30 yo and TTC #1

I can control symptom spotting but I am fighting to not test. Tomorrow is 11 dpo and I want to test so bad.

How do you ladies fight it?

I'm proud of you getting that far! lol! I usually start testing at 9 DPO :P

AFM: CD46, got a considerable temp spike today. I'm hoping that means O finally. I did drink last night though so it's hard to say just yet. Hopefully it's still climbing tomorrow to verify. But, I also noticed my CM is drying up. So, still thinking it might actually be O this time.
Yes! Okay, so here's my story. I have taken Zoloft for as long as I can remember. When I decided to start TTC, I went off of it as a precaution of course. Well, big mistake for me. My mood stability and anxiety are quite severe without it, and I really am not able to function normally. Also, like you, on the medicine, I don't experience any mood swings during PMS, but off of it I do. Severely so. After a few months off of it, for my sanity and for my DH's sake, my doctor and I decided I needed to be on it. I was very uncomfortable because we all know it's best not to take anything when making babies, but when it comes to anti-depressants, in severe cases like mine, they don't recommend stopping it. There are some that are worse than others, and I take one that's not so bad. The worst time to take them is actually in the 3rd trimester, so I plan to stop them at that point. Is it ideal? No. I wanted to stop and I tried. Unfortunately, I can't function healthily without it.

Thank you for that information! I took a Xanax this evening...it doesn't seem to be helping much:nope:. I have been feeling panicky and crying off and on all day. I go to the psychologist on Tuesday so I will discuss it with her. I usually go every month but maybe I should make it more frequent right now. I see the psychiatrist the first week of Feb.

Just wanted to give both of you hugs! :hugs: My mom is on anti-depressant and anti-anxiety meds so I've seen how debilitating these symptoms can be. If you need to be on them for your health then that's that. No different than any other illness requiring meds.

AFM: CD46, got a considerable temp spike today. I'm hoping that means O finally. I did drink last night though so it's hard to say just yet. Hopefully it's still climbing tomorrow to verify. But, I also noticed my CM is drying up. So, still thinking it might actually be O this time.

Fingers crossed for you! Hope this is it.
I can control symptom spotting but I am fighting to not test. Tomorrow is 11 dpo and I want to test so bad.

How do you ladies fight it?

I'm proud of you getting that far! lol! I usually start testing at 9 DPO :P

AFM: CD46, got a considerable temp spike today. I'm hoping that means O finally. I did drink last night though so it's hard to say just yet. Hopefully it's still climbing tomorrow to verify. But, I also noticed my CM is drying up. So, still thinking it might actually be O this time.

Yay! I hope you did get the big O! :) Now we get to sit and wait with you!
Hey there everyone! This is my first post to the site. I am 30, i have pcos, and my husband and I have been ttc for 10 months now. I've been scouring the internet for several months trying to figure out why we haven't been able to get pregnant, peeing on dozens of stick/strips, and thinking my poor husband was evil for not sharing in my crazy obsession with all things baby!

I went through a very rough couple of months where I was stressing over every little twinge or lack of twinge but I think I've gotten to the point where ttc has become fun again.

I look forward to chatting with you lovelies!
Dos & M,
Good luck girls. I am sending all the good vibes I can your way. Just remember that you have to take care of yourself first. Do what you have to do and anything you do with doctor is ok.

Welcome! Always fun to have new people. We are only on cycle 4. But good luck to you!!!!
Hey there everyone! This is my first post to the site. I am 30, i have pcos, and my husband and I have been ttc for 10 months now. I've been scouring the internet for several months trying to figure out why we haven't been able to get pregnant, peeing on dozens of stick/strips, and thinking my poor husband was evil for not sharing in my crazy obsession with all things baby!

I went through a very rough couple of months where I was stressing over every little twinge or lack of twinge but I think I've gotten to the point where ttc has become fun again.

I look forward to chatting with you lovelies!

