30 yo and TTC #1

Miskas, I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

This cycle is driving me crazy. I'm not really sure why I expected otherwise! Plus this travel thing is frustrating. My chart looks kind of like I ovulated but I think I'm going to adjust the last 2 temps since my body clearly is not on West Coast time. I think the negative OPKs with barely a second line are pretty clear. I know I need to get it together since I'm only CD16 but I almost cried after the negative OPK yesterday. I just want my body to do it's job and stop failing me. And also not fake me out with random temp drops. So now we're BDing on our friend's air mattress, in my parent's guest room that shares a wall with their bedroom, and in DH's mom's house. Definitely not a recipe for a great time but I'm so determined, if I do actually ever ovulate this cycle I want the best possible chance. C'mon egg!
Miskas, I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

This cycle is driving me crazy. I'm not really sure why I expected otherwise! Plus this travel thing is frustrating. My chart looks kind of like I ovulated but I think I'm going to adjust the last 2 temps since my body clearly is not on West Coast time. I think the negative OPKs with barely a second line are pretty clear. I know I need to get it together since I'm only CD16 but I almost cried after the negative OPK yesterday. I just want my body to do it's job and stop failing me. And also not fake me out with random temp drops. So now we're BDing on our friend's air mattress, in my parent's guest room that shares a wall with their bedroom, and in DH's mom's house. Definitely not a recipe for a great time but I'm so determined, if I do actually ever ovulate this cycle I want the best possible chance. C'mon egg!

Man, I know it feels weird doing the bd in guest rooms and at parents house! But you're getting it done! :) kudos!

Also, try not to stress about temping! I bet it will mess it up If you travel to a different time zone! I wonder what you're supposed to do, but either way, you know you're close and as long as your bding, everything will fall into place as it should! :) Just keep doing what you're doing!!!
Miskas, I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

This cycle is driving me crazy. I'm not really sure why I expected otherwise! Plus this travel thing is frustrating. My chart looks kind of like I ovulated but I think I'm going to adjust the last 2 temps since my body clearly is not on West Coast time. I think the negative OPKs with barely a second line are pretty clear. I know I need to get it together since I'm only CD16 but I almost cried after the negative OPK yesterday. I just want my body to do it's job and stop failing me. And also not fake me out with random temp drops. So now we're BDing on our friend's air mattress, in my parent's guest room that shares a wall with their bedroom, and in DH's mom's house. Definitely not a recipe for a great time but I'm so determined, if I do actually ever ovulate this cycle I want the best possible chance. C'mon egg!

Feel for you its horrible when you have spent ages working out the plan and then your body doesn't fit with it. At least your getting the bd'ing and hopefully will get that elusive bfp

I wanted to do smep this month bd'd last night but now won't see dh properly until Monday because of shifts and think I'm due to ovulate sat or sun so going to be a wasted month. But then still waiting for blood results so probably not really ovulating at all, wondering why I'm bothering at all this month. Man I feel grumpy today sorry

Miskas it's nice to see you back hope your okay we've all been thinking of you
Miskas, I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

This cycle is driving me crazy. I'm not really sure why I expected otherwise! Plus this travel thing is frustrating. My chart looks kind of like I ovulated but I think I'm going to adjust the last 2 temps since my body clearly is not on West Coast time. I think the negative OPKs with barely a second line are pretty clear. I know I need to get it together since I'm only CD16 but I almost cried after the negative OPK yesterday. I just want my body to do it's job and stop failing me. And also not fake me out with random temp drops. So now we're BDing on our friend's air mattress, in my parent's guest room that shares a wall with their bedroom, and in DH's mom's house. Definitely not a recipe for a great time but I'm so determined, if I do actually ever ovulate this cycle I want the best possible chance. C'mon egg!

Feel for you its horrible when you have spent ages working out the plan and then your body doesn't fit with it. At least your getting the bd'ing and hopefully will get that elusive bfp

I wanted to do smep this month bd'd last night but now won't see dh properly until Monday because of shifts and think I'm due to ovulate sat or sun so going to be a wasted month. But then still waiting for blood results so probably not really ovulating at all, wondering why I'm bothering at all this month. Man I feel grumpy today sorry

Miskas it's nice to see you back hope your okay we've all been thinking of you
My friend/co-worker had her baby. I went to see her and got to hold Sawyer. It was really nice and I'm crazy happy for her. But...couldn't help but wish I could hold my own. Selfish, I know.

I've been in such a funk okay. I slept like crap and I had crazy dreams for the 5 minutes I did sleep...about not being able to get pregnant. No bueno.

