Northerngal, I have only been trying to conceive a few months so I don't really do anything besides the OPKs ( I use the same one as you! but I also use the cheapies during the first few days and once I start seeing a line I switch to the smiley face ones since they are so expensive) and taking prenatal vitamins. My husband also thinks I'm pretty crazy for obsessing over it all and reading up on things. I just told him we all have our things to obsess about and stopped talking to him as much about it, which is why I started this thread! Even my mom and sister who know I'm ttc kept telling me to calm down and all. So, I couldn't even obsess with them!
Emb84, so glad you could join us! Welcome! I for sure thought I would be trying for kids around 25 but life never happens as we plan does it! Although it sure would make life easier if it did! ha!
Meljen, sorry to hear you are not feeling as well! Good thing you're laying low! Get lots of rest!
Dos and ladders, so glad that you get to do all the BDing you want!

That it is all in place!! Good luck to you this cycle. Hoping baby dust is coming yalls way!
So fertility friend says I ovulated on Wednesday. I did the bd on Friday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday pus once more last night, just in case! Hopefully that was enough! I'm not feeling as positive this round or as excited as the previous two cycles. Trying to stay busy so I don't symptom check like a crazy person like I did last time! I am just going to watch my chart and if my period hasn't come by 15dpo I will take a test!
Crossing my fingers and toes! Bring some baby dust my way pleeeeease!
Question, I thought once you got a positive on the OPK that you should stop testing. Is there a reason to keep testing?