Welcome! :) I am so obsessed with everything baby as well! I want a baby!!!! :) My husband wants a baby but I can tell he's holding back and trying not to get too excited after the miscarriage I had on my first cycle. I also have PCOS and have been told it might take some time. I have started exercising and trying to eat healthier! :)

Gl to you! :)
Hi was hoping I could join you ladies.
I'm 30 and dh 33 and have been ttc since wedding in August and am on cycle 6. We have been together nine years and wanted to wait until completely ready before marriage and children so i guesse I assumed that as soon as i was ready it would just happen like clockwork, seems to for everyone else. After 5 cycles of bfn after bfn starting to not enjoy the ttc process and just worrying about everything.
Really nice to have ladies in the same position especially age and ttc #1 makes me feel more normal and so nice other people that understand

Hi Ladders, we're on the same boat... Dh (35) and I(31) have been together for almost 10 years and we waited until we were ready to do it... its been 1 year since we started... I hope you dont have to wait as long as Im having to... my advice to you is do not wait a whole year to seek professional help...

Ladders, TryingInTexas, Miskas Mommy: do not wait... go!! If you see a specialist and find out theres nothing wrong that its a big relief, but if there are issues you werent aware of, you'll beat yourself up for not going sooner. Hopefully you wont need any treatment, but if you do you'll be mad you didnt go sooner... I know I was... What harm could it be?
I can control symptom spotting but I am fighting to not test. Tomorrow is 11 dpo and I want to test so bad.

How do you ladies fight it?

I'm proud of you getting that far! lol! I usually start testing at 9 DPO :P

AFM: CD46, got a considerable temp spike today. I'm hoping that means O finally. I did drink last night though so it's hard to say just yet. Hopefully it's still climbing tomorrow to verify. But, I also noticed my CM is drying up. So, still thinking it might actually be O this time.

That sounds positive, fingers crossed for you!
RForReal, Ladders, Miskas, DosPinkies, PD Reggie, lsd2721 and haleiwamama - thank you all for the responses, I really appreciate them and you sharing your own stories.

Karmic - nice to meet you! I'm right there with you at 10 months. I know I also have those days where my brain just goes "BABY!" all day long and it stresses, so good for you on getting back to TTC fun!

For those of you in your TWW, big, HUGE positive vibes and GL to you!
We are NTNP for 12months with no luck yet. This is the 13th month and I am currently @11dpo. If BFN then we are going to start TTC from coming cycle. I am 30 and DH is 35.
Hey there everyone! This is my first post to the site. I am 30, i have pcos, and my husband and I have been ttc for 10 months now. I've been scouring the internet for several months trying to figure out why we haven't been able to get pregnant, peeing on dozens of stick/strips, and thinking my poor husband was evil for not sharing in my crazy obsession with all things baby!

I went through a very rough couple of months where I was stressing over every little twinge or lack of twinge but I think I've gotten to the point where ttc has become fun again.

I look forward to chatting with you lovelies!

We are NTNP for 12months with no luck yet. This is the 13th month and I am currently @11dpo. If BFN then we are going to start TTC from coming cycle. I am 30 and DH is 35.

Welcome ladies!
So today I was chatting on the phone with a friend. She and I worked together for a while a few years ago and I always called her my work mom. She has kids just a little older than me and would lecture me for not eating lunch, etc. I decided to tell her that we were going to start TTC this cycle since I haven't told anyone in real life and I've been dying to tell someone! She seemed like a good choice since she's always been so supportive of me, we don't talk too often where I would feel pressure if it doesn't happen quickly, and she doesn't have much of a personal stake in the entire thing.

Anyhow, of course she was very excited for us and I got just the response I was looking for. So I was explaining my whole plan about which cycles I'd be trying and taking a break so as not to be due around Xmas and which months and all of it. She just started laughing so hard. She told me that having watched me plan 2 out-of-state moves and my wedding that she is not at all surprised how I am with this :haha: I didn't even tell her about the temping and OPKs! I reassured her it was driving me crazy I couldn't exactly pick when to get pregnant.

She knows me too well. I've never met a situation I didn't try to over-plan!
Thank you all for welcoming me so nicely to this thread is lovely to speak to ladies in the same boat with the same obsessions! Appreciate you letting me join in with you :-)

5dpo and having a grumpy day because it seems the whole world is getting pregnant. Found out another of the girls at work are pregnant today so that's now four in the last three months, spurring again everyone to ask when I will be starting making, me come out with the same lie of wanting to pay the wedding off first. Can't tell dh because he wouldn't understand and thinks I think about it too much already, which admittedly i do!
Hope everyone else is having a better day! Anyone due for testing soon?
I am testing on Saturday if no AF by Friday night. Initial plan was to test on Sunday but I preponed it. :)
MgreenM, I don't really have any advice either but just want to say good luck with everything! Do what you need to do! :)

Well, the xanax finally kicked in and I am feeling much better. I hate that I had to do it, but hopefully this will help me get out of the funk I have been in all weekend. I am going to shower and go to bed soon. Thank you everyone for all of your support! I really appreciate it!

