. Hopefully I'll O this weekend...

I should O on Monday or Tuesday. DH and I are going to be very busy this weekend :sex: making sure that egg has plenty of :spermy: waiting for it.

Then the horrible TWW will start.

CD 9 and still high fertility. Last month I O'd on CD 10 so hopefully tomorrow is the day. I will be with you all the way till the end of the very stressful 2WW :hugs: !
Hey Ladies

Well my ICSI aappointment was very exciting, we decided to start in July - so not long now!! This means we'll have one more natural attempt beforehand. I can't wait, actually feels like we're in with a chance now!

Hope you're all dong well.

We need some more BFP'S!!!
:dust:, :dust: and more :dust: !
Well my lovely new gadget flashed "stick" at me this morning - god it was so exciting!! I knew it would be low fertility but i really wasn't that bothered as i am only CD6 - just hope it doesn't stay low all month though! Can you imgaine!!!

Well its a lovely sunny day here in England. Hi to everyone in the USA (who is probably asleep at the moment!!) Ssssshhhhhhhh

Maxxiandniko - hope you ovulate this weekend and if you do get busy!!! :winkwink:

Parkgirl - have fun this weekend making sure you have got plenty of supplies ready for your eggy!! Didn't mean that to rhymme!!

I think June is definitely going to be BFP explosion month!! I have been waiting 4 years for the world cup but would happily watch it drinking lemonade if it means i get my BFP!! We need to keep a Tally of how many people get their BFP's this month and what they did this month in order to get them! Apart from the obvious of course LOL!!!


I hope I O this weekend too! We already started getting busy :thumbup: The cbfm is addicting! I get excited when I see the test stick symbol too!
Hey Ladies!

Hi Girls! Thanks for the warm welcome to the group! I really hope we get lots of BIG FAT POSTITIVES:bfp: this month!!!!!!!! I am trying pre-seed this month, so maybe that will help?:thumbup:

This is our third month of using pre-seed - I really like it. Hope it works well for you! x

I get just as excited when my monitor asks for a test. I'm on CD 8 and started high fertility today. Hopefully I'll O this weekend and see the peak! I may need a life too...

Oooh, good luck! Hope you get to see that peak soon.

I should O on Monday or Tuesday. DH and I are going to be very busy this weekend :sex: making sure that egg has plenty of :spermy: waiting for it.

Then the horrible TWW will start.

Lots of people heading into O time! Have a good weekend...sounds like you will!

June is our "BFP Explosion Month" :haha: So you joined at just the right time!!! :thumbup:

Wooooooo....BFP Explosions!!! A special BFP Explosion Smiley for the Smiley Queen:


I LOVE IT! Going to have to steal this!!! :happydance:

I knew that you would like that one - you are the Smiley Queen!

Well my lovely new gadget flashed "stick" at me this morning - god it was so exciting!! I knew it would be low fertility but i really wasn't that bothered as i am only CD6 - just hope it doesn't stay low all month though! Can you imgaine!!!

Well its a lovely sunny day here in England. Hi to everyone in the USA (who is probably asleep at the moment!!) Ssssshhhhhhhh

I think June is definitely going to be BFP explosion month!! I have been waiting 4 years for the world cup but would happily watch it drinking lemonade if it means i get my BFP!! We need to keep a Tally of how many people get their BFP's this month and what they did this month in order to get them! Apart from the obvious of course LOL!!!


Glad you are enjoying the CBFM so far! And glad to hear the sun is shining in England. It was a nice day here too...but definitely a wintery kind of nice day. First day of winter a few days ago and you can feel it...

In case you haven't seen it, there is a list on the first page of when people are testing this month and I update it as people either get their BFPs or (hopefully not) AF. If you want me to add a date for you just let me know :flower:

BD again tonight - woo hoo - and used the softcups. For those that were wondering - so, so easy to get in and out, no worries at all. I had no concerns that I wouldn't be able to remove it, and even though it looks kinda big, it is really easy to insert.

Three day weekend in New Zealand - yay! Am off to bed as am super tired after my first week of work, but had a nice night watching Glee on the couch with indian takeaways!

Hope you all are doing well xxx

Hopefully I'll be able to give you my test date soon!
LuckyD- What's TTHF? I can't figure that one out. I hope you have a lovely three day weekend!!

TTHF stands for Trying to Have Fun-- rather than TTC Trying to Conceive! It's a nice little reminder to enjoy ourselves a little bit rather than going all crazy on the TTC! Well, we try at least!!! :haha:

Hey Ladies

Well my ICSI aappointment was very exciting, we decided to start in July - so not long now!! This means we'll have one more natural attempt beforehand. I can't wait, actually feels like we're in with a chance now!

Hope you're all dong well.

We need some more BFP'S!!!

Oooh, good luck Springflower!

I got my peak on my CBFM today! CD16! :happydance:
Hi LuckyD, I like the first few days of winter - it's so snuggly!!

I hadn't seen it no - i just had a quick peek - perfect!! I guess you better put me down then - i am CD6 today but have no idea when my AF is due (anywhere between (27-30) days usually - hopefully after this month i will have a better idea! Especially if i get that magical "peak"!!!! Tell you what let me see how my CBFM goes this month and then i should have an idea of date or i i will just have to join in next month (or hopefully not!!!)

What are softcups!? Please explain to the newbie!!


