Mrskcbrown--- I'll ask the questions everyone wants to know!! Did you try anything new this month? How long have you been trying? Any advice for us??
WHOO HOOO, congrats, again, that's super exciting!!!!!!!
Wow, thats one explosion there!

thanks soooooo much!

I didnt try anything new except I did NOT use clomid this month. My specialist wanted me to use it and I nixxed it this month because every month I used it, I wasnt getting my BFP. Not to say that it doesnt work, it does, I O with it all the time.
slight cramping
slight sore boobs not nips

bleeding gums 3-4 days
fatigue last week
I have been trying 15 months this month!

Thought it would never happen. Let me add DH has low morphology 6% and low volume and DR said our only way to conceive was with IUI, wont she be surprised tomorrow when I get my bloods taken, LOL
Otherwise just loads of

, not just for TTC but because we like it, LOL.