30 yo and TTC #1

CuriousOwl, if it was just a cold I'd probably just force myself on him ;) He's not sure what's wrong, though. He has a weird mix of symptoms. I'm trying to talk him into going to the doctor, but he's stubborn.

Maybe he's pregnant.
CuriousOwl, if it was just a cold I'd probably just force myself on him ;) He's not sure what's wrong, though. He has a weird mix of symptoms. I'm trying to talk him into going to the doctor, but he's stubborn.

Maybe he's pregnant.

Haha! I keep asking him and he keeps denying it.

:haha: :rofl:

I really do, every time he has some weird unexplained ailment. It's to the point where he just responds with a totally deadpan "no," as if it was a valid question. I'm pretty sure our kids are gonna grow up very very confused about the birds and the bees...
Hi ladies,

I'm very glad to have found this thread and hope you don't mind if I join you! I'm about to turn 31, and husband is 37. January officially marks our 10th month of TTC #1.

DH and I have been together for a really long time, and we waited until I was done with grad school, jobs were in hand, etc., before we started trying. We honestly thought it would happen pretty quickly when we started trying, so while 10 months TTC definitely isn't the end of the world, I'm definitely starting to get to the point where I'm a little bit nervous. This OPK/BBT/symptom reading stuff is all pretty new (and a little overwhelming) to me, and I'm really glad to find a group of women to talk to.

During the first part of this journey, we weren't using OPKs or anything, just trying every month. November '13 was the first month I tried to use an OPK (was the ClearBlue digital). The thing just gave me 13 straight days of flashing smiley faces, which aggravated me so I didn't use an OPK in December. This time around, I bought a different brand (just one of the test strip ones) and January is also my first month starting the BBT charting and all. I also signed up for the free FF trial to use the chart software. I got 4 days of positives on the OPKs this month, although the FF chart claims I O'd the day before I got the first positive on the OPK, so who knows.

This is my first time posting on a forum like this - I think the number of pregnancy announcements I've heard in the past week may have finally pushed me over the edge. :-)

I'm glad to meet you all, and thanks for letting me join you!

Hey girl! Welcome to the group! :)

I love that you're from texas! Another southerner!

GL to you this month and lots of :dust:
Hi ladies,

I'm very glad to have found this thread and hope you don't mind if I join you! I'm about to turn 31, and husband is 37. January officially marks our 10th month of TTC #1.

DH and I have been together for a really long time, and we waited until I was done with grad school, jobs were in hand, etc., before we started trying. We honestly thought it would happen pretty quickly when we started trying, so while 10 months TTC definitely isn't the end of the world, I'm definitely starting to get to the point where I'm a little bit nervous. This OPK/BBT/symptom reading stuff is all pretty new (and a little overwhelming) to me, and I'm really glad to find a group of women to talk to.

During the first part of this journey, we weren't using OPKs or anything, just trying every month. November '13 was the first month I tried to use an OPK (was the ClearBlue digital). The thing just gave me 13 straight days of flashing smiley faces, which aggravated me so I didn't use an OPK in December. This time around, I bought a different brand (just one of the test strip ones) and January is also my first month starting the BBT charting and all. I also signed up for the free FF trial to use the chart software. I got 4 days of positives on the OPKs this month, although the FF chart claims I O'd the day before I got the first positive on the OPK, so who knows.

This is my first time posting on a forum like this - I think the number of pregnancy announcements I've heard in the past week may have finally pushed me over the edge. :-)

I'm glad to meet you all, and thanks for letting me join you!

Hey girl! Welcome to the group! :)

I love that you're from texas! Another southerner!

GL to you this month and lots of :dust:

Thanks so much for the warm welcome! And yay for southern ladies! :happydance: I have no idea how to post with the cute little graphics, but big luck and baby dust to you, too!!
So my AF according to two different apps is due two different days...either the 13th or 15th. I've noticed this afternoon a little bit of spotting and cramping so I'm thinking one of two things. I implanted today or my period is coming. I figure with the nausea this morning that I have a great chance it's implantation but I am also prepared for AF to show.

