30 yo and TTC #1

Grrr. My cheap tests that were supposed to be here today aren't showing til Friday now. See if I order from Ebay instead of Amazon again. Super cheap tests to feed the POAS addiction don't do me much good if I don't have sticks to pee on because they waited 2 days to even send the package.

How annoying! I hate when that happens.

Owl, It does look like your temps this cycle are a bit more calm!! You seem to have the same temps a few days in a row like I am starting to have! I wonder what that means! :)

I haven't seen your chart in a few days! Glad I'm not the only one with temps down in the 96 range and the same temp day after day. I even took my temp in the middle of the day just to make sure my thermometer wasn't broken but it seems okay. Let's call it a good thing! Stable temps mean you can see the pattern better, right? And in your case I bet it's a sign that you're going to O soon! :)
Hi squeaky sorry the witch got you it doesn't get any easier but you've come to the right thread we're all really good at looking after each other. I'm a 1983 too which month are you?

Hi jmc is it the clearblue fertility monitor you use iv always wondered how good they are.

Not out yet mrsk Shame we are not closer because I have about a million Internet cheapies and I'm on a poas ban!

Still waiting for my smiley face on opk but trying to get some bding in around these stupid night shifts Im on. Using preseed and softcups to try to make the most of the times we manage it
Owl, I just googled the flat line temperature and basically people are saying it probably means that the hormones and everything are more level. So...that to me is great news since last cycle I was all over the place (I think due to my miscarriage). I think that five pound loss is helping out too. Cutting out all the processed food as well! :)

Ladders, did you end up cutting out the wine this cycle?! I'm waiting to ovulate in the next few days as well! :) We'll be two week wait buddies! :)
I officially had the weirdest AF ever. It was 48 hours long, only barely more than spotting ever, and dark. I kept waiting for it to come back but nope. In a way though, I guess it's slightly comforting. I figure that means there was no lining to be shed which indicates that, as suspected, my hormones are being screwy post-pill. My body never even got the memo to consider Oing, which makes me feel better than had everything been right and there just was no egg. But still, so weird! I might have even thought it was IB but I never O'd and now my temps are low so I'm calling this a new cycle. My temps are making me happy though because it's just nice to see some consistency after they bounced around so much, especially at the end of last cycle. Also it's nice to not be peeing on something every day after how many OPKs I took last cycle, lol. Waiting for CD10 and I'll start them again!

My last one was the same.

I've been fairly regular for years but I skipped the entire January cycle (I suspect because I was travelling overseas in a fairly stressful environment) ... and then the one that came in the Feb Cycle was just like what you described.

I thought it might just be "cleaning the system out" and that things might be more normal in the coming one.

So I found out yesterday that I have subclinical hypothyroidism. I've been put on Thyroxine which I took this morning. So I have to wait for this problem to resolve before trying as well. So it will be At Least another two months if not more.

But after talking to DH I'm feeling ok about it. There's no point stressing. It'll happen when it happens.

Sorry everyone's been having issues this month...
That, oddly, both sucks and I'm happy for you? We will stick with I'm happy your temps look normal this month, that you don't have to continue to take opks for a few more days, and that you had a light period. Good luck this month.

Haha, thanks! I'll take what I can get at the moment :)

How are you feeling? When's your first doctor's appointment?

Welcome JCM!

I'm feeling nauseous. All day, every day. And my hormones want to cry and kill people all at the same time. I can see it now, crying over poor DHs body while I kill him. My only hope will be an all pregnant or pmsing jury. I will become my own lifetime movie! As you can see, I hope, I am working on using humor to deal with it. I can't bring myself to whine because I have wanted this for SO long. Plus, the problems make it seem like something is actually going on down there. I don't have my first doctor's appointment until March 18. It feels like forever away still. Then at that appointment they should schedule the first ultrasound. I've been avoiding the boards because thus far they all terrify me. Sorry crazy rant. Good luck to all of you this month.

So I found out yesterday that I have subclinical hypothyroidism. I've been put on Thyroxine which I took this morning. So I have to wait for this problem to resolve before trying as well. So it will be At Least another two months if not more.

But after talking to DH I'm feeling ok about it. There's no point stressing. It'll happen when it happens.

Sorry everyone's been having issues this month...

I'm so sorry. That has to be incredibly frustrating. If there is a bright side, at least you are learning about it now and dealing with it can only help your chances once you are able to try.
Reggie- so sorry you have been feeling so icky! I too don't find much on the first trimester boards....Have you been really tired as well?