My weekend plans: BD. Lol. DH works tomorrow, but Saturday and Sunday it's going down...if it kills me. (;

Edit: I got the flashing smiley, so I'm suddenly in a better mood! Haha
Thanks so much ladies. I'm going to keep rereading your words and try to be okay with this cycle, whatever happens. I haven't taken an OPK yet today since we were out with my parents all afternoon. It'll be early evening here when I do so hopefully that's okay. Please ovulate body, please!
dos- I hope you get out of your funk! I hate when that happens!

don't know what we have planned for the weekend...sleep! that is for sure!
thanks ladies.. i am starting to feel better.. still going to be a rough while i think.
Here's hoping that i am going to O this month!
i havent tried the OPK test or temping yet.. going to look into buying a BBT thermometer.
The OPK's are really expensive here, so i am going to try and avoid using them if at all possible.
Talking DH into BDing is a piece of cake :thumbup: never have to twist his arm to hard LOL
Owl - your temp dip was huge! I'm thinking you might get a + OPK tomorrow. Does yours usually dip that much randomly?

Your guess is as good as mine! LOL. First cycle temping and off the pill so who the heck knows. I will say the dip was after very solid sleep, nothing weird so I think I believe it. As for today's though, I'm now in CA and took my temp when I woke up at 4:30am here... so 1.5 hours later than I normally take it at home but 1.5 hours earlier than that time here. I just recorded it as is because um, no idea. But I will try to take a good OPK this afternoon with a hold, etc. Cross your fingers for me ladies. We're just going to keep BDing until I have proof I ovulated or AF comes though regardless!

So quick temping question! This morning I woke up off and on for a while (not the best sleep) and when my alarm went off at 7:30 for me to take my temp I did and got a 96.8. I know my temp is supposed to get high soon so I was a bit worried it hadn't happened today. I went back to sleep for an hour and had a good deep sleep so when I woke up at 8:30 I decided to take my temp again just to see and it went up to 97.6. So I have two questions. One, which temp should I use? Second, let's say I don't end up getting a high rise in my temperature, does this mean I didn't ovulate even though I got a positive OPK test result?

Not too sure since I'm so new to this myself but I will say everything I've read says 3 hours is the minimum sleep you need to have an accurate temp. I've seen the same thing happen when I took my temp after an hour of deep sleep, where it's really high.

Welcome northengal! If we don't conceive this cycle we're taking a break for a couple months so we can be temporarily waiting buddies :)

All you ladies Oing or close... :happydance: Get busy!

Thanks curiousowl! Waiting buddies would be awesome - but I have high hopes for you that you conceive this month!!
I'm curious as to what everyone does to enhance ovulation and conception!

So far all I'm on are prenatal vitamins. I've been using the clearblue smiley face ovulation tests - but darn are they expensive!! And you can't buy refills! I've taken a chance on a website and ordered a bunch of ovulation tests and pregnancy tests for cheap, I've read fairly decent reviews on them. And what's more confusing is that the clearblue ovulation tests said to use first morning urine, yet in these threads I'm reading how people test in the afternoon.

I see all these advertisements for special teas, special vitamins, special lubes, etc. My cousin's husband has low sperm count due to testicular cancer and she has him on red ginseng pills to increase sperm. Has anyone heard of that? I've found pharmacies online to buy clomid but I don't want to take it to that extreme in case I do actually need it in the future.

Is anyone as lost as me on what to try? What's too much? What's fact and what's an old wive's tale? "DH" (I'm picking up the lingo!) thinks I'm absolutely crazy looking up all these methods...but he hasn't seen crazy yet. Part of me is tempted to drug his morning tea with the above methods (just kidding...maybe...). If you gals do have your DH's on regimens, how did you approach that? I did get him to switch from briefs to boxers - he actually suggested it.

Again, I just have to say I'm so happy I've found this group!! And best of luck to all of you getting ready to do the big BD!
It's hard not to go overboard TTC. Several of us have discussed this...that we have a fear of doing too little and it taking forever to conceive. Yes, your DH will think you're crazy. You just have to gently remind him that you are normal and that you're not hurting anything.

Mine takes FertilAid. We had an SA (sperm analysis) done on him and though they wernt awful, they weren't A+'s either...so he agreed to at least try that for now. If you don't have any reason to think there's something wrong, I wouldn't worry about meds or putting him on vitamins just yet. They get touchy about that stuff, so no reason to push it without cause. Of course you should take prenatals though.

Here's what I do.
- I temp every morning. It's nice to have that record to look at, even if it is a pain in the ass quite frankly.
- I use the same OPK you do. Yes, they're expensive, but I stress out easily, and with that one, there's no interpreting involved. The other ones require you to guess and squint at lines and I just don't trust myself. It'd be another thing that stresses me out, so it's worth the money to me. As far as when to test, people say to do it later in the day to avoid missing your Peak or whatever. You could theoretically test in the morning, get a negative, and then have a rise an hour later and not know it. It's okay to test in the morning though...no big deal. I usually do. When I have enough test strips and I know I'm getting close, I might test both AM and PM.
- We use PreSeed. Most expensive lube in the world, but it's nice. Other lubes (and saliva btw) kill the little swimmers, plus PreSeed acts like fertile CM, so if you don't have a lot of it, it's a little helping hand. If you don't use it, no other non- sperm friendly lubes and no saliva!
- I added Musinex this cycle (helps thin out and create more fertile CM).
- I also added softcups. They basically trap the swimmers closer to the cervix and people rave about them. My DH's motility is low, so I figured I'd give his boys a helping hand. We'll see if they help!