I've decided that if I start my period soon that I am going to start temping. I have a book on all that stuff so hoping this will give me a better idea on what my body does! :)

So, staying logical but still a slight hopeful! :)
Hi There! I was 30 when we started TTC #1 and i also had longer then normal cycles, usually about 33 days. It took us 4 months to get pregnant, then we unfortunately had a miscarriage.... which was very very sad... at 8 weeks. I had one normal cycle after that and conceived the next cycle. It was a bit of a roller coaster but the things that really helped me, i believe, are the following.
Drinking only on the weekend
no caffeine at all
Maca Root
Local Honey
DTD every day for about 9 days before, during and after fertile period.

Now i am 8.5 months pregnant and its just amazing! Good luck on your journey, don't get frustrated if it doesn't happen right away. You grow up thinking if you slept NEXT to a man you would get pregnant... and then its so funny when you start actually trying it does typically take about 4-6 months to succeed. Baby dust!

Thanks for that wonderful story! :) Thanks for sharing. Keeps me hopeful! :)
Thanks so much for the welcome ladies!!!

My temp dropped yesterday then picked back up today. This has happened a few times this cycle so not sure if it's O or not. Gonna test with an OPK a bit later today.

Its kind of silly but a few of my TTC buddies and I have been getting fertility readings lately! I got two a while ago and then got another last night. The first two readings said Girl- December/January (either conceive month or birth month) then this lady last night said Boy and that I would conceive sometime in the next 3 cycles. Which matches with the other 2 readings. I don't put that much merit into them but I find them interesting! And I really hope they turn out to be true! :)

Where do you find these ladies? Another lady I talk to on another post also did this and all 4 were pretty close.... You guys got me curious!

Here are the three ladies sites:

Cheri22- https://www.cheri22.com

Suzanne/Spirit- https://healingmessagesfromspirit.com

Tania- https://www.eternitytarotreadings.com

As far as the three go, I liked Cheri's reading the best, then Suzanne's. Cheri though has an issue with timing; she was pretty late on my readings. Apparently she had a family emergency but she did not tell me that in my emails with her, I just heard through someone else that she had posted it somewhere. But, both Suzanne and Tania were very prompt.

Obviously though, both Cheri and Suzanne said Girl for December/January. While Tania agreed on the months, she said a Boy. So, you can decipher that however you like as far as who is more accurate or not. (Of course, won't know for sure until I am pregnant haha)

I have heard about this! :) I've always wondered what they'd say and if it'd really happen. I guess we'll have to see then! :)
Hi ladies,

I'm very glad to have found this thread and hope you don't mind if I join you! I'm about to turn 31, and husband is 37. January officially marks our 10th month of TTC #1.

DH and I have been together for a really long time, and we waited until I was done with grad school, jobs were in hand, etc., before we started trying. We honestly thought it would happen pretty quickly when we started trying, so while 10 months TTC definitely isn't the end of the world, I'm definitely starting to get to the point where I'm a little bit nervous. This OPK/BBT/symptom reading stuff is all pretty new (and a little overwhelming) to me, and I'm really glad to find a group of women to talk to.

During the first part of this journey, we weren't using OPKs or anything, just trying every month. November '13 was the first month I tried to use an OPK (was the ClearBlue digital). The thing just gave me 13 straight days of flashing smiley faces, which aggravated me so I didn't use an OPK in December. This time around, I bought a different brand (just one of the test strip ones) and January is also my first month starting the BBT charting and all. I also signed up for the free FF trial to use the chart software. I got 4 days of positives on the OPKs this month, although the FF chart claims I O'd the day before I got the first positive on the OPK, so who knows.

This is my first time posting on a forum like this - I think the number of pregnancy announcements I've heard in the past week may have finally pushed me over the edge. :-)

I'm glad to meet you all, and thanks for letting me join you!

Welcome! :) Good luck on all of the tracking methods you're trying. It can get overwhelming, but it's also good for peace of mind and to help get to know your body better.

Ya'll, I have been going CRAY CRAY. LOL. I kind of convinced myself that it is just not going to happen for me this month so I woke up this morning and again symptoms are gone and I even felt like AF was going to show up. But just a couple hours after being up I have convinced myself that I am pregnant b/c I felt a little nauseous and getting a few cramps. I mean these could still be symptoms of PMS.

I didn't symptom spot last cycle because we only b'd twice and I didn't think it was going to happen even though it did and didn't stick. Now I'm just watching for every little sign and hope and really holding on to it! Which could be bad because I could not be pregnant.