Squeaky and JMC welcome!

Choc- at least you can do something about it now!

Good luck to those who are due to O soon!
Welcome squeaky and JCM!

We had our first fertility specialist appt yesterday. It went pretty well. I have to get an HSG done and do bloodwork and check all my hormones once my next cycle starts. Hubby has to do another sperm count with a wash to see what the motile count would be to determine if we are good candidates for IUI. So now I just wait until AF arrives so I can start doing the tests. The appointment was fine, it's just didn't really give me any information I didn't already have. Never thought I'd be looking forward to giving blood or having dye shot up my cervix.
RforReal, Good luck with all the tests!! :) You're starting that road of figuring out what all your options are! It'll be nice to get tests done to see if anything else is going on!

I'll still keep my fingers crossed for you this cycle too! :)
The appointment was fine, it's just didn't really give me any information I didn't already have. Never thought I'd be looking forward to giving blood or having dye shot up my cervix.

That's how I tend to feel about specialists - they aren't as informative as you expect them to be.

I'm sitting in my OB clinic for my prenatal. He is running late. DH said he would try really hard to be here but unfortunately he is stuck in court and won't be able to come.

I was initially really disappointed because I don't want pregnancy to be something that I go through 99% with him just there for the bd and delivery if you know what I mean. I'm sure that's not how it will turn out but if it does I won't be happy at all.

It's also half the fun if you have to do it on your own (not that it's been fun so far - just one delay after another!)

I don't know what questions to ask and I don't want to sound like an unprepared idiot, which is how I feel.

A bit moody .. AF is due in a couple if days so that could be why!
Ladders, this will be my 4th cycle using the monitor. The first month was good. Gave me high fertility a couple days, then two peak days, then two high fertile days. Then the next two months it was high fertility the whole month which was not possible. So I saw a fertility doctor and he gave me an ultra sound and TONS of blood work (RforReal get ready!!!) and said I totally ovulated this last cycle and that the monitor is nuts. Lol I was really starting to freak out because all my ob's office ever says is "oh you're young you'll be fine. You probably ovulate just fine." Is it so much to ask that they check my blood???? Geez! Anyway I mostly stress out because my husband went through major (painful and expensive) surgery for us to have children of our own (I have 4 stepchildren) and if my parts aren't working right, I need to fix them ASAP so we only have to stress about his sperm motility and count!
RforReal, I know how you feel. That 2 hour appointment gave me a stack of blood orders and I said ok! This is a step towards figuring it out! You'd be amazed at what can be fixed just by checking out your blood. My cousin went to this guy after a year of trying, found out what caused some low levels, fixed it by taking blood thinners and BAM pregnant one month later. Two of her friends went to him and had the same luck. I like the fertility doc. Made me feel like I was his only patient and he wanted to get to the root of the problem we are having and fix it for good!
He seems to think I'm getting fertilized and starting to implant but I can't hang on to it. That would explain the random spot of pink blood every 1-2 months and then an earlier AF visit each of those months! I would get so super excited until two months ago. Then I just got mad at my body for playing games with me. Lol My husband takes clomid to help with his sperm count. Thank god he has to take it and not me because I would probably be put away somewhere. This baby making makes me crazy!!
I just want to wish good luck to everyone with their various doctor appointments this week. I hope everyone gets the answers or relief they're looking for.
Ladders, this will be my 4th cycle using the monitor. The first month was good. Gave me high fertility a couple days, then two peak days, then two high fertile days. Then the next two months it was high fertility the whole month which was not possible. So I saw a fertility doctor and he gave me an ultra sound and TONS of blood work (RforReal get ready!!!) and said I totally ovulated this last cycle and that the monitor is nuts. Lol I was really starting to freak out because all my ob's office ever says is "oh you're young you'll be fine. You probably ovulate just fine." Is it so much to ask that they check my blood???? Geez! Anyway I mostly stress out because my husband went through major (painful and expensive) surgery for us to have children of our own (I have 4 stepchildren) and if my parts aren't working right, I need to fix them ASAP so we only have to stress about his sperm motility and count!
RforReal, I know how you feel. That 2 hour appointment gave me a stack of blood orders and I said ok! This is a step towards figuring it out! You'd be amazed at what can be fixed just by checking out your blood. My cousin went to this guy after a year of trying, found out what caused some low levels, fixed it by taking blood thinners and BAM pregnant one month later. Two of her friends went to him and had the same luck. I like the fertility doc. Made me feel like I was his only patient and he wanted to get to the root of the problem we are having and fix it for good!
He seems to think I'm getting fertilized and starting to implant but I can't hang on to it. That would explain the random spot of pink blood every 1-2 months and then an earlier AF visit each of those months! I would get so super excited until two months ago. Then I just got mad at my body for playing games with me. Lol My husband takes clomid to help with his sperm count. Thank god he has to take it and not me because I would probably be put away somewhere. This baby making makes me crazy!!