Here's my advice. If DH is already giving you the "you're nuts" treatment, just keep him in the dark about a lot of the details. Most don't really wanna know anyways. He doesn't have to know, and then you can obsess all you need. (:
Hi all! I'm new to all this so I don't know all the acronyms yet. I'm 29, married for 8 years and have been TTC since Oct. I wanted to start when I was 23, but life happened and we had to wait. I've been wanting this for so long, that I get impatient at times, but excited!
welcome EmB84!

Well ladies, looks like I might be getting sick! Called my OBGYN to see what I can take and luckily they said I can take tylenol cold, an antihistemine (allergy med), and sudafed! They make ALL the difference! Not sleeping so great cause I am stuffed up on top of having to pee a couple of times in the night...I feel better this morning than I did last night so that is good. Hopefully this doesn't get too much worse! Gonna lay low this weekend!
Hi EmB84, welcome!

Mgreen, hope you feel better. This weather has been ridiculously cold.
I'm curious as to what everyone does to enhance ovulation and conception!

So far all I'm on are prenatal vitamins. I've been using the clearblue smiley face ovulation tests - but darn are they expensive!! And you can't buy refills! I've taken a chance on a website and ordered a bunch of ovulation tests and pregnancy tests for cheap, I've read fairly decent reviews on them. And what's more confusing is that the clearblue ovulation tests said to use first morning urine, yet in these threads I'm reading how people test in the afternoon.

I see all these advertisements for special teas, special vitamins, special lubes, etc. My cousin's husband has low sperm count due to testicular cancer and she has him on red ginseng pills to increase sperm. Has anyone heard of that? I've found pharmacies online to buy clomid but I don't want to take it to that extreme in case I do actually need it in the future.

Is anyone as lost as me on what to try? What's too much? What's fact and what's an old wive's tale? "DH" (I'm picking up the lingo!) thinks I'm absolutely crazy looking up all these methods...but he hasn't seen crazy yet. Part of me is tempted to drug his morning tea with the above methods (just kidding...maybe...). If you gals do have your DH's on regimens, how did you approach that? I did get him to switch from briefs to boxers - he actually suggested it.

Again, I just have to say I'm so happy I've found this group!! And best of luck to all of you getting ready to do the big BD!

This is my third cycle, and I added EPO to help with CM since I've never noticed if I have any before. I also started temping halfway through my last cycle and it helped me figure out when I ovulated.

I used OPKs last cycle and will probably start them again soon. I used cheap Wondfo ones from Amazon and for the longest time thought they weren't working but it's just that I ovulated late. So I think they worked pretty well for me, plus since I had to pee on thousands of them, it was definately more cost effective.

I also started taking folic acid last November when we decided to TTC. Finally, I take iron pills but I've been taking those for a yr and a half so I guess it's not specifically for TTC.
Welcome, EmB84!

I hope you're feeling better soon, MgreenM.

I'm not doing much yet to improve conception. I've been taking prenatal vitamins for about six months, and I recently switched around some other daily meds for ones that are safer (or just more well studied) during pregnancy. I'm skipping my bedtime melatonin during two week waits, too. I'll probably start opks if we have trouble conceiving, but for now it seems too much like a chore.
Welcome emb84!

Soon2b iv started epo this cycle as I never felt I had any or much cm and could never get enough to see if was ewcm or watery etc. Did use pressed for two cycles but no bfp so thought ud try something else so ordered some fertile cm, then found out takes a month to be delivered and so in typical inpatient style i couldn't wait and bought some epo. Iv really noticed a difference have you? How much do you take?

Happy today as dh weekend shifts changed from lates to earlys so bring on the bd action! Hoping for my solid smiley face now soon
Welcome emb84!

Soon2b iv started epo this cycle as I never felt I had any or much cm and could never get enough to see if was ewcm or watery etc. Did use pressed for two cycles but no bfp so thought ud try something else so ordered some fertile cm, then found out takes a month to be delivered and so in typical inpatient style i couldn't wait and bought some epo. Iv really noticed a difference have you? How much do you take?

Happy today as dh weekend shifts changed from lates to earlys so bring on the bd action! Hoping for my solid smiley face now soon

ladders, I take 3 pills per day, I think 1,000mg each. I followed the bottle directions. How much do you take? I just started them two days ago so no differences yet, but I'm hoping it works. I'm glad it's working for you. I hear you shouldn't take it after ovulation, so I plan to stop once I ovulate.
I'm taking the same 1000mg three times a day and only been taking them since Sunday but really noticed a difference today! Due to ovulate Sunday maybe and now realise iv never properly had any ewcm so I'm quite excited about this month.

Didn't know about the stopping bit! Thanks for mentioning it or I'd have carried on! Do you know why you stop?
I read somewhere that EPO has a small risk of causing uterine contractions which may make implantation difficult and isn't good for pregnancy. So you should only take it from when AF starts until ovulation.

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