I guess I'm just really ranting here. I know logically I should just relax and let it happen. I'm only in my second cycle of trying and I would be lucky if it only took that long because people have been trying way longer! I'm emotional and crying and laughing.

I'm just cray cray. I'm going to test again tomorrow morning just to put my mind at ease. If it comes up negative I will not test again until 5 days after a missed period. I hope that is logical enough!

You are not crazy. Do you have any idea just how hard it is not to let symptoms and the wait get to your head? Well actually, I guess you do. ;) Don't beat yourself up for being normal, sweetheart. I'll be acting exactly like you here in a couple of weeks, at which point you can remind me that I'm normal, too. :hugs: We'll get through it, non-crazy girl. :thumbup:

Good luck, lsd. Try not to drive yourself too crazy!

It's shaping up to be a frustrating week here.

DH is still sick. I'm not giving up hope, but I have a feeling I'll be out before I'm even in this month, at the rate he's going. I'm not very happy that we may not even be trying on our first month of trying, but we're not technically in any rush, so I'm being as nice as I can about it. Maybe I'll luck out and he'll improve soon enough for us to catch ovulation after all...

It may be for the best, though. I've been working on losing weight so I'd be closer to where I want to be during pregnancy, and to make sure that I'm not at risk of disqualifying myself from trying waterbirth if I gain a lot during pregnancy. I've lost over 50 pounds since August 2012, and between a long vacation and being a total slacker during the rest of December, I've put 9lbs back on. I've slacked off before and I've never put on more than a couple pounds! I'm hoping at least some of it is water weight, because I've gone kind of sodium crazy lately. I fought so hard for those last 9lbs, too. I was just barely over the line between overweight and obese, and I'm tempted to hold off on ttc til I cross that line. I doubt I will, though. Once I decide I want something, I want it NOW.

Sorry about those 9 lbs, but good for you on the 50! I'm starting to work on losing weight again, although I'm a little limited on what I can do. All I can really do is watch what I eat and do light walking...per my physical therapist. :( Ever since my injury a year ago that led to debilitating headaches, I just can't exercise like I used to...aaaand I've gotten much chubbier. Technically I fall into the "obese" category now, but I don't feel obese...just a chubster. :winkwink:

CuriousOwl, if it was just a cold I'd probably just force myself on him ;) He's not sure what's wrong, though. He has a weird mix of symptoms. I'm trying to talk him into going to the doctor, but he's stubborn.

Maybe he's pregnant.

:haha: That's. Hilarious.
So my AF according to two different apps is due two different days...either the 13th or 15th. I've noticed this afternoon a little bit of spotting and cramping so I'm thinking one of two things. I implanted today or my period is coming. I figure with the nausea this morning that I have a great chance it's implantation but I am also prepared for AF to show.

I've decided that if I start my period soon that I am going to start temping. I have a book on all that stuff so hoping this will give me a better idea on what my body does! :)

So, staying logical but still a slight hopeful! :)

I took my temp this morning since AF is supposed to start today. Since you are supposed to start on CD1. Figured I would start tempting this month also. Not 100% sure if I understand it so I may be posting really dumb questions soon.
So my AF according to two different apps is due two different days...either the 13th or 15th. I've noticed this afternoon a little bit of spotting and cramping so I'm thinking one of two things. I implanted today or my period is coming. I figure with the nausea this morning that I have a great chance it's implantation but I am also prepared for AF to show.

I've decided that if I start my period soon that I am going to start temping. I have a book on all that stuff so hoping this will give me a better idea on what my body does! :)

So, staying logical but still a slight hopeful! :)

I took my temp this morning since AF is supposed to start today. Since you are supposed to start on CD1. Figured I would start tempting this month also. Not 100% sure if I understand it so I may be posting really dumb questions soon.

We can all figure it out together :) I'm going to start temping as soon as AF starts. But hope that was your implantation, lsd2721, and you don't have to worry about it!
So my AF according to two different apps is due two different days...either the 13th or 15th. I've noticed this afternoon a little bit of spotting and cramping so I'm thinking one of two things. I implanted today or my period is coming. I figure with the nausea this morning that I have a great chance it's implantation but I am also prepared for AF to show.