Nice to hear from someone who is in the same boat! We actually already knew coming into this it was going to be a long road but unfortunately that doesn't make it any easier to go through it. DH has to have some hormone tests done too. The doc wants to see if they can find a cause for his low sperm count. From what I've read, they rarely find a cause but if it is hormonal, clomid can help. But he said that if they find what's causing it, fixing it could take up to a year before we see results. So we opted to do concurrent tests and pursue IUI if everything else looks good.
My hubby has been having SA for the last year. Everything was really good except motility and his surgeon told him it was ok to take fertility vitamins so he started those this last summer. Went back for SA in October and they totally helped with motility! He's normal there now....but his count was low for the first time so they checked his blood and he wasn't producing enough testosterone so in came clomid. Quarter of a pill daily. Hated it at first but now says he feels like his energy is back all of the time! He goes for blood and sperm tests next week so I'll keep you posted! I'm hoping his count changed and motility is still looking good. He says if we end up doing anything involving "invasive help" he wants to do ICSI right away plus freeze some sperm for #2. I'm not good at understanding the difference with these methods (my husband is a surgeon so he's better at making decisions like this) but I do know this stuff is super expensive so I'll do everything I can to get it done the old fashioned way! My doc said I don't have to give up wine yet and I'm happy about that! So you will do all of your bloodwork this week and then on cycle day 3? I did mine the day I had my appt and then a couple days later for my 8am fasting and 4pm draw. I started my period today so I go on Friday for the next round! The 8am the other day was 9 tubes of blood. It was insane. I was joking with my husband that maybe I wouldn't have any blood left for AF!
Welcome to the new members! I'll have to read every thing in detail later and respond...not feeling so hot right now. Just wanted to let everyone know my surgery went well. He said it had definitely gotten stuck, so I'm glad we went ahead with the surgery rather than attempting to wait it out. The stint is causing quite a bit of pain, but I'm making it. Hopefully I'll feel closer to myself tomorrow.
Welcome to the new members! I'll have to read every thing in detail later and respond...not feeling so hot right now. Just wanted to let everyone know my surgery went well. He said it had definitely gotten stuck, so I'm glad we went ahead with the surgery rather than attempting to wait it out. The stint is causing quite a bit of pain, but I'm making it. Hopefully I'll feel closer to myself tomorrow.

Glad you had the surgery! Those things are awful! I used to try and tough it out without pain meds but that didn't last long...any sign of those stones I demand drugs and fast! Get some rest!
Owl, I just googled the flat line temperature and basically people are saying it probably means that the hormones and everything are more level. So...that to me is great news since last cycle I was all over the place (I think due to my miscarriage). I think that five pound loss is helping out too. Cutting out all the processed food as well! :)

That is great news! I hope things are starting to get back to where they need to be to get you your sticky BFP.

My last one was the same.

I've been fairly regular for years but I skipped the entire January cycle (I suspect because I was travelling overseas in a fairly stressful environment) ... and then the one that came in the Feb Cycle was just like what you described.

I thought it might just be "cleaning the system out" and that things might be more normal in the coming one.

That's my hope as well! Hope this is it for both of us :)

I'm feeling nauseous. All day, every day. And my hormones want to cry and kill people all at the same time. I can see it now, crying over poor DHs body while I kill him. My only hope will be an all pregnant or pmsing jury. I will become my own lifetime movie! As you can see, I hope, I am working on using humor to deal with it. I can't bring myself to whine because I have wanted this for SO long. Plus, the problems make it seem like something is actually going on down there. I don't have my first doctor's appointment until March 18. It feels like forever away still. Then at that appointment they should schedule the first ultrasound. I've been avoiding the boards because thus far they all terrify me. Sorry crazy rant. Good luck to all of you this month.

Awww, sorry to hear you're feeling bad. If it gets too bad don't hesitate to talk to your Dr about medication. The hormone thing had me cracking up though. It's not really funny but... :haha: I feel that way every AF so I can only imagine. It's okay to complain a little! I don't think anyone would begrudge that. Wow, can't believe they're making you wait that long. I feel like my friends who have had babies went in sooner but maybe not. Might be good in that you can get an ultrasound where they should see something soon after.

