30 yo and TTC #1

Hi all,

I literally registered on this site for the first time 10 minutes ago and I'm so happy I've found this feed!! I'm turning 30 shortly and we are currently TTC. I'm freaking out and trying to control everything (using ovulation tests, making schedules for sex, reading what positions are best, etc). The more I try to plan the more my period is suddenly going out of whack and I'm convinced I'm broken! He keeps telling me "relax" but it's hard when you've wanted a baby for so long and are paranoid it won't happen.

The most frustrating thing is that we're picking and choosing what months we're trying in for various reasons. It's a roller coaster month when we are trying and it's the longest month ever when we aren't.

Anyhow, I'm glad I've found this feed :happydance: It's nice knowing others feel the same!

Welcome! I'm also 29 and will be 30 this year. It is nice to know that we aren't alone in TTC around 30! How long have you been trying?

We've been trying since October, now we have to wait until April (We're getting married abroad in September and obviously can't be too pregnant for travel!).

How long have you been trying for?
I was lost on the lingo at first, too. Here's a handy dandy list for you. (: https://www.fertilityties.com/topics/ttc-lingo-learn-ttc-acronyms-and-abbreviations
Welcome, Northerngal!

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Welcome northengal think you have come to the right place we are all pretty much the same age all trying for baby number one and all completely lost in the obsessive planning lol. I use opks have hubby on conception tablets I'm taking them and just added in epi while I wait for vitamins I ordered from America to arrive. Stated preseed and soft cups and write everything down in my diary which would absolutely freak dh out if he saw! When i first started on here I didn't understand the abbreviations but it's amazing how quickly you pick it up

So had my blood test yesterday and be about a week and a half before get the results and after thinking about it for so long there is a massive part of me that still wants it to be high because then something can be done and could be the reason I'm not conceiving. Never had a chemical or even a hint of pregnancy so maybe this could be the answer. All this time thinking dh swimmers were lacking and it could actually be me with the problem. Would prefer that though because really affects dh he said makes him feel inadequate that can't give me what I want most in the world. Broke my heart a little hearing that so vowed to be on best behaviour this month and not let him on when it's o time and hide the disappointment when af arrives.

Dh should be taking another sperm sample in today so results for that end of next week too, praying its a little better or the same and not worse because can't take the ups and downs!
My BD fest starts tomorrow! Lol. DH and I agreed I wouldn't give him details this time on when exactly O day was...but um, he's probably going to figure something out when I start molesting him for the rest of the week. I'm expecting O Saturday...maybe Sunday? (CD11-12) so my plan is BD tomorrow and Thursday (CD8-9), day off CD 10 (DH works a 24 that day) and BD 11 & 12. Sound good? If this schedule actually works and I O when I'm supposed to, this will be our best month yet as far as BDing enough and at the right times. This is the first time he hasn't been working on my expected O day in like foreeeever. C'mon body and circumstances - work with me here![/QUOTE]

I'm the same cd 8 of 25/26 day cycle (really need to figure out how to update signature slidey thing because wrong) and got my first he flashing smiley face on clearblue dual digital showing oestrogen starting to rise so starting high fertility. Think peak will Sunday and Monday. Therefore bd fest starts for me too! Things a bit more awkward because dh on lates sat and sun so will be hard to get it in without him knowing its for the big o. Even cancelled a night out Friday to make sure at least got one good one in lol
Ladders - Yay for flashing smiley face!! I get so excited when I see that little guy. I, on the other hand, got a big empty circle this morning. I'm going to test again this evening though and see if there's a change. I'm thinking I should hit High by tomorrow morning...hopefully anyways. DH is working a 36 (24 yesterday and straight into a 12 day shift today). He gets off at 7, and might be exhausted...kind of depends how busy they are. Sometimes they literally sit around and play video games all day, so hoping for that kind of day for him so that he'll be down for BD! It'd all be so much simpler if our DH's were on the same schedule as us, huh Ladders? Oh well.
Ladders - Yay for flashing smiley face!! I get so excited when I see that little guy. I, on the other hand, got a big empty circle this morning. I'm going to test again this evening though and see if there's a change. I'm thinking I should hit High by tomorrow morning...hopefully anyways. DH is working a 36 (24 yesterday and straight into a 12 day shift today). He gets off at 7, and might be exhausted...kind of depends how busy they are. Sometimes they literally sit around and play video games all day, so hoping for that kind of day for him so that he'll be down for BD! It'd all be so much simpler if our DH's were on the same schedule as us, huh Ladders? Oh well.