I've decided that if I start my period soon that I am going to start temping. I have a book on all that stuff so hoping this will give me a better idea on what my body does! :)

So, staying logical but still a slight hopeful! :)

I took my temp this morning since AF is supposed to start today. Since you are supposed to start on CD1. Figured I would start tempting this month also. Not 100% sure if I understand it so I may be posting really dumb questions soon.

We'll help you out! It takes all of us a little while to figure out how it works :P
I have a funny story to tell... before we started TTC I decided I wanted to temp, just to learn more about my body so that when I was ready i knew when my ovulation was...

English is not my first language and I tent to do things in a bit of a hurry (I'm terrible at reading instructions and therefore a terrible baker because I cant follow any recipes right - although I'm an amazing cook). Anyways, I researched and it said I had to take the "basal body temperature"... I wasn't familiar with the word "basal but I knew what i was temping for so I figured it meant that i needed to chart my vajayjay's temperature!

I did that for months! and it was super hard because I had to physically hold the thermometer in there and vajayjay didn't like it very much and wanted to kick it out. Not to mention when the thermometer would just turn off or I couldnt hear the beep when it was done and had to do it all over again... ended up giving up the temping thing altogether

Just figured this out the other day! Felt stupid but now I just feel ********! Anyways, thought I'd share my donkey moment with you ladies!:rofl::rofl::rofl:
I have a funny story to tell... before we started TTC I decided I wanted to temp, just to learn more about my body so that when I was ready i knew when my ovulation was...

English is not my first language and I tent to do things in a bit of a hurry (I'm terrible at reading instructions and therefore a terrible baker because I cant follow any recipes right - although I'm an amazing cook). Anyways, I researched and it said I had to take the "basal body temperature"... I wasn't familiar with the word "basal but I knew what i was temping for so I figured it meant that i needed to chart my vajayjay's temperature!

I did that for months! and it was super hard because I had to physically hold the thermometer in there and vajayjay didn't like it very much and wanted to kick it out. Not to mention when the thermometer would just turn off or I couldnt hear the beep when it was done and had to do it all over again... ended up giving up the temping thing altogether

Just figured this out the other day! Felt stupid but now I just feel ********! Anyways, thought I'd share my donkey moment with you ladies!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

You can temp vaginally though! :) Some people who get wonky temps orally end up temping vaginally. Both are good methods and work. I think I heard that vaginal temps tend to be higher though in general.

You could also temp anally if you wanted to. Talk about a way to wake up in the morning! lol!
Haha. Oddly enough, when DH and I were getting ready to get married we had to take this class called pre-cana (DH is Catholic) and one of the lectures was on natural family planning and using BBT to avoid pregnancy. The way it was described in there was tempting vaginally. The couple was telling us that to be "closer" the husband took his wife's temp. DH looked at me and was like "we're close enough and a thermometer is not one of the things I'm willing to put in you." I almost peed myself. One of the reasons I haven't started temping until now was because I only found out when I started on here it could be orally done.
hahaha OMG, turns out it wasn't wrong afterall!! Thanks Bee Bee and PDReggie!
I wouldnt advise on it, it's really hard and akward... cant find a position top hold it in and you can't hear the beep when its done... If I dont get a BFP this month I'm gonna start temping again, but the traditional way this time!!
I started temping this cycle, but since I've been on break, I never wake up at the same time. I started putting the temps into a conversion thingy I found, but I can't really remember what times I took the first few, so it kinda feels shot for this cycle. I ordered a new thermometer - one with a backlit screen this time (thank God) - so maybe I'll just start again next cycle and be a little more consistent.
Ya'll that is hilarious, b/c I said the same thing to my friend! She gave me this book and told me to read it. Said it was all about temping and stuff. I told her I will go out soon and buy a separate thermometer. She was like why...and I said b/c I didn't want our regular thermometer that we used to go in my Vag otherwise everyone in the house would be tasting my vag and she lost it!

It's actually really good book and I recommend everyone read it! Taking Charge of Your Fertility. It talks a lot about cm and other things I just never had a clue about. I wish this was a course in HS you had to take! Every girl should really learn about these things and their bodies at a young age! :)
Thanks guys for the support! :) I feel normal again! :)

Dospinkies...I will DEFINITELY be there for you in a couple weeks time! :)

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