30 yo and TTC #1

Hey ladies, just thought you would like to know the parents found out last night and they are super excited! They loved the ways we told them! My mom was hilarious! I went with the hat and bootie idea for my parents and as she opens it, it took her a minute (and a GREAT expression on her face) to realize what was going on! It was funny!

I am up in PA visiting a friend and DH is home. He went out for karaoke last night since I wasn't around. I hope you ladies are having a good weekend! Hope you are doing something fun and relaxing!
Hey girls, hope everyone with Dr. appointments gets good news and whatever it takes to regulate your cycles. I just had an awesome morning with the inmates. Was doing arraignments and asked the prisoners if anyone had questions. One idiot stood up and was like "yeah, can I hit that?" I have been nauseous for 2 days straight, I contemplated seeing if I could throw up on him. But then I would still have to stand with him during arraignments so it wasn't worth the try. Sigh. Just another day in paradise!

That is so funny! I personally don't see a problem with "accidentally" throwing up on him. Hey, when you're pregnant you can get away with a ton of stuff...I say milk it. :winkwink:
Hey everyone. I'm doing good. Slightly neurotic but I was that way before so I can't blame it on the hormones. Hope everyone is having a fun and relaxing weekend. It hit 40 degrees in Cleveland and you would think it is summer. People are out in force today.
So girls, I'm bored and only want to think about BABIES. So I have a question for you all. Baby names! Have you picked them out with your DH yet? If so, what are they and how long have you had them picked out? I hope you don't think Im crazy for already thinking about names...but I think most girls do this, right?

We have had our girl name picked out for years...Nora Jane. <3
We have never been able to agree on a boy name though. I push pretty hard for Milo, but husband says it's a no-go. His compromise is Miles...I'm trying to let it grow on me. Maybe we'll have a girl and won't have to roshambo over the boy's name. Hahaha :winkwink: :bodyb:
We've talked about it for years. We've been set on Valentine for a girl for years. Which might get a bit silly if we conceive this month :p I feel pretty strongly about a more conservative middle name with weird first names (kind of a fallback), and our latest thought is Helena.

He really wants Vincent for a boy, after his grandfather, and there are no boys names that I feel really strongly about, so we'd probably go with that. With Peregrine as a middle name because we're weird and hawks are cool. I'd use it as a first if I didn't think he'd hate us forever ;)

We considered Miles for a boy. I really like it. I like Milo, too, but I don't know if it ages as well. Then again, I think Milo is very on trend, so maybe it'll age just fine. No reason you couldn't use it as a nickname for Miles. I love Nora <3
All the baby talk around here is "I can't wait til we can do this with Valentine" and "I bet Valentine will love going to Medieval Times" and "It'll be so fun if Valentine and Nephew are close in age." We're gonna have quite a shock if we have all boys! I'm sure it would be the other way round if we'd settled on a boy name years ago.
You guys! I think I might actually ovulate here! First off I had some (sorry, TMI) blood-tinged CM today and I was happy thinking it meant that AF was coming. But I figured I would still do my OPK as normal in the late afternoon because why not. But I kind of forgot about it while watching the Olympics and went back 15 mins later. To my shock the line was way dark, still not positive, but the kind of dark that I see people post right before it's positive. I didn't believe it, I thought it was because I read it after 5 mins. But I took another one and same thing! I'm going to do another one later tonight and then in the morning. Cross your fingers for me! I know this doesn't mean I actually will ovulate but it's the first signs of life I've seen from my ovaries all cycle, lol. We BD'd today, now I'm annoyed we gave up BDing, figuring the cycle was over, but if I ovulate at least we have a chance! So excited!

Anyhow, sorry to interrupt the baby name talk :) Just had to share.
Heck yeah I've been thinking about baby names!! :) DH just kinda goes along with it. Says we're not even pregnant yet but he plays around with me and entertains me. We have picked out names though. Emma for a girl and Ben for a boy. :) I personally wanted Elijah (Eli for short) for a boy and Joanna for a girl. Those were my top picks but DH was not all for them!

I love Nora! Very cute!

Valentine would be so adorable if you conceived this month!! :)

My sister got upset when I told her what name we picked out for a girl. She said she has wanted that name. She however already has a beautiful girl and named her Riley so I said she missed out on her chance! So now it's down to who gets the girl first! haha
Owl, Yay! How exciting! Get to Bding! :) So glad you have a chance this cycle and don't have to force ovulation! :) GL!!!
How exciting for you, Owl!

