30 yo and TTC #1

I took a day off from checking the forums because my headache went INSANE yesterday and I couldn't even see straight. I missed a lot I see!

First...I'm in my TWW. I'm 5dpo today. My temps are looking nice and high. Oh and my poor nips are SO sore. I can't remember if they were like that last cycle, because I just started recording more details this cycle. Does that happen to you guys a few days past O?

Second...welcome to the thread Ladders! You're in a good place...we're all right around 30 and are quite fun as it turns out. (: I completely get where you're coming from on finding TTC less fun as it goes on. This is our 3rd cycle, and I knew after the very first that it was just one big ball of stress rolling down a hill at me. It sounds fun in theory doesn't it? Yeaaaah...about that.

Third...TryinginTexas - my answer to you would be that if you're ready to talk to your doctor about it, then it's the right time. If you haven't gotten any tests done yet, I'd say you've waited plenty long enough. I would at least request a sperm analysis on DH if you haven't had one yet. We did that even before TTC just to know what we were up against (he had some suspicions). My suggestion - make an appointment with your OBGYN first and talk to her about it. She can order those tests. I hope this helps?
First...I'm in my TWW. I'm 5dpo today. My temps are looking nice and high. Oh and my poor nips are SO sore. I can't remember if they were like that last cycle, because I just started recording more details this cycle. Does that happen to you guys a few days past O?

Ohhh, that sounds promising! :)

When I talked to my ob/gyn this past fall she said if we tried for a few months all out (OPKs, etc) and nothing to come in and she would check some basic things like a sperm analysis and transvaginal ultrasound. But she's young and seems happy to jump in medically. I'm not sure if that's standard.

I have a bunch of those Wondfo OPKs that I ordered off Amazon that I'm going to use with temping. I haven't tried them yet but people seem pretty positive about them.
Welcome ladders! This is definitely a great thread. And it really makes me less crazy.

Trying, I called the Dr. After 3 months because 9 months after getting off BC my period is just getting longer and longer. I say call now if you have questions. It can only help to make sure everything is physically ok. Or if not, what can help.
Forgot, dospinkies, fingers crossed for you!

Question about temping. The last three days, which are CD1, 2, 3, my temp has been 98.4, 98.2, and 98.1. Is it normal to go down like this?
I think that's totally normal because your temps are high after ovulation, before AF, then drop with AF. So you're seeing them go down to the standard, pre-ovulation baseline right now. And I know it's not unusual at all to see some up and down temps throughout AF.
Forgot, dospinkies, fingers crossed for you!

Question about temping. The last three days, which are CD1, 2, 3, my temp has been 98.4, 98.2, and 98.1. Is it normal to go down like this?

It's probably fine. Everyone is different so you have to temp for awhile before you know what is normal for you. But mine goes down during the first day or two but then it just stays in the same range until I ovulate. My temps are rarely flat! You can look in the community galleries on FF to see what other charts look like too to get an idea.
Texas, I believe all these ladies are correct! It's been 10 months and if you are ready to start talking to your doctor and doing some tests then do so! It'll make you feel better in the long run! It can't hurt!

My doctor (general dr ) said that since I do have PCOS that if I haven't conceived in 6 months to come back and have a talk about it and maybe do some tests! :)

Dospinkies, Sorry to hear about that headache! Maybe that is a positive sign though! :) Gl! Can't wait to possibly see a BFP for you!

ladders, Welcome to the group! So glad you could join us!! I started this group because I felt so old! Everyone seemed to be early 20's starting for their first child or by our age they were on to #3 or so...so I just wanted a few friends my age trying for their first child! I never realized that not as many ladies were waiting til their 30s! :) Anyway, this is a great group of ladies! Welcome!
Forgot, dospinkies, fingers crossed for you!

Question about temping. The last three days, which are CD1, 2, 3, my temp has been 98.4, 98.2, and 98.1. Is it normal to go down like this?

Yes, sounds completely normal to me. You'll probably find that your temp will fluctuate quite a bit. Like others said, everyone is different, so it will take a couple of cycles temping for you to really know what is normal for you. I look at other people's charts and notice that my temps are much lower than most, but it's okay, because that's normal for me. I wouldn't worry. I'd say the most important things you're looking for are a slight dip right before ovulation and then a rise after, though it can be a very gradual rise.
Ladies, while we are on the topic of fluctuations of things during our cycles, I have a question for you.

Were any of you on an anti-depressant previously? I came off mine about 3 months ago and I have noticed that my anxiety/mood changes drastically leading up to AF. Prior to this, I NEVER had PMS symptoms - just really severe cramps. The rest of the month I have been fine. I wonder if the meds previously masked any PMS symptoms I would have had in the past. When I go back to my doctor, I will certainly ask about it. But was wondering if anyone else had a similar experience.
Ladies, while we are on the topic of fluctuations of things during our cycles, I have a question for you.