of course they have a different schedule! DH gets up later than I do and goes to bed much later than I do! He has a job where he can make his own hours so he won't set an alarm! Ha! When baby comes, he is going to have to shift his schedule! If he wakes up early in the morning and wants to go back to sleep, he will often go to the other room. It's all because he doesn't like the alarm going off...I have told him, when baby comes, he can't do that! He has to get up just as much as I do! He has been doing it less lately though. And to be honest, I don't blame him. He doesn't fall asleep as easily as I do. Now, if I could only stay asleep!
dos do you use the dual hormone digital ones? ones with flashing and solid smileys? wasnt expecting a flashing one today as usualyy get two days of blank circle. Hope dh didnt use all his best swimmers on sa this morning!
I am getting close to O too! Should be sometime this weekend and we are both off today and tomorrow due this freak weather :)
Our state sent the sand trucks Deep South and we got their weather so our city is shut down! I order plants for a large retailer and we were supposed to have a spring kickoff meeting today lol
Hi all,

I literally registered on this site for the first time 10 minutes ago and I'm so happy I've found this feed!! I'm turning 30 shortly and we are currently TTC. I'm freaking out and trying to control everything (using ovulation tests, making schedules for sex, reading what positions are best, etc). The more I try to plan the more my period is suddenly going out of whack and I'm convinced I'm broken! He keeps telling me "relax" but it's hard when you've wanted a baby for so long and are paranoid it won't happen.

The most frustrating thing is that we're picking and choosing what months we're trying in for various reasons. It's a roller coaster month when we are trying and it's the longest month ever when we aren't.

Anyhow, I'm glad I've found this feed :happydance: It's nice knowing others feel the same!

Welcome! I'm also 29 and will be 30 this year. It is nice to know that we aren't alone in TTC around 30! How long have you been trying?

We've been trying since October, now we have to wait until April (We're getting married abroad in September and obviously can't be too pregnant for travel!).

How long have you been trying for?

Hey Northerngal! :) Great to meet you!! It's so hard at first to learn the lingo but you really get used to it! :)

I started trying in November and I'm on my 3rd cycle. On my first cycle trying I had a chemical pregnancy. Because of that my last cycle was really weird! So I'm now on my third cycle trying and crossing fingers. This is also my first cycle of attempting to do temping!

Meljenn, Ladders, and DosPinkies, YAY! Very excited for the big week of O for everyone and lots of Bding!! I am crossing my fingers for bfp for everyone!

So quick temping question! This morning I woke up off and on for a while (not the best sleep) and when my alarm went off at 7:30 for me to take my temp I did and got a 96.8. I know my temp is supposed to get high soon so I was a bit worried it hadn't happened today. I went back to sleep for an hour and had a good deep sleep so when I woke up at 8:30 I decided to take my temp again just to see and it went up to 97.6. So I have two questions. One, which temp should I use? Second, let's say I don't end up getting a high rise in my temperature, does this mean I didn't ovulate even though I got a positive OPK test result?
Ladders - yep, we use the same OPK - the expensive one. Lol...but I just don't trust myself to decode those other ones people use. I see all of the pictures of opks and people asking others' opinions, and quite frankly, I stress myself out enough without having to guess at that. I like looking at smiley faces better. (;

lsd - My first question to you would be what time do you normally take your temp? If it's normally at 7:30, I'd use the first one. If it's normally at 8:30, use that one. Regardless though, since you didn't get very good sleep, neither one is probably incredibly accurate. This happens to me all the time...I'm a terrible sleeper. I would add into the specifics that you were sleep deprived. That will prompt FF to chart it as an open circle...just meaning it might not be completely accurate because of extenuating circumstances. On your second question, I would just watch your temp over the next few days. The temp rise after O is gradual in some people, not always a sharp rise. If for your whole LP there's not a general rise, then maybe it would mean you didn't O, but I wouldn't worry too much about it just yet. Especially since you had some restless sleep last night, your temp may not have been able to do what it would have. Give it a few days...I bet you'll see it gradually get up where it should be.
Owl - your temp dip was huge! I'm thinking you might get a + OPK tomorrow. Does yours usually dip that much randomly?

Your guess is as good as mine! LOL. First cycle temping and off the pill so who the heck knows. I will say the dip was after very solid sleep, nothing weird so I think I believe it. As for today's though, I'm now in CA and took my temp when I woke up at 4:30am here... so 1.5 hours later than I normally take it at home but 1.5 hours earlier than that time here. I just recorded it as is because um, no idea. But I will try to take a good OPK this afternoon with a hold, etc. Cross your fingers for me ladies. We're just going to keep BDing until I have proof I ovulated or AF comes though regardless!