No worries! Just let me know if you want me to add you. It doesn't have to be 100% accurate - in fact, I think I am going to change mine as I O'd earlier than I expected. Good luck for getting your peak!

Softcups are kind of 'cups' that you insert after BDing, they hold the sperm closer to your cervix and are meant to increase your chances of conceiving. There is a big thread about them on BnB - if you are interested, check it out here: Softcups Thread

LuckyD- What's TTHF? I can't figure that one out. I hope you have a lovely three day weekend!!

DH came home last night with a giant grin on his face. He said that we better get to baby making since I was due to O beginning of the week and he wanted to have the :spermy: ready and waiting.

Squirrel already answered this - but Try To Have Fun!! We just felt we were going a bit crazy with Trying To Conceive and losing sight of the fun parts of our relationships and BDing and life in general. It's a good reminder.

Sounds like the weekend BDing has started off well!

Hey Ladies

Well my ICSI aappointment was very exciting, we decided to start in July - so not long now!! This means we'll have one more natural attempt beforehand. I can't wait, actually feels like we're in with a chance now!

Hope you're all dong well.

We need some more BFP'S!!!

That is so fantastic Springflower, I am really happy for you. Hopefully you will get your BFP this time and not even need to worry about it! Fingers crossed for you love xx

Hopefully I'll be able to give you my test date soon!

No problems love! Seems like a lot of us are going to be heading into that 2WW pretty soon...we will have to keep each other sane!

I got my peak on my CBFM today! CD16! :happydance:

Woooo! That is so great Squirrel, and congrats on having such an earlier O this month! Testing buddies for sure xx

Loving all the positivity on this thread ladies! I love reading it and seeing how everyone is doing.
Ok, so just got a super-dark OPK...which means that I guess O day will be tomorrow or Monday for me. The OPK the other day was dark - but today it's the darkest I have ever seen it, so will take today as my LH peak.
Stupid OPKs...maybe I should get a CBFM!
At least I kept testing so I know!
Squirrelgirl - I love that explanation of TTHF! That is exactly how i feel about it! I think it's really important to remember that TTC is just a part of our lives at the moment and that we do still have a life!!

Lucky D - i will keep you posted for my date! At the moment your guess is a good as mine tbh!! he he!!

Thanks for the explanation on softcups (what a fabulous idea) and the link! Everyone on this thread is so helpful - i love it!!

Got a big night out with the girlies tonight so guess i better start trying to decide what to wear - i have only got 8 hours until we leave!! :winkwink:

Hope everyone is having/has a lovely weekend and lots of BD'ing for those of you ovulating - and of course those of us that are just doing it anyway!!

I'm getting ready to head out for my fun girly day too! I can't remember which thread I posted it on, so apologies if I said this already! But I'm so excited!

First I'm getting my hair highlighted (figured I can't keep waiting while TTC), then lunch with some friends, then manicures and shopping, then we're going to see Sex and the City 2. Then to a friend's birthday party! What a way to kick off the TWW! :)

whoohoo , it will be a great day. I hope everyone else is enjoying their weekend and having as much fun as possible!
Hi Springflower!

What is ICSI?



Hey Shorty! :flower:

It's IVF, except they actually inject the sperm into the egg. Instead of putting them both in a dish and letting nature take it's course.

I'd never heard of it until a month ago! Just wish July would hurry up and come!
SquirrelGirl - Love your plans for today! I'm off to see SINTC tomorrow night, can't wait I'm a big fan!

LuckyD - You should get a CBFM, they're great and really easy to use! Must admit I use one and also sometimes use the OPks. Hope your job is going well!

Lots like a few of you are ovulating at the mo, good luck with the bd'ing!

Hey today we :sex: just for fun! Feel quite proud of myself :haha:

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend ladies

Hey girls how are you?
Well no luck for me this cycle, got AF today- but we are seeing the FS on Monday which is great, so increased Clomid dose and IUI again this cycle- hopefully it will take!!
fx'd for the rest of you girls
if we are continuing the thread my next testing date would be July 2

Hey girls how are you?
Well no luck for me this cycle, got AF today- but we are seeing the FS on Monday which is great, so increased Clomid dose and IUI again this cycle- hopefully it will take!!
fx'd for the rest of you girls
if we are continuing the thread my next testing date would be July 2


:hugs: Sorry the witch got you. Hopefully the FS will get you set up for next cycle.

I'm getting ready to head out for my fun girly day too! I can't remember which thread I posted it on, so apologies if I said this already! But I'm so excited!

First I'm getting my hair highlighted (figured I can't keep waiting while TTC), then lunch with some friends, then manicures and shopping, then we're going to see Sex and the City 2. Then to a friend's birthday party! What a way to kick off the TWW! :)

whoohoo , it will be a great day. I hope everyone else is enjoying their weekend and having as much fun as possible!

Sounds like a great night. Have a wonderful time!

Got a big night out with the girlies tonight so guess i better start trying to decide what to wear - i have only got 8 hours until we leave!! :winkwink:

Hope everyone is having/has a lovely weekend and lots of BD'ing for those of you ovulating - and of course those of us that are just doing it anyway!!


I hope you have a great night as well.

Looks as if it's a big girls night out for a lot of you. I, on the other hand, will be spending the night at home with the dog. DH is out with the guys and my two best friends are out of town. DH and I did have a lovely afternoon together. Went out to lunch and watched a movie.

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