So today I was chatting on the phone with a friend. She and I worked together for a while a few years ago and I always called her my work mom. She has kids just a little older than me and would lecture me for not eating lunch, etc. I decided to tell her that we were going to start TTC this cycle since I haven't told anyone in real life and I've been dying to tell someone! She seemed like a good choice since she's always been so supportive of me, we don't talk too often where I would feel pressure if it doesn't happen quickly, and she doesn't have much of a personal stake in the entire thing.
Anyhow, of course she was very excited for us and I got just the response I was looking for. So I was explaining my whole plan about which cycles I'd be trying and taking a break so as not to be due around Xmas and which months and all of it. She just started laughing so hard. She told me that having watched me plan 2 out-of-state moves and my wedding that she is not at all surprised how I am with this

I didn't even tell her about the temping and OPKs! I reassured her it was driving me crazy I couldn't exactly pick when to get pregnant.
She knows me too well. I've never met a situation I didn't try to over-plan!