We had our first fertility specialist appt yesterday. It went pretty well. I have to get an HSG done and do bloodwork and check all my hormones once my next cycle starts. Hubby has to do another sperm count with a wash to see what the motile count would be to determine if we are good candidates for IUI. So now I just wait until AF arrives so I can start doing the tests. The appointment was fine, it's just didn't really give me any information I didn't already have. Never thought I'd be looking forward to giving blood or having dye shot up my cervix.

Crossing my fingers for you that everything looks good!

My hubby has been having SA for the last year. Everything was really good except motility and his surgeon told him it was ok to take fertility vitamins so he started those this last summer. Went back for SA in October and they totally helped with motility! He's normal there now....but his count was low for the first time so they checked his blood and he wasn't producing enough testosterone so in came clomid. Quarter of a pill daily. Hated it at first but now says he feels like his energy is back all of the time! He goes for blood and sperm tests next week so I'll keep you posted! I'm hoping his count changed and motility is still looking good. He says if we end up doing anything involving "invasive help" he wants to do ICSI right away plus freeze some sperm for #2. I'm not good at understanding the difference with these methods (my husband is a surgeon so he's better at making decisions like this) but I do know this stuff is super expensive so I'll do everything I can to get it done the old fashioned way! My doc said I don't have to give up wine yet and I'm happy about that! So you will do all of your bloodwork this week and then on cycle day 3? I did mine the day I had my appt and then a couple days later for my 8am fasting and 4pm draw. I started my period today so I go on Friday for the next round! The 8am the other day was 9 tubes of blood. It was insane. I was joking with my husband that maybe I wouldn't have any blood left for AF!

That's so interesting. I had no idea they gave men Clomid too. Thanks for sharing! Good luck to you guys!

Welcome to the new members! I'll have to read every thing in detail later and respond...not feeling so hot right now. Just wanted to let everyone know my surgery went well. He said it had definitely gotten stuck, so I'm glad we went ahead with the surgery rather than attempting to wait it out. The stint is causing quite a bit of pain, but I'm making it. Hopefully I'll feel closer to myself tomorrow.

So glad to hear it was okay and you're in recovery now. Surgery is never fun. Just rest and watch lots of TV and make DH wait on you :)
Hi squeaky sorry the witch got you it doesn't get any easier but you've come to the right thread we're all really good at looking after each other. I'm a 1983 too which month are you?

Hi jmc is it the clearblue fertility monitor you use iv always wondered how good they are.

Not out yet mrsk Shame we are not closer because I have about a million Internet cheapies and I'm on a poas ban!

Still waiting for my smiley face on opk but trying to get some bding in around these stupid night shifts Im on. Using preseed and softcups to try to make the most of the times we manage it

Thank you ladies for the welcome!! I'm in May! I think I'm having another off AF. Last month it only lasted 24 hours but there was red blood, judging by the cramps etc this one will be gone by the end of the day. I'll take a test at the weekend anyway as my mum had af with her pregnancy and I'm feeling soooo tired! Good luck ladies :dust:
dos- glad surgery went well! Sorry you are in such pain!Unfortunately, my guess is the pain will be there for at least several days which is pretty common after surgery. I wish you a speedy recovery.
Dos, glad surgery went well...
Welcome new ladies!

So isn't this just typical... day 3 of vacation and pretty sure the :witch:just showed up... light spotting, pretty sure by the end of the day she will be here.. Grr :growlmad: however this is my 2nd month at 40 days, so at least now i have a good idea of when we should be BDing next month....
Feel better dos.

Thanks Curious. I really am doing ok. Thus far it's just like pmsing long term. The doctor appointment is a week later than they were going to do it because I will be out of town at a seminar the week before. I keep hearing about people going in when they are like 6 or 7 weeks and it makes my appointment feel even farther away. I will be in week 9 when I go in. I guess it's a good thing that so far they think nothing is wrong so I don't need to be brought in early? I don't really know. As we all know, this is my first so I have no idea what is normal. I just want it here NOW. Now we are done with the angry hormonal portion of this rant and will move on to the maudlin portion and say thank you to all of you. You guys are so normal and the pregnancy boards are all about miscarriage and other horrible, scary things that other than stalking you guys to see how you are doing, I don't really get on the boards anymore. Ok, off to court.

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