Thank you! US tomorrow morning. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time! I really want to be able to see/hear a heartbeat
then we'll be telling family! I can't wait to be able to tell them.
One thing that's bugging me is that a close friend of my husband (him and his wife) found out that they are pregnant a week after I did and announced it that day. Which was just a few days ago so out announcement doesn't seem as special anymore :/
As for symptoms - nausea when I'm hungry and I've almost puked a few times when I cough too hard! I get hungry about every 2-3 hours and if I don't eat, I get sick to my stomach. No cravings yet, pretty much everything I eat just tastes really good
I've noticed smells more, I was going to get my hubs friends wife the other day and got behind a dump truck and had to put my car air freshener over my nose because I was about to puke, hubs friend couldn't smell anything lol Then we drove by a spot that smelled really good, turns out it was the Purina DOG FOOD Plant?!
I've been really bloated, mainly after eating and from about 6pm on. My face keeps breaking out (i've never had clear skin, but I feel like I'm in high school again!) I'm getting a yeast infection
so I'm waiting on the nurse to call me back so I know what I can do about it. I mean I know I can use the OTC stuff, but I wanna know if they need me to come in first or anything. I have my appt tomorrow but it's driving my crazy already! Sore boobs, still pretty hard too!
Speaking of food...
**EDIT** I just realized that I didn't get on this thread and update my numbers from Monday - 5020
Which is why they went ahead and moved up my US