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30 years old, A little preggers, due on May 12. Bump buddies?

I have told family and the closest of friends, only those who knew about our struggle TTC. I also told my boss, just in case something goes wrong or my performance is sub par due to fatgue or morning sickness... Co-Workers and other friends will wait untl 12 weeks.
Yep, I'm having issues lying to ppl I know. Even close friends are asking me, but I just say no. Like I said, I need to tell my mom first, then i can tell others :thumbup:
POAS again this morning. This time, MY line came up right away and it took about a minute for the control line to fill in, and my line is MUCH darker than the control! Def very cool seeing the progression!
I ran outta ICs the day mine was equal to the control. But I do have a few OPKs and have heard that they pick up HCG as well, I may take one just to see what it looks like lol that and I have 4 left and they'll expire before I get a chance to use them again lol

My HCG from yesterday was 1527 :happydance:
Gotta go Monday and will find out the results Tuesday and then hopefully THIS will be the last time I have to get them done lol I think they'll be satisfied with 4 sets. The only concern I have is that the first time they almost tripled and this time the just over doubled. Should I be concerned?
I think they are only supposed to double, so that is good! It is all nerve wrecking!!

I haven't had to do it, but they did some blood work on me when I went in on tuesday, so since I haven't heard back from them then I am assuming everything was fine..
Sorry I am a little late, but congrats on the progressing numbers Powell! That is so exciting. My OB is staying out of it until my 10 week scan. My goodness, it feels like October 10th is forever away! Maybe I have already said that on here a few times LOL... Nothing new here for me, just super tired.
Sorry I am a little late, but congrats on the progressing numbers Powell! That is so exciting. My OB is staying out of it until my 10 week scan. My goodness, it feels like October 10th is forever away! Maybe I have already said that on here a few times LOL... Nothing new here for me, just super tired.

Thank you thank you :)

I think Monday will be my last bloodwork (as long as they're still progressing) til I go on the 18th and I'm really hoping to get an ultrasound then. I should be somewhere around 7 weeks so I'm sure I will. I can't wait, we're so excited. We're going to tell family after the US and we get a picture printed out that we can frame and give to them!

That does seem like forever away! My birthday is the 14th :)
Hi ladies, can I join in please? I'm Kirsty, i'm 30 and English living in Sweden. My edd is may 15th so i'd love to buddy up with people due around the same time as me. Feels so weird to think about being 'due' I don't even particularly feel pregnant yet :haha:
Yay for the progressing numbers Powell!

As for everyone else, how are you ladies feeling?

Not feeling particularly different than normal, although my right leg is aching today. Almost feels like the "growing pains" I felt as a kid.

No morning sickness.......yet. I have felt nauseated once or twice, but I am eating every few hours so I don't get that sick feeling.

Had some brown spotting yesterday, so that freaked me out a little, but it stopped, so that's good. Getting nervous for my appointment next Monday. Then I can tell my family!
Thank you! US tomorrow morning. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time! I really want to be able to see/hear a heartbeat :) then we'll be telling family! I can't wait to be able to tell them.

One thing that's bugging me is that a close friend of my husband (him and his wife) found out that they are pregnant a week after I did and announced it that day. Which was just a few days ago so out announcement doesn't seem as special anymore :/

As for symptoms - nausea when I'm hungry and I've almost puked a few times when I cough too hard! I get hungry about every 2-3 hours and if I don't eat, I get sick to my stomach. No cravings yet, pretty much everything I eat just tastes really good :haha: I've noticed smells more, I was going to get my hubs friends wife the other day and got behind a dump truck and had to put my car air freshener over my nose because I was about to puke, hubs friend couldn't smell anything lol Then we drove by a spot that smelled really good, turns out it was the Purina DOG FOOD Plant?! :haha: I've been really bloated, mainly after eating and from about 6pm on. My face keeps breaking out (i've never had clear skin, but I feel like I'm in high school again!) I'm getting a yeast infection :dohh: so I'm waiting on the nurse to call me back so I know what I can do about it. I mean I know I can use the OTC stuff, but I wanna know if they need me to come in first or anything. I have my appt tomorrow but it's driving my crazy already! Sore boobs, still pretty hard too!

Speaking of food...

**EDIT** I just realized that I didn't get on this thread and update my numbers from Monday - 5020 :) Which is why they went ahead and moved up my US :)
Hey ladies, no morning sickness for me yet, but I do feel a bit of an upset stomach at random times. I guess that means it is creeping up on me! My legs were a little sore this morning too, didn't think much of it until you mentioned it veronica.. Do you think it is a symptom? Funny... I think I am getting sick, yuck! I have a sore throat that has been here for two days now... Hopefully it doesn't get any worse...
Hey ladies, no morning sickness for me yet, but I do feel a bit of an upset stomach at random times. I guess that means it is creeping up on me! My legs were a little sore this morning too, didn't think much of it until you mentioned it veronica.. Do you think it is a symptom? Funny... I think I am getting sick, yuck! I have a sore throat that has been here for two days now... Hopefully it doesn't get any worse...

I'm not sure if it's sciatica or what? I've been feeling this pain on and off since I found out I was preggers, but today it's worse. I have a throbbing pain in my lower back/right butt cheek:dohh: and then a throbbing pain in my calf. I also had a leg cramp in the middle of the night. I'm wanting to put heat on my butt cheek to try to make the pain go away......you think that would be ok, as long as I keep it away from my abdomen?
Can I join here please?? I will be 30 min February. Got my BFP on 9/1/2012. Congrats to all the mom's with May babies!!!
Hi Robinson! Welcome!!

I haven't had any m/s yet either, but tomorrow is 6 weeks so we will see if something hits. Some food hasn't seemed appetizing, and I did feel a little nauseous the other day, but I think it was because my pants were buttoned. As soon as I unbuttoned them, I felt better lol. Bloating has been my biggest symptom. That and my BBs are getting sore and big!

3 more weeks until my u/s!! Jealous of you Powell!

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