I have a bit of spotting tonight, so I think I may be out this month. I'd drown my sorrows in all the wine I've been avoiding for two weeks, but I have to be up early for yoga with my sister in law.
Well, no progress really. I ended up back in the hospital yesterday because the pain got out of control and I was so sick from it that I couldn't keep my pain meds or anything else down. They did another CT and told me my stone hadn't budged in 3 days. They sent me home again though, and just gave me a different type of pain med to hopefully manage it better. So far, it's working. Im now the offspring of Sleepy and Dopey Dwarfs, but at least I'm managing. Unfortunately I haven't passed the stupid thing yet. :( My pain is at least lower now, so it might mean it's moving in the right direction. We'll see I guess. Thanks for asking!

Owl, yaaaay! I hope this is a good sign.
I'm so confused and frustrated. I went to take another OPK at 11pm and the line was basically gone and I'd started bleeding. Not spotting. I would definitely classify as light on FF. So wtf. How does that even work? Has anyone heard of having a close to or positive OPK followed by AF a few hours later? Google was no help. I guess the bright side is, as DH pointed out, I'm either ovulating or having my period, both of which were things I wanted to have happen. Preferably not at the same time but you know. I guess I just wait and see! :wacko:
Owl, I'm so sorry. I know how maddening it is for your body to do confusing things. I did a little research for you and though I couldn't find a definitive answer as to why it would happen, I found that it happens sometimes and you're not alone. It's probably just something you can mention to your doctor and see if they have any ideas. The good news is - it looks like AF is here for you and you can finally get off this insane cycle you've been on. That's actually good. This time that little eggo is gonna get the eff out of there and you're gonna catch it! :hugs:
Owl, how frustrating! Ugh! At least you're leaving this cycle and just mark it off as a weird first cycle off BC! :) Now you can start normal cycles and get that baby!

Dos, I'm glad your pain isn't as intense! I hope you pass this stone soon!

I trust everyone has had a great weekend! I am off to the local coffee shop to sit and have a coffee and some of that wonderful lemon poppy seed bread (I'm allowed a cheat here and there, right?!) and going to read my book for a while!
ugh Dos, that sucks! my DH also gets kidney stones occasionally. he has always passed them with no issue though. they say passing one is worse than child birth, so just think, you can stand the pain :).

Still No AF, so frustrating! 37 days today, i have taken about 5 tests and all BFN's. If it doesn't start by next week when we get home from vacation i am gonna call my Dr. as my sister has 3 boys and did not get a positive HPT until 12 weeks! she had blood tests to confirm it early on..

Super tired today, i had to work and almost fell asleep at my desk!
Hey all! I've been out of town for work so I've had to catch up on the past few days. Unfortunately for me I ovulated during the time I was gone and since there was a time change, it's really hard to tell which day. So I'm either 6,5 or 4 dpo. Our doctors appointment is on Tuesday so hoping for the best. I think they just talk to us at first but I'm looking forward to hearing what the plan should be.

How's everyone else?

Owl sounds like you at least may have gotten a new start if no ovulation. Hopefully this is the start of a new cycle with normal ovulation!

Dos so sorry for how much pain you have been in! Hope that you start to feel better soon!

Miskas- sounds promising! Looking forward to seeing your results! Keep us updated.
Thanks ladies. It's still light but I'm officially calling it. I'll definitely be asking my doctor about all of this tomorrow. It was a little crushing thinking I was going to O just to have AF start but here's to a better cycle. Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!
Hi guys,

I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm 31 but 32 in April. We are starting ttc after my next period which is due at the beginning of March.

I am so tired today because I started temping for the first time last night. I was so incredibly excited to take my temp reading - that I woke up 4 times in the middle of the night. As a consequence, I wasn't able to get a proper reading. And today I'm exhausted.

What a crappy start!! :blush:

To be honest I'm a little bit scared about what lies ahead but excited too.

I have my prenatal OB/GYN apt this week - have you guys been through one and what can I expect?
owl im really sorry to hear that your body is being a git, but like you said either way its progress, least something is happening, am thinking of you.

dos hope you feel better soon!

miskas keep us informed and im sending you lots of babydust

i know im a bit late on the baby names but i had my phone stolen saturday night so meant iv not been able to get on here for a while, did give me a few hours of thinking of something other than baby lol. we've had our names picked for ages we have two girls names and one boys
first girl Ava Autumn second girl Etta Olivia and for a boy Eli Heath, im not as keen on heath but dh dead set on that and wanted it a first name but i managed to get it the other way round. Isd seems we have the same taste for boys!

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