Were any of you on an anti-depressant previously? I came off mine about 3 months ago and I have noticed that my anxiety/mood changes drastically leading up to AF. Prior to this, I NEVER had PMS symptoms - just really severe cramps. The rest of the month I have been fine. I wonder if the meds previously masked any PMS symptoms I would have had in the past. When I go back to my doctor, I will certainly ask about it. But was wondering if anyone else had a similar experience.

Yes! Okay, so here's my story. I have taken Zoloft for as long as I can remember. When I decided to start TTC, I went off of it as a precaution of course. Well, big mistake for me. My mood stability and anxiety are quite severe without it, and I really am not able to function normally. Also, like you, on the medicine, I don't experience any mood swings during PMS, but off of it I do. Severely so. After a few months off of it, for my sanity and for my DH's sake, my doctor and I decided I needed to be on it. I was very uncomfortable because we all know it's best not to take anything when making babies, but when it comes to anti-depressants, in severe cases like mine, they don't recommend stopping it. There are some that are worse than others, and I take one that's not so bad. The worst time to take them is actually in the 3rd trimester, so I plan to stop them at that point. Is it ideal? No. I wanted to stop and I tried. Unfortunately, I can't function healthily without it.
Ladies, while we are on the topic of fluctuations of things during our cycles, I have a question for you.

Were any of you on an anti-depressant previously? I came off mine about 3 months ago and I have noticed that my anxiety/mood changes drastically leading up to AF. Prior to this, I NEVER had PMS symptoms - just really severe cramps. The rest of the month I have been fine. I wonder if the meds previously masked any PMS symptoms I would have had in the past. When I go back to my doctor, I will certainly ask about it. But was wondering if anyone else had a similar experience.

Yes! Okay, so here's my story. I have taken Zoloft for as long as I can remember. When I decided to start TTC, I went off of it as a precaution of course. Well, big mistake for me. My mood stability and anxiety are quite severe without it, and I really am not able to function normally. Also, like you, on the medicine, I don't experience any mood swings during PMS, but off of it I do. Severely so. After a few months off of it, for my sanity and for my DH's sake, my doctor and I decided I needed to be on it. I was very uncomfortable because we all know it's best not to take anything when making babies, but when it comes to anti-depressants, in severe cases like mine, they don't recommend stopping it. There are some that are worse than others, and I take one that's not so bad. The worst time to take them is actually in the 3rd trimester, so I plan to stop them at that point. Is it ideal? No. I wanted to stop and I tried. Unfortunately, I can't function healthily without it.

I haven't experienced this but I can tell you that my sister was on antidepressants for years and she has 6 kids. I know the last 3 she tried to come off of them while pregnant but couldn't because of the side effects she got while trying to come off of them. All 3 of them are completely healthy and she was on them through her entire pregnancy.

Definitely listen to your doctor and do what is best for you and the baby but you need to weigh the risks to you as well as the risks to the baby. Just wanted you to know there are people out there who have had perfectly healthy babies while on similar meds.
Ladies, while we are on the topic of fluctuations of things during our cycles, I have a question for you.

Were any of you on an anti-depressant previously? I came off mine about 3 months ago and I have noticed that my anxiety/mood changes drastically leading up to AF. Prior to this, I NEVER had PMS symptoms - just really severe cramps. The rest of the month I have been fine. I wonder if the meds previously masked any PMS symptoms I would have had in the past. When I go back to my doctor, I will certainly ask about it. But was wondering if anyone else had a similar experience.

Yes! Okay, so here's my story. I have taken Zoloft for as long as I can remember. When I decided to start TTC, I went off of it as a precaution of course. Well, big mistake for me. My mood stability and anxiety are quite severe without it, and I really am not able to function normally. Also, like you, on the medicine, I don't experience any mood swings during PMS, but off of it I do. Severely so. After a few months off of it, for my sanity and for my DH's sake, my doctor and I decided I needed to be on it. I was very uncomfortable because we all know it's best not to take anything when making babies, but when it comes to anti-depressants, in severe cases like mine, they don't recommend stopping it. There are some that are worse than others, and I take one that's not so bad. The worst time to take them is actually in the 3rd trimester, so I plan to stop them at that point. Is it ideal? No. I wanted to stop and I tried. Unfortunately, I can't function healthily without it.

I haven't experienced this but I can tell you that my sister was on antidepressants for years and she has 6 kids. I know the last 3 she tried to come off of them while pregnant but couldn't because of the side effects she got while trying to come off of them. All 3 of them are completely healthy and she was on them through her entire pregnancy.

Definitely listen to your doctor and do what is best for you and the baby but you need to weigh the risks to you as well as the risks to the baby. Just wanted you to know there are people out there who have had perfectly healthy babies while on similar meds.