So quick temping question! This morning I woke up off and on for a while (not the best sleep) and when my alarm went off at 7:30 for me to take my temp I did and got a 96.8. I know my temp is supposed to get high soon so I was a bit worried it hadn't happened today. I went back to sleep for an hour and had a good deep sleep so when I woke up at 8:30 I decided to take my temp again just to see and it went up to 97.6. So I have two questions. One, which temp should I use? Second, let's say I don't end up getting a high rise in my temperature, does this mean I didn't ovulate even though I got a positive OPK test result?

Not too sure since I'm so new to this myself but I will say everything I've read says 3 hours is the minimum sleep you need to have an accurate temp. I've seen the same thing happen when I took my temp after an hour of deep sleep, where it's really high.

Welcome northengal! If we don't conceive this cycle we're taking a break for a couple months so we can be temporarily waiting buddies :)

All you ladies Oing or close... :happydance: Get busy!
Northerngal, good to meet you! and good luck. We have been trying since Oct. and are on our 4th cycle. I don't think I have o'd yet. But my temp has gone up a little bit everyday since Monday so who knows. This looks like it's not going to be a great cycle because DH is currently not feeling very well. The flu is going around his and my office so I'm mostly crossing my fingers he doesn't have that. First, because we are traveling to New Mexico this weekend. Second, because I don't want to get it. Especially at this moment in time. I am currently training for a new court, trying to wrap up my cases in my court, and there was a crazy issue in the office yesterday that may result in more attorneys leaving and everyone scrambling to cover court. It's going to be a painful month at the office and I can't afford to lose any time training.

So I'm trying to have a good talk with myself about not stressing about this month. I have way more to stress about. :coffee: good luck to everyone who is getting ready. Can't wait to see what happens in the next few weeks!
sorry ladies i have been out of the loop for a few days.. had the funeral on Saturday, and have been kinda sad the last few days..

Still trying to figure out my cycle.. currently at CD 17.. hoping it is shorter than 45 days this time!! thinking i should be O'ing this week! DH and I have been BDing this week...

Hopefully we get a BFP in a few weeks!
Good to see you back Miskas mommy. Fx that your cycle is much shorter this time!
Somebody please remind me why I bother to schedule BDing? Never. Works. Out. Ever.

I'm glad I still haven't gotten a high on my OPK, or else I'd be REALLY frustrated. FF keeps giving me just a "good" rating on our BD schedule every cycle, and I swear, it's going to happen again. Ugh.
Somebody please remind me why I bother to schedule BDing? Never. Works. Out. Ever.

I'm glad I still haven't gotten a high on my OPK, or else I'd be REALLY frustrated. FF keeps giving me just a "good" rating on our BD schedule every cycle, and I swear, it's going to happen again. Ugh.

Trust me, I know how you feel! It seems like I plan for BDing and then it doesn't work out! SO freaking annoying! I had planned to do the SMEP plan this cycle but that went in the gutter pretty quickly! We definitely did not BD as much this cycle as I wanted too!! We Bded on Friday, skipped Saturday and sunday. I got the smiley face on Monday and we've Bded Monday, Tuesday, and plan on tonight. Kind of waiting for that spike in my temperature!

Anyway, I know how frustrating it can be! I'm sorry!
Somebody please remind me why I bother to schedule BDing? Never. Works. Out. Ever.

I'm glad I still haven't gotten a high on my OPK, or else I'd be REALLY frustrated. FF keeps giving me just a "good" rating on our BD schedule every cycle, and I swear, it's going to happen again. Ugh.

I feel you. DH was feeling better yesterday so I got to take advantage. But I wanted to bd pretty much all this week since we are going out of town for a long weekend (not good bding vaca as it's with my parents and brother) las night was all I got. I wanted to wait for next month to do opks until I have a better idea of when I o. But now I can't figure out my damn chart. Hoping that little red line shows up at some point.

Good luck!
Somebody please remind me why I bother to schedule BDing? Never. Works. Out. Ever.

I'm glad I still haven't gotten a high on my OPK, or else I'd be REALLY frustrated. FF keeps giving me just a "good" rating on our BD schedule every cycle, and I swear, it's going to happen again. Ugh.

I feel the same way. We made a pact to bd at least every other day and then this sickness came back into our house. We had to do it doggy so he didn't get my germs....not very romantic.

Hopefully next cycle we will be past all this
Happy Thursday ladies! :) Any big plans for the weekend?!

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