This month, I am too preoccupied with the new dog and this anxiety issue to worry about testing. Probably a good thing too! I don't need to add anything else to worry about, right? Have a good night ladies.

Glad to hear you are feeling better! Have a good night!

Thank you again for all of your support! Well, much like last month, it's like a switch flipped...one little thing happens and then I feel back to my regular self! So weird! The good news, I got offered the job I interviewed for on Thursday! It is a slight pay cut, but I think the opportunity is worth it. Also, Hailey (the new dog) did great sleeping in our room last night and while we were out today! I feel so much better! I did call and leave a message for my doctor to discuss what has been going on so that we can figure out what the best plan is for me.
So today I was chatting on the phone with a friend. She and I worked together for a while a few years ago and I always called her my work mom. She has kids just a little older than me and would lecture me for not eating lunch, etc. I decided to tell her that we were going to start TTC this cycle since I haven't told anyone in real life and I've been dying to tell someone! She seemed like a good choice since she's always been so supportive of me, we don't talk too often where I would feel pressure if it doesn't happen quickly, and she doesn't have much of a personal stake in the entire thing.

Anyhow, of course she was very excited for us and I got just the response I was looking for. So I was explaining my whole plan about which cycles I'd be trying and taking a break so as not to be due around Xmas and which months and all of it. She just started laughing so hard. She told me that having watched me plan 2 out-of-state moves and my wedding that she is not at all surprised how I am with this :haha: I didn't even tell her about the temping and OPKs! I reassured her it was driving me crazy I couldn't exactly pick when to get pregnant.

She knows me too well. I've never met a situation I didn't try to over-plan!

I am so glad you have someone like that in your life! While everyone here is wonderful and super supportive, it is helpful to have someone who is a close friend that you can tell. I just told one of my best friends where we are in TTC because she was giving me some important information on FMLA that I should keep in mind, which I really appreciate.
MgreenM, I don't really have any advice either but just want to say good luck with everything! Do what you need to do! :)

Well, the xanax finally kicked in and I am feeling much better. I hate that I had to do it, but hopefully this will help me get out of the funk I have been in all weekend. I am going to shower and go to bed soon. Thank you everyone for all of your support! I really appreciate it!

This month, I am too preoccupied with the new dog and this anxiety issue to worry about testing. Probably a good thing too! I don't need to add anything else to worry about, right? Have a good night ladies.

Glad to hear you are feeling better! Have a good night!

Thank you again for all of your support! Well, much like last month, it's like a switch flipped...one little thing happens and then I feel back to my regular self! So weird! The good news, I got offered the job I interviewed for on Thursday! It is a slight pay cut, but I think the opportunity is worth it. Also, Hailey (the new dog) did great sleeping in our room last night and while we were out today! I feel so much better! I did call and leave a message for my doctor to discuss what has been going on so that we can figure out what the best plan is for me.

Yay! Congrats on the job! I'm also so glad to hear Hailey is adjusting. I knew she would.
I test a week from tomorrow if I haven't started yet. Umm...if I can wait that long? Next Tuesday will be 14 dpo. So if I wait until then, I would have been a very good girl.

Now that I'm thinking about it...I doubt I'll be THAT good. Okay, so truly, how long do you guys wait?

I'm feeling more pessimistic this cycle, like I'm pretty certain it didn't work this time. Im not even excited or itching to test, because I just know I'm not pregnant. :\ Last cycle I was so optimistic and hopeful and certain it worked, and this cycle I'm Captain Doom-n-Gloom of the S.S This Bites. Maybe this is my way of protecting myself from the heart-break I went through last cycle? Is that normal?
Yup absolutely normal. We try not to get our hopes up if AF shows her ugly face. So that disappointment will be less if we are prepared for her. But all of us secretly hope for a BFP.
Well I caved in and tested this morning at 11 dpo and got a negative like always. Part of me is optimistic and excited to start another cycle and part of me is mad.
I have decided to see a doctor if it doesn't happen next cycle

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