Thank you for that information! I took a Xanax this evening...it doesn't seem to be helping much:nope:. I have been feeling panicky and crying off and on all day. I go to the psychologist on Tuesday so I will discuss it with her. I usually go every month but maybe I should make it more frequent right now. I see the psychiatrist the first week of Feb.
I don't have any advice, but I want to wish you luck. You do what you have to do to keep yourself healthy, and mental health is just as important as physical. I'm sure your doctor will be able to prescribe something that's safe for you.
Hi was hoping I could join you ladies.
I'm 30 and dh 33 and have been ttc since wedding in August and am on cycle 6. We have been together nine years and wanted to wait until completely ready before marriage and children so i guesse I assumed that as soon as i was ready it would just happen like clockwork, seems to for everyone else. After 5 cycles of bfn after bfn starting to not enjoy the ttc process and just worrying about everything.
Really nice to have ladies in the same position especially age and ttc #1 makes me feel more normal and so nice other people that understand

Nice to meet you. It looks like we are in the same boat. It is cycle 5 for me
Ladies, while we are on the topic of fluctuations of things during our cycles, I have a question for you.

Were any of you on an anti-depressant previously? I came off mine about 3 months ago and I have noticed that my anxiety/mood changes drastically leading up to AF. Prior to this, I NEVER had PMS symptoms - just really severe cramps. The rest of the month I have been fine. I wonder if the meds previously masked any PMS symptoms I would have had in the past. When I go back to my doctor, I will certainly ask about it. But was wondering if anyone else had a similar experience.

Yes! Okay, so here's my story. I have taken Zoloft for as long as I can remember. When I decided to start TTC, I went off of it as a precaution of course. Well, big mistake for me. My mood stability and anxiety are quite severe without it, and I really am not able to function normally. Also, like you, on the medicine, I don't experience any mood swings during PMS, but off of it I do. Severely so. After a few months off of it, for my sanity and for my DH's sake, my doctor and I decided I needed to be on it. I was very uncomfortable because we all know it's best not to take anything when making babies, but when it comes to anti-depressants, in severe cases like mine, they don't recommend stopping it. There are some that are worse than others, and I take one that's not so bad. The worst time to take them is actually in the 3rd trimester, so I plan to stop them at that point. Is it ideal? No. I wanted to stop and I tried. Unfortunately, I can't function healthily without it.

I haven't experienced this but I can tell you that my sister was on antidepressants for years and she has 6 kids. I know the last 3 she tried to come off of them while pregnant but couldn't because of the side effects she got while trying to come off of them. All 3 of them are completely healthy and she was on them through her entire pregnancy.

Definitely listen to your doctor and do what is best for you and the baby but you need to weigh the risks to you as well as the risks to the baby. Just wanted you to know there are people out there who have had perfectly healthy babies while on similar meds.

Thank you for that information! I took a Xanax this evening...it doesn't seem to be helping much:nope:. I have been feeling panicky and crying off and on all day. I go to the psychologist on Tuesday so I will discuss it with her. I usually go every month but maybe I should make it more frequent right now. I see the psychiatrist the first week of Feb.

I'm so sorry you are going through this! I hope that the psychologist can get everything figured out for you so you can start feeling better soon. I have heard that it can take some time to regulate and find the right medication for you and your situation so don't give up! Hopefully this will happen sooner rather than later for you.
MgreenM, I don't really have any advice either but just want to say good luck with everything! Do what you need to do! :)
I can control symptom spotting but I am fighting to not test. Tomorrow is 11 dpo and I want to test so bad.

How do you ladies fight it?
Well, the xanax finally kicked in and I am feeling much better. I hate that I had to do it, but hopefully this will help me get out of the funk I have been in all weekend. I am going to shower and go to bed soon. Thank you everyone for all of your support! I really appreciate it!

This month, I am too preoccupied with the new dog and this anxiety issue to worry about testing. Probably a good thing too! I don't need to add anything else to worry about, right? Have a good night ladies.
I can control symptom spotting but I am fighting to not test. Tomorrow is 11 dpo and I want to test so bad.

How do you ladies fight it?

I try to keep myself busy! It also helps to remind myself how expensive they are and that whether I test early or after AF is due, the answer will be the same so I might as well wait. Also, the average first BFP happens at 14 dpo.

When that doesn't work, I buy the 88 cent cheapie at Walmart and just test! :haha:
Well, the xanax finally kicked in and I am feeling much better. I hate that I had to do it, but hopefully this will help me get out of the funk I have been in all weekend. I am going to shower and go to bed soon. Thank you everyone for all of your support! I really appreciate it!

This month, I am too preoccupied with the new dog and this anxiety issue to worry about testing. Probably a good thing too! I don't need to add anything else to worry about, right? Have a good night ladies.

Glad to hear you are feeling better! Have a good night!

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