Hey everyone, how are you all?
Hope you are all ok whatever part of your cycle you are at
Hey Jacksie - wow, if I was you I would have tested - but I think it's awesome that you haven't! I guess the longer you wait the more likelihood of an accurate test - but at one day late it should still be pretty accurate. Up to you sweetie! But it's sounding good! Let us know what you decide x
Bonjo - that is a good attitude, definitely easier be a bit more relaxed like that. But hopefully you won't have to go on to next month! x
Rompy - good to hear you are feeling happy!
Thanks for the group hug code Jaimie! https://www.smileyvault.com/albums/userpics/10172/grouphugg.gif
Hey Ejay - sorry you had a crappy day at work

ice-cream always helps!
Headache sounds horrible Titi! Hope it goes away soon

I wouldn't worry too much about taking painkillers once in a while - lots of people do a lot worse before they find out they're pregnant!
Waiting4Baby - sorry about the BFN....but it still sounds hopeful for you xx hope you get some good news soon!
No news from me...waiting to O...CD12 today, negative OPKs. Last time I didn't get a positive OPK until CD17 - really hope it happens before then this time!